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[16] [FRONTKN]: FRONTKEN CORPORATION BHD (16-Jul-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +2,468.57 [22.29%] over total capital of 11,077.03  |  IRR: 7.61%

[16] [FRONTKN]: FRONTKEN CORPORATION BHD (16-Jul-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +2,114.97  |  19.09% return over total capital of 11,077.03  |  Balance Qty.: 3,400  |  Last Price: 3,400  |  Market Value: 3,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
3,400 3.88 13,192.00 11,077.03 +2,114.97 19.09% 19.09%

Dividend: +353.60 [3.19%]  |  3.19% return over total capital of 11,077.03  |  5 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
19-Aug-2021 17-Sep-2021 Dividend 11,077.03 3,400 0.015 0.00 +51.00  - 
17-Mar-2022 13-Apr-2022 Dividend 11,077.03 3,400 0.025 0.00 +85.00  - 
19-Aug-2022 20-Sep-2022 Dividend 11,077.03 3,400 0.016 0.00 +54.40  - 
16-Jun-2023 13-Jul-2023 Dividend 11,077.03 3,400 0.026 0.00 +88.40  - 
15-Apr-2024 13-May-2024 Dividend 11,077.03 3,400 0.022 0.00 +74.80 Interim Dividend
Total Capital: 11,077.03 + 353.60 [3.19%]

Total Return: +2,468.57  |  22.29% return over total capital of 11,077.03  |  IRR: 7.61%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
11,077.03 0.00 [0.00%] +2,114.97 [19.09%] +353.60 [3.19%] +2,468.57 [22.29%] 7.61%

Balance Cost: 10,723.43  |  +2,468.57(23.02%) return over balance cost of 10,723.43

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+11,077.03 -0.00 -353.60 10,723.43 +2,468.57 13,192.00 23.02%

Last Price: 3.88  |  Average Cost: 3.257 [22.29%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.153 [23.02%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
3.88 3,400 3.257 22.29% 3.153 23.02%

Total Buy: 11,077.03  |  Buy Qty.: 3,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
16-Jul-2021 Buy 3.25 +3,400 +11,077.03 3,400 11,077.03 3.257 11,077.03 3.257
3,400 11,077.03

A total of 6 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
16-Jul-2021 Buy +3,400 3.25 +11,077.03 3,400 - 11,077.03 3.257 11,077.03 3.257
19-Aug-2021 Dividend 3,400 0.015 -51.00 3,400 - 11,077.03 3.257 11,026.03 3.242
17-Mar-2022 Dividend 3,400 0.025 -85.00 3,400 - 11,077.03 3.257 10,941.03 3.217
19-Aug-2022 Dividend 3,400 0.016 -54.40 3,400 - 11,077.03 3.257 10,886.63 3.201
16-Jun-2023 Dividend 3,400 0.026 -88.40 3,400 - 11,077.03 3.257 10,798.23 3.175
15-Apr-2024 View note Dividend 3,400 0.022 -74.80 3,400 - 11,077.03 3.257 10,723.43 3.153

IRR 7.61%
Total Capital 11,077.03
Average Cost 3.257 3,400 11,077.03
Market Value 3.88 3,400 13,192.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +2,114.97 [19.09%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +2,114.97 [19.09%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 353.60 [3.19%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +2,468.57 [22.29%]
Total Buy Transaction 11,077.03
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 353.60
Balance Cost 10,723.43
Market Value 13,192.00
Total Return +2,468.57
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 23.02%


[15] [MAGNI]: MAGNI-TECH INDUSTRIES BHD (30-Dec-2016 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +1,625.69 [19.35%] over total capital of 8,400.54  |  IRR: 2.70%

[15] [MAGNI]: MAGNI-TECH INDUSTRIES BHD (30-Dec-2016 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -518.64  |  -6.17% return over total capital of 8,400.54  |  Balance Qty.: 3,666  |  Last Price: 3,666  |  Market Value: 3,666

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
3,666 2.15 7,881.90 8,400.54 -518.64 -6.17% -6.17%

Dividend: +2,144.33 [25.53%]  |  25.53% return over total capital of 8,400.54  |  19 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
29-Mar-2017 12-Apr-2017 Dividend 8,400.54 2,000 0.06 0.00 +120.00  - 
28-Mar-2018 12-Apr-2018 Dividend 8,400.54 2,000 0.07 0.00 +140.00 special and interim dividend
09-Oct-2019 25-Oct-2019 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.12 0.00 +439.92  - 
24-Mar-2020 08-Apr-2020 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.028 0.00 +102.65 Third Interim Dividend
07-Jul-2020 23-Jul-2020 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.015 0.00 +54.99  - 
24-Sep-2020 08-Oct-2020 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.02 0.00 +73.32  - 
17-Dec-2020 08-Jan-2021 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.018 0.00 +65.99  - 
22-Mar-2021 08-Apr-2021 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.045 0.00 +164.97  - 
09-Jul-2021 28-Jul-2021 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.028 0.00 +102.65  - 
07-Jan-2022 25-Jan-2022 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.02 0.00 +73.32  - 
04-Apr-2022 18-Apr-2022 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.02 0.00 +73.32  - 
07-Jul-2022 20-Jul-2022 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.025 0.00 +91.65  - 
27-Sep-2022 12-Oct-2022 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.022 0.00 +80.65  - 
27-Dec-2022 11-Jan-2023 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.023 0.00 +84.32  - 
24-Mar-2023 12-Apr-2023 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.02 0.00 +73.32  - 
10-Jul-2023 25-Jul-2023 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.025 0.00 +91.65  - 
25-Sep-2023 12-Oct-2023 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.028 0.00 +102.65  - 
19-Dec-2023 08-Jan-2024 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.022 0.00 +80.65 Second Interim Dividend
02-Apr-2024 18-Apr-2024 Dividend 8,400.54 3,666 0.035 0.00 +128.31 Third Interim Dividend
Total Capital: 8,400.54 + 2,144.33 [25.53%]

Total Return: +1,625.69  |  19.35% return over total capital of 8,400.54  |  IRR: 2.70%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
8,400.54 0.00 [0.00%] -518.64 [-6.17%] +2,144.33 [25.53%] +1,625.69 [19.35%] 2.70%

Balance Cost: 6,256.21  |  +1,625.69(25.99%) return over balance cost of 6,256.21

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+8,400.54 -0.00 -2,144.33 6,256.21 +1,625.69 7,881.90 25.99%

Last Price: 2.15  |  Average Cost: 2.291 [19.35%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.706 [25.99%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.15 3,666 2.291 19.35% 1.706 25.99%

Total Buy: 8,400.54  |  Buy Qty.: 2,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy 4.19 +2,000 +8,400.54 2,000 8,400.54 4.200 8,400.54 4.200
2,000 8,400.54

A total of 22 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy +2,000 4.19 +8,400.54 2,000 - 8,400.54 4.200 8,400.54 4.200
29-Mar-2017 Dividend 2,000 0.06 -120.00 2,000 - 8,400.54 4.200 8,280.54 4.140
28-Mar-2018 View note Dividend 2,000 0.07 -140.00 2,000 - 8,400.54 4.200 8,140.54 4.070
09-Oct-2019 Dividend 3,666 0.12 -439.92 2,000 - 8,400.54 4.200 7,700.62 3.850
14-Oct-2019 Share Split +1,000 0.00 +0.00 3,000 - 8,400.54 2.800 7,700.62 2.566
14-Oct-2019 Bonus Shares +666 0.00 +0.00 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,700.62 2.100
24-Mar-2020 View note Dividend 3,666 0.028 -102.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,597.97 2.072
07-Jul-2020 Dividend 3,666 0.015 -54.99 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,542.98 2.057
24-Sep-2020 Dividend 3,666 0.02 -73.32 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,469.66 2.037
17-Dec-2020 Dividend 3,666 0.018 -65.99 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,403.67 2.019
22-Mar-2021 Dividend 3,666 0.045 -164.97 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,238.70 1.974
09-Jul-2021 Dividend 3,666 0.028 -102.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,136.05 1.946
07-Jan-2022 Dividend 3,666 0.02 -73.32 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 7,062.73 1.926
04-Apr-2022 Dividend 3,666 0.02 -73.32 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,989.41 1.906
07-Jul-2022 Dividend 3,666 0.025 -91.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,897.76 1.881
27-Sep-2022 Dividend 3,666 0.022 -80.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,817.11 1.859
27-Dec-2022 Dividend 3,666 0.023 -84.32 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,732.79 1.836
24-Mar-2023 Dividend 3,666 0.02 -73.32 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,659.47 1.816
10-Jul-2023 Dividend 3,666 0.025 -91.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,567.82 1.791
25-Sep-2023 Dividend 3,666 0.028 -102.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,465.17 1.763
19-Dec-2023 View note Dividend 3,666 0.022 -80.65 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,384.52 1.741
02-Apr-2024 View note Dividend 3,666 0.035 -128.31 3,666 - 8,400.54 2.291 6,256.21 1.706

IRR 2.70%
Total Capital 8,400.54
Average Cost 2.291 3,666 8,400.54
Market Value 2.15 3,666 7,881.90
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -518.64 [-6.17%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -518.64 [-6.17%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 2,144.33 [25.53%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +1,625.69 [19.35%]
Total Buy Transaction 8,400.54
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 2,144.33
Balance Cost 6,256.21
Market Value 7,881.90
Total Return +1,625.69
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 25.99%


[14] [QES]: QES GROUP BERHAD (22-Jun-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -623.03 [-34.03%] over total capital of 1,831.03  |  IRR: -13.69%

[14] [QES]: QES GROUP BERHAD (22-Jun-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -651.03  |  -35.56% return over total capital of 1,831.03  |  Balance Qty.: 2,000  |  Last Price: 2,000  |  Market Value: 2,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
2,000 0.59 1,180.00 1,831.03 -651.03 -35.56% -35.56%

Dividend: +28.00 [1.53%]  |  1.53% return over total capital of 1,831.03  |  3 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
09-Mar-2022 31-Mar-2022 Dividend 1,831.03 2,000 0.004 0.00 +8.00  - 
09-Mar-2023 31-Mar-2023 Dividend 1,831.03 2,000 0.005 0.00 +10.00  - 
14-Mar-2024 29-Mar-2024 Dividend 1,831.03 2,000 0.005 0.00 +10.00 Final Dividend
Total Capital: 1,831.03 + 28.00 [1.53%]

Total Return: -623.03  |  -34.03% return over total capital of 1,831.03  |  IRR: -13.69%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
1,831.03 0.00 [0.00%] -651.03 [-35.56%] +28.00 [1.53%] -623.03 [-34.03%] -13.69%

Balance Cost: 1,803.03  |  -623.03(-34.55%) return over balance cost of 1,803.03

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+1,831.03 -0.00 -28.00 1,803.03 -623.03 1,180.00 -34.55%

Last Price: 0.59  |  Average Cost: 0.915 [-34.03%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.901 [-34.55%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.59 2,000 0.915 -34.03% 0.901 -34.55%

Total Buy: 1,831.03  |  Buy Qty.: 2,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
22-Jun-2021 Buy 0.91 +2,000 +1,831.03 2,000 1,831.03 0.915 1,831.03 0.915
2,000 1,831.03

A total of 4 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
22-Jun-2021 Buy +2,000 0.91 +1,831.03 2,000 - 1,831.03 0.915 1,831.03 0.915
09-Mar-2022 Dividend 2,000 0.004 -8.00 2,000 - 1,831.03 0.915 1,823.03 0.911
09-Mar-2023 Dividend 2,000 0.005 -10.00 2,000 - 1,831.03 0.915 1,813.03 0.906
14-Mar-2024 View note Dividend 2,000 0.005 -10.00 2,000 - 1,831.03 0.915 1,803.03 0.901

IRR -13.69%
Total Capital 1,831.03
Average Cost 0.915 2,000 1,831.03
Market Value 0.59 2,000 1,180.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -651.03 [-35.56%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -651.03 [-35.56%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 28.00 [1.53%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -623.03 [-34.03%]
Total Buy Transaction 1,831.03
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 28.00
Balance Cost 1,803.03
Market Value 1,180.00
Total Return -623.03
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -34.55%


[13] [CTOS]: CTOS DIGITAL BERHAD (22-Sep-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -3,889.11 [-25.00%] over total capital of 15,557.11  |  IRR: -10.63%

[13] [CTOS]: CTOS DIGITAL BERHAD (22-Sep-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -4,357.11  |  -28.01% return over total capital of 15,557.11  |  Balance Qty.: 8,000  |  Last Price: 8,000  |  Market Value: 8,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
8,000 1.40 11,200.00 15,557.11 -4,357.11 -28.01% -28.01%

Dividend: +468.00 [3.01%]  |  3.01% return over total capital of 15,557.11  |  10 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
11-Nov-2021 10-Dec-2021 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0032 0.00 +25.60  - 
09-Feb-2022 25-Feb-2022 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0033 0.00 +26.40  - 
12-May-2022 10-Jun-2022 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0032 0.00 +25.60  - 
15-Aug-2022 13-Sep-2022 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.006 0.00 +48.00  - 
16-Nov-2022 14-Dec-2022 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.006 0.00 +48.00  - 
20-Feb-2023 15-Mar-2023 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0036 0.00 +28.80  - 
05-May-2023 30-May-2023 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0043 0.00 +34.40  - 
23-Aug-2023 21-Sep-2023 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0055 0.00 +44.00  - 
23-Nov-2023 22-Dec-2023 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.0064 0.00 +51.20  - 
27-Feb-2024 27-Mar-2024 Dividend 15,557.11 8,000 0.017 0.00 +136.00 Fourth Interim Dividend
Total Capital: 15,557.11 + 468.00 [3.01%]

Total Return: -3,889.11  |  -25.00% return over total capital of 15,557.11  |  IRR: -10.63%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
15,557.11 0.00 [0.00%] -4,357.11 [-28.01%] +468.00 [3.01%] -3,889.11 [-25.00%] -10.63%

Balance Cost: 15,089.11  |  -3,889.11(-25.77%) return over balance cost of 15,089.11

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+15,557.11 -0.00 -468.00 15,089.11 -3,889.11 11,200.00 -25.77%

Last Price: 1.40  |  Average Cost: 1.944 [-25.00%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.886 [-25.77%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.40 8,000 1.944 -25.00% 1.886 -25.77%

Total Buy: 15,557.11  |  Buy Qty.: 8,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
22-Sep-2021 Buy 1.94 +8,000 +15,557.11 8,000 15,557.11 1.944 15,557.11 1.944
8,000 15,557.11

A total of 11 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
22-Sep-2021 Buy +8,000 1.94 +15,557.11 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,557.11 1.944
11-Nov-2021 Dividend 8,000 0.0032 -25.60 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,531.51 1.941
09-Feb-2022 Dividend 8,000 0.0033 -26.40 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,505.11 1.938
12-May-2022 Dividend 8,000 0.0032 -25.60 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,479.51 1.934
15-Aug-2022 Dividend 8,000 0.006 -48.00 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,431.51 1.928
16-Nov-2022 Dividend 8,000 0.006 -48.00 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,383.51 1.922
20-Feb-2023 Dividend 8,000 0.0036 -28.80 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,354.71 1.919
05-May-2023 Dividend 8,000 0.0043 -34.40 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,320.31 1.915
23-Aug-2023 Dividend 8,000 0.0055 -44.00 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,276.31 1.909
23-Nov-2023 Dividend 8,000 0.0064 -51.20 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,225.11 1.903
27-Feb-2024 View note Dividend 8,000 0.017 -136.00 8,000 - 15,557.11 1.944 15,089.11 1.886

IRR -10.63%
Total Capital 15,557.11
Average Cost 1.944 8,000 15,557.11
Market Value 1.40 8,000 11,200.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -4,357.11 [-28.01%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -4,357.11 [-28.01%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 468.00 [3.01%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -3,889.11 [-25.00%]
Total Buy Transaction 15,557.11
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 468.00
Balance Cost 15,089.11
Market Value 11,200.00
Total Return -3,889.11
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -25.77%


[12] [PENTA]: PENTAMASTER CORPORATION BHD (20-May-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +1,915.00 [12.83%] over total capital of 14,925.00  |  IRR: 5.08%

[12] [PENTA]: PENTAMASTER CORPORATION BHD (20-May-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +1,739.00  |  11.65% return over total capital of 14,925.00  |  Balance Qty.: 4,000  |  Last Price: 4,000  |  Market Value: 4,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
4,000 4.21 16,840.00 15,101.00 +1,739.00 11.52% 11.65%

Dividend: +176.00 [1.18%]  |  1.18% return over total capital of 14,925.00  |  4 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
30-Jul-2020 21-Aug-2020 Dividend 7,210.64 1,600 0.015 0.00 +24.00  - 
15-Jul-2021 30-Jul-2021 Dividend 7,210.64 2,400 0.015 0.00 +36.00  - 
07-Jul-2022 22-Jul-2022 Dividend 7,210.64 2,400 0.02 0.00 +48.00  - 
13-Jul-2023 28-Jul-2023 Dividend 12,329.17 3,400 0.02 0.00 +68.00  - 
Total Capital: 14,925.00 + 176.00 [1.18%]

Total Return: +1,915.00  |  12.83% return over total capital of 14,925.00  |  IRR: 5.08%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
14,925.00 0.00 [0.00%] +1,739.00 [11.65%] +176.00 [1.18%] +1,915.00 [12.83%] 5.08%

Balance Cost: 14,925.00  |  +1,915.00(12.83%) return over balance cost of 14,925.00

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+15,101.00 -0.00 -176.00 14,925.00 +1,915.00 16,840.00 12.83%

Last Price: 4.21  |  Average Cost: 3.775 [12.68%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.731 [12.83%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
4.21 4,000 3.775 12.68% 3.731 12.83%

Total Buy: 15,101.00  |  Buy Qty.: 3,200  |  3 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
20-May-2020 Buy 4.50 +1,600 +7,210.64 1,600 7,210.64 4.506 7,210.64 4.506
26-Jan-2023 Buy 5.10 +1,000 +5,118.53 3,400 12,329.17 3.626 12,221.17 3.594
19-Dec-2023 Buy 4.60 +600 +2,771.83 4,000 15,101.00 3.775 14,925.00 3.731
3,200 15,101.00

A total of 8 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
20-May-2020 Buy +1,600 4.50 +7,210.64 1,600 - 7,210.64 4.506 7,210.64 4.506
30-Jul-2020 Dividend 1,600 0.015 -24.00 1,600 - 7,210.64 4.506 7,186.64 4.491
04-Aug-2020 Bonus Shares +800 0.00 +0.00 2,400 - 7,210.64 3.004 7,186.64 2.994
15-Jul-2021 Dividend 2,400 0.015 -36.00 2,400 - 7,210.64 3.004 7,150.64 2.979
07-Jul-2022 Dividend 2,400 0.02 -48.00 2,400 - 7,210.64 3.004 7,102.64 2.959
26-Jan-2023 Buy +1,000 5.10 +5,118.53 3,400 - 12,329.17 3.626 12,221.17 3.594
13-Jul-2023 Dividend 3,400 0.02 -68.00 3,400 - 12,329.17 3.626 12,153.17 3.574
19-Dec-2023 Buy +600 4.60 +2,771.83 4,000 - 15,101.00 3.775 14,925.00 3.731

IRR 5.08%
Total Capital 14,925.00
Average Cost 3.775 4,000 15,101.00
Market Value 4.21 4,000 16,840.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +1,739.00 [11.52%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +1,739.00 [11.65%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 176.00 [1.18%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +1,915.00 [12.83%]
Total Buy Transaction 15,101.00
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 176.00
Balance Cost 14,925.00
Market Value 16,840.00
Total Return +1,915.00
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 12.83%


[11] [REXIT]: REXIT BHD (19-May-2020 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +11,272.43 [113.39%] over total capital of 9,941.57  |  IRR: 23.91%

[11] [REXIT]: REXIT BHD (19-May-2020 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +8,479.43  |  85.29% return over total capital of 9,941.57  |  Balance Qty.: 16,900  |  Last Price: 16,900  |  Market Value: 16,900

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
16,900 1.09 18,421.00 9,941.57 +8,479.43 85.29% 85.29%

Dividend: +2,793.00 [28.09%]  |  28.09% return over total capital of 9,941.57  |  4 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
03-Dec-2020 21-Dec-2020 Dividend 8,140.55 14,900 0.04 0.00 +596.00  - 
10-Dec-2021 28-Dec-2021 Dividend 9,941.57 16,900 0.04 0.00 +676.00  - 
06-Dec-2022 23-Dec-2022 Dividend 9,941.57 16,900 0.04 0.00 +676.00  - 
12-Dec-2023 27-Dec-2023 Dividend 9,941.57 16,900 0.05 0.00 +845.00 Interim Dividend
Total Capital: 9,941.57 + 2,793.00 [28.09%]

Total Return: +11,272.43  |  113.39% return over total capital of 9,941.57  |  IRR: 23.91%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,941.57 0.00 [0.00%] +8,479.43 [85.29%] +2,793.00 [28.09%] +11,272.43 [113.39%] 23.91%

Balance Cost: 7,148.57  |  +11,272.43(157.69%) return over balance cost of 7,148.57

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,941.57 -0.00 -2,793.00 7,148.57 +11,272.43 18,421.00 157.69%

Last Price: 1.09  |  Average Cost: 0.588 [113.39%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.422 [157.69%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.09 16,900 0.588 113.39% 0.422 157.69%

Total Buy: 9,941.57  |  Buy Qty.: 16,900  |  2 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
19-May-2020 Buy 0.545 +14,900 +8,140.55 14,900 8,140.55 0.546 8,140.55 0.546
05-Jan-2021 Buy 0.895 +2,000 +1,801.02 16,900 9,941.57 0.588 9,345.57 0.552
16,900 9,941.57

A total of 6 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
19-May-2020 Buy +14,900 0.545 +8,140.55 14,900 - 8,140.55 0.546 8,140.55 0.546
03-Dec-2020 Dividend 14,900 0.04 -596.00 14,900 - 8,140.55 0.546 7,544.55 0.506
05-Jan-2021 Buy +2,000 0.895 +1,801.02 16,900 - 9,941.57 0.588 9,345.57 0.552
10-Dec-2021 Dividend 16,900 0.04 -676.00 16,900 - 9,941.57 0.588 8,669.57 0.512
06-Dec-2022 Dividend 16,900 0.04 -676.00 16,900 - 9,941.57 0.588 7,993.57 0.472
12-Dec-2023 View note Dividend 16,900 0.05 -845.00 16,900 - 9,941.57 0.588 7,148.57 0.422

IRR 23.91%
Total Capital 9,941.57
Average Cost 0.588 16,900 9,941.57
Market Value 1.09 16,900 18,421.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +8,479.43 [85.29%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +8,479.43 [85.29%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 2,793.00 [28.09%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +11,272.43 [113.39%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,941.57
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 2,793.00
Balance Cost 7,148.57
Market Value 18,421.00
Total Return +11,272.43
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 157.69%


[10] [DUFU]: DUFU TECHNOLOGY CORP. BHD (30-Dec-2016 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +40,282.34 [586.55%] over total capital of 6,867.66  |  IRR: 32.55%

[10] [DUFU]: DUFU TECHNOLOGY CORP. BHD (30-Dec-2016 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +35,132.34  |  511.56% return over total capital of 6,867.66  |  Balance Qty.: 20,000  |  Last Price: 20,000  |  Market Value: 20,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
20,000 2.10 42,000.00 6,867.66 +35,132.34 511.56% 511.56%

Dividend: +5,150.00 [74.99%]  |  74.99% return over total capital of 6,867.66  |  10 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
26-May-2017 20-Jun-2017 Dividend 6,867.66 10,000 0.035 0.00 +350.00 final dividend
29-Aug-2019 25-Sep-2019 Dividend 6,867.66 10,000 0.02 0.00 +200.00  - 
29-Jun-2020 15-Jul-2020 Dividend 6,867.66 10,000 0.06 0.00 +600.00  - 
27-Aug-2020 25-Sep-2020 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.0125 0.00 +250.00  - 
28-May-2021 16-Jun-2021 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.0375 0.00 +750.00  - 
27-Aug-2021 24-Sep-2021 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.02 0.00 +400.00  - 
27-May-2022 16-Jun-2022 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.05 0.00 +1,000.00  - 
29-Aug-2022 23-Sep-2022 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.025 0.00 +500.00  - 
29-May-2023 16-Jun-2023 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.04 0.00 +800.00  - 
29-Aug-2023 22-Sep-2023 Dividend 6,867.66 20,000 0.015 0.00 +300.00  - 
Total Capital: 6,867.66 + 5,150.00 [74.99%]

Total Return: +40,282.34  |  586.55% return over total capital of 6,867.66  |  IRR: 32.55%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
6,867.66 0.00 [0.00%] +35,132.34 [511.56%] +5,150.00 [74.99%] +40,282.34 [586.55%] 32.55%

Balance Cost: 1,717.66  |  +40,282.34(2345.19%) return over balance cost of 1,717.66

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+6,867.66 -0.00 -5,150.00 1,717.66 +40,282.34 42,000.00 2345.19%

Last Price: 2.10  |  Average Cost: 0.343 [586.55%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.085 [2345.19%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.10 20,000 0.343 586.55% 0.085 2345.19%

Total Buy: 6,867.66  |  Buy Qty.: 10,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy 0.685 +10,000 +6,867.66 10,000 6,867.66 0.686 6,867.66 0.686
10,000 6,867.66

A total of 12 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy +10,000 0.685 +6,867.66 10,000 - 6,867.66 0.686 6,867.66 0.686
26-May-2017 View note Dividend 10,000 0.035 -350.00 10,000 - 6,867.66 0.686 6,517.66 0.651
29-Aug-2019 Dividend 10,000 0.02 -200.00 10,000 - 6,867.66 0.686 6,317.66 0.631
29-Jun-2020 Dividend 10,000 0.06 -600.00 10,000 - 6,867.66 0.686 5,717.66 0.571
03-Aug-2020 Bonus Shares +10,000 0.00 +0.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 5,717.66 0.285
27-Aug-2020 Dividend 20,000 0.0125 -250.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 5,467.66 0.273
28-May-2021 Dividend 20,000 0.0375 -750.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 4,717.66 0.235
27-Aug-2021 Dividend 20,000 0.02 -400.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 4,317.66 0.215
27-May-2022 Dividend 20,000 0.05 -1,000.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 3,317.66 0.165
29-Aug-2022 Dividend 20,000 0.025 -500.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 2,817.66 0.140
29-May-2023 Dividend 20,000 0.04 -800.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 2,017.66 0.100
29-Aug-2023 Dividend 20,000 0.015 -300.00 20,000 - 6,867.66 0.343 1,717.66 0.085

IRR 32.55%
Total Capital 6,867.66
Average Cost 0.343 20,000 6,867.66
Market Value 2.10 20,000 42,000.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +35,132.34 [511.56%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +35,132.34 [511.56%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 5,150.00 [74.99%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +40,282.34 [586.55%]
Total Buy Transaction 6,867.66
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 5,150.00
Balance Cost 1,717.66
Market Value 42,000.00
Total Return +40,282.34
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 2345.19%


[9] [SUPERLN]: SUPERLON HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2015 - 22-Sep-2021) [Completed]  |  Total Return -496.02 [-2.50%] over total capital of 19,856.31  |  IRR: -0.48%

[9] [SUPERLN]: SUPERLON HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2015 - 22-Sep-2021) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -3,341.82  |  -16.83% return over total capital of 19,856.31  |  Total Sell: 16,514.49  |  Sell Qty.: 18,600  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
22-Sep-2021 Sell 0.89 -18,600 -16,514.49 0 19,856.31 -3,341.82
Total Capital: 19,856.31 -18,600 -16,514.49 -3,341.82 [-16.83%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 19,856.31  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 1.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Dividend: +2,845.80 [14.33%]  |  14.33% return over total capital of 19,856.31  |  11 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
14-Jan-2016 14-Jan-2016 Dividend 19,856.31 9,300 0.03 0.00 +279.00 Interim dividend 0.03
08-Apr-2016 03-May-2016 Dividend 19,856.31 9,300 0.04 0.00 +372.00 special dividend
13-Jul-2016 04-Aug-2016 Dividend 19,856.31 9,300 0.025 0.00 +232.50 Interim Dividend
10-Apr-2017 05-May-2017 Dividend 19,856.31 9,300 0.06 0.00 +558.00  - 
05-Jul-2017 28-Jul-2017 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.015 0.00 +279.00 interim dividend
04-Apr-2018 27-Apr-2018 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.01 0.00 +186.00 interim dividend
27-Mar-2020 16-Apr-2020 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.0115 0.00 +213.90 Third Interim Dividend
06-Oct-2020 21-Oct-2020 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.0075 0.00 +139.50  - 
05-Jan-2021 25-Jan-2021 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.0115 0.00 +213.90  - 
02-Apr-2021 21-Apr-2021 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.0125 0.00 +232.50  - 
14-Jul-2021 29-Jul-2021 Dividend 19,856.31 18,600 0.0075 0.00 +139.50  - 
Total Capital: 19,856.31 + 2,845.80 [14.33%]

Total Return: -496.02  |  -2.50% return over total capital of 19,856.31  |  IRR: -0.48%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
19,856.31 -3,341.82 [-16.83%] 0.00 [0.00%] +2,845.80 [14.33%] -496.02 [-2.50%] -0.48%

Balance Cost: 496.02  |  -496.02(-∞) return over balance cost of 496.02

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+19,856.31 -16,514.49 -2,845.80 496.02 -496.02 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 19,856.31  |  Buy Qty.: 9,300  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy 2.13 +9,300 +19,856.31 9,300 19,856.31 2.135 19,856.31 2.135
9,300 19,856.31

A total of 14 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy +9,300 2.13 +19,856.31 9,300 - 19,856.31 2.135 19,856.31 2.135
14-Jan-2016 View note Dividend 9,300 0.03 -279.00 9,300 - 19,856.31 2.135 19,577.31 2.105
08-Apr-2016 View note Dividend 9,300 0.04 -372.00 9,300 - 19,856.31 2.135 19,205.31 2.065
13-Jul-2016 View note Dividend 9,300 0.025 -232.50 9,300 - 19,856.31 2.135 18,972.81 2.040
10-Apr-2017 Dividend 9,300 0.06 -558.00 9,300 - 19,856.31 2.135 18,414.81 1.980
05-Jun-2017 Share Split +9,300 0.00 +0.00 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 18,414.81 0.990
05-Jul-2017 View note Dividend 18,600 0.015 -279.00 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 18,135.81 0.975
04-Apr-2018 View note Dividend 18,600 0.01 -186.00 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 17,949.81 0.965
27-Mar-2020 View note Dividend 18,600 0.0115 -213.90 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 17,735.91 0.953
06-Oct-2020 Dividend 18,600 0.0075 -139.50 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 17,596.41 0.946
05-Jan-2021 Dividend 18,600 0.0115 -213.90 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 17,382.51 0.934
02-Apr-2021 Dividend 18,600 0.0125 -232.50 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 17,150.01 0.922
14-Jul-2021 Dividend 18,600 0.0075 -139.50 18,600 - 19,856.31 1.067 17,010.51 0.914
22-Sep-2021 Sell -18,600 0.89 -16,514.49 0 -3,341.82 0.00 0.000 496.02 + ∞

IRR -0.48%
Total Capital 19,856.31
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -3,341.82 [-16.83%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 2,845.80 [14.33%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -496.02 [-2.50%]
Total Buy Transaction 19,856.31
Total Sell Transaction 16,514.49
Total Dividend 2,845.80
Balance Cost 496.02
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -496.02
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[8] [LUXCHEM]: LUXCHEM CORPORATION BHD (30-Dec-2016 - 16-Jul-2021) [Completed]  |  Total Return +4,627.89 [62.80%] over total capital of 7,368.82  |  IRR: 11.77%

[8] [LUXCHEM]: LUXCHEM CORPORATION BHD (30-Dec-2016 - 16-Jul-2021) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: +3,480.39  |  47.23% return over total capital of 7,368.82  |  Total Sell: 10,849.21  |  Sell Qty.: 15,000  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
16-Jul-2021 Sell 0.725 -15,000 -10,849.21 0 7,368.82 +3,480.39
Total Capital: 7,368.82 -15,000 -10,849.21 +3,480.39 [47.23%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 7,368.82  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Dividend: +1,147.50 [15.57%]  |  15.57% return over total capital of 7,368.82  |  6 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
19-Apr-2017 15-May-2017 Dividend 7,368.82 5,000 0.045 0.00 +225.00  - 
03-Sep-2019 30-Sep-2019 Dividend 7,368.82 15,000 0.01 0.00 +150.00  - 
17-Apr-2020 13-May-2020 Dividend 7,368.82 15,000 0.0125 0.00 +187.50 Interim Dividend
03-Sep-2020 30-Sep-2020 Dividend 7,368.82 15,000 0.01 0.00 +150.00  - 
13-Apr-2021 12-May-2021 Dividend 7,368.82 15,000 0.02 0.00 +300.00  - 
06-May-2021 03-Jun-2021 Dividend 7,368.82 15,000 0.009 0.00 +135.00  - 
Total Capital: 7,368.82 + 1,147.50 [15.57%]

Total Return: +4,627.89  |  62.80% return over total capital of 7,368.82  |  IRR: 11.77%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
7,368.82 +3,480.39 [47.23%] 0.00 [0.00%] +1,147.50 [15.57%] +4,627.89 [62.80%] 11.77%

Balance Cost: -4,627.89  |  +4,627.89(+∞) return over balance cost of -4,627.89

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+7,368.82 -10,849.21 -1,147.50 -4,627.89 +4,627.89 0.00 +∞

Total Buy: 7,368.82  |  Buy Qty.: 5,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy 1.47 +5,000 +7,368.82 5,000 7,368.82 1.473 7,368.82 1.473
5,000 7,368.82

A total of 9 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy +5,000 1.47 +7,368.82 5,000 - 7,368.82 1.473 7,368.82 1.473
19-Apr-2017 Dividend 5,000 0.045 -225.00 5,000 - 7,368.82 1.473 7,143.82 1.428
06-Sep-2017 Share Split +10,000 0.00 +0.00 15,000 - 7,368.82 0.491 7,143.82 0.476
03-Sep-2019 Dividend 15,000 0.01 -150.00 15,000 - 7,368.82 0.491 6,993.82 0.466
17-Apr-2020 View note Dividend 15,000 0.0125 -187.50 15,000 - 7,368.82 0.491 6,806.32 0.453
03-Sep-2020 Dividend 15,000 0.01 -150.00 15,000 - 7,368.82 0.491 6,656.32 0.443
13-Apr-2021 Dividend 15,000 0.02 -300.00 15,000 - 7,368.82 0.491 6,356.32 0.423
06-May-2021 Dividend 15,000 0.009 -135.00 15,000 - 7,368.82 0.491 6,221.32 0.414
16-Jul-2021 Sell -15,000 0.725 -10,849.21 0 +3,480.39 0.00 0.000 -4,627.89 - ∞

IRR 11.77%
Total Capital 7,368.82
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +3,480.39 [47.23%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 1,147.50 [15.57%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +4,627.89 [62.80%]
Total Buy Transaction 7,368.82
Total Sell Transaction 10,849.21
Total Dividend 1,147.50
Balance Cost -4,627.89
Market Value 0.00
Total Return +4,627.89
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) +∞


[7] [UMSNGB]: UMS-NEIKEN GROUP BHD (30-Dec-2016 - 20-May-2020) [Completed]  |  Total Return -2,605.86 [-29.88%] over total capital of 8,719.72  |  IRR: -10.62%

[7] [UMSNGB]: UMS-NEIKEN GROUP BHD (30-Dec-2016 - 20-May-2020) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -3,205.86  |  -36.77% return over total capital of 8,719.72  |  Total Sell: 5,513.86  |  Sell Qty.: 7,000  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
20-May-2020 Sell 0.79 -7,000 -5,513.86 0 8,719.72 -3,205.86
Total Capital: 8,719.72 -7,000 -5,513.86 -3,205.86 [-36.77%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 8,719.72  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.945 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Dividend: +600.00 [6.88%]  |  6.88% return over total capital of 8,719.72  |  3 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
08-Mar-2017 31-Mar-2017 Dividend 7,458.84 6,000 0.03 0.00 +180.00  - 
13-Mar-2018 30-Mar-2018 Dividend 8,719.72 7,000 0.03 0.00 +210.00 interim dividend
25-Feb-2020 16-Mar-2020 Dividend 8,719.72 7,000 0.03 0.00 +210.00 Interim Dividend
Total Capital: 8,719.72 + 600.00 [6.88%]

Total Return: -2,605.86  |  -29.88% return over total capital of 8,719.72  |  IRR: -10.62%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
8,719.72 -3,205.86 [-36.77%] 0.00 [0.00%] +600.00 [6.88%] -2,605.86 [-29.88%] -10.62%

Balance Cost: 2,605.86  |  -2,605.86(-∞) return over balance cost of 2,605.86

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+8,719.72 -5,513.86 -600.00 2,605.86 -2,605.86 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 8,719.72  |  Buy Qty.: 7,000  |  2 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy 1.24 +6,000 +7,458.84 6,000 7,458.84 1.243 7,458.84 1.243
29-Jun-2017 Buy 1.25 +1,000 +1,260.88 7,000 8,719.72 1.245 8,539.72 1.219
7,000 8,719.72

A total of 6 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy +6,000 1.24 +7,458.84 6,000 - 7,458.84 1.243 7,458.84 1.243
08-Mar-2017 Dividend 6,000 0.03 -180.00 6,000 - 7,458.84 1.243 7,278.84 1.213
29-Jun-2017 Buy +1,000 1.25 +1,260.88 7,000 - 8,719.72 1.245 8,539.72 1.219
13-Mar-2018 View note Dividend 7,000 0.03 -210.00 7,000 - 8,719.72 1.245 8,329.72 1.189
25-Feb-2020 View note Dividend 7,000 0.03 -210.00 7,000 - 8,719.72 1.245 8,119.72 1.159
20-May-2020 Sell -7,000 0.79 -5,513.86 0 -3,205.86 0.00 0.000 2,605.86 + ∞

IRR -10.62%
Total Capital 8,719.72
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -3,205.86 [-36.77%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 600.00 [6.88%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -2,605.86 [-29.88%]
Total Buy Transaction 8,719.72
Total Sell Transaction 5,513.86
Total Dividend 600.00
Balance Cost 2,605.86
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -2,605.86
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[6] [MIKROMB]: MIKRO MSC BERHAD (20-Nov-2017 - 20-May-2020) [Completed]  |  Total Return -2,723.93 [-60.33%] over total capital of 4,514.91  |  IRR: -30.93%

[6] [MIKROMB]: MIKRO MSC BERHAD (20-Nov-2017 - 20-May-2020) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -2,723.93  |  -60.33% return over total capital of 4,514.91  |  Total Sell: 1,790.98  |  Sell Qty.: 10,000  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
20-May-2020 Sell 0.18 -10,000 -1,790.98 0 4,514.91 -2,723.93
Total Capital: 4,514.91 -10,000 -1,790.98 -2,723.93 [-60.33%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 4,514.91  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Total Return: -2,723.93  |  -60.33% return over total capital of 4,514.91  |  IRR: -30.93%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
4,514.91 -2,723.93 [-60.33%] 0.00 [0.00%] +0.00 [0.00%] -2,723.93 [-60.33%] -30.93%

Balance Cost: 2,723.93  |  -2,723.93(-∞) return over balance cost of 2,723.93

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+4,514.91 -1,790.98 -0.00 2,723.93 -2,723.93 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 4,514.91  |  Buy Qty.: 10,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
20-Nov-2017 Buy 0.45 +10,000 +4,514.91 10,000 4,514.91 0.451 4,514.91 0.451
10,000 4,514.91

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
20-Nov-2017 Buy +10,000 0.45 +4,514.91 10,000 - 4,514.91 0.451 4,514.91 0.451
20-May-2020 Sell -10,000 0.18 -1,790.98 0 -2,723.93 0.00 0.000 2,723.93 + ∞

IRR -30.93%
Total Capital 4,514.91
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -2,723.93 [-60.33%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -2,723.93 [-60.33%]
Total Buy Transaction 4,514.91
Total Sell Transaction 1,790.98
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 2,723.93
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -2,723.93
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[5] [SOLUTN]: SOLUTION GROUP BERHAD (31-Dec-2015 - 19-May-2020) [Completed]  |  Total Return -13,281.28 [-66.36%] over total capital of 20,014.53  |  IRR: -23.19%

[5] [SOLUTN]: SOLUTION GROUP BERHAD (31-Dec-2015 - 19-May-2020) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -13,281.28  |  -66.36% return over total capital of 20,014.53  |  Total Sell: 6,733.25  |  Sell Qty.: 73,050  |  2 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
30-Dec-2016 Sell 0.305 -2,500 -752.78 70,550 684.96 +67.82
19-May-2020 Sell 0.085 -70,550 -5,980.47 0 19,329.57 -13,349.10
Total Capital: 20,014.53 -73,050 -6,733.25 -13,281.28 [-66.36%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 20,014.53  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Total Return: -13,281.28  |  -66.36% return over total capital of 20,014.53  |  IRR: -23.19%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
20,014.53 -13,281.28 [-66.36%] 0.00 [0.00%] +0.00 [0.00%] -13,281.28 [-66.36%] -23.19%

Balance Cost: 13,281.28  |  -13,281.28(-∞) return over balance cost of 13,281.28

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+20,014.53 -6,733.25 -0.00 13,281.28 -13,281.28 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 20,014.53  |  Buy Qty.: 48,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy 0.41 +48,700 +20,014.53 48,700 20,014.53 0.410 20,014.53 0.410
48,700 20,014.53

A total of 4 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy +48,700 0.41 +20,014.53 48,700 - 20,014.53 0.410 20,014.53 0.410
24-Jun-2016 View note Bonus Shares +24,350 0.00 +0.00 73,050 - 20,014.53 0.273 20,014.53 0.273
30-Dec-2016 Sell -2,500 0.305 -752.78 70,550 +67.82 19,329.57 0.273 19,261.75 0.273
19-May-2020 Sell -70,550 0.085 -5,980.47 0 -13,349.10 0.00 0.000 13,281.28 + ∞

IRR -23.19%
Total Capital 20,014.53
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -13,281.28 [-66.36%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -13,281.28 [-66.36%]
Total Buy Transaction 20,014.53
Total Sell Transaction 6,733.25
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 13,281.28
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -13,281.28
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[4] [TEKSENG]: TEK SENG HOLDINGS BHD (30-Dec-2016 - 20-Nov-2017) [Completed]  |  Total Return -2,682.48 [-39.06%] over total capital of 6,867.66  |  IRR: -42.66%

[4] [TEKSENG]: TEK SENG HOLDINGS BHD (30-Dec-2016 - 20-Nov-2017) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -2,682.48  |  -39.06% return over total capital of 6,867.66  |  Total Sell: 4,185.18  |  Sell Qty.: 10,000  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
20-Nov-2017 Sell 0.42 -10,000 -4,185.18 0 6,867.66 -2,682.48
Total Capital: 6,867.66 -10,000 -4,185.18 -2,682.48 [-39.06%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 6,867.66  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Total Return: -2,682.48  |  -39.06% return over total capital of 6,867.66  |  IRR: -42.66%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
6,867.66 -2,682.48 [-39.06%] 0.00 [0.00%] +0.00 [0.00%] -2,682.48 [-39.06%] -42.66%

Balance Cost: 2,682.48  |  -2,682.48(-∞) return over balance cost of 2,682.48

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+6,867.66 -4,185.18 -0.00 2,682.48 -2,682.48 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 6,867.66  |  Buy Qty.: 10,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy 0.685 +10,000 +6,867.66 10,000 6,867.66 0.686 6,867.66 0.686
10,000 6,867.66

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
30-Dec-2016 Buy +10,000 0.685 +6,867.66 10,000 - 6,867.66 0.686 6,867.66 0.686
20-Nov-2017 Sell -10,000 0.42 -4,185.18 0 -2,682.48 0.00 0.000 2,682.48 + ∞

IRR -42.66%
Total Capital 6,867.66
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -2,682.48 [-39.06%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -2,682.48 [-39.06%]
Total Buy Transaction 6,867.66
Total Sell Transaction 4,185.18
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 2,682.48
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -2,682.48
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[3] [JFTECH]: JF TECHNOLOGY BHD (31-Dec-2015 - 30-Dec-2016) [Completed]  |  Total Return -6,096.58 [-30.46%] over total capital of 20,015.53  |  IRR: -30.62%

[3] [JFTECH]: JF TECHNOLOGY BHD (31-Dec-2015 - 30-Dec-2016) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -6,224.58  |  -31.10% return over total capital of 20,015.53  |  Total Sell: 13,790.95  |  Sell Qty.: 25,600  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
30-Dec-2016 Sell 0.54 -25,600 -13,790.95 0 20,015.53 -6,224.58
Total Capital: 20,015.53 -25,600 -13,790.95 -6,224.58 [-31.10%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 20,015.53  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Dividend: +128.00 [0.64%]  |  0.64% return over total capital of 20,015.53  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
09-Mar-2016 25-Mar-2016 Dividend 20,015.53 25,600 0.005 0.00 +128.00 Interim Dividend
Total Capital: 20,015.53 + 128.00 [0.64%]

Total Return: -6,096.58  |  -30.46% return over total capital of 20,015.53  |  IRR: -30.62%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
20,015.53 -6,224.58 [-31.10%] 0.00 [0.00%] +128.00 [0.64%] -6,096.58 [-30.46%] -30.62%

Balance Cost: 6,096.58  |  -6,096.58(-∞) return over balance cost of 6,096.58

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+20,015.53 -13,790.95 -128.00 6,096.58 -6,096.58 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 20,015.53  |  Buy Qty.: 25,600  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy 0.78 +25,600 +20,015.53 25,600 20,015.53 0.781 20,015.53 0.781
25,600 20,015.53

A total of 3 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy +25,600 0.78 +20,015.53 25,600 - 20,015.53 0.781 20,015.53 0.781
09-Mar-2016 View note Dividend 25,600 0.005 -128.00 25,600 - 20,015.53 0.781 19,887.53 0.776
30-Dec-2016 Sell -25,600 0.54 -13,790.95 0 -6,224.58 0.00 0.000 6,096.58 + ∞

IRR -30.62%
Total Capital 20,015.53
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -6,224.58 [-31.10%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 128.00 [0.64%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -6,096.58 [-30.46%]
Total Buy Transaction 20,015.53
Total Sell Transaction 13,790.95
Total Dividend 128.00
Balance Cost 6,096.58
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -6,096.58
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[2] [ASIAPLY]: ASIA POLY HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2015 - 30-Dec-2016) [Completed]  |  Total Return -6,886.16 [-34.35%] over total capital of 20,046.06  |  IRR: -34.83%

[2] [ASIAPLY]: ASIA POLY HOLDINGS BHD (31-Dec-2015 - 30-Dec-2016) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -7,311.66  |  -36.47% return over total capital of 20,046.06  |  Total Sell: 12,734.40  |  Sell Qty.: 85,100  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
30-Dec-2016 Sell 0.15 -85,100 -12,734.40 0 20,046.06 -7,311.66
Total Capital: 20,046.06 -85,100 -12,734.40 -7,311.66 [-36.47%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 20,046.06  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Dividend: +425.50 [2.12%]  |  2.12% return over total capital of 20,046.06  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
26-May-2016 20-Jun-2016 Dividend 20,046.06 85,100 0.005 0.00 +425.50 Final Dividend
Total Capital: 20,046.06 + 425.50 [2.12%]

Total Return: -6,886.16  |  -34.35% return over total capital of 20,046.06  |  IRR: -34.83%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
20,046.06 -7,311.66 [-36.47%] 0.00 [0.00%] +425.50 [2.12%] -6,886.16 [-34.35%] -34.83%

Balance Cost: 6,886.16  |  -6,886.16(-∞) return over balance cost of 6,886.16

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+20,046.06 -12,734.40 -425.50 6,886.16 -6,886.16 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 20,046.06  |  Buy Qty.: 85,100  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy 0.235 +85,100 +20,046.06 85,100 20,046.06 0.235 20,046.06 0.235
85,100 20,046.06

A total of 3 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy +85,100 0.235 +20,046.06 85,100 - 20,046.06 0.235 20,046.06 0.235
26-May-2016 View note Dividend 85,100 0.005 -425.50 85,100 - 20,046.06 0.235 19,620.56 0.230
30-Dec-2016 Sell -85,100 0.15 -12,734.40 0 -7,311.66 0.00 0.000 6,886.16 + ∞

IRR -34.83%
Total Capital 20,046.06
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -7,311.66 [-36.47%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 425.50 [2.12%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -6,886.16 [-34.35%]
Total Buy Transaction 20,046.06
Total Sell Transaction 12,734.40
Total Dividend 425.50
Balance Cost 6,886.16
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -6,886.16
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞


[1] [AEMULUS]: AEMULUS HOLDINGS BERHAD (31-Dec-2015 - 30-Dec-2016) [Completed]  |  Total Return -11,827.90 [-59.02%] over total capital of 20,039.56  |  IRR: ∞%

[1] [AEMULUS]: AEMULUS HOLDINGS BERHAD (31-Dec-2015 - 30-Dec-2016) [Completed] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Realized Gain: -11,827.90  |  -59.02% return over total capital of 20,039.56  |  Total Sell: 8,211.66  |  Sell Qty.: 39,200  |  1 sell transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Sell Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Sale Cost Realized Gain
30-Dec-2016 Sell 0.21 -39,200 -8,211.66 0 20,039.56 -11,827.90
Total Capital: 20,039.56 -39,200 -8,211.66 -11,827.90 [-59.02%]

Unrealized Gain: 0.00  |  0.00% return over total capital of 20,039.56  |  Balance Qty.: 0  |  Last Price: 0  |  Market Value: 0

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
0 0.345 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Total Return: -11,827.90  |  -59.02% return over total capital of 20,039.56  |  IRR: ∞%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
20,039.56 -11,827.90 [-59.02%] 0.00 [0.00%] +0.00 [0.00%] -11,827.90 [-59.02%] ∞%

Balance Cost: 11,827.90  |  -11,827.90(-∞) return over balance cost of 11,827.90

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+20,039.56 -8,211.66 -0.00 11,827.90 -11,827.90 0.00 -∞

Total Buy: 20,039.56  |  Buy Qty.: 39,200  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy 0.51 +39,200 +20,039.56 39,200 20,039.56 0.511 20,039.56 0.511
39,200 20,039.56

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2015 Buy +39,200 0.51 +20,039.56 39,200 - 20,039.56 0.511 20,039.56 0.511
30-Dec-2016 Sell -39,200 0.21 -8,211.66 0 -11,827.90 0.00 0.000 11,827.90 + ∞

IRR ∞%
Total Capital 20,039.56
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -11,827.90 [-59.02%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -11,827.90 [-59.02%]
Total Buy Transaction 20,039.56
Total Sell Transaction 8,211.66
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 11,827.90
Market Value 0.00
Total Return -11,827.90
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -∞

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