
Alankam159 | Joined since 2023-05-04

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2023-05-11 13:01 | Report Abuse

Share price will just up and down only without any concrete support if the factory problem still havent solve.

It will be even more cloudy on these counter


2023-05-11 12:59 | Report Abuse

If is act of revenge then production halt!


2023-05-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

So it is obvious dl will leave the company to them.

On such act, do the treslass still can nego after 90 days for the company to continous production.

Hopefully not the act revenge coming


2023-05-11 12:24 | Report Abuse

Like simple casino game, big or small

Reflected real or false claims.

The is a real then what the back up plan?


2023-05-11 12:16 | Report Abuse

In here at the moment is just all about the possible of wrong doing, court tussle. As everyone knows it will turn into court tussle after board room

For more concerning issue is at the moment will the company production line will distrub and whats the damage. What's happen after 90 days.

Thats reflect the company future, as now the future is unclear and doubtful


2023-05-11 10:44 | Report Abuse

Sure do now material and finacial impact on the company account, after the annoucement had been made known.

Swcond question is after 90 days. I really awaiting new management to give an address and ensurity. Then i will come in and support fl, if not is another bomb on sheft anytime will blow up


2023-05-11 10:41 | Report Abuse

Sure you can. But for me is going concern of the company. There is alwasys two side stories and untold stories of both side for you to take into accout.

Therefore it isnt matter who stories more prettier or more pity, who is the shining knights and who the devil behind hands

If morale support there will two sided. Is now the company on going concern issue.


2023-05-11 10:22 | Report Abuse

In any situation there will be warrior in the field weather how severe the situation it.

If there is something for them to work with then the warrior able fight or defend on. Now is the production line ie, factory and others will be in problem after 90 days.

Ensurity needed now


2023-05-11 10:19 | Report Abuse

We need take our concern than their concern. Production is the key for investor as proven value. Then share will able to move more.


2023-05-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

Since dl already exiting the market, i really dont know whats else needed to talk about it. Let it be judge by its doings in court if needed.

Annoncement stated that they have to paid 13 m in to payment if not needed to mobe out. By doing so payment make will be extend to 90 days. It will impact the account, any auditor can tells you that.

In reality now if what happen it really trigger gn3 thats whats concern me. Therefore i awaiting for new management of the company, whats the direction onwards and how to resolve. Those matter is between the two party. Company prospect is our concern

Now the issue is after 90 days whats happen, it is more important now how to continuance of production for the company.


2023-05-11 08:24 | Report Abuse

The able to resolve the matter then the company odd to shine and is a good call for me to re enter


2023-05-11 08:22 | Report Abuse

The saga will end soon. And new chapter for the company which unknown endings. Lets the observe the new management how are they going to resolve the matter of trespass and keep the compang afloat


2023-05-10 22:51 | Report Abuse

True also. I alwasys belief there is ppl from there camp from both side. And today a lot of dfl gang bright comments, maybe to honour the win which set in soon.

Nickfury from what you said i do belief too that the ex cfo should knows the issue of the land dispute as it is quite an early stage. He should know quite a bit but since holding such post should alert the board too. If such important issue he is not knowledgeable during period then how much he actually knows about the company

And now since fl gang have declare they are the winner and he will sit on board as well. Then i wonder how much he could do.

As the compamy is heading to a plunge as production line problem? Can he substain the incoming finacial problem, and now sure do have finacial impact towards the balance sheet? Will bank pull umbrella and so?


2023-05-10 21:28 | Report Abuse

I agree too is subject to court. Borh side can hire good lawyer to debate on the case. I also ask some lawyer friends as you know nowasdays a lot lawyer in market. They said if prove merits and reasonable by any means for the benefits of the company they are serving their duty. Proving with prove. They are off the not guilty as it stated


2023-05-10 21:10 | Report Abuse

But the owner with same interestbin both company that time to resolve over all problem deems to benefit of all. But now different stories


2023-05-10 21:04 | Report Abuse

Still trespass is trepass. With active peak mining wirh explosive near active peak it is not suitable. As like oil mill need to near intake water and flat land


2023-05-10 21:00 | Report Abuse

Just merry goes round. So in the end is the new management how going to settle it


2023-05-10 20:58 | Report Abuse

But it is trepass and stated no suitable land whereby just the whole moutain in sub lease.

I guessing like those quarry need explosive too near rhe mine site it will crack the whole factory foundation. Or failing rock damage the factory while running ? These is just thinking and assumption


2023-05-10 20:52 | Report Abuse

If he said now i not renting pls remove you stuff in 90 days how he benefit then factory?


2023-05-10 20:36 | Report Abuse

Little mnife dont die dont die, maybe new management have a solution but yet to see whats their direction is


2023-05-10 20:35 | Report Abuse

In here i cant see the trespass benefit south sea, more like bahvest needed a suitable land for factory and south sea assit by renting


2023-05-10 20:34 | Report Abuse

But it is tend to be the board since it is listed rite


2023-05-10 20:30 | Report Abuse

As trepass already do you still need court order to stop production. Now is compesarion paid to extwnd till 90 days before you need to leave


2023-05-10 20:29 | Report Abuse

Since dl exit by sell off his shares. He dont have much interest in rhe company now. His interest is south sea. So whats you think about cam mine or cant? Should sit down early before dl exit. I oredi meation it dar far ahead.

Thats why now i said look into fitire and what fl can do to keep the company afloat of the huge wave coming


2023-05-10 20:26 | Report Abuse

Even sue or dont sie i guess the lamd will be a long dispute till they get an agreement and production will be like hanging


2023-05-10 20:26 | Report Abuse

Basically is a private lamd still his right to rent ot not to.


2023-05-10 20:23 | Report Abuse

Since is board decision to keep comlany afloat so nothing illegal. Trespass it clearly shown. Answering bursa daily as annoucement daily out now. Beside share the annocement from the company also very active ahahaha


2023-05-10 20:21 | Report Abuse

From the anoucement is bod decision to keep the company running. Till new management come in and settle it


2023-05-10 20:19 | Report Abuse

So production will be problem in coming days i assume.


2023-05-10 20:13 | Report Abuse

Semua kalah dan sekarang incoming management ada apa yang boleh yakinkan kami production dpt dijalan utk syarikat berfungsi


2023-05-10 20:12 | Report Abuse

I dont think is a catch. It is more to tell you i exit and i will take my action. Now pls paid conpesation if pls immediately leave the area


2023-05-10 19:41 | Report Abuse

Need a concrete solution that make sensible then these counter will draw interest and big time investor will come in


2023-05-10 19:40 | Report Abuse

Cox is a private land. Just like other land also restricted without permission


2023-05-10 19:38 | Report Abuse

We only know when the out from the company. The new management need to start thinkimg now, production halt will be fimacial impact then how the share price going to fly


2023-05-10 19:37 | Report Abuse

No idea it running or not. Since dl, dl son and amir exit their interest but havent resign yet so i also domt know


2023-05-10 19:35 | Report Abuse

Wanna remt or not rent is absolutely under his call now


2023-05-10 19:35 | Report Abuse

Now i just wamma to know weather the company able to still run that others answering. Cox that the important part for me now

Then to re enter or not thats needed to know rite


2023-05-10 19:33 | Report Abuse

I guess so. Which mean dl wanna continue the rental of seize within 60 to 90 for you to move


2023-05-10 19:28 | Report Abuse

Of refering to the annoucement i guess is answering bursa. Anyway in the end of days, is managemenr how they going to resolve these matter and let the production on going as dl out of picture. I prefer to see what ansuramce the 5 duo can give us rhe confidemce. Since it is the only gold counter i'm anxious and willing to re emter if give a clear logical direction


2023-05-10 19:25 | Report Abuse

These is more payment incurred from the past, stated compensation from the annoucement. If payment give then extent to 90 days then you need to leave


2023-05-10 19:12 | Report Abuse

As they set bar higher than dl, then pls show us your direction to ensure production as these in only malaysia counter gold mine


2023-05-10 19:12 | Report Abuse

Any way is past now is the new management. The have to solve all rhe problem


2023-05-10 19:11 | Report Abuse

Dl dont seems like surrender to me. He is more like exit and pass it to them to take care of the company.

Refering to all annoucement he stated trespass is like a warning to the 5 duo that if you proceed your production will be halt and numerous of problem ahead.

No sign of backing down so dl just continue on his course amd focus on his new mine. Thats i study from here.

Is no like nego more like i told you if you still proceed that more likely to me


2023-05-10 18:31 | Report Abuse

The whole malaysia are watching as the counter is heated up by media. If they resell the only gold mine to foreignner then i really dissapointed, malaysian dony have any gold mine anymore. Remmeber that

Cox rhe 5 duo and a prominent vip should able to recap amd do better like they said. So dont screw up. As the name are in public radar now.


2023-05-10 18:28 | Report Abuse

Since dl out of the picture, and the new management soon will set in. Therefore the balls in to the new management

First of all they need tackle the production ensure there is production then the company can survive. Since 5 duo stated they can do better them dl as market spreading news from their side. So pls ensure they can do better no all nonsense like gold gone, weather and etc etc like they said about the dl doing.

Cox these is the only malaysia gold counter. All stake on their hands already. Dont sell out the only gold mine, the preasure is there as putting a high bar from them.

I will consider re enter once they give a clear path of the company heading and how they handle production line problem as clearly will be dispute.

As ensurance is given by them on how they handle and showing performance i will consider re enter. Cox i belief on logical lay out then moon and stars cox all those is pretty words rhan can bring into action.


2023-05-10 16:57 | Report Abuse

You guys dont be so mean. Rhey could able run it better like they said. But first settle the factory. It had become malaysian issue. Whole watching their performance so pls dont ruin further the company


2023-05-10 16:52 | Report Abuse

Why covert, aint they fighting for gold mine and become the new korek king.


2023-05-10 16:51 | Report Abuse

Is a good net profit 110 m per year


2023-05-10 16:50 | Report Abuse

Now is gold, when it become palm oil these counter


2023-05-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

Haha dont said thst they might some wsy of moving the gold mine. So in the end of days they can build new plant 2 years