
jokurprg | Joined since 2020-08-21

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2022-12-05 15:31 | Report Abuse

why not complain to SC if you're not satisfy with what the company is doing? aiyo, your parents give you brain, please use properly la


2022-12-15 12:34 | Report Abuse

holy shet, line literally commenting like a kid, can you think with your brain before you comment???


2022-12-07 15:58 | Report Abuse

let that guy continue to be ignorant, everybody know tech is the next big thing and Iot is gonna be part of it


2022-12-05 14:38 | Report Abuse

Line don't understand how businesses work... Go back to school please


2022-11-25 16:10 | Report Abuse

Huat ah! Anwar PM, steady pompipi, when is arbb turn to goreng up


2022-11-14 20:20 | Report Abuse

Green wave is coming, I feel the rain storming after thunder...


2022-11-07 22:40 | Report Abuse

fly with BN or time to run ??


2022-11-08 13:31 | Report Abuse

Good prospect ahead for Arbb!


2022-11-04 10:49 | Report Abuse

Eurogain Secretarial Services Sdn Bhd — a company which has the same shareholders with BFI Asia — the first certified secretarial and professional service hub franchise operator, which has been honoured by the Malaysia Book of Records. Eurogain shall promote and market the system to its franchisees.

ARB Cloud Cosec aims to achieve a revenue of RM100 million and to secure more than 100,000 users to use the system over the next 24 months.


2022-11-13 16:01 | Report Abuse

nobody is right or wrong, time will tell the answer


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Line all talk but no action, tak malu ke?


2022-10-20 23:45 | Report Abuse

just prepare your asses to see how low we can reach


2022-10-20 23:45 | Report Abuse

you are not wrong but market are moving on a diff trend now


2022-04-10 07:00 | Report Abuse

maybe limit up after nasdaq listing?


2022-09-30 13:06 | Report Abuse

Sell down is a good sign for quality stock. Will buy more during that time


2022-08-17 14:16 | Report Abuse

goreng sign is obvious anyway, just remember to take profit and don't fell to trap


2022-05-23 22:10 | Report Abuse

what to do, currently every industry is the same situation now


2022-06-22 09:14 | Report Abuse

Good things are coming


2022-06-22 09:14 | Report Abuse

In a separate statement, ARB executive director Datuk Seri Larry Liew Kok Leong said its IoT business has been gaining momentum over the last few years, which was shown in its latest results for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2021.

"The Covid-19 pandemic has escalated our growth trajectory by the surge in demand for our services. What we have experienced over the last two years is the shift towards digitalisation, which is expected to continue to gain momentum with the rollout of 5G and automation," he added.


2022-06-21 16:20 | Report Abuse

Volume building up slowly, something is coming?


2022-06-17 18:11 | Report Abuse

line still being delusional and immature....


2022-06-13 17:34 | Report Abuse

chill la, like neon say steady pom pipi


2022-06-10 18:36 | Report Abuse

easiest long term play


2022-06-09 18:41 | Report Abuse

stick to the guns, trend will keep changing


2022-06-09 17:31 | Report Abuse

ini kalilah!!


2022-06-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

malaysia market have to wait for 5g play...


2022-06-02 17:04 | Report Abuse

nobody investing on tech stock now..... is time to collect undervalue stock


2022-04-28 16:08 | Report Abuse

line only type to show only... not much he can do


2022-04-25 11:52 | Report Abuse

Company is solid enough, but here come the point, Electronic item are mostly picking up in these year but recently chip and tech stock is having big drop, does it impact to electronic stock like Prosonic ?


2022-04-25 11:45 | Report Abuse

lmao, back by too many big shark..


2022-04-25 11:44 | Report Abuse

Takaful still strong, hard to bankrupt


2021-12-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

Getting worst ?


2021-05-30 18:00 | Report Abuse

ARBB (KLSE: 7181) – The downfall is over now

ARBB had triggered a knee-jerk reaction upon their announcement of the issuance of rights shares. However, the corporate proposal for the group is very beneficial for them as their latest venture will strengthen their IoT business segment and market proposition. On the chart-end, we could also see a strong support was formed following their outstanding results in the latest financial quarter.

You may refer to the pointers below to trade but do watch out on breach on support levels.

Trading Buy: Collect around RM 0.160 – RM 0.175

TP: RM 0.195, RM 0.215 (Minimum reward level of 11.42%)

Cut Loss: RM 0.150


2021-11-23 01:12 | Report Abuse

Still can goreng ? XD


4 days ago | Report Abuse


Berjaya is an immense entity built on the capital allocation activities of Mr. Vincent Tan, who acquired several diverse, high-quality businesses, beginning with their gambling operations, and more recently including Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, and luxury car trader H.R. Owens. The collection of businesses is broadly consumer-facing, and heavily dependent on market conditions for success. They occupy proven sectors and deliver predictable value to millions.

The goods and services provided are often useful for other businesses within the company. Creating synergies between their highest quality businesses is part of Berjaya’s medium-term strategy. Reducing other disconnected or risky operations is another part of that plan, and at the heart of this strategy is Berjaya’s gambling segment.

Selling the gambling segment should generate billions in capital, but it may take some time, and the longer it takes, the higher the risk of crippling regulatory changes occurring in the interim. On the other hand, the regulatory environment could improve. The outcome for this segment will heavily impact the future of Berjaya.

Their strategy was communicated to shareholders by Jalil Rashid, one of several new faces at Berjaya. With Mr. Tan and other family members stepping back, there is a chance of some material change taking place at Berjaya.

Change is essential going forward- the past decade has been a stagnant one. Administrative costs and debt are excessive, and a drag on Berjaya’s potential future earnings.

The biggest risks to the business can be summarized as a lack of execution and poor economic conditions. Simplifying operations is a difficult task in such a large business and realizing the value of their assets requires patience. If either of these tasks go wrong, the business will be worth less in the future.

But if things go well for Berjaya, they should return to growth after some consolidation. Achieving a net margin of around 5% and exhibiting growth in ex-gaming revenue would earn Berjaya a significant re-rating, which appears entirely reasonable with the high-quality businesses they own. In any case, Berjaya’s diversity should protect them from abject failure. In my opinion, Berjaya is a worthwhile investment with a reasonable chance of providing good returns.


2021-11-23 01:10 | Report Abuse

Not longer legend. Padini is better


2021-11-23 01:08 | Report Abuse

Good stock, no volume. haiz


2021-11-23 01:07 | Report Abuse

Macam OK


2021-11-23 01:07 | Report Abuse

ARBB (KLSE: 7181) 第三季度业绩报告的重要更新

在我们进入主题前,我想说 ARBB 的业绩真的让我感到惊讶。 该公司不仅在业绩中表现出奇意料,而且还在现金流量报表下增加了一个惊喜,接下来我们就要谈论这个惊喜。

首先,让我们先快速了解一下 ARBB 的表现。

讽刺的是,我刚刚发表了另一篇关于 ARBB 前景和估值的文章。 正如我已在 ERP 和 IoT 业务模型上多次谈论过,本文章中绝对不会令大家感到厌倦。

对于第三季度的业绩,该公司在 ERP 和 IoT 部门的收入有所增长。 但是,我们注意到毛利低于息税前利润,这怎么可能呢?

2021 年 8 月,ARBB 收购了 ARB WMS Technologies Sdn Bhd 或前身为 Bluewave WMS Technologies Sdn Bhd 的 51% 股权和 ARB Workforce Software Sdn Bhd 的 70% 股权, 该收购可能给公司的利润带来了贡献。 值得一提的是,该收购计划也为公司创造了负面的商誉。

让我们来看看 Investopedia 如何解释负面商誉。

“在商业中,负商誉 (NGW) 是一个术语,指的是当一家公司以明显低于其公平市场价值的价格收购另一家公司或其资产时,所支付的购买金额。负商誉通常表明卖方陷入困境或已宣布破产,除出售其资产价值的一小部分外别无选择。


总而言之,收购新业务的股权对 ARBB 起到了良好的作用。

与第二季度的业绩相比,ARBB不仅毛利翻了一倍,息税前利润也大幅增长。 收购计划所带来的负商誉也带来了贡献。

即使我们现在要消除该公司的负面商誉——这反过来对 ARBB 来说是不公平的,该公司仍然提供了眼前一亮的财务业绩。 更让我惊讶的是该公司的现金流!

由于长时间的现金转换周期,市场长期以来一直怀疑 ARBB 的财务表现。 但投资者知之甚少,ERP 商业模式更像是一种协作模式,而MCO妨碍了该公司的协作伙伴,因此 ARBB 的现金流也随之流失。 但随着公司及其协作伙伴现在正在经历着复苏与增长,我们可以见到现金流正在回流到 ARBB,该公司目前有 3,532 万令吉的储备金。

那么,该公司的前景又如何呢? 我认为这是不言自明的。

此外,大家一直在谈论着该公司的配股计划。 以公平的角度来看,发行配股将可能踢掉一些无法对该公司进行更多投资的人。 我想再次说明该公司的市盈率不到 2 倍, 在市场上并没有其他科技公司长期拥有这样的折扣价。 因此,这可能是投资该公司的最佳时机。


2021-11-22 22:58 | Report Abuse

0.07-0.09-0.11-0.13-0.15-0.20 ?


2021-11-30 09:43 | Report Abuse

I understand that some investors are concerned on how the proceeds will be utilize, and as you can see here, majority of the fund will be channeled to purchase of petroleum products, which is marine fuel oil and marine gas oil to fulfil their multi-billion contract.

If you are holding existing shares for FAST, I suggest you oversubscribe it for the sake of free warrants. If you don’t, you might lose out massively as people are rushing to oversubscribe the shares to lower their costs – this, is an industry secret.

Back to the company level, we could see that the management is serious on expanding their footprint in the oil business, and I believe the bottom line of the company could jump in few-fold manner in no time. Now is practically the best chance to invest in FAST!


2021-11-30 10:08 | Report Abuse

What investors should know about FAST (KLSE: 0084) beyond rights issue

Time and time again, investors would react negatively towards rights issue due to its cash calling nature. And being one of the fast (pun-intended) expanding company, FAST had suffered from the knee-jerk reaction from investors too

Fortunately, 12.0 cents seem to be the very bottom of it, and we could easily observe that investors are still actively collecting FAST’s shares. I rarely would tell people that I found the next gem, but I found the next gem. This is it.

Let me point it out for you, on 3 key things that you should note about FAST.

Involvement in the semiconductor space

Let us take an excerpt from the introduction of the company from the website.

Fast Energy Holdings Berhad, an investment holding company, manufactures and distributes specialized fasteners and related precision turning and machining parts for the electronics, telecommunication, computer peripherals, and automotive industries. It also manufactures and trades in epoxy encapsulant materials for optoelectronics industries; mold cleaning rubber sheets; and electronic hardware products. In addition, the company offers training analytical and consultancy services; bunkering, oil bunkering, and vessel chartering services.

Although the company had changed its name, but the core profit generator is still the semiconductor business. We all know that semiconductor businesses would thrive in the coming years, due to increase in semiconductors in all kinds of equipment. Semiwiki had provided very good insights on some key semiconductor growth drivers.

Once the semiconductor supply catches up with demand, growth in 2022 will be dependent on the economy and the demand for end equipment. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in July forecast global GDP will increase 6.0% in 2021 as the world recovers from the pandemic. The IMF expects the recovery momentum to carry into 2022 with 4.9% growth, up from the May forecast of 4.4%. Canalys expects the smartphone market to bounce back to a 12% gain in 2021 after a 7% decline in 2020 primarily due to pandemic related manufacturing disruptions. Canalys shows 2022 smartphone growth of 5%, higher than the growth rates in the four years prior to the pandemic. IDC has not updated its PC forecast since May, where it called for an 18% increase in 2021 and a 5% decline in 2022. In 2Q 2021 PC shipments showed a slowing of growth, but the year 2021 should still show a double-digit gain in PC units. IHS Markit projects light vehicle production will be 83 million units in 2021, up 11% from 2020. Vehicle production in 2021 has been limited by semiconductor shortages. 2022 light vehicles should be up a strong 9% as the industry catches up to pre-pandemic production levels.

Well, in short, FAST is poised for growth, and it is one of the cheapest price-to-sale semiconductor company in the whole market.

Expansion plan in petroleum related products

As we mentioned that the first half of FAST is made up from semiconductor segment, the rest of it was actually in petroleum products, commodities, and bunker oil.

Further, it trades in petroleum products and commodities, including bunker oil. The company operates in Malaysia, the United States, Europe, and Asia. The company was formerly known as Techfast Holdings Berhad and changed its name to Fast Energy Holdings Berhad in July 2021. Fast Energy Holdings Berhad was incorporated in 2004 and is headquartered in Shah Alam, Malaysia.

Some of you may have not know about it, but some of the bunker oil that ships, and vessels are using are actually “dirty oil”, or fuel with high sulphur content. Pursuant to the implementation of IMO 2020 and ESG drive, the market will be moving towards low sulphur fuel oil – which is what FAST had billions worth of contract on hand waiting to be utilized. In fact, FAST is only one of the two listed companies in Malaysia who was involved in the LSFO business.


2021-11-16 10:10 | Report Abuse

Nice move !


4 days ago | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16 — The recent announcement by the PAS-led Kedah state government to prohibit the sale of numbers forecast lottery draws is an attempt by the Islamist party to strengthen its conservative reputation due to the perceived failure of its policy-making influence on the federal level over the Timah fiasco, according to political analysts.

In fact, they agreed that the move was made in an opportune manner, considering it coincided with the ongoing Melaka state poll and could have been introduced at any point in time after PAS became the state government.

Universiti Sains Malaysia political science professor Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid said it is plausible the Kedah mentri besar’s announcement was part of a damage control exercise by PAS’ Cabinet ministers to sway decision-making on the controversy surrounding the award-winning whisky Timah as polling date nears.

A day before the ban was announced, Cabinet member Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong was quoted as saying that the brand was allowed to keep its name despite opposition from the Islamist party.

Most recently, Religious Affairs Minister Senator Idris Ahmad was quoted as saying nobody in the party agreed with the decision or the consumption of alcohol no matter what name is used for the brand.

“PAS cannot afford to be separated from a distinctly Islamic image which, among lay Malay-Muslims, has always been foregrounded in its combating sinful social ills, such as gambling, liquor consumption, adultery, fortune telling, etc.

“But being part of a federal government with a multiracial composition, compromises would have to be struck, not all of which would be advantageous to PAS' long-standing profile.

“This is the give-and-take of coalition politics. So if you lose on one end, you try to make up for it on the other,” he told Malay Mail.

Ahmad Fauzi further noted that the ban was nothing unusual and it so happened that PAS is in control of the state government with said business licences up for renewal.

“I don't think PAS whimsically made the decision. It is a calculated strategy to maintain support among PAS' loyalist base,” he added.

Expressing similar sentiments, Senior Fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs Oh Ei Sun said PAS must be hoping to enhance its conservative reputation, and thus increase Perikatan Nasional’s (PN) winning chance in Melaka by announcing the ban, with polling less than six days away.

When asked if the move augured well for the federal administration that touts Keluarga Malaysia as its concept, Oh went on to say that it would be the height of naivete if one were to automatically and superficially assume Keluarga Malaysia to self-referentially imply some form of tolerance or inclusivity.

“The ban on liquor sale in some shops in Kuala Lumpur, the Timah saga, and now this ban on 4D imply that the erstwhile empty and convenient slogan could also be utilised to command a form of creeping obedience by all regardless of cultural diversity to supremacist uniformity,” he said.

For Universiti Teknologi Malaysia geostrategist Prof Azmi Hassan, he explained that the move by the state government was in no doubt aimed at rallying support amongst the Malay population where PAS leaders are seen as pursuing a particular narrative and policy on Islamic matters.

As to the possible reasons for the ban being announced now, Azmi said the Melak polls could be a possible reason, citing similar prohibitions already enforced in the other PAS-controlled states of Kelantan and Terengganu, which could have been implemented well before polling took place.

He also noted that public perception of the role played by PAS ministers and deputy ministers in formulating policies at the federal level was at most minimum, which could serve as a point of argument as to why the announcement was made by the Kedah mentri besar.

Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor previously announced that all shops selling numbers forecast lottery draws in the PAS-led state will no longer have their business licences renewed by local councils, with the move intended “to tackle the ills resulting from gambling”.

Sanusi, who is also the state PAS deputy commissioner, was also quoted as saying those who wanted to buy such lottery tickets could go to Penang instead.