
Alankam159 | Joined since 2023-05-04

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2023-05-07 19:29 | Report Abuse


Did dl sent lawyer letter to fl. The only lawyer letter that exist now is the compesation letter to the current management now. So whats fl needed to respond to dl?

Injunction towards the company account? Operation? Or the compensation you refer to?


2023-05-07 18:22 | Report Abuse


Well stated. Will take into account on what you had commented


2023-05-07 17:00 | Report Abuse

I hope so like joyvest said scenario 1 is the best. Scenario 2 and 3 will be titanic. Is a pain in the ass better reduce share, if volume pick up sell all. If reach consensus then buy back anyway my cost higher than current price a lot. Where my lots is not consider small for me


2023-05-07 16:38 | Report Abuse


Then you think which scenario will be able to reach.

For me. Scenario 1 seems hard cox from hardcore commetors in here, you could felt it. But it is a hope that it able to reach a consencus where benefit to all then bring it into titanic version.

Scenarios 2 is the scenario that i dont wish it to happens. But it seems very likely.


2023-05-07 15:06 | Report Abuse


What happen to that two counter


2023-05-07 15:04 | Report Abuse

Oh those spark mandatory take over nice. I should have bought in.........


2023-05-07 15:03 | Report Abuse


You can refer to joyvest comments on that. Thats awake quite a few things. If the fighting goes on both sides included snall fries all will be doom


2023-05-07 14:45 | Report Abuse

Buy or hold is not the point, is the compamy prospect weather it could set a clear view. If fl take over production halt mati, if dl retain but without blacklash i dont think so..

So you think dirty cheap price available on the table for me. Nope is reduce interest as still trying to figure out the light out of the tunnel for both side. Whats light tunnel to be


2023-05-07 14:42 | Report Abuse


Since you have more sharp thought. Do you think they able to sit down and talk over it, to benefit everyone, especially us.


I think there is some commetors here is from bith camp. Hopefully our message able to pass up to dl and fl


2023-05-07 14:38 | Report Abuse

Anyway i will still asking other commetors their view as ithers dont seems mind ahhahaha


2023-05-07 14:36 | Report Abuse


It could be my last debate with you to find a better answer. Cox you being outrages on my debation to seek for truth then follow blindly

Like others commetors saying and discussing too. Since the ex cfo is in the fl gang, he should knows that the factory is trespass. He should knows that production will on halt. These any brainer can tell you that, no need be an sider to knows it, if you try to be calm and logically think about it. He should seek a better way to confront or handle the situation before it head to explainable damage of the company, losses and even further losses to the fl gang if continue proceeding.

If they want to resell or so must settle all court cases or production before any logical buyer will come in. All these are base on normal logical thinking and trying to further debate with you to get more clear viewof the situation. As i stated is very clear who wins none of my business as they end up the most beneficial person or group.

I only worry my investment. Hope here i clear my voice


2023-05-07 14:24 | Report Abuse


Base on ancient history its seems like

Beside gold, salt too from ancient china from tbv drama ;)


2023-05-07 14:22 | Report Abuse


If i knows a lot i wouldnt ask so much question here. Most of the information is given by commentors and googling in here.

He goes to jail or not will base on the facts of what he done and conduct not me to intrepret.

For me what is important is my investment will goes into drain or not.

On asking such sharp question from you, i also need to ask why asking me when other commentors is given more direct answer or comments

These getting ridicilous. Just debating to find answer. Anyway seems like you are getting into somethimg?

Joyvest, trader188,nicholas99 i think i being shoot down by someone side.

Nowadays being nuetral is hard ahaahha


2023-05-07 14:04 | Report Abuse


Pls domt get me further into confusion as i'm already dizzy.

Yesterday you said fl,cfo and gang have enormous planning, then said pontential buyer after take over ask to hold still and buy more.

Then now said steal golds. So which is which.

Dizzy dizzy


2023-05-07 14:00 | Report Abuse


You said they steal gold, and i'm the one who asking more info cox from.

Cox from start i'm confuse with these whole dramatic scene where my investment will further goes to drain.


2023-05-07 13:58 | Report Abuse

Based on the facts and annoucement. Lawyer letter is set in and trepass occur.

Share price heavy drop and shareholder is getting confuse on the production if trespass taken into effect. Thats the facts on the table.


2023-05-07 13:56 | Report Abuse


Pls.enlighten or eloborate more
How they much steal? And how they sell? To whom? Black market?


2023-05-07 13:53 | Report Abuse


Thats i dont know cox i not working there nor staying near there. I not even from sabah ahhahaa

Then how you so sure that they steal. When infighting all rumours spread like with basics


2023-05-07 13:50 | Report Abuse

Things havent reach final will not have a definate could goes any direction. If dont talk sure all win die off and the so call binatang will be different, it will landed on fl,cfo and the gang cox they intentionally stir it up and without any results im the ending by pulling the whole sharesholders and the company with it.

So who the cuplrit and who the victims. But for sure ikan bilis are the victims


2023-05-07 13:37 | Report Abuse

Yes thats for sure by now they should know that factory highly not located on the sublease as lawyer letter and so. They should have better finding with the ex cfo before procceding and now the company will broke into pieces.

If they know with ex cfo and prominent businessman fl knows should cease and come back to the table and talk to dl to find the best sollution.

Why aint they do it for the benefit of both side before leap into massive sink hole


2023-05-07 13:29 | Report Abuse

If none disturbance the company will be intact but now is disfray and dismantle in the end of the days


2023-05-07 13:21 | Report Abuse


What made so certain that the lessor will win it all and the fl,cfo and the gang will bleed to die if they still procecced towards take over bahvest. Cox fl are a prominent businessman in the market.

Based on facts, the factory is trespass and will be court case for some time. Relocated factory or rebuild take times. Selling it to pontential logical buyer will wait and see call till it reach a conclusion from the court tussle.
Enormous planning for the company also needed production before can growth.

These all fact i know amd understand base on finding discussion. But you are certain from point one.

Can you share whats make so certain the fl gand will be doom


2023-05-07 11:42 | Report Abuse

They aint able to get a consenses to resolve matter for the benefir of all.


2023-05-07 11:41 | Report Abuse


Is weekend and have a happy sunday so early so angry, relax and chill

For me i guess i will sell off if not more that half. As the company definately heading into more murky situation.

As some commentors said as well as i thought it will be definately lead to court case and production halt.

Some commentors just stated that they will resell after take over but stuck in court case any buyers will whom is logical will wait and see till court case resolve.

Then again rebuild factory will take more than two years as any consultant will tell you that if you use oil mill as a comparison if you refer to my earlier message stated.

I also just found out from one of the commentors stating it, could be rumuors, could be insider. Doesnt matter more murky situation is heading if they are able to get a consensus and resolve for the benefits of all


2023-05-07 10:26 | Report Abuse


I already in the ride for quite some times, i felt these time is a ride to holland if still remain in there


2023-05-06 23:05 | Report Abuse


Was it really true that fl,cfo and gang wants to resell after take over. It is absolutely betray to shareholders for their gang for fetch better pricing by controlling the management.

These something new and the shareholder needs to double consider if such things occur.


2023-05-06 23:00 | Report Abuse


Even fl want to take over then resell then what bahvest what value it have without its mine. Is more like getting more shares on his hand and negotiate with other to fetch himself better pricing as he control the management

Then i wouldnt said do not belief on wind of deciet like you said. Is more like betray to all shareholder by talking them on ride or gaining suppirt for fl to have better pricing which benefit his group where others holland

If these is truth then fl, cfo and gang are the biggest bahvest killer. These make me more wanted sell it all off


2023-05-06 22:52 | Report Abuse

Put up bahvest for sale sure will have a buyer if the company is intact with a factory.

Let said its mine itself, no one can tell us yet what is tresspass and what isnt?

As there will be court room tussle, logically pontetial buyer will wait and see till all settle then will negotiate with bahvest to buy over. If bahvest wanted to sell off its mine then what bahvest worth nothing.

So in any scenarios and angle looking at it will be a kill spit for shareholders

Only like others commetor said sit down and talk thats the only way can bring the mess to the lowest damages.


2023-05-06 22:47 | Report Abuse


I do belief on what you said that the mine have plenty of gold that need to dug up by doing google search from internet you could just do simple comparison with penjom or selinsing.

But now is you have a mine but you dont have a factory. Then the company also will enter court tussle after board room tussle. Which drag quite some time which no one dare to put a time frame on it. In between bahvest might search for suitable nearby land if available to build which cause times as well.

So these havoc will easily take more a year which i can imagine and also can compare with other mill, for example oil mill which take more than a year to contruct and commernce any consultant can tell you that. Then you need to restart eia report as well with the goverment. With all the hustle easily will take up to two years if restart at ground zero by providing funds available

So if such event can forseen, was it better to cut down than holding. The share price will definately will plummer deeper when these incident occurs.


2023-05-06 20:52 | Report Abuse

But the court also need to uphold the basic law. Therefore might reduce or forfiet the compensation but could not let bahvest use the land till they find a suitable land or complete build it. In which could violate the basic ownership law, these i did challange with my lawyer friend today cox these is really heat up.....and actually my share interest.

I need to reduce cox for me, the share is too much for to lost all its value. Losing is hurting, completely vanish is devasting for me


2023-05-06 20:38 | Report Abuse


Lets hope it is another newest lewest low


2023-05-06 20:30 | Report Abuse


That is nice to hear a nuetral voice. It will be nice if the court allows that but there is basic law that owner of land have it absolute rite on their ownership. Further if it take years to complete the new factory, it cant ask the owner just waiting there without a timeline. So is an arguement that will put into fight. The is just debation and no biaz on siding any site

Just sharing. These is after i have a tea break today with some lawyer friends chatting. Normally the court will order bahvest to remove the factory in like 90 days max thats they told me. Cox if not it will be havoc as there numerous of trepasss issue in malaysia.


2023-05-06 18:18 | Report Abuse

Jeopardize the company production amd life line. Hope they knows what they are doing before shareholder head to holland


2023-05-06 18:08 | Report Abuse


Since is a sublease from southsea to bahvest it had declare from the start

I guess so is dl found out as he is the one whom now sueing right hand to left hand dragginv these to court

Yes. True also whats their intention of the fl ,cfo and gang. And do they know the factory is trespass from the start before starts a fight as it will mess up the whole share price market


2023-05-06 16:37 | Report Abuse

Further holding will even more depress of share price cut lost then staying there till entering massice sink hole


2023-05-06 16:34 | Report Abuse

Dont understand your meaning and as now price is so depressing i have lost most value of the shares due to take over mayhem as factory treespass from the could it sell high now. As the will further depress if the factory did tresspass as like you suspect


2023-05-06 16:13 | Report Abuse

Animal or whatever name you want to be give

They have to be sensible, sit down and talk it thru to find a win win situation for both site then entering a massive sink hole which wll not benefit anyone


2023-05-06 16:02 | Report Abuse


If that the case we could ride on till it reach so call target and our investment bear fruits...

In a sudden of interruption could cause production shut down as you suspect the factory are not in the sub lease...which case owner have every rite on its land. Then it will be subject to the court judgement where it takes will bleed to die

To maintain these is likw teareader stated, is better to sit down and come to conclusion before mayhem


2023-05-06 15:25 | Report Abuse


If thats the case they will be subject to court case till judgment. Or dl just dont want to rent out anymore....production on halt

Then the ex cfo should know the case, the fl, ex cfo and the gang start a fight where leads to massive bleed and the small fish drag into

Alamak if like these


2023-05-06 15:08 | Report Abuse

What happen if the factory really tresspass and hatred info clouded us. We all follow go to will be subject to court case and no production in these gold price high time.....then i guess everyone cam guess what the matket share price and the company prospect


2023-05-06 15:03 | Report Abuse


Cheer up now we seeking foreward move from more understanding.

Then we will know whats the indicator for the share moving forward, like it said the factory located treepass or none treepass....making hatred comment doesnt help as it will cloud judgement.....we all the same seeking the best info to serve our best investment

The are big fish we swim around the reef and current


2023-05-06 14:57 | Report Abuse

Micheal r

Better gold transparency agree with better format for gold producer in malaysia, selinsing, penjom and will be better for everyone of us. Deducting a cost of production high time oil price, chemecial and so....


I dont know he wamt a wise mobe or wronv move, as it subject to leesor and leesse matter....where i guess court tussle aftwr board room tussle


2023-05-06 13:45 | Report Abuse


I still agree with you that both of them to sit down and discuss to benefit every sharehilders but you can see that hatred comment in here is swinging full swing.


2023-05-06 13:35 | Report Abuse


Like you said if the ex cfo on their side they should know more they us add up together. Truth

Then he shall know the factory is in or not. If he doesnt then we all will be drag by him into massive sink hole.

On the table, it had been produce is lawyer letter send in seeking compensation. So will ex cfo counter such action by any mean of statement for us as shareholder to be secure.


2023-05-06 13:31 | Report Abuse

Teareader 818

I agree with you unbias comment and seeking for clarification for us to have better understanding on how the company prospect and the share price will lead to...those hatred comment wouldnt do good....

As now it is a facts that the land issue will be key indicator. If the factory is not in then more or less is an empty shelf as production on halt where lead to further price drop that simple way of thinking, going to court same as well.

So as bullballs stated one more month we will know than what happens. Exactly we will know weather fl,cfo and gang side have the correct info, if not then will be dissapoint the whole bahvest shareholder who kill the gooden goose. If factory inside congratulation to them. If not they better come up with a good reason as they are the one taking the drive for take over


2023-05-06 11:01 | Report Abuse

Main point is the land where factory landed was it in or out of it.

Court tussle will not benefits shareholders as production will be highly affected, shares will plummer even further

Then such event will it benefits shareholders for their tussle which benefit them only


2023-05-06 10:57 | Report Abuse

From these point of view of the dealing all the years do need to be find out what exactly happening inside.

But for the compamy prospect sure doom as will lead to court tussle. Letting the judge to make a judgement and company will not have the clear point and direction of their production will be halt or continue.

As others commentors stated it will be a long battle. Where shares holding will not be the key dribe at these point. Is weather the company is intact after take over happens as it will effect our ikan bilis share


2023-05-06 09:42 | Report Abuse

The basic rental that i know is 3 months adbance and 3 months notice


2023-05-06 08:25 | Report Abuse


Good morning

The margin call is effecting mostly everyone including korek king where sharp price drop like no tomorrow. In which i belief both side suffer. Therefore the disposal share of his son and mab cannot be discount to serve its margin call.

The issues of land need to be settle before a true winner can concluded, cox these is the matter troubling me. South sea can just dont rent or compensation from bahvest. And seize it renting and the operation will be halt and all sort preassure will arise from bank.

Therefore how many shares holding in these game is not the key to win the game. Cox of land where the factory desinated will empty up the company production and prospect.

Like joyvest said the price will be stagnant as the main issue to build and make a winner is the factory land designated in where


2023-05-05 21:33 | Report Abuse


I agree with you statement.