Hints :
[1] Click the magnifier icon after Date column on table to view the portfolio's snapshot page.
[2] Click the Stock hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.
[3] Click the Commission hyperlink on table to view the Commission breakdown.

Showing Last 50 Transactions  |  Click here to modify the options.

(Hints : Click the Update button to apply the options.)
No. Date Type Stock Name Quantity Per Share Commission / Charges Net Amount Cash Balance
Cash Balance
7 14-Feb-2018 Bonus Shares MASTEEL +3,866 0.00 0.00 - 3.52 3.52 View note
6 29-Dec-2017 Buy MASTEEL +11,600 1.71 47.34 -19,883.34 3.52 3.52
5 29-Dec-2017 Buy WCEHB +16,800 1.19 47.55 -20,039.55 19,886.86 19,886.86
4 29-Dec-2017 Buy MAXLAND +78,400 0.255 47.55 -20,039.55 39,926.41 39,926.41
3 29-Dec-2017 Buy EKOVEST-WB +36,600 0.545 47.49 -19,994.49 59,965.96 59,965.96
2 29-Dec-2017 Buy GADANG-WB +47,600 0.42 47.55 -20,039.55 79,960.45 79,960.45
1 29-Dec-2017 Cash In - +100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00