
Alankam159 | Joined since 2023-05-04

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2023-05-05 21:28 | Report Abuse

For me i'm seeking for return of investment. If the land issue main factor that indicates the winner thrn shares holding wouldnt be the msin drive. So fl,cfo and the gang have sufficient shares aldo become a losser so is better for me to start cut down that drag into massive sink holes


2023-05-05 21:14 | Report Abuse

In the end of the days, it seems to me after discussing amd listerning to all comments. Is not the shares indicates the winner, the factory sitting on which land, tresspass or none tresspass.


2023-05-05 21:12 | Report Abuse


We are small fish in the big ocean. Will they listern to our comment. And if the land issue still a debation till one side or loss then comes truth then all will be late for us the small fish, so was it better cut down then being drag by the loof of big fish into it


2023-05-05 21:03 | Report Abuse


Eventually for me sue or not sue not really my problem. Like i said before whoever win as long as the company grow then my shares is ok, i'm here to get some ideas whats these huha about. And the land issue is the main indicator after few ppl here enlighten me

If such case of tenant or daughter thats different stories maybe they will end up married amd you get a son in law hahaha

But in these case, is the land owner have their absolute rite to ask for the renter to leave with 30 days or 60 days order. He even could just dont want the compesation but you need to leave after a 30 or 60 days. Then bahvest need to rebuild the factory in whichever land they have and take months and years to get back what it is at present while facing current loan facilities and bank pulling off their umbrella.

So for to cut down my share is obvious cox will lead to court room tussle as company production definately effected as no factory issue


2023-05-05 20:47 | Report Abuse


Thats question that troubling all these while. As lawyer letter have serve in for compensation. So shares holder will not be main factor anymore. Is the land issue becomes the main issue to drive the whole game. In which tresspass issue will lead to court tussle and massive suffering for fl,cfo and the gang. If that the case is all about then the coming stories we will knows

Cut down my shares is the betyer course of action at these moment


2023-05-05 20:12 | Report Abuse


Now is who win and lost doesnt matter.

Is the question of the factory is tresspass. It is definately court tussle. Even mab sold its share not supporting was it he knows if the fl,cfo and the gang wants the company sure will lead to massive suffering.

So it comes back to factory tresspass as i said it the land issue is clear that didnt tresspass then sure the fl,cfo and gang win it all and dl lost it all.

Such bargain i rather cut down my shares first. If the factory not in it then consider fl, cfo and gang lost already from the start


2023-05-05 19:57 | Report Abuse


Then sure it will drag into court which could effect production indefinately and dont know how it could drag.

Coz tresspass land is tresspass, hte owner can jusy said i dont want the compensation and dont want to rent anymore


2023-05-05 19:48 | Report Abuse

Back to the question is doest bahvest trespass south sea land? Authority consider holding southsea as holder of full mining rights and sub lease to bahvest. So ownership of mining lincense is south sea

Authority take the eia submition as southsea as the lincenses holder....can i assume it is like these

Is a cimplicated issue cox eia is approved to southsea


2023-05-05 19:44 | Report Abuse


Should be if not they aint able to run the productiom till these drama occurance

But the mining is hold by south sea as they are the one whom do the sub lease to bahvest, which mean main holder of the eia so which mean whole area.

In which does it determine om such course the authority consider is fine cox the main holder is south sea and not bahvest even the layout plan have trespass cause not complain from main holder?

Bahvest have the right mine for 30 years that from last reading. But if the factory landed on tresspass area wuth main holder didnt raise to it up till now, doesnt indicate any violation?


2023-05-05 19:24 | Report Abuse


Nice arieal view, so the boudary which theybhave tresspass is where?


2023-05-05 19:23 | Report Abuse


If so that means such issue of trepass does occur.....then the fl cfo is feeding what type of data to the group...these certainly heading to court tussle and production halt....if on uneven factors occur could lead to pn 17. Then major disaster

It had reafirm me to cut down my shares on monday.


2023-05-05 19:09 | Report Abuse

Field 123

Thats the question i been asking. Refering to the annoucement attachment letter stated it is trepass quite a big area. Cfo fl gang better gets the fact clear before the company go into major problem....

I think better cut down my holdings on monday


2023-05-05 19:07 | Report Abuse

Nicolas 99

I double check with bursa annoucement. On the annoncememt of claims 20 m bow have a attachment letter. It is a lawyer letter seeking compensation


2023-05-05 18:56 | Report Abuse

Yes the main issue now the trelass issue.....or not fl definately go to holland


2023-05-05 18:43 | Report Abuse


Yes now outsider become insider of the company.....hope that the cfo really knows it before everyone head to holland


2023-05-05 18:42 | Report Abuse

True the cfo should know the factory landed on the land was true or not....

If it is not then the cfo advise fl and group to holland and kill the golden goose

If dl dare to sent such message and there will be legal battle, if without proper doc will dl dare submit such warnings thats make me suspicious too


2023-05-05 18:14 | Report Abuse

If dl quits and land issue not firm settle with answer i better reduce my shares on monday and wait and see before rentering

Is for the safe site


2023-05-05 18:13 | Report Abuse

Just need to get clear the land issue clear then fl will be a clear winner. Dont win then whole company then no production and drag into long legal battle

Then rhe company will suffer till pn 17 then really jialak


2023-05-05 18:07 | Report Abuse

Yes korek king need to need a lot of man power, money and take long which the company will suffer together in such long process of production on halt.

Now will the production on halt?


2023-05-05 18:04 | Report Abuse

As on the plate shows us

Factory trespass

Production problem

Bank loan and others, will bank pull umbrella?

Son sells shares

These all fl need take into account.

Was it dl sending a message regarding if you take it if you can swallow rhe court tussle

I'm getting confuse


2023-05-05 18:00 | Report Abuse


I guess so too if going to court sure will be long tussle and uncertainty on the production halt which may leads to further damages


2023-05-05 16:18 | Report Abuse

What korek king really angry and decide dont want to rent anymore. Lam zhou


2023-05-05 16:12 | Report Abuse


According to the drama episode and annoucement the factory landed on the land is below to southsea


2023-05-05 15:44 | Report Abuse

If the factory is not in the land of bahvest, then there will be a court tussle and production wii it be on halt? thats my early question in my previous comments.

If so then impact balance sheet and cash flow, it will be bank judgement thats my worries. If such situation happen very likely pn 17

I hope that they the two big fish able to talk it out. Under such tense situation will they talk thats abother question


2023-05-05 12:56 | Report Abuse

Let see second half


2023-05-05 12:06 | Report Abuse


Pls enlight us on 0.24 half take away


2023-05-05 11:59 | Report Abuse


Just hopes


2023-05-05 11:56 | Report Abuse


Oh is just a letter not lawyer letter then hope thats is a turning table for both side then


2023-05-05 11:53 | Report Abuse


I also hoping everyone in these chat room have somebody from both site, that could pass the mesaage to them

Cox at the moment i belief both side could be no way out. Fl win will face with numerous of courts case, banks and production matter which leads to pn 17

Dl win will also face losing a company, losses and court case

Us will be grill and grill, like a duck in oven


2023-05-05 11:49 | Report Abuse


From the annoucement attachment is a lawyer letter seeking compensation. If i'm not wrong


2023-05-05 11:37 | Report Abuse

Then is the question of the 5 knows about processing plant in trespass or not, if they dont then i can said arrongance. If they know and proceed then i really want to ask how they able resolve such matters in court ans production halts for month


2023-05-05 11:32 | Report Abuse

Hunters or tigers doesnt matter, now is the mountain can be mantain for all flora and fauna if still pushing here and there. Let said tiger being an ass then why hunters didnt check ground floor before head it to the woods

Cox for me i dont mind which site, i worry on my stake cox at current price level, i'm burning my pocket holes.


2023-05-05 11:01 | Report Abuse

Lfm win or fl win....both doesnt matter at these current stage. Such explosion of land dispute out, company will head to court tussle which drag monts to year....during tussle of land dispute, can the factory still can run or need to be on halt?


2023-05-05 10:39 | Report Abuse

Yes if there is lfm group pls speak up, amd explain up stuff pls


2023-05-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

Forseen the company will enter court room tussle. The cimpany able to ride out and survive covid 19 period for two years where many company went wild.

I did some research from a friend whom working in geo sains malaysia in putra stated they are classfield as good miner cox i want to find out that any possibilities of others major issue or further suprise.

Market Rumours stated that the company will be able to list to main board. As refering to last audit account is 12 m and coming audit report will be out soon too. If the tussle on going and tussle in court, will company still able to achieve it or all prospect will be vanish due to land dispute and entering pn 17. All shareholder will be damn these time


2023-05-05 09:30 | Report Abuse

Let said it is dispute on court for the claim of the amount. Will the company able to run its operation as the factory in dispute land for months in court.

Will others loan call off or the company will unable to serve its debts as production distrupt. The company will head into pn 17


2023-05-05 09:07 | Report Abuse

At the current drama, factory is landed on trepass land, then the value of the company is drop as the processing plant on dispute, become impact to the bahvest account

Therefore will the banker cut down margin or stop giving out margin. Then will be melt down


2023-05-04 19:29 | Report Abuse

His credibility and capability is reach whay stage such things also dont know, now we all grill by korek king


2023-05-04 19:25 | Report Abuse

Dfl group one of them in the group is ex senior staff of bahvest from the annoucement as there is profile stated
Haiya He should know the land stuff, he should advise properily dfl and the group now everyone in peril. All mati now.
All hell gate open, the most suffering is us the ikan bilis. Now success or failure for both side is all done. Not much stories. Good bye bahvest