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[10] [MATRIX]: MATRIX CONCEPTS HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +716.88 [7.09%] over total capital of 10,113.12  |  IRR: 2.18%

[10] [MATRIX]: MATRIX CONCEPTS HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +203.88  |  2.02% return over total capital of 10,113.12  |  Balance Qty.: 5,700  |  Last Price: 5,700  |  Market Value: 5,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
5,700 1.81 10,317.00 10,113.12 +203.88 2.02% 2.02%

Dividend: +513.00 [5.07%]  |  5.07% return over total capital of 10,113.12  |  3 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
23-Jun-2021 08-Jul-2021 Dividend 10,113.12 5,700 0.04 0.00 +228.00  - 
22-Sep-2021 07-Oct-2021 Dividend 10,113.12 5,700 0.02 0.00 +114.00  - 
21-Dec-2021 06-Jan-2022 Dividend 10,113.12 5,700 0.03 0.00 +171.00  - 
Total Capital: 10,113.12 + 513.00 [5.07%]

Total Return: +716.88  |  7.09% return over total capital of 10,113.12  |  IRR: 2.18%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,113.12 0.00 [0.00%] +203.88 [2.02%] +513.00 [5.07%] +716.88 [7.09%] 2.18%

Balance Cost: 9,600.12  |  +716.88(7.47%) return over balance cost of 9,600.12

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,113.12 -0.00 -513.00 9,600.12 +716.88 10,317.00 7.47%

Last Price: 1.81  |  Average Cost: 1.774 [7.09%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.684 [7.47%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.81 5,700 1.774 7.09% 1.684 7.47%

Total Buy: 10,113.12  |  Buy Qty.: 5,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 1.77 +5,700 +10,113.12 5,700 10,113.12 1.774 10,113.12 1.774
5,700 10,113.12

A total of 4 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +5,700 1.77 +10,113.12 5,700 - 10,113.12 1.774 10,113.12 1.774
23-Jun-2021 Dividend 5,700 0.04 -228.00 5,700 - 10,113.12 1.774 9,885.12 1.734
22-Sep-2021 Dividend 5,700 0.02 -114.00 5,700 - 10,113.12 1.774 9,771.12 1.714
21-Dec-2021 Dividend 5,700 0.03 -171.00 5,700 - 10,113.12 1.774 9,600.12 1.684

IRR 2.18%
Total Capital 10,113.12
Average Cost 1.774 5,700 10,113.12
Market Value 1.81 5,700 10,317.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +203.88 [2.02%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +203.88 [2.02%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 513.00 [5.07%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +716.88 [7.09%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,113.12
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 513.00
Balance Cost 9,600.12
Market Value 10,317.00
Total Return +716.88
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 7.47%


[9] [SCICOM]: SCICOM (MSC) BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +2,135.93 [21.21%] over total capital of 10,068.07  |  IRR: 6.31%

[9] [SCICOM]: SCICOM (MSC) BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +1,487.93  |  14.78% return over total capital of 10,068.07  |  Balance Qty.: 10,800  |  Last Price: 10,800  |  Market Value: 10,800

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
10,800 1.07 11,556.00 10,068.07 +1,487.93 14.78% 14.78%

Dividend: +648.00 [6.44%]  |  6.44% return over total capital of 10,068.07  |  4 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
12-Mar-2021 29-Mar-2021 Dividend 10,068.07 10,800 0.015 0.00 +162.00  - 
14-Jun-2021 29-Jun-2021 Dividend 10,068.07 10,800 0.015 0.00 +162.00  - 
13-Sep-2021 29-Sep-2021 Dividend 10,068.07 10,800 0.015 0.00 +162.00  - 
10-Dec-2021 27-Dec-2021 Dividend 10,068.07 10,800 0.015 0.00 +162.00  - 
Total Capital: 10,068.07 + 648.00 [6.44%]

Total Return: +2,135.93  |  21.21% return over total capital of 10,068.07  |  IRR: 6.31%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,068.07 0.00 [0.00%] +1,487.93 [14.78%] +648.00 [6.44%] +2,135.93 [21.21%] 6.31%

Balance Cost: 9,420.07  |  +2,135.93(22.67%) return over balance cost of 9,420.07

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,068.07 -0.00 -648.00 9,420.07 +2,135.93 11,556.00 22.67%

Last Price: 1.07  |  Average Cost: 0.932 [21.21%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.872 [22.67%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.07 10,800 0.932 21.21% 0.872 22.67%

Total Buy: 10,068.07  |  Buy Qty.: 10,800  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.93 +10,800 +10,068.07 10,800 10,068.07 0.932 10,068.07 0.932
10,800 10,068.07

A total of 5 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +10,800 0.93 +10,068.07 10,800 - 10,068.07 0.932 10,068.07 0.932
12-Mar-2021 Dividend 10,800 0.015 -162.00 10,800 - 10,068.07 0.932 9,906.07 0.917
14-Jun-2021 Dividend 10,800 0.015 -162.00 10,800 - 10,068.07 0.932 9,744.07 0.902
13-Sep-2021 Dividend 10,800 0.015 -162.00 10,800 - 10,068.07 0.932 9,582.07 0.887
10-Dec-2021 Dividend 10,800 0.015 -162.00 10,800 - 10,068.07 0.932 9,420.07 0.872

IRR 6.31%
Total Capital 10,068.07
Average Cost 0.932 10,800 10,068.07
Market Value 1.07 10,800 11,556.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +1,487.93 [14.78%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +1,487.93 [14.78%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 648.00 [6.44%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +2,135.93 [21.21%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,068.07
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 648.00
Balance Cost 9,420.07
Market Value 11,556.00
Total Return +2,135.93
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 22.67%


[8] [D&O]: D & O GREEN TECHNOLOGIES BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +3,438.74 [34.99%] over total capital of 9,826.76  |  IRR: 9.56%

[8] [D&O]: D & O GREEN TECHNOLOGIES BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +3,374.24  |  34.34% return over total capital of 9,826.76  |  Balance Qty.: 4,300  |  Last Price: 4,300  |  Market Value: 4,300

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
4,300 3.07 13,201.00 9,826.76 +3,374.24 34.34% 34.34%

Dividend: +64.50 [0.66%]  |  0.66% return over total capital of 9,826.76  |  2 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
11-Jun-2021 30-Jun-2021 Dividend 9,826.76 4,300 0.0075 0.00 +32.25  - 
09-Dec-2021 28-Dec-2021 Dividend 9,826.76 4,300 0.0075 0.00 +32.25  - 
Total Capital: 9,826.76 + 64.50 [0.66%]

Total Return: +3,438.74  |  34.99% return over total capital of 9,826.76  |  IRR: 9.56%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,826.76 0.00 [0.00%] +3,374.24 [34.34%] +64.50 [0.66%] +3,438.74 [34.99%] 9.56%

Balance Cost: 9,762.26  |  +3,438.74(35.22%) return over balance cost of 9,762.26

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,826.76 -0.00 -64.50 9,762.26 +3,438.74 13,201.00 35.22%

Last Price: 3.07  |  Average Cost: 2.285 [34.99%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.270 [35.22%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
3.07 4,300 2.285 34.99% 2.270 35.22%

Total Buy: 9,826.76  |  Buy Qty.: 4,300  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 2.28 +4,300 +9,826.76 4,300 9,826.76 2.285 9,826.76 2.285
4,300 9,826.76

A total of 3 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +4,300 2.28 +9,826.76 4,300 - 9,826.76 2.285 9,826.76 2.285
11-Jun-2021 Dividend 4,300 0.0075 -32.25 4,300 - 9,826.76 2.285 9,794.51 2.277
09-Dec-2021 Dividend 4,300 0.0075 -32.25 4,300 - 9,826.76 2.285 9,762.26 2.270

IRR 9.56%
Total Capital 9,826.76
Average Cost 2.285 4,300 9,826.76
Market Value 3.07 4,300 13,201.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +3,374.24 [34.34%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +3,374.24 [34.34%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 64.50 [0.66%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +3,438.74 [34.99%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,826.76
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 64.50
Balance Cost 9,762.26
Market Value 13,201.00
Total Return +3,438.74
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 35.22%


[7] [AMWAY]: AMWAY (M) HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +2,875.72 [29.20%] over total capital of 9,848.78  |  IRR: 8.38%

[7] [AMWAY]: AMWAY (M) HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +2,408.22  |  24.45% return over total capital of 9,848.78  |  Balance Qty.: 1,700  |  Last Price: 1,700  |  Market Value: 1,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
1,700 7.21 12,257.00 9,848.78 +2,408.22 24.45% 24.45%

Dividend: +467.50 [4.75%]  |  4.75% return over total capital of 9,848.78  |  4 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
11-Mar-2021 26-Mar-2021 Dividend 9,848.78 1,700 0.125 0.00 +212.50  - 
10-Jun-2021 25-Jun-2021 Dividend 9,848.78 1,700 0.05 0.00 +85.00  - 
10-Sep-2021 27-Sep-2021 Dividend 9,848.78 1,700 0.05 0.00 +85.00  - 
02-Dec-2021 17-Dec-2021 Dividend 9,848.78 1,700 0.05 0.00 +85.00  - 
Total Capital: 9,848.78 + 467.50 [4.75%]

Total Return: +2,875.72  |  29.20% return over total capital of 9,848.78  |  IRR: 8.38%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,848.78 0.00 [0.00%] +2,408.22 [24.45%] +467.50 [4.75%] +2,875.72 [29.20%] 8.38%

Balance Cost: 9,381.28  |  +2,875.72(30.65%) return over balance cost of 9,381.28

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,848.78 -0.00 -467.50 9,381.28 +2,875.72 12,257.00 30.65%

Last Price: 7.21  |  Average Cost: 5.793 [29.20%]  |  Balance Cost: 5.518 [30.65%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
7.21 1,700 5.793 29.20% 5.518 30.65%

Total Buy: 9,848.78  |  Buy Qty.: 1,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 5.78 +1,700 +9,848.78 1,700 9,848.78 5.793 9,848.78 5.793
1,700 9,848.78

A total of 5 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +1,700 5.78 +9,848.78 1,700 - 9,848.78 5.793 9,848.78 5.793
11-Mar-2021 Dividend 1,700 0.125 -212.50 1,700 - 9,848.78 5.793 9,636.28 5.668
10-Jun-2021 Dividend 1,700 0.05 -85.00 1,700 - 9,848.78 5.793 9,551.28 5.618
10-Sep-2021 Dividend 1,700 0.05 -85.00 1,700 - 9,848.78 5.793 9,466.28 5.568
02-Dec-2021 Dividend 1,700 0.05 -85.00 1,700 - 9,848.78 5.793 9,381.28 5.518

IRR 8.38%
Total Capital 9,848.78
Average Cost 5.793 1,700 9,848.78
Market Value 7.21 1,700 12,257.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +2,408.22 [24.45%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +2,408.22 [24.45%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 467.50 [4.75%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +2,875.72 [29.20%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,848.78
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 467.50
Balance Cost 9,381.28
Market Value 12,257.00
Total Return +2,875.72
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 30.65%


[6] [MI]: MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -5,458.33 [-53.16%] over total capital of 10,268.33  |  IRR: -20.70%

[6] [MI]: MI TECHNOVATION BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -5,536.33  |  -53.92% return over total capital of 10,268.33  |  Balance Qty.: 2,600  |  Last Price: 2,600  |  Market Value: 2,600

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
2,600 1.82 4,732.00 10,268.33 -5,536.33 -53.92% -53.92%

Dividend: +78.00 [0.76%]  |  0.76% return over total capital of 10,268.33  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
16-Nov-2021 30-Nov-2021 Dividend 10,268.33 2,600 0.03 0.00 +78.00  - 
Total Capital: 10,268.33 + 78.00 [0.76%]

Total Return: -5,458.33  |  -53.16% return over total capital of 10,268.33  |  IRR: -20.70%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,268.33 0.00 [0.00%] -5,536.33 [-53.92%] +78.00 [0.76%] -5,458.33 [-53.16%] -20.70%

Balance Cost: 10,190.33  |  -5,458.33(-53.56%) return over balance cost of 10,190.33

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,268.33 -0.00 -78.00 10,190.33 -5,458.33 4,732.00 -53.56%

Last Price: 1.82  |  Average Cost: 3.949 [-53.16%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.919 [-53.56%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.82 2,600 3.949 -53.16% 3.919 -53.56%

Total Buy: 10,268.33  |  Buy Qty.: 2,600  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 3.94 +2,600 +10,268.33 2,600 10,268.33 3.949 10,268.33 3.949
2,600 10,268.33

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +2,600 3.94 +10,268.33 2,600 - 10,268.33 3.949 10,268.33 3.949
16-Nov-2021 Dividend 2,600 0.03 -78.00 2,600 - 10,268.33 3.949 10,190.33 3.919

IRR -20.70%
Total Capital 10,268.33
Average Cost 3.949 2,600 10,268.33
Market Value 1.82 2,600 4,732.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -5,536.33 [-53.92%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -5,536.33 [-53.92%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 78.00 [0.76%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -5,458.33 [-53.16%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,268.33
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 78.00
Balance Cost 10,190.33
Market Value 4,732.00
Total Return -5,458.33
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -53.56%


[5] [ELSOFT]: ELSOFT RESEARCH BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -3,022.93 [-30.35%] over total capital of 9,960.43  |  IRR: -10.51%

[5] [ELSOFT]: ELSOFT RESEARCH BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -3,147.93  |  -31.60% return over total capital of 9,960.43  |  Balance Qty.: 12,500  |  Last Price: 12,500  |  Market Value: 12,500

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
12,500 0.545 6,812.50 9,960.43 -3,147.93 -31.60% -31.60%

Dividend: +125.00 [1.25%]  |  1.25% return over total capital of 9,960.43  |  2 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
30-Mar-2021 16-Apr-2021 Dividend 9,960.43 12,500 0.005 0.00 +62.50  - 
14-Sep-2021 08-Oct-2021 Dividend 9,960.43 12,500 0.005 0.00 +62.50  - 
Total Capital: 9,960.43 + 125.00 [1.25%]

Total Return: -3,022.93  |  -30.35% return over total capital of 9,960.43  |  IRR: -10.51%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,960.43 0.00 [0.00%] -3,147.93 [-31.60%] +125.00 [1.25%] -3,022.93 [-30.35%] -10.51%

Balance Cost: 9,835.43  |  -3,022.93(-30.74%) return over balance cost of 9,835.43

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,960.43 -0.00 -125.00 9,835.43 -3,022.93 6,812.50 -30.74%

Last Price: 0.545  |  Average Cost: 0.796 [-30.35%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.786 [-30.74%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.545 12,500 0.796 -30.35% 0.786 -30.74%

Total Buy: 9,960.43  |  Buy Qty.: 12,500  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.795 +12,500 +9,960.43 12,500 9,960.43 0.796 9,960.43 0.796
12,500 9,960.43

A total of 3 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +12,500 0.795 +9,960.43 12,500 - 9,960.43 0.796 9,960.43 0.796
30-Mar-2021 Dividend 12,500 0.005 -62.50 12,500 - 9,960.43 0.796 9,897.93 0.791
14-Sep-2021 Dividend 12,500 0.005 -62.50 12,500 - 9,960.43 0.796 9,835.43 0.786

IRR -10.51%
Total Capital 9,960.43
Average Cost 0.796 12,500 9,960.43
Market Value 0.545 12,500 6,812.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -3,147.93 [-31.60%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -3,147.93 [-31.60%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 125.00 [1.25%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -3,022.93 [-30.35%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,960.43
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 125.00
Balance Cost 9,835.43
Market Value 6,812.50
Total Return -3,022.93
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -30.74%


[4] [MAGNI]: MAGNI-TECH INDUSTRIES BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -355.13 [-3.54%] over total capital of 10,043.03  |  IRR: -1.12%

[4] [MAGNI]: MAGNI-TECH INDUSTRIES BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -755.03  |  -7.52% return over total capital of 10,043.03  |  Balance Qty.: 4,300  |  Last Price: 4,300  |  Market Value: 4,300

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
4,300 2.16 9,288.00 10,043.03 -755.03 -7.52% -7.52%

Dividend: +399.90 [3.98%]  |  3.98% return over total capital of 10,043.03  |  3 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
22-Mar-2021 08-Apr-2021 Dividend 10,043.03 4,300 0.03 0.00 +129.00  - 
22-Mar-2021 08-Apr-2021 Dividend 10,043.03 4,300 0.035 0.00 +150.50  - 
09-Jul-2021 28-Jul-2021 Dividend 10,043.03 4,300 0.028 0.00 +120.40  - 
Total Capital: 10,043.03 + 399.90 [3.98%]

Total Return: -355.13  |  -3.54% return over total capital of 10,043.03  |  IRR: -1.12%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,043.03 0.00 [0.00%] -755.03 [-7.52%] +399.90 [3.98%] -355.13 [-3.54%] -1.12%

Balance Cost: 9,643.13  |  -355.13(-3.68%) return over balance cost of 9,643.13

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,043.03 -0.00 -399.90 9,643.13 -355.13 9,288.00 -3.68%

Last Price: 2.16  |  Average Cost: 2.335 [-3.54%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.242 [-3.68%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.16 4,300 2.335 -3.54% 2.242 -3.68%

Total Buy: 10,043.03  |  Buy Qty.: 4,300  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 2.33 +4,300 +10,043.03 4,300 10,043.03 2.335 10,043.03 2.335
4,300 10,043.03

A total of 4 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +4,300 2.33 +10,043.03 4,300 - 10,043.03 2.335 10,043.03 2.335
22-Mar-2021 Dividend 4,300 0.03 -129.00 4,300 - 10,043.03 2.335 9,914.03 2.305
22-Mar-2021 Dividend 4,300 0.035 -150.50 4,300 - 10,043.03 2.335 9,763.53 2.270
09-Jul-2021 Dividend 4,300 0.028 -120.40 4,300 - 10,043.03 2.335 9,643.13 2.242

IRR -1.12%
Total Capital 10,043.03
Average Cost 2.335 4,300 10,043.03
Market Value 2.16 4,300 9,288.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -755.03 [-7.52%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -755.03 [-7.52%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 399.90 [3.98%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -355.13 [-3.54%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,043.03
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 399.90
Balance Cost 9,643.13
Market Value 9,288.00
Total Return -355.13
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -3.68%


[3] [UCHITEC]: UCHI TECHNOLOGIES BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +5,050.15 [51.00%] over total capital of 9,902.85  |  IRR: 13.66%

[3] [UCHITEC]: UCHI TECHNOLOGIES BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +4,689.15  |  47.35% return over total capital of 9,902.85  |  Balance Qty.: 3,800  |  Last Price: 3,800  |  Market Value: 3,800

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
3,800 3.84 14,592.00 9,902.85 +4,689.15 47.35% 47.35%

Dividend: +361.00 [3.65%]  |  3.65% return over total capital of 9,902.85  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
29-Jun-2021 22-Jul-2021 Dividend 9,902.85 3,800 0.095 0.00 +361.00  - 
Total Capital: 9,902.85 + 361.00 [3.65%]

Total Return: +5,050.15  |  51.00% return over total capital of 9,902.85  |  IRR: 13.66%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,902.85 0.00 [0.00%] +4,689.15 [47.35%] +361.00 [3.65%] +5,050.15 [51.00%] 13.66%

Balance Cost: 9,541.85  |  +5,050.15(52.93%) return over balance cost of 9,541.85

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,902.85 -0.00 -361.00 9,541.85 +5,050.15 14,592.00 52.93%

Last Price: 3.84  |  Average Cost: 2.606 [51.00%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.511 [52.93%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
3.84 3,800 2.606 51.00% 2.511 52.93%

Total Buy: 9,902.85  |  Buy Qty.: 3,800  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 2.60 +3,800 +9,902.85 3,800 9,902.85 2.606 9,902.85 2.606
3,800 9,902.85

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +3,800 2.60 +9,902.85 3,800 - 9,902.85 2.606 9,902.85 2.606
29-Jun-2021 Dividend 3,800 0.095 -361.00 3,800 - 9,902.85 2.606 9,541.85 2.511

IRR 13.66%
Total Capital 9,902.85
Average Cost 2.606 3,800 9,902.85
Market Value 3.84 3,800 14,592.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +4,689.15 [47.35%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +4,689.15 [47.35%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 361.00 [3.65%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +5,050.15 [51.00%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,902.85
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 361.00
Balance Cost 9,541.85
Market Value 14,592.00
Total Return +5,050.15
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 52.93%


[2] [FPI]: FORMOSA PROSONIC INDUSTRIES (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +3,013.01 [30.10%] over total capital of 10,010.99  |  IRR: 8.75%

[2] [FPI]: FORMOSA PROSONIC INDUSTRIES (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +2,397.01  |  23.94% return over total capital of 10,010.99  |  Balance Qty.: 4,400  |  Last Price: 4,400  |  Market Value: 4,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
4,400 2.82 12,408.00 10,010.99 +2,397.01 23.94% 23.94%

Dividend: +616.00 [6.15%]  |  6.15% return over total capital of 10,010.99  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
02-Apr-2021 19-Apr-2021 Dividend 10,010.99 4,400 0.14 0.00 +616.00  - 
Total Capital: 10,010.99 + 616.00 [6.15%]

Total Return: +3,013.01  |  30.10% return over total capital of 10,010.99  |  IRR: 8.75%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,010.99 0.00 [0.00%] +2,397.01 [23.94%] +616.00 [6.15%] +3,013.01 [30.10%] 8.75%

Balance Cost: 9,394.99  |  +3,013.01(32.07%) return over balance cost of 9,394.99

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,010.99 -0.00 -616.00 9,394.99 +3,013.01 12,408.00 32.07%

Last Price: 2.82  |  Average Cost: 2.275 [30.10%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.135 [32.07%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.82 4,400 2.275 30.10% 2.135 32.07%

Total Buy: 10,010.99  |  Buy Qty.: 4,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 2.27 +4,400 +10,010.99 4,400 10,010.99 2.275 10,010.99 2.275
4,400 10,010.99

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +4,400 2.27 +10,010.99 4,400 - 10,010.99 2.275 10,010.99 2.275
02-Apr-2021 Dividend 4,400 0.14 -616.00 4,400 - 10,010.99 2.275 9,394.99 2.135

IRR 8.75%
Total Capital 10,010.99
Average Cost 2.275 4,400 10,010.99
Market Value 2.82 4,400 12,408.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +2,397.01 [23.94%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +2,397.01 [23.94%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 616.00 [6.15%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +3,013.01 [30.10%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,010.99
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 616.00
Balance Cost 9,394.99
Market Value 12,408.00
Total Return +3,013.01
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 32.07%


[1] [CAPITALA]: CAPITAL A BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -2,430.90 [-24.47%] over total capital of 9,934.90  |  IRR: -8.15%

[1] [CAPITALA]: CAPITAL A BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -2,430.90  |  -24.47% return over total capital of 9,934.90  |  Balance Qty.: 11,200  |  Last Price: 11,200  |  Market Value: 11,200

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
11,200 0.67 7,504.00 9,934.90 -2,430.90 -24.47% -24.47%

Total Return: -2,430.90  |  -24.47% return over total capital of 9,934.90  |  IRR: -8.15%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,934.90 0.00 [0.00%] -2,430.90 [-24.47%] +0.00 [0.00%] -2,430.90 [-24.47%] -8.15%

Balance Cost: 9,934.90  |  -2,430.90(-24.47%) return over balance cost of 9,934.90

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,934.90 -0.00 -0.00 9,934.90 -2,430.90 7,504.00 -24.47%

Last Price: 0.67  |  Average Cost: 0.887 [-24.47%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.887 [-24.47%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.67 11,200 0.887 -24.47% 0.887 -24.47%

Total Buy: 9,934.90  |  Buy Qty.: 11,200  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.885 +11,200 +9,934.90 11,200 9,934.90 0.887 9,934.90 0.887
11,200 9,934.90

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +11,200 0.885 +9,934.90 11,200 - 9,934.90 0.887 9,934.90 0.887

IRR -8.15%
Total Capital 9,934.90
Average Cost 0.887 11,200 9,934.90
Market Value 0.67 11,200 7,504.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -2,430.90 [-24.47%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -2,430.90 [-24.47%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -2,430.90 [-24.47%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,934.90
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,934.90
Market Value 7,504.00
Total Return -2,430.90
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -24.47%

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