
Everybodyhuat | Joined since 2018-11-29

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2022-07-08 11:02 | Report Abuse

I usually don't write much but since it is you, I share my view if it's ok.

There are many ways for IBs to make money in stock unlike us. By no means, earning commission is one of it but it's the least of it. They do buy shares, tell their clients the potential and make money from it when it rise. As such, having a cartel of understanding between a few IBs is not uncommon. They spread potential news on particular stock in some cases and make money together. This is the same with syndicates who had goreng many penny stocks to sky-high prices too. No idea if they have grudges to grind with gurus, for that, have to ask them directly..IBs of M, A and C.

The share market is not a one-man's island, worldwide are the same. It needs every shareholder to push up or down. That's where good news and bad news come to play. And the market will react. In Bursa, bad news far outreach good news and so it keeps going down. And that's where certain pricks keep hoarding the comment section with relentless bad news, hoping it continues going down and you curiously wonder, will they ever make money out of it. You did say that in seminar, one recommendation will spike the price. Will it not be the same, one trashing the stock will cause a chain reaction?


2022-07-07 20:19 | Report Abuse

Funny how some tried to link paktua73 to IBs because of race. Leave him alone unless what he said correctly step on your toes. Real sick people, keep going around attacking others.

About the IBs. The master might be Malay but the henchmen are Chinese and Indian, and they are here, twist and turn every stories using different names. The manner of their writing skill gave up their identity and some belong to the same person/running dog.


2022-07-07 16:29 | Report Abuse

tut tut
jika guru yg berjaya..ib remiser bungkus laa

Hahaha..true! Bungkus. Tapi bodoh juga. Jika Bursa bungkus, mereka pun akan bungkus juga.


2022-07-07 15:33 | Report Abuse

I suspected the same that since 2020 there are some cartel IBs battling these gurus, hitting hard on the stocks that they recommend. Good stocks turned to dust but they don't care, as long as gurus all failed. Retailers became the biggest casualties and the whole KLSE weakened. Usually, chinaman companies are attacked the most.

Don't be surprised that there are a few of these agents here. Repetitively attacking nonstop daily and if you check their profiles, their comments are centred to just condemning only. No liking but wish the stock dead. So happy when the stock price drop, so happy retailers lose. Malaysia bodoh boleh ya. Can you spot the agent provocateurs?


2022-06-21 09:55 | Report Abuse

Soon as kyy published his article this morning at 913am, many started selling when it was going up earlier. Is he manipulating the price? people distrust him these days but still sell on his call.


2022-06-21 09:40 | Report Abuse

I have to correct you moneymaker because you keep on repeating this over and over again everyday.

Russian is not winning the war yet and they are not in victory by just controlling Donbas region. Ukraine is still fighting hard and military equipment are constantly sent over from Europe and US. Please read news report from major reports from CNN, BBC etc.

Even with victory over Donbas, the war is not over as Ukraine will not give up fighting. World will still sanction Rus because they started the war. McDonald which pulled out from Russia earlier will not go back just because the war is over. The same with everything and every companies.

High prices of goods still persist eg sunflower oil or wheat because Ukr and Rus major exporters and many farm land destroyed. Oil collapse is a bit far fetch. Lower than current maybe. You think US will allow Rus to sell oil to the rest of the world? Unlikely for years. So oil price will still be high as they are the world's top producer.

Collapse? By what definition is your collapse? State the price.


2022-06-20 10:10 | Report Abuse

C24 is in even worst drop, recommended buy by otb during high. Ridiculous.


2022-06-20 10:02 | Report Abuse

Analysis may be good but not good enough if market is slaughtered. The whole Bursa is pathetic, cannot get foreign funds to invest in and the people running the show is busy enriching themselves.


2022-06-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

It drops also because of short selling by fund syndicates, they make money when prices go down, same with many shares in Bursa. Even Hibiscus done great qr also suffer same fate. Almost 90% of all shares in Bursa dropped for the past 1-2years with no recovery, unlike other countries. With foreign fund selling and local institutes also dumping, it left with pirate funds to play short in this market. It is not just HY with lousy qr, even petronm also dropped bad when result is good. Same with other commodities stock, even as the CPO price is up, the stock prices still going down . Like the country run by pirates, the market also run by fund pirates.


2022-06-20 09:30 | Report Abuse

Fund managers playing short are very happy everyday. As the price drops everyday, they make more. So everyday they will come here to scream the worst scenerio, nonstop. Do you think people with no interest will be here everyday to comment?


2022-06-10 09:49 | Report Abuse

the IBs are playing buy sell in HY today. Deliberately put a high road block at a sell price to stop it from going up while same time, throw a few cents cheaper to push it down. No sane retailers will do that to sell much cheaper. Problem is, no big retailers are buying, they keep talking and analysing figures.


2022-06-03 18:48 | Report Abuse

KYY is here since yesterday and today to push up the price. You guys think it is any other retailers can have such fund to push up so much? He will write a great report on petronm next week. So enjoy ya..your father is back!


2022-05-25 09:48 | Report Abuse

The price drop has nothing to do with oil demand worldwide even though it is going up. It is CIMB throw HY stock for it's warrant. Retailers should not sell but they should buy. Values will go up soon. Let CIMB be the loser.


2022-04-24 03:06 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter how much CPO price up or cepat can make
millions coz you are not the owners, just shareholders who make money if stock price goes up. Problem is the price don't go up much and keeps dropping as people starts throwing once up 1-2 cents.


2022-04-22 17:10 | Report Abuse

@markgold. Lousy stock. Once declared a dividend, it drops dead. Can't move up but keep going down and down.


2022-03-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

Many of you Ss holes keep bombarding otb here for what? He no longer comment here and you got nothing else better to do ka? Suffer from anger management is it? Real sick people, you should go seek psychiatric for help. FYI, the whole klse behave like shit for months. Not one stock is worth the salt, eractic and downtrend with no support from local institutions. Everything is hit and run with any theme including commodity stocks now. If you are so smart, show your genuinity by stating one stock name here where you bet will up 50% min by next 3 months. Then you are smart and everybody should listen to you, rather than otb or other gurus. But you guys have no guts but talk nonsense. Go check with a psycho, the few of you.


2022-03-18 11:01 | Report Abuse

Hong Leong Bank is out to promote this stock already. TP .50 I hope they continue to load up more too.


2022-03-18 10:55 | Report Abuse

It is for the better OTB do not comment in i3 here. Otherwise, lots of his nemesis will bombard i3 every day and it turns into a war in which the rest of us do not want to be involved. Finally, peace here and genuine holders can voice rationally.


2022-03-14 11:05 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter if China steel price drop 2% as it has been zigzag uptrend. Similarly US steel price also been zigzag uptrend. These has nothing to do with msia steel. No need to keep giving gleaming days if that is your intention. Better get out if you don't like steel stocks as others do not need Savior who relentlessly bombarding this forum with bad negative views. Real sick people.


2022-03-14 10:21 | Report Abuse

I don't know about anyone else but anyone who has a grudge with otb should attack him personally in email since you all have his. Better still, go find him at his workplace. Go make it personal if you like. Please spare this forum for ays. Not interested in both your attack against each other.


2022-03-07 18:45 | Report Abuse

Some of you fools like to simply talk or spreading fake news. To check current palm oil price today which is uptrend, go tradingeconomics.com to check palm oil or even steel for the latest update. There is no ceasefire from Russia, in fact more sanction on them which explain why oil is above 120 and reaching 130 soon. All commodity prices shoot up, nothing drop.


2022-03-01 11:03 | Report Abuse

Make no sense. China and NY steel price up.


2022-02-17 22:34 | Report Abuse

Steel theme over or not is not your concern. Why can't makan here if it's over?


2022-02-17 22:33 | Report Abuse

Steel theme over or not is not your concern. Why can't makan here if it's over?


2022-02-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

@Jerichomy. Something wrong with you is it? All from you are only negative comments in AYS, Hiapteck, Dnex, Priva, Genm, Lion etc. Not even one stock you view positively in any comments. If that is the case, why are you wasting time commenting? Got nothing else better to do or someone screwed you badly? KYY is it?


2022-02-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

@Jerichomy. Something wrong with you is it? All from you are only negative comments in AYS, Hiapteck, Dnex, Priva, Genm, Lion etc. Not even one stock you view positively in any comments. If that is the case, why are you wasting time commenting? Got nothing else better to do or someone screwed you badly? KYY is it?


2021-12-22 10:41 | Report Abuse

This is hiaptek counter, nothing to do with Annjoo. There are plenty of steel stocks in Bursa, not just Annjoo. One drop below nothing to do with others...eg Ataim's curious case. You should always elaborate your case like otb.


2021-12-22 10:36 | Report Abuse

Star8888. He CFO is selling only 50,000 shares. I have much much more shares than him. You should panic if I start selling.


2021-12-22 09:05 | Report Abuse

New York steel up 2.36% yesterday.
Shanghai steel also up. No distress.


2021-12-22 09:02 | Report Abuse

New York steel up 2.36% yesterday.
Shanghai steel also up. No distress.


2021-12-21 23:55 | Report Abuse

Zrenxy. How much stocks kyy dumped and total hiaptek stocks in market? Can gone case?

Star8888 Is CFO holds majority stock in hiaptek? What is his % disposed to total hiaptek shares? Any major directors disposing too?

News & Blogs

2021-12-21 20:00 | Report Abuse

Stockraider. There is no need to uncover whatever because if you are a kyy believer, you will believe whatever he says. I do not wish to badmouth him either. I already said flood was not too bad over that area, unlike sri muda, and happened over weekend. Make your own judgement.

News & Blogs

2021-12-21 17:37 | Report Abuse

Stockraider. If Hiap teck is flooded, AYS will be same shoes too. But he did not mention AYS. Furthermore it was weekend flood and cleared by Monday. Minimum disruption. My spy stays there and was not affected.

Lu tau boh?

News & Blogs

2021-12-21 16:53 | Report Abuse

Jalan Meru is flooded but not all areas. Certain areas are not affected and some only low-level water. It cannot affect machinery if it is less than a feet from ground. The houses opposite hiap teck factory not much affected. So how do people here confidently say hiap teck is flooded? Just some pictures of flooded road in Jalan Meru? Please get your brain checked if you can't produce concrete evidence.


2021-11-30 23:57 | Report Abuse

Huatrex must be a mole in otb chatgroup. He got nothing else better to do but keep on attacking him.


2021-11-29 20:57 | Report Abuse

Agree with Just88. Why some ppl like to pick fight?

News & Blogs

2021-11-29 18:46 | Report Abuse

Totally agree. Drop of 30% is ridiculous. More shareholders must help write in.

News & Blogs

2021-11-25 17:00 | Report Abuse

Majority of Melaka people, not all. And if country were to have GE15 now, result may replica Melaka. Because the majority of the race do not think corruption is a sin, as described by SSLee. They have been badly brainwashed.

News & Blogs

2021-11-18 15:38 | Report Abuse

Ffxxk the banks. And the local institutions that keep on selling.


2021-11-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

Vincent, are you sure China steel up 7.5% today? That Star8888 updated morning dropped 3.33% today. Wonder where he got his figure from?


2021-11-08 18:13 | Report Abuse

Agree with Want2MakeMoney. Can Star8888 tell us why everyday he reports price drop? What concern of his if the price drop?


2021-06-13 16:23 | Report Abuse

I don't stay here long time ago coz it's toxic by those pain in S people here. Infact anyone want a piece of news can just go over to topglove forum at telegram for all glove stocks. No holders still here except a few of you who had your mom f by someone using glove and guys like you have pain in your S. I bet your sons also bo kar chern. Enjoy your continuous condemn on glove stocks. I wont be reading after this so my word to you...m happy to f your S ya!


2021-06-13 15:55 | Report Abuse

Your S is in pain since you replied. Those who lost money (not waste, ah pek) is none of your concern. Anyone here wish for your advise? Please raise your hands!


2021-06-13 15:47 | Report Abuse

Downtrend everyone knows. But no need so hai keep commenting everyday every minutes. Do everyone here needs this Citadel?


2021-06-13 15:45 | Report Abuse

Only your mother. Pity her and pity you. Pain in S always.


2021-06-13 15:39 | Report Abuse

Actually just wanna ask Glovefinish, Citadel etc. If you are so pessimistic and hate glove stock so much, wtf are you here all day long to comment? Somebody f your mothers using gloves? So curious you keep commenting all day long especially talk for the worst like as if other players' money here are of such a concern to you. They lose money or win, what has that got to do with you? Your S hurts? Seriously don't understand why you guys like to waste time here since you are not holding any glove stocks and probably won't even if go down below RM3.50. Why being a pain in the S? Of course you will reply saying none of my concern which will just confirm what I said above, something is wrong with your S.


2021-06-13 15:33 | Report Abuse

Who here needs you to warn? Anyone? Please confirm anyone here..need this Citadel to warn?


2021-06-13 15:32 | Report Abuse

See...he replied...means his S is in pain. Confirmed!


2021-06-13 15:07 | Report Abuse

Actually just wanna ask Luckyhunter, GloveburnHand, citadel etc. If you are so pessimistic and hate glove stock so much, wtf are you here all day long to comment? Somebody f your mothers using gloves? So curious you keep commenting all day long especially talk for the worst like as if other players' money here are of such a concern to you. They lose money or win, what has that got to do with you? Your S hurts? Seriously don't understand why you guys like to waste time here since you are not holding any glove stocks and probably won't even if go down below RM3.50. Why being a pain in the S? Of course you will reply saying none of my concern which will just confirm what I said above, something is wrong with your S.


2021-05-25 16:43 | Report Abuse

I didnt write wrong...it was deliberately done. It was obvious. Just to see anyone didnt catch the sarcasm.