Hints :
[1] Click the magnifier icon after Date column on table to view the portfolio's snapshot page.
[2] Click the Stock hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.
[3] Click the Commission hyperlink on table to view the Commission breakdown.

Showing Last 50 Transactions  |  Click here to modify the options.

(Hints : Click the Update button to apply the options.)
No. Date Type Stock Name Quantity Per Share Commission / Charges Net Amount Cash Balance
Cash Balance
24 29-Dec-2016 Cash In - +6,091.50 6,805.32 6,805.32 View note
23 11-Nov-2016 Buy OWG +500 2.26 10.84 -1,140.84 713.82 713.82 View note
22 11-Nov-2016 Buy OWG +500 2.26 10.84 -1,140.84 1,854.66 1,854.66 View note
21 11-Nov-2016 Dividend
CIHLDG +5,800 0.05 0.00 +290.00 2,995.50 2,995.50 View note
20 11-Nov-2016 Dividend (Ex) CIHLDG +5,800 0.05 0.00 +290.00 2,995.50 2,705.50 View note
19 28-Oct-2016 Dividend
TIENWAH +11,600 0.05 0.00 +580.00 2,705.50 2,705.50 View note
18 02-Nov-2016 Dividend (Ex) TIENWAH +11,600 0.05 0.00 +580.00 2,705.50 2,125.50 View note
17 28-Oct-2016 Dividend
MAGNI +3,300 0.10 0.00 +330.00 2,125.50 2,125.50 View note
16 02-Nov-2016 Dividend (Ex) MAGNI +3,300 0.10 0.00 +330.00 2,125.50 1,795.50 View note
15 30-Jun-2016 Dividend
TIENWAH +11,600 0.14 0.00 +1,624.00 1,795.50 1,795.50 View note
14 07-Jun-2016 Dividend (Ex) TIENWAH +11,600 0.14 0.00 +1,624.00 1,795.50 171.50 View note
13 26-Apr-2016 Dividend
MAGNI +3,300 0.05 0.00 +165.00 171.50 171.50 View note
12 05-Apr-2016 Dividend (Ex) MAGNI +3,300 0.05 0.00 +165.00 171.50 6.50 View note
11 26-Jan-2016 Buy SKPRES-WA +350 0.805 9.56 -291.31 6.50 6.50 View note
10 26-Jan-2016 Dividend
MAGNI +3,300 0.08 0.00 +264.00 297.81 297.81 View note
9 13-Jan-2016 Bonus Shares OWG +1,940 0.00 0.00 - 297.81 33.81 View note
8 07-Jan-2016 Dividend (Ex) MAGNI +3,300 0.08 0.00 +264.00 297.81 33.81 View note
7 07-Jan-2016 Buy SKPRES-WA +650 0.795 9.65 -526.40 33.81 33.81 View note
6 31-Dec-2015 Buy TIENWAH +11,600 2.57 71.10 -29,883.10 560.21 560.21
5 31-Dec-2015 Buy TGUAN-WA +4,600 2.14 23.59 -9,867.59 30,443.31 30,443.31
4 31-Dec-2015 Buy OWG +9,700 3.09 71.32 -30,044.32 40,310.90 40,310.90
3 31-Dec-2015 Buy MAGNI +3,300 4.48 35.39 -14,819.39 70,355.22 70,355.22
2 31-Dec-2015 Buy CIHLDG +5,800 2.55 35.39 -14,825.39 85,174.61 85,174.61
1 31-Dec-2015 Cash In - +100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00