
Alankam159 | Joined since 2023-05-04

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2023-05-13 11:11 | Report Abuse

Thats will be for goreng goreng


2023-05-13 10:37 | Report Abuse

If looking at it, whats the fundamental if the land is not in trespass and how it going to resolve. 90 days timeline.

The third party (datuk lee) would he able to resolve it with landowner for the purpose of company as dead lock.

Yes i know he is a prominent business man, well known on his plays but it burns hard mostly shareholder from his track record. So many counter for an example

Now the new management is hunting for what? Company prospect or the aother way round.

It will burn hard for the company. I belief so if such it is their intention. These is more like culprit move then real stuff for the company. No much left exciting for the company


2023-05-13 09:42 | Report Abuse

Pls dont further frustrated share holders.


2023-05-13 09:39 | Report Abuse

If it is datuk lee that yoh meation, i guess i can figure out as no need in sabah we can guess who.

He is more like share player, well known of his move as many being burn by his move.

If the foundation of the company is not there, how could he going to play around, thats i'm curious. If stated so which means:-

"Are the new management going to take short terms gain" and "let the company burn down itself"

Pls dont tell me is true, if it is then the new management all name stated clearly in public are the really culprits on these shit


2023-05-13 09:29 | Report Abuse

As again it is authority job so let them do their job. Now it is company prospect on the line. Whatever law suit will be only put a preasure towards the company shares price.

Only the production line ensurity will help the course of company. It had become new management responsibility to drive the company. Dont take over and flush it over. As said your name is in public, if you can resolve it the company will die off on your hands.

Whereby US the shareholder will lost their investment, the share price now is in lock down we couldnt exit and lost a lot on it due to these show of board room tussle.

So now whats the next move beside all those law suit which will further effect the share price


2023-05-13 08:17 | Report Abuse

Very doubtfull that any prominent businessman will enter field as i said the present issue is not resolve


2023-05-13 07:40 | Report Abuse

In here i want to reiterate again. All those wrong doing is subject to authority and law. So lets prosecutor do rheir job if there is a basis of wrong not us as shareholders to judge.

Now that is the fact after 90 days have to move out if no sollution nor nego a way on these trepassing issue. So if there is any enourmous planning for the company it have to get out from these muddy water first before any things so call enormous planning can happen.

If such issue not able to be resolve then what will happen to the share price. What will happen to the company prospect, without a solid fundamental mid or big investor wouldnt invest in it. Then all shareholder will drag into a sink holes.

So these a scenarios that can and will be happen if steps still havent take to mitigate or resolve such issue. Dont start a show without and an ending towarss it. As now all preasure and direction is on the new manangement. Your guys name is being louder in public so dont make a down fall on the company amd your hands and necks on deck too


2023-05-12 22:40 | Report Abuse

As again weather fraud or fiduciary duties is all authority job so let the authority do their job if rheir ia wrong doing

Why can anyone of us to be worry of future problem will occur if it is not settle or come up with a solution in 90 days. The problem is existing in front of us thats more worrying then who goes to jail. Production halt then all done.

If the company couldnt ride out of the wave or a find remedy for rhe immediate problem. Then we certainly sure whats coming om the way. Then who is the laughing at the end.

Share price will be further pludge to worthless. Which more important now. The fire is in front of our eyes now


2023-05-12 21:23 | Report Abuse

Why jusy kept keen on rhe wrongdoings about others when there is authority.

Now the important part now is how they able to resolve the production activity for continue of the company

We as investor to see is company direction then others matters.

Maybe i'm just a realistic investor



2023-05-12 19:37 | Report Abuse

Do listed company needed shareholder approval for operating judgement or decision?


2023-05-12 19:09 | Report Abuse

If dont paid will it be viod and the production will be halt?


2023-05-12 19:08 | Report Abuse

The production will be in prpblem after 90 days. Counting on previous annoucement. So the new management need to think about the plan have to start are the production are going to be substain....need to be realistic and a company nees to run

Imvestor need to be safe on their invwstment


2023-05-12 15:57 | Report Abuse

Cicakman you really poetry master


2023-05-12 15:31 | Report Abuse

Who the 3 spartans


2023-05-12 15:19 | Report Abuse


In here malaya, i dont think easily or can disturb as it is a title land. If a title land can be disturb then those land thay we hold like palm oil and property in damn danger

Thats why i said nego for the betterness of the company. Since soon the company is fl and the gang. Aint you need ensure the production undisturb for any big enormous plan you have.

Dl cabut already and develop his own mine. We are still here in these counter which you are going to be management


2023-05-12 14:58 | Report Abuse

We need to be realistic, what it is, it is. Even the hand behind also need to bear in mind law exist. Somw many property developer here arw big shots with rhe land, if hand disturb the land that they hold will be vanish even is his land.

So here i do plead find a way to nego as the company is soon to be your, fl and the gang. Ensure production while you can plams your future or strategies it


2023-05-12 14:50 | Report Abuse

Anyway tthere could be a possibiliy some hands involve but if it is a title that is holding. If such i dont think it easily can happen. If its happen rhen a lot of ppl title land will be in danger. Where the basic law

Therefore i plead the new management to get into gear amd settle the dispute or plan for future production line


2023-05-12 14:43 | Report Abuse

The fl gand really need to think for nego with dl for the trespass as they are gettimh the compamy soon and the extension is 90 days


2023-05-12 14:40 | Report Abuse

It is also given to lo for a big area for his gold mining area. Sign for a certain time. Therefore it is hard for politcal hands


2023-05-12 14:36 | Report Abuse

In which for him he lost part of it but not the whole of its mining area which bound to be similiar.

But for us . We lost of investment if he pull the pluck on trepass land. Adui


2023-05-12 14:32 | Report Abuse

As the edge and annoncement had been well published. These is not a concession. Lo is holding a title to mine for many years. So i dont think much on political hands can effect his right. As in that sense, it is not concession. If concession sure do they can cox it is a lease amd these is title and right that had been sign off. Jusy similiar like the sublease they are fighting for


2023-05-12 10:43 | Report Abuse

Let the course be settle first. As still it is unclear to me. On the dispute after 90 days.

Shareholding is sided to fl but after 90 days what rhe company director. In here i dont think within time frame the company share can fly to where.

Only after 90 days certainty


2023-05-12 08:33 | Report Abuse

The company official announcement is 13 of june


2023-05-11 23:04 | Report Abuse

So nownis 25 may or 13 of june?


2023-05-11 22:47 | Report Abuse


I thought is 13 of june?


2023-05-11 22:46 | Report Abuse


Was it, how come i havent received the notice yet


2023-05-11 22:06 | Report Abuse

Putting a high bar as then profilenhave does that so i hopenit turn into reality then just morale rally

In the end of the days i only want profit and earn some from their performance as stated stromgly from few commentors here


2023-05-11 22:00 | Report Abuse

All these rally is good to hear. Kretam lim tend to have the high profile aa stated. Now is ensuring the production on going as it is life line for the company. Whatever planning or ambitious he have to be the tycoon natural resources of sabah he want to be. But to stay aflot if the company till concrete solution available is the upmost now.

Therefore i hope they knows what they doing, as now production line is in stake.

Any high profiler is welxome thats why i said they set the bar high so i assume and expected far better then high rally only


2023-05-11 19:56 | Report Abuse

Risng sun is japan rite


2023-05-11 19:56 | Report Abuse

Yes many uncertain in market now. One bank to another....with so many problem loan amd toxin banks


2023-05-11 19:10 | Report Abuse

But be honest like cheeseburher said it is the dust is not settle yet till ensurity of production is being made known


2023-05-11 18:24 | Report Abuse

The same words will come up crooks!

I thought they have better solution. I dont belief if a logic way. Pls resolve the production before 90 days. They should able to come up a better sollution than that


2023-05-11 18:22 | Report Abuse

Then the word of under declare will come out for the new management if using such format


2023-05-11 18:20 | Report Abuse


If sending ore and rock for china to process. Was it viable strategies. What happen if china side cheated on the production? How many ore are going to send by month? How to declare amd monitored the whole thing? If such way can yoj extract the most and compare wouldnt it be better than past?

Dl didnt perform but now is their side to perform. As i said need logical and sensible form of way to give ensurity to local and long term investor


2023-05-11 17:00 | Report Abuse

Weather it is true or not let the time to show

Now is production on stake. Ensurity needed after 90 days. No more nonsense, is time for negotiating and back up plan. Yes fl gang win the shares thats aboslute no doubt from the market. Now is production


2023-05-11 16:49 | Report Abuse

Thats what i said the fundamental now is in stake. Production line. So how is their production line is steomg as it is in the mist of collapse


2023-05-11 16:47 | Report Abuse


You still talking about shares. Now is production on stake. Fl already secure enought shares by looking at the share market. Now is after that.
These is title lincese and dont tell upper hand interefere cox there is basic law.

We need ensurity plan running


2023-05-11 16:42 | Report Abuse

Hopefully they have cox what i know is the production wil halt or not after 90 days.

But from those supportor chats i belief they also caught off guard as the factory trepass.

Need ensurity for on going production before any surprise plan they have


2023-05-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

Dulang then you bettet think teoce if so


2023-05-11 16:31 | Report Abuse


It is already obvious rhat he exit wirh fury, better the management to think about production now. What rhe point talking about whose balls being hold. Could be another way round. Just be realistic.

I awaiting for statement from managemenr of undistirb production


2023-05-11 16:23 | Report Abuse

Basic fundamental. If it cant be solve, the auditors will be hard on statement releasing. Now fl have win, congra. Fl also domt wamt it to die on your habd after taking over. The 5 duo reputation is on the line. Dont take over and look at books where productivity is halt


2023-05-11 16:19 | Report Abuse

Another blow towards thr company, god also canbot save. Pls start ur plans then those nosense. Back up plan and nego the factory issue with dl


2023-05-11 16:16 | Report Abuse

But for me the true facts is the production line to ensure the company continue works. Any company fundamental is its productivity. If there is aint ensurity then whats outcomr will be. In the end of the days basic fundamemtal is the upmost important if the core broken then how it is hoing to be.

Are they negotiating wirh dl or a team set up for doing so. As dl have ledt the scene now. 90 day bro. Watch out. If another second blow it will turn in to scrap


2023-05-11 14:59 | Report Abuse

Whats your back ur plan? Pls be logical then senseless idea.

Have you guys set up a team to nego the dispute to ensure production on hoinb after 90 days. Dont just dont cry morale, is time to perform? 90 days is damn short to me for any circumstamces if nego didnt made within that time frame


2023-05-11 14:57 | Report Abuse

Anyone in the fl gang could give us some insight?


2023-05-11 14:55 | Report Abuse

Dont simply brush it off cox they put a high bar, therefore they should able to perfom higher value return. Nonsense it didnt care by me. Cox too.much nonsenses. As we know lamd owner have their right, will they nego with dl amd strict a deal for the plant to contimue?


2023-05-11 14:53 | Report Abuse

To substain and gain more in market share is still core fundamental of the company.

Move on. Now is what their ensurity. Even the one of the main actor also move. Now is get real and show the ensurity

Cox everyone is looking including. The logical.back up plan and performance


2023-05-11 14:49 | Report Abuse

Yupe that what i said, no point talking dl anymore, and why hestitate to move on. Even dl move on.

Now is whats the new management able to do on the dispute to ensure production continue. As 90 days is a short moment.

Cry morale is good but aftet that what? The fundamental is still production.


2023-05-11 13:10 | Report Abuse

If abandon like that bahvest will halt production for long time. Matilah......what a waste on the only gold counter @#$%^^