Portfolio's IRR from 01-Jan-2020 to 19-Sep-2024 (4.72 Years) is 7.09%.

Total Capital: 100,000.00

Cash Deposit +100,000.00
Cash Withdrawal 0.00
Share Deposit 0.00
Share Withdrawal 0.00

Total Return: +38,213.96 (38.21%)

Capital Gain +37,333.86 (37.33%)
Dividend +880.10 (0.88%)
Interest 0.00 (0.00%)
Net Misc Incomes 0.00 (0.00%)

Total Value CAGR: 21474836.47%

First Month 31-Jan-2020
First Month Value 0.00
Current Market Value 138,213.96
Period 4.64 Years

Capital Transactions - Cash

Cash Deposit: +100,000.00  |  1 transactions...

Date Type Amount Note
01-Jan-2020 Cash In +100,000.00  - 

Net Cash Deposit: 100,000.00  |  Cash Deposit: +100,000.00  |  Cash Withdrawal: 0.00

Cash Deposit # of Transactions Cash Withdrawal # of Transactions Net Cash Deposit
+100,000.00 1 0.00 0 100,000.00

Capital Transactions - Share

Net Share Deposit: 0.00  |  Share Deposit: 0.00  |  Share Withdrawal: 0.00

Share Deposit # of Transactions Share Withdrawal # of Transactions Net Share Deposit
0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00

P&L Transactions

Capital Gain: +37,333.86  |  Realized Gain: 0.00  |  UnRealized Gain: +37,333.86

Realized Gain # of Transactions % UnRealized Gain % Capital Gain %
0.00 0 0.00% +37,333.86 37.33% +37,333.86 37.33%

Dividend: +880.10  |  3 dividends received.

Stock Ex. Date Payment Date Type Average Cost Shares Per Share Charges Net Amount Note
FGV 29-Jun-2020 30-Jun-2020 Dividend 9,902.85 6,500 0.02 0.00 +130.00  - 
BCMALL 18-Aug-2020 19-Aug-2020 Dividend 25,045.99 185,100 0.001 0.00 +185.10  - 
MYEG 09-Oct-2020 12-Oct-2020 Dividend 24,917.32 22,600 0.025 0.00 +565.00  - 
Total Capital: 100,000.00 +880.10 [0.88%]

Net Misc Income: 0.00  |  Misc Income: 0.00  |  Misc Charges 0.00

Misc Income # of Transactions % Misc Charges # of Transactions % Net Misc Income %
0.00 0 0.00% 0.00 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%

Stock Performance

Stock Performance: +38,213.96  |  38.58% return over balance cost of 99,047.04  |  5 stocks...

Stock Name     Price Qty. Balance Cost Per Share Market Value Per Share Total Return %
BCMALL MYR 0.01 185,100 24,860.89 0.134 1,851.00 0.01 -23,009.89 -92.55%
EG MYR 1.86 50,600 20,032.99 0.395 94,116.00 1.86 +74,083.01 369.81%
FGV MYR 1.18 6,500 9,772.85 1.503 7,670.00 1.18 -2,102.85 -21.52%
MYEG MYR 0.95 22,600 24,352.32 1.077 21,470.00 0.95 -2,882.32 -11.84%
SCC MYR 0.295 41,200 20,027.99 0.486 12,154.00 0.295 -7,873.99 -39.31%
99,047.04 137,261.00 +38,213.96 38.58%