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[5] [GKENT]: GEORGE KENT (M) BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -26,130.62 [-86.36%] over total capital of 30,258.62  |  IRR:  - %

[5] [GKENT]: GEORGE KENT (M) BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -26,560.62  |  -87.78% return over total capital of 30,258.62  |  Balance Qty.: 8,600  |  Last Price: 8,600  |  Market Value: 8,600

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
8,600 0.43 3,698.00 30,258.62 -26,560.62 -87.78% -87.78%

Dividend: +430.00 [1.42%]  |  1.42% return over total capital of 30,258.62  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
03-Apr-2018 25-Apr-2018 Dividend 30,258.62 8,600 0.05 0.00 +430.00  - 
Total Capital: 30,258.62 + 430.00 [1.42%]

Total Return: -26,130.62  |  -86.36% return over total capital of 30,258.62  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
30,258.62 0.00 [0.00%] -26,560.62 [-87.78%] +430.00 [1.42%] -26,130.62 [-86.36%] - %

Balance Cost: 29,828.62  |  -26,130.62(-87.60%) return over balance cost of 29,828.62

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+30,258.62 -0.00 -430.00 29,828.62 -26,130.62 3,698.00 -87.60%

Last Price: 0.43  |  Average Cost: 3.518 [-86.36%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.468 [-87.60%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.43 8,600 3.518 -86.36% 3.468 -87.60%

Total Buy: 30,258.62  |  Buy Qty.: 8,600  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 3.51 +8,600 +30,258.62 8,600 30,258.62 3.518 30,258.62 3.518
8,600 30,258.62

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +8,600 3.51 +30,258.62 8,600 - 30,258.62 3.518 30,258.62 3.518
03-Apr-2018 Dividend 8,600 0.05 -430.00 8,600 - 30,258.62 3.518 29,828.62 3.468

IRR - %
Total Capital 30,258.62
Average Cost 3.518 8,600 30,258.62
Market Value 0.43 8,600 3,698.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -26,560.62 [-87.78%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -26,560.62 [-87.78%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 430.00 [1.42%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -26,130.62 [-86.36%]
Total Buy Transaction 30,258.62
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 430.00
Balance Cost 29,828.62
Market Value 3,698.00
Total Return -26,130.62
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -87.60%


[4] [TOPGLOV]: TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -25,471.26 [-85.95%] over total capital of 29,633.76  |  IRR:  - %

[4] [TOPGLOV]: TOP GLOVE CORPORATION BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -25,785.76  |  -87.01% return over total capital of 29,633.76  |  Balance Qty.: 3,700  |  Last Price: 3,700  |  Market Value: 3,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
3,700 1.04 3,848.00 29,633.76 -25,785.76 -87.01% -87.01%

Dividend: +314.50 [1.06%]  |  1.06% return over total capital of 29,633.76  |  1 dividends received

Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
10-Jan-2018 25-Jan-2018 Dividend 29,633.76 3,700 0.085 0.00 +314.50  - 
Total Capital: 29,633.76 + 314.50 [1.06%]

Total Return: -25,471.26  |  -85.95% return over total capital of 29,633.76  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
29,633.76 0.00 [0.00%] -25,785.76 [-87.01%] +314.50 [1.06%] -25,471.26 [-85.95%] - %

Balance Cost: 29,319.26  |  -25,471.26(-86.88%) return over balance cost of 29,319.26

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+29,633.76 -0.00 -314.50 29,319.26 -25,471.26 3,848.00 -86.88%

Last Price: 1.04  |  Average Cost: 8.009 [-85.95%]  |  Balance Cost: 7.924 [-86.88%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.04 3,700 8.009 -85.95% 7.924 -86.88%

Total Buy: 29,633.76  |  Buy Qty.: 3,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 7.99 +3,700 +29,633.76 3,700 29,633.76 8.009 29,633.76 8.009
3,700 29,633.76

A total of 2 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +3,700 7.99 +29,633.76 3,700 - 29,633.76 8.009 29,633.76 8.009
10-Jan-2018 Dividend 3,700 0.085 -314.50 3,700 - 29,633.76 8.009 29,319.26 7.924

IRR - %
Total Capital 29,633.76
Average Cost 8.009 3,700 29,633.76
Market Value 1.04 3,700 3,848.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -25,785.76 [-87.01%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -25,785.76 [-87.01%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 314.50 [1.06%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -25,471.26 [-85.95%]
Total Buy Transaction 29,633.76
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 314.50
Balance Cost 29,319.26
Market Value 3,848.00
Total Return -25,471.26
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -86.88%


[3] [MFCB]: MEGA FIRST CORPORATION BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +1,103.87 [21.42%] over total capital of 5,154.13  |  IRR: 2.92%

[3] [MFCB]: MEGA FIRST CORPORATION BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +1,103.87  |  21.42% return over total capital of 5,154.13  |  Balance Qty.: 1,400  |  Last Price: 1,400  |  Market Value: 1,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
1,400 4.47 6,258.00 5,154.13 +1,103.87 21.42% 21.42%

Total Return: +1,103.87  |  21.42% return over total capital of 5,154.13  |  IRR: 2.92%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
5,154.13 0.00 [0.00%] +1,103.87 [21.42%] +0.00 [0.00%] +1,103.87 [21.42%] 2.92%

Balance Cost: 5,154.13  |  +1,103.87(21.42%) return over balance cost of 5,154.13

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+5,154.13 -0.00 -0.00 5,154.13 +1,103.87 6,258.00 21.42%

Last Price: 4.47  |  Average Cost: 3.681 [21.42%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.681 [21.42%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
4.47 1,400 3.681 21.42% 3.681 21.42%

Total Buy: 5,154.13  |  Buy Qty.: 1,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 3.67 +1,400 +5,154.13 1,400 5,154.13 3.681 5,154.13 3.681
1,400 5,154.13

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +1,400 3.67 +5,154.13 1,400 - 5,154.13 3.681 5,154.13 3.681

IRR 2.92%
Total Capital 5,154.13
Average Cost 3.681 1,400 5,154.13
Market Value 4.47 1,400 6,258.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +1,103.87 [21.42%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +1,103.87 [21.42%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +1,103.87 [21.42%]
Total Buy Transaction 5,154.13
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 5,154.13
Market Value 6,258.00
Total Return +1,103.87
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 21.42%


[2] [MBSB]: MBSB BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -1,192.11 [-23.32%] over total capital of 5,112.11  |  IRR: -3.86%

[2] [MBSB]: MBSB BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -1,192.11  |  -23.32% return over total capital of 5,112.11  |  Balance Qty.: 4,900  |  Last Price: 4,900  |  Market Value: 4,900

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
4,900 0.80 3,920.00 5,112.11 -1,192.11 -23.32% -23.32%

Total Return: -1,192.11  |  -23.32% return over total capital of 5,112.11  |  IRR: -3.86%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
5,112.11 0.00 [0.00%] -1,192.11 [-23.32%] +0.00 [0.00%] -1,192.11 [-23.32%] -3.86%

Balance Cost: 5,112.11  |  -1,192.11(-23.32%) return over balance cost of 5,112.11

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+5,112.11 -0.00 -0.00 5,112.11 -1,192.11 3,920.00 -23.32%

Last Price: 0.80  |  Average Cost: 1.043 [-23.32%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.043 [-23.32%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.80 4,900 1.043 -23.32% 1.043 -23.32%

Total Buy: 5,112.11  |  Buy Qty.: 4,900  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 1.04 +4,900 +5,112.11 4,900 5,112.11 1.043 5,112.11 1.043
4,900 5,112.11

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +4,900 1.04 +5,112.11 4,900 - 5,112.11 1.043 5,112.11 1.043

IRR -3.86%
Total Capital 5,112.11
Average Cost 1.043 4,900 5,112.11
Market Value 0.80 4,900 3,920.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -1,192.11 [-23.32%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -1,192.11 [-23.32%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -1,192.11 [-23.32%]
Total Buy Transaction 5,112.11
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 5,112.11
Market Value 3,920.00
Total Return -1,192.11
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -23.32%


[1] [TGUAN]: THONG GUAN INDUSTRIES BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -17,990.82 [-60.61%] over total capital of 29,680.82  |  IRR: -12.92%

[1] [TGUAN]: THONG GUAN INDUSTRIES BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -17,990.82  |  -60.61% return over total capital of 29,680.82  |  Balance Qty.: 7,000  |  Last Price: 7,000  |  Market Value: 7,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
7,000 1.67 11,690.00 29,680.82 -17,990.82 -60.61% -60.61%

Total Return: -17,990.82  |  -60.61% return over total capital of 29,680.82  |  IRR: -12.92%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
29,680.82 0.00 [0.00%] -17,990.82 [-60.61%] +0.00 [0.00%] -17,990.82 [-60.61%] -12.92%

Balance Cost: 29,680.82  |  -17,990.82(-60.61%) return over balance cost of 29,680.82

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+29,680.82 -0.00 -0.00 29,680.82 -17,990.82 11,690.00 -60.61%

Last Price: 1.67  |  Average Cost: 4.240 [-60.61%]  |  Balance Cost: 4.240 [-60.61%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
1.67 7,000 4.240 -60.61% 4.240 -60.61%

Total Buy: 29,680.82  |  Buy Qty.: 7,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 4.23 +7,000 +29,680.82 7,000 29,680.82 4.240 29,680.82 4.240
7,000 29,680.82

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +7,000 4.23 +29,680.82 7,000 - 29,680.82 4.240 29,680.82 4.240

IRR -12.92%
Total Capital 29,680.82
Average Cost 4.24 7,000 29,680.82
Market Value 1.67 7,000 11,690.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -17,990.82 [-60.61%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -17,990.82 [-60.61%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -17,990.82 [-60.61%]
Total Buy Transaction 29,680.82
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 29,680.82
Market Value 11,690.00
Total Return -17,990.82
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -60.61%

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