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[10] [TECHNAX]: TECHNA-X BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -9,662.34 [-96.16%] over total capital of 10,047.84  |  IRR:  - %

[10] [TECHNAX]: TECHNA-X BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -9,662.34  |  -96.16% return over total capital of 10,047.84  |  Balance Qty.: 25,700  |  Last Price: 25,700  |  Market Value: 25,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
25,700 0.015 385.50 10,047.84 -9,662.34 -96.16% -96.16%

Total Return: -9,662.34  |  -96.16% return over total capital of 10,047.84  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,047.84 0.00 [0.00%] -9,662.34 [-96.16%] +0.00 [0.00%] -9,662.34 [-96.16%] - %

Balance Cost: 10,047.84  |  -9,662.34(-96.16%) return over balance cost of 10,047.84

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,047.84 -0.00 -0.00 10,047.84 -9,662.34 385.50 -96.16%

Last Price: 0.015  |  Average Cost: 0.390 [-96.16%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.390 [-96.16%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.015 25,700 0.390 -96.16% 0.390 -96.16%

Total Buy: 10,047.84  |  Buy Qty.: 25,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 0.39 +25,700 +10,047.84 25,700 10,047.84 0.390 10,047.84 0.390
25,700 10,047.84

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +25,700 0.39 +10,047.84 25,700 - 10,047.84 0.390 10,047.84 0.390

IRR - %
Total Capital 10,047.84
Average Cost 0.39 25,700 10,047.84
Market Value 0.015 25,700 385.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -9,662.34 [-96.16%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -9,662.34 [-96.16%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -9,662.34 [-96.16%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,047.84
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,047.84
Market Value 385.50
Total Return -9,662.34
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -96.16%


[9] [KAB]: KINERGY ADVANCEMENT BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +1,478.17 [14.72%] over total capital of 10,044.83  |  IRR: 2.19%

[9] [KAB]: KINERGY ADVANCEMENT BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +1,478.17  |  14.72% return over total capital of 10,044.83  |  Balance Qty.: 33,400  |  Last Price: 33,400  |  Market Value: 33,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
33,400 0.345 11,523.00 10,044.83 +1,478.17 14.72% 14.72%

Total Return: +1,478.17  |  14.72% return over total capital of 10,044.83  |  IRR: 2.19%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,044.83 0.00 [0.00%] +1,478.17 [14.72%] +0.00 [0.00%] +1,478.17 [14.72%] 2.19%

Balance Cost: 10,044.83  |  +1,478.17(14.72%) return over balance cost of 10,044.83

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,044.83 -0.00 -0.00 10,044.83 +1,478.17 11,523.00 14.72%

Last Price: 0.345  |  Average Cost: 0.300 [14.72%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.300 [14.72%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.345 33,400 0.300 14.72% 0.300 14.72%

Total Buy: 10,044.83  |  Buy Qty.: 33,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 0.30 +33,400 +10,044.83 33,400 10,044.83 0.300 10,044.83 0.300
33,400 10,044.83

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +33,400 0.30 +10,044.83 33,400 - 10,044.83 0.300 10,044.83 0.300

IRR 2.19%
Total Capital 10,044.83
Average Cost 0.30 33,400 10,044.83
Market Value 0.345 33,400 11,523.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +1,478.17 [14.72%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +1,478.17 [14.72%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +1,478.17 [14.72%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,044.83
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,044.83
Market Value 11,523.00
Total Return +1,478.17
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 14.72%


[8] [LEONFB]: LEON FUAT BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -4,149.82 [-41.35%] over total capital of 10,034.82  |  IRR: -8.10%

[8] [LEONFB]: LEON FUAT BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -4,149.82  |  -41.35% return over total capital of 10,034.82  |  Balance Qty.: 11,000  |  Last Price: 11,000  |  Market Value: 11,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
11,000 0.535 5,885.00 10,034.82 -4,149.82 -41.35% -41.35%

Total Return: -4,149.82  |  -41.35% return over total capital of 10,034.82  |  IRR: -8.10%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,034.82 0.00 [0.00%] -4,149.82 [-41.35%] +0.00 [0.00%] -4,149.82 [-41.35%] -8.10%

Balance Cost: 10,034.82  |  -4,149.82(-41.35%) return over balance cost of 10,034.82

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,034.82 -0.00 -0.00 10,034.82 -4,149.82 5,885.00 -41.35%

Last Price: 0.535  |  Average Cost: 0.912 [-41.35%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.912 [-41.35%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.535 11,000 0.912 -41.35% 0.912 -41.35%

Total Buy: 10,034.82  |  Buy Qty.: 11,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 0.91 +11,000 +10,034.82 11,000 10,034.82 0.912 10,034.82 0.912
11,000 10,034.82

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +11,000 0.91 +10,034.82 11,000 - 10,034.82 0.912 10,034.82 0.912

IRR -8.10%
Total Capital 10,034.82
Average Cost 0.912 11,000 10,034.82
Market Value 0.535 11,000 5,885.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -4,149.82 [-41.35%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -4,149.82 [-41.35%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -4,149.82 [-41.35%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,034.82
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,034.82
Market Value 5,885.00
Total Return -4,149.82
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -41.35%


[7] [KSSC]: K. SENG SENG CORPORATION BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +12,325.18 [122.90%] over total capital of 10,028.32  |  IRR: 13.53%

[7] [KSSC]: K. SENG SENG CORPORATION BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +12,325.18  |  122.90% return over total capital of 10,028.32  |  Balance Qty.: 24,700  |  Last Price: 24,700  |  Market Value: 24,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
24,700 0.905 22,353.50 10,028.32 +12,325.18 122.90% 122.90%

Total Return: +12,325.18  |  122.90% return over total capital of 10,028.32  |  IRR: 13.53%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,028.32 0.00 [0.00%] +12,325.18 [122.90%] +0.00 [0.00%] +12,325.18 [122.90%] 13.53%

Balance Cost: 10,028.32  |  +12,325.18(122.90%) return over balance cost of 10,028.32

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,028.32 -0.00 -0.00 10,028.32 +12,325.18 22,353.50 122.90%

Last Price: 0.905  |  Average Cost: 0.406 [122.90%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.406 [122.90%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.905 24,700 0.406 122.90% 0.406 122.90%

Total Buy: 10,028.32  |  Buy Qty.: 24,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 0.405 +24,700 +10,028.32 24,700 10,028.32 0.406 10,028.32 0.406
24,700 10,028.32

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +24,700 0.405 +10,028.32 24,700 - 10,028.32 0.406 10,028.32 0.406

IRR 13.53%
Total Capital 10,028.32
Average Cost 0.406 24,700 10,028.32
Market Value 0.905 24,700 22,353.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +12,325.18 [122.90%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +12,325.18 [122.90%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +12,325.18 [122.90%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,028.32
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,028.32
Market Value 22,353.50
Total Return +12,325.18
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 122.90%


[6] [ASTINO]: ASTINO BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -4,231.28 [-42.22%] over total capital of 10,022.78  |  IRR: -8.32%

[6] [ASTINO]: ASTINO BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -4,231.28  |  -42.22% return over total capital of 10,022.78  |  Balance Qty.: 9,900  |  Last Price: 9,900  |  Market Value: 9,900

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
9,900 0.585 5,791.50 10,022.78 -4,231.28 -42.22% -42.22%

Total Return: -4,231.28  |  -42.22% return over total capital of 10,022.78  |  IRR: -8.32%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,022.78 0.00 [0.00%] -4,231.28 [-42.22%] +0.00 [0.00%] -4,231.28 [-42.22%] -8.32%

Balance Cost: 10,022.78  |  -4,231.28(-42.22%) return over balance cost of 10,022.78

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,022.78 -0.00 -0.00 10,022.78 -4,231.28 5,791.50 -42.22%

Last Price: 0.585  |  Average Cost: 1.012 [-42.22%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.012 [-42.22%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.585 9,900 1.012 -42.22% 1.012 -42.22%

Total Buy: 10,022.78  |  Buy Qty.: 9,900  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 1.01 +9,900 +10,022.78 9,900 10,022.78 1.012 10,022.78 1.012
9,900 10,022.78

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +9,900 1.01 +10,022.78 9,900 - 10,022.78 1.012 10,022.78 1.012

IRR -8.32%
Total Capital 10,022.78
Average Cost 1.012 9,900 10,022.78
Market Value 0.585 9,900 5,791.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -4,231.28 [-42.22%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -4,231.28 [-42.22%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -4,231.28 [-42.22%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,022.78
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,022.78
Market Value 5,791.50
Total Return -4,231.28
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -42.22%


[5] [MASTEEL]: MALAYSIA STEEL WORKS (KL)BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -8,143.68 [-81.91%] over total capital of 9,941.68  |  IRR:  - %

[5] [MASTEEL]: MALAYSIA STEEL WORKS (KL)BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -8,143.68  |  -81.91% return over total capital of 9,941.68  |  Balance Qty.: 5,800  |  Last Price: 5,800  |  Market Value: 5,800

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
5,800 0.31 1,798.00 9,941.68 -8,143.68 -81.91% -81.91%

Total Return: -8,143.68  |  -81.91% return over total capital of 9,941.68  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,941.68 0.00 [0.00%] -8,143.68 [-81.91%] +0.00 [0.00%] -8,143.68 [-81.91%] - %

Balance Cost: 9,941.68  |  -8,143.68(-81.91%) return over balance cost of 9,941.68

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,941.68 -0.00 -0.00 9,941.68 -8,143.68 1,798.00 -81.91%

Last Price: 0.31  |  Average Cost: 1.714 [-81.91%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.714 [-81.91%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.31 5,800 1.714 -81.91% 1.714 -81.91%

Total Buy: 9,941.68  |  Buy Qty.: 5,800  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 1.71 +5,800 +9,941.68 5,800 9,941.68 1.714 9,941.68 1.714
5,800 9,941.68

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +5,800 1.71 +9,941.68 5,800 - 9,941.68 1.714 9,941.68 1.714

IRR - %
Total Capital 9,941.68
Average Cost 1.714 5,800 9,941.68
Market Value 0.31 5,800 1,798.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -8,143.68 [-81.91%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -8,143.68 [-81.91%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -8,143.68 [-81.91%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,941.68
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,941.68
Market Value 1,798.00
Total Return -8,143.68
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -81.91%


[4] [WAJA]: WAJA KONSORTIUM BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -7,895.33 [-78.62%] over total capital of 10,041.83  |  IRR:  - %

[4] [WAJA]: WAJA KONSORTIUM BERHAD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -7,895.33  |  -78.62% return over total capital of 10,041.83  |  Balance Qty.: 47,700  |  Last Price: 47,700  |  Market Value: 47,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
47,700 0.045 2,146.50 10,041.83 -7,895.33 -78.62% -78.62%

Total Return: -7,895.33  |  -78.62% return over total capital of 10,041.83  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,041.83 0.00 [0.00%] -7,895.33 [-78.62%] +0.00 [0.00%] -7,895.33 [-78.62%] - %

Balance Cost: 10,041.83  |  -7,895.33(-78.62%) return over balance cost of 10,041.83

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,041.83 -0.00 -0.00 10,041.83 -7,895.33 2,146.50 -78.62%

Last Price: 0.045  |  Average Cost: 0.210 [-78.62%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.210 [-78.62%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.045 47,700 0.210 -78.62% 0.210 -78.62%

Total Buy: 10,041.83  |  Buy Qty.: 47,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 0.21 +47,700 +10,041.83 47,700 10,041.83 0.210 10,041.83 0.210
47,700 10,041.83

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +47,700 0.21 +10,041.83 47,700 - 10,041.83 0.210 10,041.83 0.210

IRR - %
Total Capital 10,041.83
Average Cost 0.21 47,700 10,041.83
Market Value 0.045 47,700 2,146.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -7,895.33 [-78.62%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -7,895.33 [-78.62%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -7,895.33 [-78.62%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,041.83
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,041.83
Market Value 2,146.50
Total Return -7,895.33
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -78.62%


[3] [LYSAGHT]: LYSAGHT GALVANIZED STEEL BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -3,623.59 [-36.70%] over total capital of 9,873.59  |  IRR: -6.98%

[3] [LYSAGHT]: LYSAGHT GALVANIZED STEEL BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -3,623.59  |  -36.70% return over total capital of 9,873.59  |  Balance Qty.: 2,500  |  Last Price: 2,500  |  Market Value: 2,500

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
2,500 2.50 6,250.00 9,873.59 -3,623.59 -36.70% -36.70%

Total Return: -3,623.59  |  -36.70% return over total capital of 9,873.59  |  IRR: -6.98%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,873.59 0.00 [0.00%] -3,623.59 [-36.70%] +0.00 [0.00%] -3,623.59 [-36.70%] -6.98%

Balance Cost: 9,873.59  |  -3,623.59(-36.70%) return over balance cost of 9,873.59

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,873.59 -0.00 -0.00 9,873.59 -3,623.59 6,250.00 -36.70%

Last Price: 2.50  |  Average Cost: 3.949 [-36.70%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.949 [-36.70%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.50 2,500 3.949 -36.70% 3.949 -36.70%

Total Buy: 9,873.59  |  Buy Qty.: 2,500  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 3.94 +2,500 +9,873.59 2,500 9,873.59 3.949 9,873.59 3.949
2,500 9,873.59

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +2,500 3.94 +9,873.59 2,500 - 9,873.59 3.949 9,873.59 3.949

IRR -6.98%
Total Capital 9,873.59
Average Cost 3.949 2,500 9,873.59
Market Value 2.50 2,500 6,250.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -3,623.59 [-36.70%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -3,623.59 [-36.70%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -3,623.59 [-36.70%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,873.59
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,873.59
Market Value 6,250.00
Total Return -3,623.59
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -36.70%


[2] [CRESBLD]: CREST BUILDER HOLDINGS BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -4,753.73 [-47.64%] over total capital of 9,978.73  |  IRR: -9.74%

[2] [CRESBLD]: CREST BUILDER HOLDINGS BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -4,753.73  |  -47.64% return over total capital of 9,978.73  |  Balance Qty.: 11,000  |  Last Price: 11,000  |  Market Value: 11,000

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
11,000 0.475 5,225.00 9,978.73 -4,753.73 -47.64% -47.64%

Total Return: -4,753.73  |  -47.64% return over total capital of 9,978.73  |  IRR: -9.74%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,978.73 0.00 [0.00%] -4,753.73 [-47.64%] +0.00 [0.00%] -4,753.73 [-47.64%] -9.74%

Balance Cost: 9,978.73  |  -4,753.73(-47.64%) return over balance cost of 9,978.73

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,978.73 -0.00 -0.00 9,978.73 -4,753.73 5,225.00 -47.64%

Last Price: 0.475  |  Average Cost: 0.907 [-47.64%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.907 [-47.64%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.475 11,000 0.907 -47.64% 0.907 -47.64%

Total Buy: 9,978.73  |  Buy Qty.: 11,000  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 0.905 +11,000 +9,978.73 11,000 9,978.73 0.907 9,978.73 0.907
11,000 9,978.73

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +11,000 0.905 +9,978.73 11,000 - 9,978.73 0.907 9,978.73 0.907

IRR -9.74%
Total Capital 9,978.73
Average Cost 0.907 11,000 9,978.73
Market Value 0.475 11,000 5,225.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -4,753.73 [-47.64%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -4,753.73 [-47.64%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -4,753.73 [-47.64%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,978.73
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,978.73
Market Value 5,225.00
Total Return -4,753.73
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -47.64%


[1] [SSTEEL]: SOUTHERN STEEL BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -7,393.65 [-74.51%] over total capital of 9,923.65  |  IRR: -19.46%

[1] [SSTEEL]: SOUTHERN STEEL BHD (29-Dec-2017 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -7,393.65  |  -74.51% return over total capital of 9,923.65  |  Balance Qty.: 4,400  |  Last Price: 4,400  |  Market Value: 4,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
4,400 0.575 2,530.00 9,923.65 -7,393.65 -74.51% -74.51%

Total Return: -7,393.65  |  -74.51% return over total capital of 9,923.65  |  IRR: -19.46%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,923.65 0.00 [0.00%] -7,393.65 [-74.51%] +0.00 [0.00%] -7,393.65 [-74.51%] -19.46%

Balance Cost: 9,923.65  |  -7,393.65(-74.51%) return over balance cost of 9,923.65

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,923.65 -0.00 -0.00 9,923.65 -7,393.65 2,530.00 -74.51%

Last Price: 0.575  |  Average Cost: 2.255 [-74.51%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.255 [-74.51%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.575 4,400 2.255 -74.51% 2.255 -74.51%

Total Buy: 9,923.65  |  Buy Qty.: 4,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy 2.25 +4,400 +9,923.65 4,400 9,923.65 2.255 9,923.65 2.255
4,400 9,923.65

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
29-Dec-2017 Buy +4,400 2.25 +9,923.65 4,400 - 9,923.65 2.255 9,923.65 2.255

IRR -19.46%
Total Capital 9,923.65
Average Cost 2.255 4,400 9,923.65
Market Value 0.575 4,400 2,530.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -7,393.65 [-74.51%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -7,393.65 [-74.51%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -7,393.65 [-74.51%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,923.65
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,923.65
Market Value 2,530.00
Total Return -7,393.65
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -74.51%

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