WeiHaw Wong

weihaw96 | Joined since 2016-05-04

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2017-10-05 06:41 | Report Abuse

Goh Joo Chin: the address is probably the address of secretary house

News & Blogs

2017-04-30 09:20 | Report Abuse

Wu Ya Bo....."investor" sia~ feeling so pity of people who approached you for 投资趋势的建议、谘询、教育、理財 as your description


2017-04-04 09:41 | Report Abuse

The market is so irrational and chasing the Ali-wind. This company is good position but the one who benefit most from the partnership is actually Alipay itself. I bought it last night and sold it just now


2017-03-02 17:21 | Report Abuse

Lim Soon Chai: Announcements on 22 &23 rd February are not duplicated.
Hence, should it be 71.9+15+10 (listing 3/3) --> 153.1m pending


This is the previous disclosure, and the amount has changed to 250m shares


2017-02-24 20:51 | Report Abuse

I do agree stock valuation doesn't solely depend on pe ratio. some may say that FPGroup is valued based on its growth (?). I did my homework based on e-prospectus and these was what I remembered when the time of IPO
1. Foundpac has (merely) 0.02% of the market share (very needle thin revenue extracted from the industry)
2. Global electronic industry and semicon industry recorded CARG around 6% and 2 % respectively
3. Malaysia semiconductor industry is less than 2 % ( 1.X percent or even less)
4. IPO price was already at premium
5. FYE 2016 recorded 16m NAT and 15m for FYE 2015 (compare these figures with profit annouced)

Surely this is a good company with good prospect in a right industry, and also this industry will be benefited from the TN50. But this price is really not a right price unless there are really insightful fund managers ( retirement fund or other long term fund) invest in this and support the price.


2017-02-22 20:27 | Report Abuse

Suppose earnings in followings two quarter remain this level , PE of 29 still high relative to industry. Just hoping it can enlarge its customer segment and get bag larger sales order (since it has already listed as a BHD and somehow sounds more reliable)
Its market power is no way to compare with Kwek family


2017-02-21 12:29 | Report Abuse

Clientele Effect
Investors had been searching for high dividend yield/ high payoff ratio stock due to market volatility and unpredictable macro factors. Rexit is thought to be one of their gems for its high growing yet high dividend payout. The rises in price in last few weeks before quarter result were the proof. Yet, this time round, rexit didn't announce dividend that (some of the)investors longing for. They demand less(or even dump), price drop although the future prospects are still favourable. The problem lies on the management who does not smoothen their dividend policies.


2016-10-21 17:53 | Report Abuse

Out of my ignorance, how can I check for regional market share? Since someone mentioned the uncertainties in Thailand after Thai's King passed away
Btw, Thai has themselves good rubber product manufacturing company, which I don't think they rely heavily to Malaysian condom


2016-09-16 08:58 | Report Abuse

the volume is actually getting low. Time to shoot up or close shop?


2016-09-04 18:50 | Report Abuse

How hubline is going to survive when one of the world most famous waterway freight company declared bankruptcy


2016-08-30 08:44 | Report Abuse

aax can sell as high as 0.485 early morning


2016-08-29 09:44 | Report Abuse

it wouldn't to 1.49 today. over around 1.4, strong buying force at 1.4


2016-08-16 17:21 | Report Abuse

I think KAREX is too correlated to usd-myr exchange rate( or its investors interpreted so)
Once the myr strengthened or usd weakened, its share price lousai for days, and the other way round.


2016-08-11 08:53 | Report Abuse

today turns red maybe? early morning, ppl queue at 2.55


2016-08-09 15:22 | Report Abuse

cheers for the bullish. Although i am quite worried with this kind of sudden up.


2016-08-03 08:03 | Report Abuse

when is the date of share consolidation?anyone knows?coz that day will be the day for hubline to further drop......


2016-07-28 06:18 | Report Abuse

EPF keep disposing and already been awhile


2016-07-25 14:13 | Report Abuse

Someone deliberately dump at 2.37 at 2pm ( sell quantity:1 volume more than 2000lots)
Price open at 2.38
Highest buy price is 2.58 (quantity:11 )


2016-07-20 11:51 | Report Abuse

Appleby Loh: the link is already outlined by ThunderCool. It is about the linked relationship between Goodway and Karex


2016-07-19 08:40 | Report Abuse

so...can i understand that the consolidation is to provide more room for HUBLINE to drop?


2016-05-09 12:32 | Report Abuse

i don't consider as "big fund" selling
like appleby said, no announcement until now. Karex is already dropping 5 days in a row (since last tues, how come no news?


2016-05-06 16:10 | Report Abuse

somehow i think good thing is going to happen
(i suppose some crocs goreng it to get more shares)<= just what i think, no supporting


2016-05-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

short hellish week for Karex.


2016-05-05 10:14 | Report Abuse

Lee Yih Yeong: Seems like not a good time for good news, don't you think so?
many of Karex-ers anticipate more drop ( me too)


2016-05-05 09:56 | Report Abuse

croc brewing more drop?