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[8] [PA]: P.A. RESOURCES BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -1,232.20 [-8.78%] over total capital of 14,032.20  |  IRR: -2.73%

[8] [PA]: P.A. RESOURCES BHD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -1,232.20  |  -8.78% return over total capital of 14,032.20  |  Balance Qty.: 40,000  |  Last Price: 40,000  |  Market Value: 40,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
40,000 0.32 12,800.00 14,032.20 -1,232.20 -8.78% -8.78%

Total Return: -1,232.20  |  -8.78% return over total capital of 14,032.20  |  IRR: -2.73%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
14,032.20 0.00 [0.00%] -1,232.20 [-8.78%] +0.00 [0.00%] -1,232.20 [-8.78%] -2.73%

Balance Cost: 14,032.20  |  -1,232.20(-8.78%) return over balance cost of 14,032.20

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+14,032.20 -0.00 -0.00 14,032.20 -1,232.20 12,800.00 -8.78%

Last Price: 0.32  |  Average Cost: 0.350 [-8.78%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.350 [-8.78%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.32 40,000 0.350 -8.78% 0.350 -8.78%

Total Buy: 14,032.20  |  Buy Qty.: 80,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.175 +80,000 +14,032.20 80,000 14,032.20 0.175 14,032.20 0.175
80,000 14,032.20

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +80,000 0.175 +14,032.20 80,000 - 14,032.20 0.175 14,032.20 0.175
08-Feb-2021 Reverse Split -40,000 0.00 -0.00 40,000 - 14,032.20 0.350 14,032.20 0.350

IRR -2.73%
Total Capital 14,032.20
Average Cost 0.35 40,000 14,032.20
Market Value 0.32 40,000 12,800.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -1,232.20 [-8.78%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -1,232.20 [-8.78%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -1,232.20 [-8.78%]
Total Buy Transaction 14,032.20
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 14,032.20
Market Value 12,800.00
Total Return -1,232.20
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -8.78%


[7] [HENGYUAN]: HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -3,618.16 [-50.21%] over total capital of 7,206.16  |  IRR: -18.95%

[7] [HENGYUAN]: HENGYUAN REFINING COMPANY BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -3,618.16  |  -50.21% return over total capital of 7,206.16  |  Balance Qty.: 1,200  |  Last Price: 1,200  |  Market Value: 1,200

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
1,200 2.99 3,588.00 7,206.16 -3,618.16 -50.21% -50.21%

Total Return: -3,618.16  |  -50.21% return over total capital of 7,206.16  |  IRR: -18.95%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
7,206.16 0.00 [0.00%] -3,618.16 [-50.21%] +0.00 [0.00%] -3,618.16 [-50.21%] -18.95%

Balance Cost: 7,206.16  |  -3,618.16(-50.21%) return over balance cost of 7,206.16

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+7,206.16 -0.00 -0.00 7,206.16 -3,618.16 3,588.00 -50.21%

Last Price: 2.99  |  Average Cost: 6.005 [-50.21%]  |  Balance Cost: 6.005 [-50.21%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.99 1,200 6.005 -50.21% 6.005 -50.21%

Total Buy: 7,206.16  |  Buy Qty.: 1,200  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 5.99 +1,200 +7,206.16 1,200 7,206.16 6.005 7,206.16 6.005
1,200 7,206.16

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +1,200 5.99 +7,206.16 1,200 - 7,206.16 6.005 7,206.16 6.005

IRR -18.95%
Total Capital 7,206.16
Average Cost 6.005 1,200 7,206.16
Market Value 2.99 1,200 3,588.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -3,618.16 [-50.21%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -3,618.16 [-50.21%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -3,618.16 [-50.21%]
Total Buy Transaction 7,206.16
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 7,206.16
Market Value 3,588.00
Total Return -3,618.16
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -50.21%


[6] [ARMADA]: BUMI ARMADA BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +4,659.41 [66.73%] over total capital of 6,982.09  |  IRR: 16.65%

[6] [ARMADA]: BUMI ARMADA BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +4,659.41  |  66.73% return over total capital of 6,982.09  |  Balance Qty.: 19,900  |  Last Price: 19,900  |  Market Value: 19,900

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
19,900 0.585 11,641.50 6,982.09 +4,659.41 66.73% 66.73%

Total Return: +4,659.41  |  66.73% return over total capital of 6,982.09  |  IRR: 16.65%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
6,982.09 0.00 [0.00%] +4,659.41 [66.73%] +0.00 [0.00%] +4,659.41 [66.73%] 16.65%

Balance Cost: 6,982.09  |  +4,659.41(66.73%) return over balance cost of 6,982.09

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+6,982.09 -0.00 -0.00 6,982.09 +4,659.41 11,641.50 66.73%

Last Price: 0.585  |  Average Cost: 0.350 [66.73%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.350 [66.73%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.585 19,900 0.350 66.73% 0.350 66.73%

Total Buy: 6,982.09  |  Buy Qty.: 19,900  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.35 +19,900 +6,982.09 19,900 6,982.09 0.350 6,982.09 0.350
19,900 6,982.09

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +19,900 0.35 +6,982.09 19,900 - 6,982.09 0.350 6,982.09 0.350

IRR 16.65%
Total Capital 6,982.09
Average Cost 0.35 19,900 6,982.09
Market Value 0.585 19,900 11,641.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +4,659.41 [66.73%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +4,659.41 [66.73%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +4,659.41 [66.73%]
Total Buy Transaction 6,982.09
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 6,982.09
Market Value 11,641.50
Total Return +4,659.41
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 66.73%


[5] [REVENUE-WA]: REVENUE GROUP BERHAD - WARRANTS 2019/2024 (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -13,955.11 [-100.00%] over total capital of 13,955.11  |  IRR: ∞%

[5] [REVENUE-WA]: REVENUE GROUP BERHAD - WARRANTS 2019/2024 (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -13,955.11  |  -100.00% return over total capital of 13,955.11  |  Balance Qty.: 27,300  |  Last Price: 27,300  |  Market Value: 27,300

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
27,300 0.00 0.00 13,955.11 -13,955.11 -100.00% -100.00%

Total Return: -13,955.11  |  -100.00% return over total capital of 13,955.11  |  IRR: ∞%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
13,955.11 0.00 [0.00%] -13,955.11 [-100.00%] +0.00 [0.00%] -13,955.11 [-100.00%] ∞%

Balance Cost: 13,955.11  |  -13,955.11(-∞) return over balance cost of 13,955.11

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+13,955.11 -0.00 -0.00 13,955.11 -13,955.11 0.00 -∞

Last Price: 0.00  |  Average Cost: 0.511 [-∞]  |  Balance Cost: 0.511 [-∞]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.00 27,300 0.511 -∞ 0.511 -∞

Total Buy: 13,955.11  |  Buy Qty.: 27,300  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.51 +27,300 +13,955.11 27,300 13,955.11 0.511 13,955.11 0.511
27,300 13,955.11

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +27,300 0.51 +13,955.11 27,300 - 13,955.11 0.511 13,955.11 0.511

IRR ∞%
Total Capital 13,955.11
Average Cost 0.511 27,300 13,955.11
Market Value 0.00 27,300 0.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -13,955.11 [-100.00%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -13,955.11 [-100.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -13,955.11 [-100.00%]
Total Buy Transaction 13,955.11
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 13,955.11
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -13,955.11
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[4] [GENM]: GENTING MALAYSIA BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -396.19 [-2.83%] over total capital of 14,020.19  |  IRR: -0.86%

[4] [GENM]: GENTING MALAYSIA BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -396.19  |  -2.83% return over total capital of 14,020.19  |  Balance Qty.: 5,200  |  Last Price: 5,200  |  Market Value: 5,200

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
5,200 2.62 13,624.00 14,020.19 -396.19 -2.83% -2.83%

Total Return: -396.19  |  -2.83% return over total capital of 14,020.19  |  IRR: -0.86%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
14,020.19 0.00 [0.00%] -396.19 [-2.83%] +0.00 [0.00%] -396.19 [-2.83%] -0.86%

Balance Cost: 14,020.19  |  -396.19(-2.83%) return over balance cost of 14,020.19

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+14,020.19 -0.00 -0.00 14,020.19 -396.19 13,624.00 -2.83%

Last Price: 2.62  |  Average Cost: 2.696 [-2.83%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.696 [-2.83%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.62 5,200 2.696 -2.83% 2.696 -2.83%

Total Buy: 14,020.19  |  Buy Qty.: 5,200  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 2.69 +5,200 +14,020.19 5,200 14,020.19 2.696 14,020.19 2.696
5,200 14,020.19

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +5,200 2.69 +14,020.19 5,200 - 14,020.19 2.696 14,020.19 2.696

IRR -0.86%
Total Capital 14,020.19
Average Cost 2.696 5,200 14,020.19
Market Value 2.62 5,200 13,624.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -396.19 [-2.83%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -396.19 [-2.83%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -396.19 [-2.83%]
Total Buy Transaction 14,020.19
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 14,020.19
Market Value 13,624.00
Total Return -396.19
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -2.83%


[3] [KAREX]: KAREX BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +144.81 [1.03%] over total capital of 14,015.19  |  IRR: 0.31%

[3] [KAREX]: KAREX BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +144.81  |  1.03% return over total capital of 14,015.19  |  Balance Qty.: 17,700  |  Last Price: 17,700  |  Market Value: 17,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
17,700 0.80 14,160.00 14,015.19 +144.81 1.03% 1.03%

Total Return: +144.81  |  1.03% return over total capital of 14,015.19  |  IRR: 0.31%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
14,015.19 0.00 [0.00%] +144.81 [1.03%] +0.00 [0.00%] +144.81 [1.03%] 0.31%

Balance Cost: 14,015.19  |  +144.81(1.03%) return over balance cost of 14,015.19

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+14,015.19 -0.00 -0.00 14,015.19 +144.81 14,160.00 1.03%

Last Price: 0.80  |  Average Cost: 0.791 [1.03%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.791 [1.03%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.80 17,700 0.791 1.03% 0.791 1.03%

Total Buy: 14,015.19  |  Buy Qty.: 17,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.79 +17,700 +14,015.19 17,700 14,015.19 0.791 14,015.19 0.791
17,700 14,015.19

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +17,700 0.79 +14,015.19 17,700 - 14,015.19 0.791 14,015.19 0.791

IRR 0.31%
Total Capital 14,015.19
Average Cost 0.791 17,700 14,015.19
Market Value 0.80 17,700 14,160.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +144.81 [1.03%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +144.81 [1.03%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +144.81 [1.03%]
Total Buy Transaction 14,015.19
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 14,015.19
Market Value 14,160.00
Total Return +144.81
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 1.03%


[2] [LCTITAN]: LOTTE CHEMICAL TITAN HOLDING BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -8,382.01 [-60.38%] over total capital of 13,882.01  |  IRR: -24.35%

[2] [LCTITAN]: LOTTE CHEMICAL TITAN HOLDING BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -8,382.01  |  -60.38% return over total capital of 13,882.01  |  Balance Qty.: 5,000  |  Last Price: 5,000  |  Market Value: 5,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
5,000 1.10 5,500.00 13,882.01 -8,382.01 -60.38% -60.38%

Total Return: -8,382.01  |  -60.38% return over total capital of 13,882.01  |  IRR: -24.35%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
13,882.01 0.00 [0.00%] -8,382.01 [-60.38%] +0.00 [0.00%] -8,382.01 [-60.38%] -24.35%

Balance Cost: 13,882.01  |  -8,382.01(-60.38%) return over balance cost of 13,882.01

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+13,882.01 -0.00 -0.00 13,882.01 -8,382.01 5,500.00 -60.38%

Last Price: 1.10  |  Average Cost: 2.776 [-60.38%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.776 [-60.38%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.10 5,000 2.776 -60.38% 2.776 -60.38%

Total Buy: 13,882.01  |  Buy Qty.: 5,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 2.77 +5,000 +13,882.01 5,000 13,882.01 2.776 13,882.01 2.776
5,000 13,882.01

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +5,000 2.77 +13,882.01 5,000 - 13,882.01 2.776 13,882.01 2.776

IRR -24.35%
Total Capital 13,882.01
Average Cost 2.776 5,000 13,882.01
Market Value 1.10 5,000 5,500.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -8,382.01 [-60.38%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -8,382.01 [-60.38%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -8,382.01 [-60.38%]
Total Buy Transaction 13,882.01
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 13,882.01
Market Value 5,500.00
Total Return -8,382.01
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -60.38%


[1] [KRONO]: KRONOLOGI ASIA BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -8,086.64 [-50.84%] over total capital of 15,906.64  |  IRR: -19.26%

[1] [KRONO]: KRONOLOGI ASIA BERHAD (31-Dec-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -8,086.64  |  -50.84% return over total capital of 15,906.64  |  Balance Qty.: 23,000  |  Last Price: 23,000  |  Market Value: 23,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
23,000 0.34 7,820.00 15,906.64 -8,086.64 -50.84% -50.84%

Total Return: -8,086.64  |  -50.84% return over total capital of 15,906.64  |  IRR: -19.26%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
15,906.64 0.00 [0.00%] -8,086.64 [-50.84%] +0.00 [0.00%] -8,086.64 [-50.84%] -19.26%

Balance Cost: 15,906.64  |  -8,086.64(-50.84%) return over balance cost of 15,906.64

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+15,906.64 -0.00 -0.00 15,906.64 -8,086.64 7,820.00 -50.84%

Last Price: 0.34  |  Average Cost: 0.691 [-50.84%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.691 [-50.84%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.34 23,000 0.691 -50.84% 0.691 -50.84%

Total Buy: 15,906.64  |  Buy Qty.: 23,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy 0.69 +23,000 +15,906.64 23,000 15,906.64 0.691 15,906.64 0.691
23,000 15,906.64

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2020 Buy +23,000 0.69 +15,906.64 23,000 - 15,906.64 0.691 15,906.64 0.691

IRR -19.26%
Total Capital 15,906.64
Average Cost 0.691 23,000 15,906.64
Market Value 0.34 23,000 7,820.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -8,086.64 [-50.84%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -8,086.64 [-50.84%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -8,086.64 [-50.84%]
Total Buy Transaction 15,906.64
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 15,906.64
Market Value 7,820.00
Total Return -8,086.64
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -50.84%

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