Hints :
[1] Click the magnifier icon after Date column on table to view the portfolio's snapshot page.
[2] Click the Stock hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.
[3] Click the Commission hyperlink on table to view the Commission breakdown.

Showing Last 50 Transactions  |  Click here to modify the options.

(Hints : Click the Update button to apply the options.)
No. Date Type Stock Name Quantity Per Share Commission / Charges Net Amount Cash Balance
Cash Balance
28 22-Nov-2019 Dividend
CHINWEL +6,100 0.0335 0.00 +204.35 3,745.82 3,745.82 View note
27 21-Nov-2019 Dividend
BESHOM +9,400 0.09 0.00 +846.00 3,745.82 3,541.47 View note
26 15-Nov-2019 Dividend
OKA +16,900 0.019 0.00 +321.10 3,745.82 2,695.47 View note
25 07-Nov-2019 Dividend (Ex) BESHOM +9,400 0.09 0.00 +846.00 3,745.82 2,374.37 View note
24 04-Nov-2019 Dividend (Ex) OKA +16,900 0.019 0.00 +321.10 2,899.82 2,374.37 View note
23 24-Oct-2019 Dividend (Ex) CHINWEL +6,100 0.0335 0.00 +204.35 2,578.72 2,374.37 View note
22 17-Jul-2019 Dividend
YEELEE +10,900 0.04 0.00 +436.00 2,374.37 2,374.37 View note
21 16-Jul-2019 Dividend
ORNA +11,200 0.025 0.00 +280.00 2,374.37 1,938.37 View note
20 02-Jul-2019 Dividend (Ex) YEELEE +10,900 0.04 0.00 +436.00 2,374.37 1,658.37 View note
19 01-Jul-2019 Dividend (Ex) ORNA +11,200 0.025 0.00 +280.00 1,938.37 1,658.37 View note
18 28-Jun-2019 Dividend
CYPARK +12,600 0.039 0.00 +491.40 1,658.37 1,658.37 View note
17 28-Jun-2019 Dividend
CCK +12,600 0.0125 0.00 +157.50 1,658.37 1,166.97 View note
16 30-May-2019 Dividend (Ex) CYPARK +12,600 0.039 0.00 +491.40 1,658.37 1,009.47 View note
15 30-May-2019 Dividend (Ex) CCK +12,600 0.0125 0.00 +157.50 1,166.97 1,009.47 View note
14 21-May-2019 Dividend
CHINWEL +6,100 0.045 0.00 +274.50 1,009.47 1,009.47 View note
13 26-Apr-2019 Dividend
OKA +16,900 0.018 0.00 +304.20 1,009.47 734.97 View note
12 24-Apr-2019 Dividend (Ex) CHINWEL +6,100 0.045 0.00 +274.50 1,009.47 430.77 View note
11 16-Apr-2019 Dividend (Ex) OKA +16,900 0.018 0.00 +304.20 734.97 430.77 View note
10 07-Mar-2019 Dividend
BESHOM +9,400 0.04 0.00 +376.00 430.77 430.77 View note
9 22-Feb-2019 Dividend (Ex) BESHOM +9,400 0.04 0.00 +376.00 430.77 54.77 View note
8 31-Dec-2018 Buy YEELEE +10,900 1.83 45.94 -19,992.94 54.77 54.77
7 31-Dec-2018 Buy ORNA +11,200 0.89 22.97 -9,990.97 20,047.71 20,047.71
6 31-Dec-2018 Buy OKA +16,900 0.595 24.08 -10,079.58 30,038.68 30,038.68
5 31-Dec-2018 Buy BESHOM +9,400 2.66 32.50 -25,036.50 40,118.26 40,118.26
4 31-Dec-2018 Buy CYPARK +12,600 1.58 45.89 -19,953.89 65,154.76 65,154.76
3 31-Dec-2018 Buy CHINWEL +6,100 1.62 22.86 -9,904.86 85,108.65 85,108.65
2 31-Dec-2018 Buy CCK +12,600 0.395 9.49 -4,986.49 95,013.51 95,013.51
1 31-Dec-2018 Cash In - +100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00