
Alankam159 | Joined since 2023-05-04

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2023-05-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

I think now is the two big fish being choke slam. Some investor being tko


2023-05-16 09:58 | Report Abuse

I dont dare to said much since in the past i consistently stated the matter that bring big concern to the company, but end up being critism hugely.

And i did said sit down to talk over it cox rhey are wise man


2023-05-16 09:24 | Report Abuse

Have good doctor and nurse, no worries.


2023-05-16 09:08 | Report Abuse

Icu still have change to recover bah


2023-05-15 19:56 | Report Abuse

Agree. Fiscal policy needed to drive the economy especially malaysia when our population is far lower compare to our neighbour countries.

It will create mutliplier effect in the economy if fiscal policy i place by creating More diposal income on named sector. Cpi will be better drive and all will benefit in terms of small and medium business


2023-05-15 12:04 | Report Abuse

Age boss? Whats mean?


2023-05-15 11:17 | Report Abuse


Need wing chun kung fung, so you can fight 10 not 1.


2023-05-15 10:31 | Report Abuse

Salty fish is good delicacy....


2023-05-15 10:20 | Report Abuse

Opps my english hahahha


2023-05-15 05:59 | Report Abuse

Further some english more worsy that me didnt spark anger but why i meation theynfew point that distrubing me they reflect with anger. Aint that obvious


2023-05-15 05:58 | Report Abuse


I dont think is my english or they way i present that makes ones mad, it is the meaning in my words that makes one frustrated.

They could meation all those law suit and so, seeking confindence from here to buy buy. Where i'm singing others tune, beaware, how they resolve which is not their song which get on their nerve. So simpley seeking answer providing tought question where no answer for my judgement where they could said an answer before going to court

These getting obviously more tense situation from both camp. It didnt show the maturity and calmness that they could resolve or court case

Uncertainty and worries


2023-05-14 21:29 | Report Abuse

Obviously, i can share what i want and ask anyone who wanna shares with me just like you.

Good nite to you too. Sorry on my english that get on your nerve or my worries that i have make you nervous


2023-05-14 21:17 | Report Abuse

I just dont understand why there such an angry commetors here, cant we discuss or debate the issue, we just have listern to wordings blindly. Anyway happy sunday


2023-05-14 21:13 | Report Abuse


It climbs is good then i have a better price to decide. Still if it dont have concrete conclusion on rheir direction and resolving the matter. I will dump.

We all here knows that how it will goes in matter of just few weeks no matter which camp you are. I dont mind to said it i know rhere is ppl from both here. You know what i'm saying if dead lock is not resolve. We knows how it will end and it wouldnt take months, it just weeks to reach to the dumpster stage


2023-05-14 20:30 | Report Abuse

War monger will only create a lost lost situation and investor like die without pityness


2023-05-14 20:29 | Report Abuse


I really dont mind to cut lost and dump it, if still in dead lock. I did sell quite an amount but i couldnt sell all cox the price sunk.

I have being gather realistic and make to sense info in here as too much rumouts outside. Is like either you are with them or with me. When i lost money who i should look for. So info is important for me to make oneself decision. So i'm sorry for being paranoid. I'm not here to brush for war. If you refer all my previous msg all the time i hope they could sit down and talk it thru.

As now ignorance, ego and loggerhead on both camp thats i saw


2023-05-14 20:06 | Report Abuse

As you said "may" which subject to negotitiation with owner. If they made use of 90 days and discuss to strike a deal which more extensive and transparent then it had been conclude, we dont need to assump or being panaroid. Cox too much assumption lead to uncertain.
I'm not being paranoid or trying to be hero. If you are in their shoes of the new management they should worry.
As an investor who can sell out now of their should be worry. If there aint concrete, honestly i dont might cut loss. And dont me why i panaroid and nagging here. Cox ringgit and sen


2023-05-14 19:37 | Report Abuse

Amd who goes to jail, who is the angel and devil.....will determine when court made judgement.....i base on facts then assumption. Cox in here we aint judge. Thats my opinion


2023-05-14 19:34 | Report Abuse

Beside the both side cam strike a deal amd annouce then is conclude. If without prejudice and assuming will be dangerous for a company. Where i belief the new management have the wise enough


2023-05-14 19:32 | Report Abuse

I aint panaroid. I more on realistic if it didnt solve. It will happem. Production halt. For paying 300k per month is for bahvest willingness, if owner not willing?

As i just being realistic cox that is base on facts given then preassumption of wrong doing which havent being brought to court. And we aint judge


2023-05-14 19:19 | Report Abuse


Thats the most ideal situation if thats happen. However if owner dont to rent it out, will be haywire for the new management. Production halt


2023-05-14 18:11 | Report Abuse

If like that the new management have their intention before take over. So whats their priority company or others more important


2023-05-14 18:10 | Report Abuse

Rumours or just news from air we knows. As market players very very good in nominess stuff which i really unbelief what they can do


2023-05-14 16:14 | Report Abuse


Thats made no sense if didnt trial in court. Any way is better they new management find a way to resolve production and let authority deal with it.

Cox new management is not the authority. They are the management of company and drive the company

They should know whats coming as so many question from bursa asking question and being ear and aired to public. So you need worry about better seek management for the direction if the company more realistic now


2023-05-14 16:04 | Report Abuse

Those is for sc complaints. For me it is still company fundamental. Those let the authority do the job if there is wrong doing.

If there is sc will do their jobs. If there aint they will do their job too.

Trepass will be subject to law as it is basic fundamental malaysia civil law.

Honestly i really anxious on after 90 days not all those law suit, sc complaint, speculation of wrong doing.

As now new player coming as big sharks, are the new management going manipulated the share market. Which sc will look at it too. So dont bias or sided one site.

Investor alwasys look for result od company. Now is production problem and will the company able to progress after 90 days


2023-05-14 15:03 | Report Abuse


You seems like you enjoy prosecution then company prospect.

While for me i prefer in the company prospect than those mumbo jumbostuff where determine by authority then preassumption.

The fact lie in front eyes that trepas issue occur and production on half after 90 days. Whats the sollution on hamd that the new management able to resolve then those suit file awaitng to determine by court. Will company able to survive by then?


2023-05-14 14:33 | Report Abuse


Thats is the subject to court judgement. You preassumption is subjective. If there is wronh doings then let court to decide

Hereby we are worry on the company future and weather its production able to continue or not.

You said price will fly thats based on speculation of operator then fundamental of the company. So how it would provide a basics for the company to fly? Do you mean it fly due to operator or fundamental of rhe company? Thats what i worry cox rollercoaster will burn a lot of ppl. If such i will better wait and see and get caught and burn


2023-05-14 14:17 | Report Abuse

Moreover i dont belief on share speculation with operator as it is not substantial without proper fundemantal of the company back bone ie production line


2023-05-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

I Dont belief it will spike or share price at normalise, if the productivity is not settle


2023-05-14 12:15 | Report Abuse

Bullet ready for build or set up a new factory? To ensure send out message is after two years then we see production?


2023-05-14 11:26 | Report Abuse

Well it is truth or it isnt, we will see later on

Which needs to serve into attention is the production activities, will it be halt after the 90 days grace period. If they none able to or resolve such matter, will be the same answer like datuk lee coming into the market.


2023-05-14 10:38 | Report Abuse

At the moment, it just too rousy in these counter. Potraited as hidden agenda then real player thats stated they can offer better to the shareholders.

Initially the grace period of 90 days, life line of the company had become sidelines. The law suits and new rumours setting now becomes the front line.

Till now no ensurity or certainty to the company from the new management. Directionless, idealess, bringing none added points towards it.

Whats We need is ensurity and certainty that the company can run. Then packaging words.

Realistic world with realistic investors


2023-05-14 09:14 | Report Abuse

Before set in the new management already indicate what they intended to do. Was that their truth of intention om these company?

So whats they so call, they can do better, gold securing, enomous planning and etc etc.

Beside suits case, are they able to solve 90 days grace period production halt. Directions wise of the company? Prospect of rhe company in line

Then it will head to severity and uncountable casulties, in and out the company.

Now is their company is not dl as he have sell off amd exited


2023-05-14 08:22 | Report Abuse

Anyhow anyway it shows a secomd of these bunch of new management. Still no direction of the production in 90 days. Rumours stated datuk lee and the prominent vip thats stated by warriors in here.

If these still buyers, court tussle, company not intact and fundamental losing ground, production line. It make me more curious on that of the pontential person is? Whats it other plams theu are looking at?

Cox till now afyer 90 days is uncertainty om the company production line. Beside law suit nothing else
, cam the company survive


2023-05-14 07:24 | Report Abuse

These counter really heated up

I wouldnt said it is ridiculous for us to assume the outcome or discussing about it. It was the fact that presented to us, 90 days will production halt tand will tussle in the court. Meanwhile the company without income to cover the expenses. As it stated fl and the gang have an enormous planning but if production halt, how such plan can be take off.

Continous of court suit will further created uncertainty of the company which lead to share market preasure as well as the new management without the fundamental of the company to substain its life line.

Third shark coming in the one whom being meationing here. We can trace it s ability and what his cv is. Look at those counter, which means soon it will become shit counter

If we dont discuss in here to help each other to gain more information then we will head to trouble together in these incident


2023-05-13 22:29 | Report Abuse


For me is all above meation


2023-05-13 20:34 | Report Abuse

I dont know does relect the price but the current situation is, if further damages will be further down


2023-05-13 18:41 | Report Abuse

The price does reflect the situation but might reflect more if such situation they are looking for and aiming at the first from the new management.


2023-05-13 14:44 | Report Abuse

So who make judgement here doesnt me much is the company prospect is.


2023-05-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

Like i said those is subject to court. Cox both side alwasys have their stories of their own when in a fight. So it doesnt bother me when who is right and wrong when subject to court and presented by both side evindence and so.


2023-05-13 13:47 | Report Abuse


No need to be sorry from you, is the two big sharks and now third sharks enter that created it all.

Usefull or none usefull, we need to understand their angle of works scope. They fighting for the company managememt, is not coz of mismanagement or trying to do better than the past managent.

Now they have different angle or view, 90 days wouldnt be their issue could be, long run plan weather is their mind and so.

We also know daim create a lot fusd in rhe market and domt tell you like dr m, daim group


2023-05-13 13:26 | Report Abuse

I not interest on those court cases which subject to courts judgement. As it alwasys to side stories, i wish to see it their directions and so


2023-05-13 13:24 | Report Abuse

If you look at it they are getting back their land amd no other illegal.mining on the land


2023-05-13 13:23 | Report Abuse

Still again now is not about court case or the holding if the company....

It is more like goreng goreng as news float in from the portal today it is datuk lee.

So what the point of it now. As they (new management) might looking at others angle.

Those so call illegal mining, all the money is flow into bahvest amd not dl. And did south sea suit them, now is south said wanna take back land. It is different cases which i dont want to argue cox none of my matter as i not bother on thoses court cases.


2023-05-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

And how the company are after it


2023-05-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

If is him, we can see his counter share price


2023-05-13 11:50 | Report Abuse

Assuming without production in line, without a certainty after 90 days.

So it doesnt not reflect the company at all. But today news flooded prominet businessmam (datuk lee) with these can be sure that their purpose is another way round

Since these counter had been highly on the radar by the authorites like bursa, securities commission, someone said macc, court and so......would they dare to make such move the new management......

If they take such move dont take shareholder into the sink holes or dumb shit together......


2023-05-13 11:40 | Report Abuse

A sad news today for me thats the company will be doom. I hope thats not truth on these issue if not the new management look like rhe culprits before the times comes in to take over


2023-05-13 11:37 | Report Abuse

Today flooded with new infor into the market

Stated the prominent business man (datuk lee) coming in. What will happen if it really for such ill purpose. Then the company will be definately fook up in coming days. The 90 days will not comes into their mind at all.

Then without a proper fundamental foundation intact, production in line. So whats the blue and moon that they going to create to goreng it up. So now they only want to push the market price as usual like those market player for these counter