Hints :
[1] Click the magnifier icon after Date column on table to view the portfolio's snapshot page.
[2] Click the Stock hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.
[3] Click the Commission hyperlink on table to view the Commission breakdown.

Showing Last 50 Transactions  |  Click here to modify the options.

(Hints : Click the Update button to apply the options.)
No. Date Type Stock Name Quantity Per Share Commission / Charges Net Amount Cash Balance
Cash Balance
13 06-Sep-2016 Share Split JOHOTIN-WA +4,620 0.00 0.00 - 1.76 1.76
12 15-Jul-2016 Bonus Shares PESTECH +1,500 0.00 0.00 - 1.76 1.76
11 15-Jul-2016 Share Split PESTECH +750 0.00 0.00 - 1.76 1.76
10 04-Jan-2016 Bonus Shares INARI +1,075 0.00 0.00 - 1.76 1.76
9 31-Dec-2015 Buy JOHOTIN-WA +7,700 0.655 16.10 -5,059.60 1.76 1.76
8 31-Dec-2015 Buy HOMERIZ +9,100 1.10 24.82 -10,034.82 5,061.36 5,061.36
7 31-Dec-2015 Buy PESTECH +1,500 6.86 25.19 -10,315.19 15,096.18 15,096.18
6 31-Dec-2015 Buy SCICOM +5,000 1.98 23.65 -9,923.65 25,411.37 25,411.37
5 31-Dec-2015 Buy VS +9,600 1.57 36.80 -15,108.80 35,335.02 35,335.02
4 31-Dec-2015 Buy TECHBASE +5,800 2.56 35.48 -14,883.48 50,443.82 50,443.82
3 31-Dec-2015 Buy LIIHEN +5,600 2.66 35.54 -14,931.54 65,327.30 65,327.30
2 31-Dec-2015 Buy INARI +4,300 4.58 47.16 -19,741.16 80,258.84 80,258.84
1 31-Dec-2015 Cash In - +100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00