
Alankam159 | Joined since 2023-05-04

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2023-05-10 16:34 | Report Abuse

As dl exit and with court case so he jusy focus om his new mine site, whereby new management need to answer question soon


2023-05-10 16:33 | Report Abuse

Now the new gang in consider become korek king for bahvest......hip hip hurray....


2023-05-10 16:32 | Report Abuse


Like one of writter said need to check back past chat stated he have another mine developing and soon will operate so more he still is but korek for his own ahahhaba.......

Anway i follow closely these episode of movie....will bahvest able to operate as subject to court...go buy some peanut and watch movie first


2023-05-10 16:10 | Report Abuse

In here some commentors said it, i pick up from there. You can check back chat history


2023-05-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

These mcm i burn all before i leave. Notorious warlord style.....these saga become a movie ahahaah


2023-05-10 16:02 | Report Abuse

As from comments in here already stated he have another gold mine will be operate soon. Thats i acknowledge from here.

From the annoucememt amd from some chat here also stated he will not back off.

Is more like you want you take it but you meed to build it from scratch lime i did in the past


2023-05-10 15:38 | Report Abuse

Hahaha kampung boynice wording nicholas
. Let see what these kampung boy made from. Let me Search a bit these kampung history from mr google first


2023-05-10 15:33 | Report Abuse

Jail or no jail all these is subject in court now is rhe company prospexr we talking about, weather it can withstand it.

Further we base on facts of annoucement and other material available. All those stuff depemds on court judgement


2023-05-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

As now is very very fragile so i dont know


2023-05-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

For me, I still dont belief on the shareholding control.

Cox what ever it will be, prominent vip, joint venture planning, or enormous planning all needed the company to be intact.

As lo have been very giving strong massage of the trespass.....what will be the outcome....

So i will hold till the coast more clearer


2023-05-10 13:47 | Report Abuse

Well well. Thats nice to hear, as directors is make know already, the prominet vip we will see how and joint venture with who thr big gold mine.

Bare in mind that they will face first thing is production halt


2023-05-10 13:17 | Report Abuse

It is like a drama ahhahah to be continue


2023-05-10 13:16 | Report Abuse

So war from dl began as from start is not shareholding. Is the trepass land


2023-05-10 13:12 | Report Abuse


Cabut or not is matter you thinks about it is or not.

Since it cystal clear that land tresspass and no production thats is for sure as annoucement make it clear if he cabut. Consquences is there.

And fl the gang will have to deal it so let see the gang of 5 how they handle the angle or if like it said have new buyer around then let them to have a view weather they wanna buy or not if the production is unable and company not intact.

Lastly will the gang 5 to answer the shareholders, from there we knows that dl bluffing or not cox we all knows and compare. So they need make aware of it too


2023-05-10 12:41 | Report Abuse

However i really wanna see how are they going to resolve the land issue. The production issue. The debts issue and any violation goes against main lease then i think dl wouldnt back out too.

I wish to re enter but looking at very very hard now.


2023-05-10 11:54 | Report Abuse

Kick out dl or remain. Still remain the words of factory trespass.


2023-05-10 11:15 | Report Abuse

Meamwhile the company will bleed and see the gang of 5 willjng to top up more for the company during the production halt moment


2023-05-10 11:14 | Report Abuse

So the willing to take two years will be fine. Whereby dl will be fine too as his second area mine should be completed too accirding to those comment


2023-05-10 11:13 | Report Abuse

Yupe they sure can. But is not run the production line, is to build a new production line to be more accurate.


2023-05-10 11:10 | Report Abuse

Gold or no gold will be in the soil which need to be process. So it is well depends on fast they able to set up the production line. For sure dl will pull back all tresspass land to counter the take over by fl


2023-05-10 11:08 | Report Abuse

Then let see how fast the gang 5 could set up the production and makes it run


2023-05-10 10:31 | Report Abuse

Maybe vincentbravo have some info regarding both side. But i just cant see any way out if still on such course


2023-05-10 10:30 | Report Abuse

Then let see what the new management able to tackle


2023-05-10 10:29 | Report Abuse

So is up to fl gang now from what i saw from the chats and market. Insist then is their choice where they willing to take another 2 years.


2023-05-10 10:23 | Report Abuse

But ini ego just tends to stay and peace or truce not available or signs from the marker. War monger plenty arise from every corner if you look at the chat room


2023-05-10 10:21 | Report Abuse

Bahvezt have syblease lincenses from southsea as he is the main holder thats no a problem.

But bahvest just need to contruct his new line and assume like others oil mill, one to two years time


2023-05-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

And at these moment it is in a very dangerous level. It could reach bursting point where bahvest in major problem if dl not playing wirh the games and pull of the land and just concentrate om the new mine he is working on. Then bahvest for sure production will be halt and new comer will need for new land to build its production line if there is really an availalbe line in the sublease


2023-05-10 10:15 | Report Abuse

Gold price or none gold price now is. The company able to have a production or not after 13 june. Thats the queztion for price to back up. Any seasonal price up and down not is not secure, will be just potrait.


2023-05-10 08:52 | Report Abuse

Now the deal is a company without production thats concur if change of management.

So is nownthe point js nit shareholding. Is more like thru discussion on the table.....these two logger head.....really wanna use stick and whack them to wake up from your whatever intention


2023-05-10 08:49 | Report Abuse

Everyone bleeds. If such act still uncompremise. We will see further bleed.

Earlier post stated on the table is a company with no production and losing grip or a company that he build.

A logger headof both site. Will end up banging each other without benefit at all. Will there such a businessman in these world....


2023-05-10 08:44 | Report Abuse

Now the company will be intact or broken into pieces where no way out for any side will be decided


2023-05-10 08:43 | Report Abuse

Cox in market alwasys there is a words buy in calm sea and sell in rumours


2023-05-10 08:25 | Report Abuse

Egm date is stated. Settle will be court if there is no way out with a company with no production.

For me now is the deal, was it worth is as a new comer to take so much hustle


2023-05-10 07:42 | Report Abuse

In any situation in end of the day is benefit for both side. How they discuss is depends what they can put on the table to nego openly?

Now if they proceed they know whats the matter will be and it is crystal clear unable to run the company as production halt. Whereby dl will loss the company management. Injecting new business will take times and doesnt it worth it, further they can take any shelf to do so which is cheaper and less hustle.

Now is be which loggerhead open up discuss as from they i saw it. In form of way and angle looking at it, it will doom for both side


2023-05-09 20:20 | Report Abuse

If dl concede how to resolve is more like i resign from the company and no more interesr in it. Therefore he will take back what he owns that his lamd that had been trespass


2023-05-09 19:46 | Report Abuse

If dl really expose, then one side dont want to fight and concede. If dl concede which mean he will take back his trepass land. He could even dont want the compensation. As stated his south sea is constructing another mine. Therefore he still a mine owner in the end.

Where fl gand will need to deal with company and urgency of production line and so. But i guess they already know it as they didnt back down.

Then congratule fl side as winner but make sure they can take thensecind wave heat after taking over it


2023-05-09 18:25 | Report Abuse

As all announcement is out clear and white. We need to base on law and fact to look


2023-05-09 18:24 | Report Abuse

So these will subject to court tussle as i said. The company will bleed or can it survive during these court tussle without production and so. Accoutability of so will decide by court.

Maybe the court can forfeit all claims by lo but the future is subject to nego by owner and bahvest. As owner have their absolute right on the land


2023-05-09 18:21 | Report Abuse

In anyhow is the sublease are given and clear that wullersdoft so they have right to mine. After mine they need to process where it is on trespass.

Correct me if i'm wrong. Since the main limcese holder is southsea and all linceses is permitted to south sea so didnt trigger any illegality as main holder is south sea.

Whereby when the factory why build on ppl land thatbis subject to the topograph of rhe area and terrain. If provided with facts and south sea permitted but by rental, will spark anything


2023-05-09 16:53 | Report Abuse

Maybe fl will take the company successfully in these egm. Congrat to him and hope he can deal with incoming problem. In which he needs find the solution quick and soon


2023-05-09 16:50 | Report Abuse


Even there ton tons of gold, without the factory you aint able to process.

They need to spend extra money, raise funds and so to get the factory running. Additinal time factor will be included like 2 years to start.commerce.

Thats the package if they willing to take. If so rhe compamny share price will be slumper for quite a long time


2023-05-09 15:28 | Report Abuse

At the moment no call of truce or annoucememt being made


2023-05-09 15:28 | Report Abuse

No idea now depends on them now. Is not shareholding is the dispute. It will be a rebound once truce had been call.


2023-05-09 15:21 | Report Abuse

If the peace deal is not done how would it will rebound. Rebound also wouldmt long lasting and still complication ahead


2023-05-09 15:20 | Report Abuse

For me, the share holding might not be the call now as rhe announcement all out stated clearly trepass and dismatle the factory which become zero production on coming months.

So now is important that they able to talk and call off the shit then i belief a strong rebound coming


2023-05-09 15:16 | Report Abuse

However he have other mining from others comments i saw. So i dont know he is desparate or not. But seeking truce will be better for all.

As they are wise person of rhese two prominent businessman to gain more then losing more so is t they able to talk or not to iron out some complication of so which both of them only know


2023-05-09 15:11 | Report Abuse

Get truce and peace then plams further now is no way out for both side


2023-05-09 15:08 | Report Abuse

Rhe best is no peace deal.or truce firsy


2023-05-09 15:07 | Report Abuse

Thats something interesting after such mess no one whats the outcome yet