Anna Chou

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2014-07-02 08:21 | Report Abuse

it simply means that DAto Tiong's ability to help AHB turnaround in future. then stock price sure will up soon


2014-07-02 08:20 | Report Abuse
AHB - Rewriting Glorious Episode
The market had continue to rallied after president Obama had signed legislation on 15th February 2015 to increase the U.S debt limit through March 2014, putting back the bears into the holes as the bulls ramped out to party as DJIA ended strong at 16154 on Friday.

While some business had suffered from a stronger dollar against MYR, there are also light for some other company in different industry that had been trading largely in USD, which would translate on a forex gain. Furniture businesses is one of them that will benefit from a stronger USD against MYR.

While companies like Homeritze and Latitud had been bullish on a stronger order book and stronger USD, it is not too late for AHB to rewrite it's glorious history this time around after a long slump when Dexx Technologies Sdn Bhd came into the picture to acquire 19.43% of shares in AHB, spearheaded by a local successful businessman which had been well known of his capabilities, Dato Tiong Kwing Hee.

Let's have a very quick look on AHB Berhad on it's latest share price performance.

A quick note will reflect that the share had been heavily accumulated on 16th and 17th December 2013 with around 12million of shares change hand on the 2 days. While the current share price had been sidelining at RM 0.20 for 2 months, volume had been consolidating with the price as awaiting for a next up leg in the share price that is to be looked out for in the coming days that will see AHB volume resume and possibly revisit RM 0.23 and break forward to move up.

Dato Tiong, a popular businessman in the market for it's prudent management style and company transformation had started out with Mercury (8192) back then while Mercury had been in the slump of mess. While Dato Tiong is able to see the niche market of "people care more for their cars then their own", he had used 6 months to restructure the loss making company into a profitable company that pays a generous dividend back to their shareholder. Currently, Mercury is trading at RM 1.38 under the lead of Dato Tiong.

Now, Dato Tiong is look set to restructure another 2 company into the darling of the market, which is non other than:
- Ecofirst Consolidated Berhad (Ecofirs - 3557)
- AHB Berhad (AHB - 7315)

Dato Tiong had describe to me that on the day he took Ecofirs, Ecofirs is liken to a patient that is living on life support system with all organs, failed. Today, Ecofirs is drawing his successful story, where major shareholder had saw confidence under Dato Tiong management.

After seeing Mercury and Ecofirs - What do you think about AHB, where Dato Tiong had a substantial stake at 19.43%?

AHB had been running in dark moment, particularly after the Asian Financial Crisis which had struck AHB with pile of debts. To make thing worst, while trying to turn the situation around, AHB had failed in a business investment that had saw AHB leaving on a cliff of the mountain with debt soaring as high as RM80m.

However, the directors and management team in AHB had worked their way out from the massive debts - by working hard. At the current situation, AHB debts is standing at approximate RM4.5m. AHB will be look set to do a capital raising exercise which will set AHB out of debt, and thus look set in rewriting it's glorious moment again.

While the furniture business grossing around RM100 billion annually, the growing emerging Asean market is look set to put in more weight into the global market. AHB, through Artwright, had been focusing on foreign market while local market consist of clients from Public Bank and Petronas.

In my opinion, I believe in Dato Tiong management and his leading will be another breakthrough point for AHB. With Mercury and Ecofirs as an example, AHB will be coming back from it's ashes to reignite the ember in the coal. With the capital raising exercise that is going to nullify AHB debts, AHB is look set to embark on a glorious journey and will be aiming to start paying dividend to the stakeholder at 2014. With the current market share of 50.68m, AHB will set it's mark on making RM10m net profit a year, which will translate to an earning of RM 0.19 per share. Slashing 30% off the expectation of target, which translate to RM 0.13 EPS, and at PER x6, AHB will be easily looking at RM 0.78 in the coming days.

Bone's short term TP: RM 0.30

Cheers and have a nice weekend



2014-07-02 00:54 | Report Abuse
Translation from article above:

2) High Management efficiency

Dato Tiong Kwing Hee is well to be known as "turnaround specialist". At the time when ECOFIRST almost suffering from delisting from Bursa Malaysia due to huge accumulated losses, insufficient shareholder’s equity, Dato tiong became the ECOFIRST’s CEO and Executive director, and at the same time, manage to changing ECOFIRST from a loss-making company to a profit-making company.

But, now Dato tiong is still a MERCURY’s executive director, holds a 7.08% stake, which is second largest shareholder of MERCURY.

During 2005, which is the time Dato Tiong be CEO of MERCURY, he dispose some assets and cutting down the operational cost to recover the profitability of MERCURY.

Profitability rise

As a result, the profit margin of MERCURY increases. Gross profit margin increase from around 20%-30% to 30%-40%, while net profit margin increase from single digit to 10%-20%.
Although the material cost of paint is sensitive to the changes in the price of international crude oil, the company is able to maintain its cost, same goes to the staff salaries.
From here, we can see that the management of MERCURY is doing a good job.

The company even cut the compensation of director in order to decrease the operational cost during hard time of 2005-2006.The figures remain the same till now. From here, we can see that the BOD is taking serious of the financial position of company.

Due to consistency of profitability, MERCURY's accumulated losses has been decreased to RM 65.54 million, the cash position achieved an average annual increase of RM 2.53 million for the past 5 years.

In a net cash position

The company is in net cash position due to completion of repaying all the borrowings.Now the company has RM 16.61 million in cash, equal to RM0.40 per share.This ensure the dividend payout ability of company would not be affected even if the short-term financial result is not good. This was attribute to the adequacy of cash and good management efficiency.

For now, MERCURY's PE is 9.5x. The PE would be only around 7x after deduct RM0.40 per share. It is lower compared to the other industry peers such as SERSOL(PE=N/A),TOYOINK(PE=17),JADI(PE=43).

Now, Dato Tiong spent most of the time on ECOFIRST. He acquired the 19.43% of AHB's stake through Dexx Technologies Sdn Bhd and became the largest shareholder of AHB. It simply means that Dato Tiong may need to accept the challenge of turnaround AHB.

The key person of 3 companies busy among 3 companies. Will it affect the performance of MERCURY?

Dato Tiong reply that, he is fair and treated equally to ECOFIRST and MERCURY.

He emphasised that MERCURY has a good management team. ALthough he does not spent most of the time on MERCURY, but it would not affect the company performance.