
Boon3 | Joined since 2014-06-10

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2014-11-25 08:40 | Report Abuse

Great points kcchongnz! (saw your posting from a lowyat forum link, thanks to yhtan)

Especially on the point of hero worshiping.

A fund's main asset is the fund manager and since it's an listed stock (as a closed end fund) anyone (not only shareholders) have the right to question Teng Boo's characteristics and what he does and doesn't do.

Yes, anyone.

Me? I am not a shareholder but as a market player (trader) I have the right to be a prospective trader (or speculator or investor or whatever) of the stock. I have the right to know and to question the fund and it's fundmanger before I make any decision.

Same applies for anyone else.

You said the following:

Quote : Since 5 years ago, the stock markets worldwide recovered by leaps and bounds, the share price of icap only increased by a mere 33.7%, or a compounded annual rate (CAR) of just 6%. In contrast, KLCI went up by 42.4%. With dividend of say 3% a year, the total return of KLCI is 49% for the last 5 years. Don’t tell me I should be basing on NAV and not share price, because it is the same as the gap between share price and NAV is still as wide as ever.

Is a CAR of 6% for the last 5 years so fantastic for you that you have to shout down your fellow shareholder when the fund manager was questioned by him during the last saga? Aren’t you one of the shareholder too?

end Quote.

Now I like to highlight another point.

We all know that Teng Boo charges the fund two fee charges, ie fund management fee and investment advisory fee.

Now I would like to draw attention to the fees charged to the fund since 2009.

From 2009 annual report, his fund management fee is 1,747,606, investment advisory fee is also 1,747,606
From 2010 annual report, his fund management fee is 2,018,550, investment advisory fee is also 2,018,550
From 2012 annual report, his fund management fee is 2,894,863, investment advisory fee is also 2,894,863
From 2013 report, his fund management fee is 3,089,891 investment advisory fee is also 3,089,891
From 2014 annual report, his fund management fee is 3,109,491, investment fee is also 3,109,481

Adding it all up for simple viewing...

Total fees for 2009 is 3,495,212
Total fees for 2010 is 4,037,100
Total fees for 2012 is 5,789,726
Total fees for 2013 is 6,179,782
Total fees for 2014 is 6,218,982

Current total of all fees collected since 2009: 25,720,802

Total fees have increased 2,723,770 since 2009.
In terms of percentage?
That's 77.9%!!!

Ohhhh Emmmmmmm GGGGGGGG!!!!

Pheeeeewwiiiitttt !!!!!!

Teng Boo wins liao !!!!

How well did you say the fund has did since 2009????

If I am a shareholder, I would ask him...... How come ah?

* by the way.
The fund was started at a great time.
Stocks were dirt cheap.
During his early years, just after he started the fund, didn't he said that he reckon that KLSE would be more than 2000 pts? (point to ponder)
Anyway, as we all know, the fund did superbly in the early years.
Well done Teng Boo.
When 2010 came, and IF I was Teng Boo, I would also not be stupid and be cunning, and I would have done what Teng Boo did.
That was the right strategy.
I got my big gains.
So I too, will adopt a cash heavy strategy.
If the market moves higher, my gains will gain bigger.
If the market moves south, by being cash heavy, I could pick up more cheap stocks.
Either way I win.
Risk free too.
Why risk my reputation by buying more stocks when I am sitting on a big gain?
I certainly believe that Teng Boo do not want to see another horror story like the 10million PLUS losses in a single stock as suffered previously in Axiata debacle.
And not forgetting, I get to collect my fees!
Yes, I would adopt the same strategy like Teng Boo.


2014-07-02 11:15 | Report Abuse

Thanks Dreamer! :)



2014-07-02 11:14 | Report Abuse

oh, ok.

never mind I think I get.

I assume you think my comments are directed at hawk.
Hmmm.... I guess he did not like my 3 sens comments on KNM.

Sorry to see that's how you think it.

Sadly this is actually such a cliche within stock forums. (no I do not think I need to explain this. If I am blunt and crude again with this statement so be it. That's my view point)

Anyway, in all honesty, it's never mind.

No hard feelings.

Definitely not from me.

Just treat my comments as if I am talking 3 and talking 4.

Peace and good luck to your trading.

your joker.



2014-07-02 11:04 | Report Abuse

wait... ah connie.

Sorry but actually I am a bit lost jor.

Actually, could you pinpoint to me what comments of mine was not gentle? Or was my comments on certain stocks not well received?

Seem lost and I do not want to beat around the bush here in this thread.


2014-07-02 11:00 | Report Abuse

Be a gentleman, of curse can la, ah connie. :)

Be gentle... cannot la.
Me very pasar quality one.
Sure die fail one.



2014-07-02 10:48 | Report Abuse

boo hoo.... !

ah connie ah!
me guy la...
guy where got gentle and friendly one?

maybe... many, many, many, many moons ago....
when I was still in my diapers...
I was super gentle...
super friendly too....
and also a super drooler too.... :P


2014-07-02 10:31 | Report Abuse

Yes, seph!

And KNM and ULI proves your point!

Goreng rules.

I don't deny.

In fact my facts of market cooking oil is....

Good stocks can be fried.
Average stocks can be fried.
Lousy stocks can be fried.
Chap Lap stocks also can be fried.

All you need is the wok and the oil.

And if one can find their market edge playing with the cooking oil..
please by all means stick to it.
don't let me change your ways.



2014-07-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

ah connie: LOL!

'attacking' meh?

Such a strong word.



weiii ah connie ah..
stock forums... must have pro views and con views ma.
If don't have, it ain't no forum no more.

No meh?



2014-07-02 10:21 | Report Abuse

huhuuuu ah connie.


I had stated with facts why I thought HLIB article on KNM is bull.
Care to show me what I am a Mr.Wong here? :D

I feel so sad for that name.
Really. :P

RHB Research used to be pretty good.
The analysts use to give decent reports based more on facts and not BS.

Then came the OSK merger with RHB.
Rest is history.
Them OSK Research took over RHB.....
And now the quality of the report from RHB is the pits.


hehe... TA report on SILK from RHB meh?
using lilins wo.



2014-07-02 10:16 | Report Abuse

Seph, yes I am well aware of what Lee had done before.
He's such a disgrace of the many corporate stunts he had pulled before on KNM.

Of course, the stock is fried.
It just cracks me up to read that report from HLIB. :)


2014-07-02 10:08 | Report Abuse

ah connie, yes but let me say this.
we the market players need to be aware of the BS played by these big boys.
consequence if we don't is we become slave to their game.

They say sit, we sit?
They say jump, we jump?

Does this sounds smart and wise game to play?

Anyway for those who are interested...
effectively.. what HLIB is saying is this...

currently KNM's eps is 1.8 sen. (duh.. 1.8 sen only)
(at current price of 90.5 sen, KNM is already trading at a pe of 65x)

HLIB is projecting (that's the nice england word) that KNM's eps would jump to 8.4 sen.
From 1.8 sen, the EPS will jump over the moon to 8.4 sen.
(Increase by how many folds?)
And because KNM's eps can jump so high...
they think a PE multiple of 16x is FAIR (duh!)
So 16 x 8.4 = 1.35 TP.


As HLIB is saying.... faster buy!



2014-07-02 09:57 | Report Abuse


On the contrary nope.
Woke up early but was doing my morning reading.


That HLIB research article is way overly optimistic.
Yup what a load of bull!

But hey, it's a bull market - no one will bother with the stunts they are pulling with the profit estimates on KNM..



2014-07-02 09:50 | Report Abuse

morning ah connie :)


2014-07-01 23:56 | Report Abuse

ah motomoto: I did not read that deep into seacera's report. ;)

Now that I did (after reading your post) the quarterly segmental reporting does that really tell that much info. ;)

All it has is Seacera's tiles segment and its other business is stated as others (see page 7 of their quarterly report).

So I cannot confirm much...

Quote: One question, top 30 shareholders own 93% of total shares which make the floating shares very 'easy' to be pushed? Doesn't matter la if up or down.. Hope to hear your insight thanks..

Eh? Where you get 93%?
The May 2014 figures show top 30 shareholders hold 80.23%.

screen shot:

Yes, companies with small balanced float is much easier to push.
Theory is the major shareholders, they are the strong hands...
They are the one holding the stock.
The balanced float is only about some 22 million shares.
Very easy to dump all into the wok...
and ask Chef Ah Loke to goreng mee.

They also call this tightly held shares.
The danger is ... sometimes in such shares.... you can have a coma stock scenario....
Yup... the owner do nothing... other shareholders do nothing.. balance float shareholders, they look you, they look me.... and stock go zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....


2014-07-01 23:26 | Report Abuse

ah lembu merah. :)

quote: - I started buying last year, this counter traditionally wake up on the month before quarterly results out. After the run up in april, I still believe something similar will repeat, just don't know when. Now, last year, it was cheap, no IB covering this stock. These days Kenanga so busy with it. I believe that's one of the reason why it can fry up almost double (from penny stock) & still sustainable.

your comments made me rethink again.

Yes, yes and yes!

Gadang ran up strongly in April.
Gadang last reported quarter profit was on 24 Apri.
Next report should be this month... maybe on twenty something...
the month just started...
so far nothing yet....
and when I dug further...
there was the 10% PP announcement in May.
now the interesting point I noted was the price fixing of the pp was announced on 27/6...
which probably explains a bit... *whistle*

fundamental wise....
that april quarter profit was very strong....
very strong...
which explains the strong run up....
and assuming if such profits continues....
you then have the strong growth factor...
which would make the stock inexpensive and actually rather attractive.
which also means, I would concur with you that there is a possibility that this stock can still walk car .....



2014-07-01 23:03 | Report Abuse


Quote: Here what happens on tat d morning d cindycats pushes d price down(d bears in control)...n in d afternoon d bulls(another cindycats) pushes d price up to closed at 0.305.

Yes.That's what happened on that day.
However, for me, what happened the next 3 days was more telling.

Just for talk 3 talk 4 sake..

For me, I believe, this stock run is broken for now.

Is it dead? Of course no. No stock is ever dead, and this I guess you too would understand, probably maybe much more than me.

So why should I take a position now?

There is no fundamental attraction about the stock at all.
This stock is clearly still suffering from that mighty April sell down (I guess you would prefer the word 'shakedown' instead of 'sell down' )
and for me, I do not believe the stock has yet to fully digest that sell down.
There's a chance the stock could down further.
If that's the case, why take a position now?
I am not an investor...
I can't be accumulating more and more if and when the stock falls further.
Investors might take such approach when they buy a stock but I won't.

That's my 3 sen contribution to the discussion of this stock.


2014-07-01 21:37 | Report Abuse

ah merah lembu.

Count until like this meh. :P

Actually, I think the past 2 or 3 months, things a bit trickier for investors.

As we know, the CI is preeeeetty high up there...
very bullish in terms of index points...
but then...
somehow you just don't feel it....

but deep down...
investors do feel (I think gua unless I mabuk jor) that the market is kinda pricey...
Most of the 'investment grade stock' is not exactly cheap...
hardly any stuff out there for them to get excited about...

My description not so nice...
flat lining into a coma.... :P


2014-07-01 21:26 | Report Abuse

ah AyamTua. LOL!

Er, some say in a bullish market, the funkier the news, the better the stock fly car.



2014-07-01 21:15 | Report Abuse

LOL! ah connie ah...

You are too funny yourself. :P


2014-07-01 21:11 | Report Abuse

livermore: Seacera?

The company is a very average company only and it's in an unexciting sector, tiles.
Profit track record is below average..

last reported qtr, company announced big profit but the big profit came because Seacera disposed 49% shares of its subsidiary Seacera Land.
Minus out this disposal, Seacera hardly made any money.

Definitely not a stock for value investors...

And yes, we have some strange going ons...
the electric fence is one.
and then... the seacera land, they had an old deal, where the subsidiary company is supposed to buy a piece of land in Melaka.
Deal is supposed to be worth 32 million...
sounds normal but the funky part is the land is to be paid partly in cash and partly by issuance of new Seacera shares.... ('sometimes' when company have such issuance of new shares... the stock does 'strange' stuff. hehe)

to make things even more complicated... Seacera since has disposed 49% shares in Seacera Land and the Melaka land purchase was granted time extension...

chart wise...
the stock is hot, hot!!!!


2014-07-01 20:47 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah...


Later is sleep exercise lor.



2014-07-01 20:46 | Report Abuse

_redbull_ !!!!

where got bull red color one.
Yeah.. past already.
Lucky on that site got ignore function. :P

You remembered.
Shhh... no need announce la...
That one going to be in the past jor.
Finally took my profit when it was range bound in the 260-280 range.
Now left .... not so much shares. :P
Not so bull about it.
It has hit my estimated target but more so, I reckon the stock is more than fairly valued.
Whatever good news is all priced in jor.

So how are you doing?
Making good money or not?



2014-07-01 20:39 | Report Abuse

ah hawk.

My England bad la.
I should have written it as "this was the screenshot of the chart I captured ON THAT MORNING".....

it was actually from the postings

See post 2, 3, 4 and 6.

MPAY was a screenshot of the live chart at 9:40sh on April 29th.


2014-07-01 20:34 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah...

line bad so I went off to play some ping pong.



2014-07-01 17:20 | Report Abuse



Hehe..yup, like I said this is where we are so different.

In cases like this, where a stock gets stuck in a thin range with no volume, I surrender la.
I call it a pass.
I do not want to be guessing if it will break up or down..

My internet connection is bad now...


2014-07-01 17:13 | Report Abuse

cherry tomato and livermore.

There's another issue to consider.

Did you all remember the day the few bunch of smelly stocks went limit-ing down in April recently?


For me, it was clear as daylight that these stocks were in CONTROL by the Cindy the kucing. (You can see it quite clearly in the volume)

Next day, a few stocks went crashing down severely in the morning.

MPAY was one of them.

This was the screenshot of the chart I captured back then.

Yes, the volume is distinctively different than those 5 stocks mentioned.

But what I would note myself that morning was '... this stock have a lot of speculators in it... weak hands'....... '


2014-07-01 17:03 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah:

dark clouds.... rain..... yikes!

Quote: isn't waves prettier than cup with handle ????

Hehe.. I know you love waves.
Me? Mexican wave ok. Microwave also ok.

See la...all these depend on the user leh.

You seem comfortable with waves, so best you stick with it.

Never in my intention to change you la.
Just stick to what you are good at.

I generally prefer stocks with catalysts, momentum.
In such bullish markets, raraly, I would try bottom fishing (there are exceptions)

And you clearly see where we are different hor...
For example, as you know, I consider Ah fit fit as a stock in a coma stage. (Thin range bound range with not much volume)
Despite whatever wave count it is in...
for me, it's in a no man's land at this moment of time.
The stock is stuck in a thin range, no volume.
I do not want to be guessing at this moment of time...
if the stock wants to break up.... or break down.


2014-07-01 16:12 | Report Abuse

ok... my fingers did not and is not going to sleep.

need to go.

Happy Trading.




2014-07-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

hehe... ah connie ah.

that was the chart of hwgb.

this is what happened next.

the so called cup and handle pattern which occurred May 2013 failed....

well technically the cup and handle pattern did not fail.
because the cup in this HWGB's case happened as the stock is in a downtrend... which means... it more prone to fail, which is precisely what happened!



2014-07-01 16:05 | Report Abuse

ah livermore:

here is MPay current chart:

Any reason why you want to accumulate the stock now?

From TA perspective, can you describe briefly what the chart is doing?

Also if you want to buy at a low, should you be trading it now?

I mean, investors, they want to buy low.
What is low means cheap price.
What is cheap price means value.

But from a trader perspective.... can such strategy work??
ie should you bottom fish as a trader?
what if it falls lower?
would buy more makes sense?

From an investing perspective...
err... MPay... is not an investment choice stock hor...

my 3 sen


2014-07-01 15:54 | Report Abuse

Zg Huang: if you ask me 3noob opinion, a report dated 22nd Oct 2013 is probably a bit too outdated to rely on.


2014-07-01 15:52 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah.

hehe.. now we both understand each other... LOL!....

me ah boon, you ah connie.


Do keep this case study for yourself.
My opinion remain.
I would not rely too much on 'buy rate'...



2014-07-01 15:44 | Report Abuse

hehe... this is for pattern lovers...

Here's a cup and handle pattern which happened before...


Would you buy the stock?

If you would not buy the stock, why?



2014-07-01 15:42 | Report Abuse

_redbull_ : Yes, you can find me here occasionally.

You is who bull?



2014-07-01 15:41 | Report Abuse


ah boon ah .... the volume transacted between 30000 to 99900 was 32.78%. the buy rate between this range was 64%. the buy rate for the DAY was 68% :)


Oh my eyes!

What on earth am I looking at.

Yes, you are correct.

I was looking at the wrong column.

So sorry.


2014-07-01 15:38 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah:


ah boon ah ... bpuri trading vol :-
26/6 - 5mil
27/6 - 3mil
30/6 - 2.5mil
4wk av vol - 611k
yes, u may say sellers selling but the rate of buyers buying directly from these sellers are amazing .... at a rate of exceeding 75% !!! wat does this imply leh ah boon ??? can share share your view ??? thanks so much :)

what I wanted to tell you is not to conclude anything from buy rate.
Buy rate can easily be distorted.

Example: I paste again...


say you have a naughty trader bugger like maybe ah boo...
ah boo wants to accumulate say 100,000 shares of the stock.
ah boo wants to buy big...
but he a bit kiasu....
he wants to mask his trade a bit...
don't want to show the market he's buying big, all at one go.
so he smart smart executes the trade in small lots...
he breaks out the order of 100,000 shares into maybe 50 small buy transactions in an attempt to mask his trade size....

Meaning: This ah boo can easily deceive you.
His buying of 100,000 shares was split into 50 small buy transactions.
ah boo can easily send first order buy 1,000...
second order buy 5,000....
third order buy 8,000....
he carries on and on...
50 smaller transactions...
why? he wants to mask his 'big' transaction for the day...
He turned his big order into 50 small orders...
all done at the buyer price...

and this also is to his advantage....
his buying makes the stock appear attractive...
looked as if 50 other buyers came in and buy the stock....

make sense?


2014-07-01 15:29 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah

monsieur ah boon .... the buy rate did not drop to 32.78%. this was the % of volume done at range 30,000 to 99,900. total vol = 5046900 that range = 1654400 => 32.78%. the buy rate at this range is 64%. and overall buy rate on 26/6 was 68%. betul kah ah boon ???


let me try again... hehe...

the buy rate for the 'volume transaction size' between 30,000 to 99,900 was 32.78%. Agree?
the buy rate for the DAY was 68%. Agree?

Ok, I agree, you agree?

what I wanted to point out the buy rate for this bigger volume transaction size, sellers dominated.

sorry late reply.
went out jalan jalan.


2014-07-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

2noob, that's Kenanga's platform. Jupiter's one also same same.



2014-07-01 11:29 | Report Abuse

ah 3noob fingers has now fallen asleep.



2014-07-01 10:54 | Report Abuse

hello dreamer. :)


2014-07-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah...

my fingers... sometimes fat and slow. LOL!

Screen shot yesterday trade.

Quote:syndicates know very well the herd instinct ie traders sell on news. so cud it be they take this opportunity to drive the price down so they can collect more before the next move ???? sellers sell buyers grab .

That's true.

However, let me say this...

such thinking is dangerous to the trader.

instead of seeing what's there...
the trader over thinks and consider the alternative 'what if ... '

my 3 sen hor...


OT: there's another cliche I wanted to share also (hope it don't offend no one)

'... seeking good news in bad news'.

ever see that before?
company makes a bad news announcement...
then you see forummers, who owns the stock, come out searching deep, deep... looking for the good news amongst the bad...
they own the stock...
they don't believe their holding position is wrong...
so in an attempt to justify their position, they attempt to seek out whatever reason to justify themselves not to sell the stock.



2014-07-01 10:41 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah

my platform shows me...

26/6 buy rate 68%
27/6 buy rate 68%
30/6 buy rate 46%

Buy rate is not conclusive.

my opinion why is ...
say you have a naughty trader bugger like maybe ah boo...
ah boo wants to accumulate say 100,000 shares of the stock.
ah boo wants to buy big...
but he a bit kiasu....
he wants to mask his trade a bit...
don't want to show the market he's buying big, all at one go.
so he smart smart executes the trade in small lots...
he breaks out the order of 100,000 shares into maybe 50 small buy transactions in an attempt to mask his trade size....

now from a buy rate perspective, it was actually one trader...
with one order...
but he broke it into many smaller transactions...
and the impact of his doing...
he makes the stock looks very 'wanted'...
buy rate increased cos of his many buy transactions...

err... that's my 3noob take on it.

then did you see the transactions on the 26/6

let me take screenshot

the lower section...
did you see the buy transaction for the 30,000 to 90,990?
buy rate drops to only 32.78%
or sell rate is 67.22%
which means... transactions for the bigger lots were done mostly on the sell side. ;)

Having said all these...
it's never possible to draw out a 100% conclusion based on volume/action.
We can only guesstimate so much....

that's my take ok?
what about yours?


2014-07-01 09:45 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah.


seal not bad eh?

see how the stock which is backed by 'attractive' fundamentals is able to drive up much higher?

Knowing fundamentals never hurts one.

At least we know there exist a company behind the stock we trade.



2014-07-01 09:40 | Report Abuse

ah countfind and my 'cousin' 2noob.

You are welcome.
Just take my comments with large dose of garam hor...
Just story telling only...



2014-07-01 08:59 | Report Abuse

bonjour mademoiselle ah connie :)

A thousand apologies.

Me falling asleep was more of me issue and a bit cos of i3 forum setup. (ya, excuses, excuses and more excuses. LOL!)

I was worn out yesterday....
Dunno why actually....
And then i3 forum setup does not help cos it's not like lyn one.
Over there, got this handy tool called 'num replies to me' function.
so on my browser tap, whenever there is a reply to the thread or a reply to me, I notice it straight away.
This site, forces you to refresh or reload your browser (for i3 it's good cos it's a page impression and the more the better since they will get some revenue back) and with me being so damn dozy yesterday, I literally forgot to refresh this page....
then I went for my evening run....
and so on.... LOL!

Lame right?


I see you making a study of BPuri volume...

here's my take or story telling... LOL!
just to share share...

On 25/6 evening Bernama carried this news clip.

or the england version the next morning.

That attracted the volume.
But it was strange.
Stock moved up higher by noon, hitting a a high of 70.5 sen but later retraced to close the day unchanged.

Next day volume was higher again...
Higher in the morning session again...
but sellers came out again in the afternoon driving the stock to as a low of 67.5 before ending the day unchanged yet again.

After a day of supposedly good news...
stock did absolutely nothing...
in fact some selling was seen...

this is where I think fundamentals would help (in fact, it would have helped earlier too)
if you look back at BPuri track recrod...
recent BPuri's performance was a DUH!

it's not that difficult to understand..
the top table...
look at 'annual report'..
see 2011 to 2013...
with sales revenue at more than ONE BILLION, BPuri's profit is only around 5 million per year.
ONE BILLION to make 5 million?
Duh! Duh! and more Duh!

... and if you glance thru the rest of its history...
profits are really razor thin....
in fact, if you ask personally, I find it 'amazing' that BPuri can maintain such razor thin profitability all these years (*whistle*)..
... simple conclusion? BPuri is way below average company.

if you put the above brief assessment..
you would understand that despite winning millions and millions and millions of contracts...
every each year, BPuri doesn't have much profit to show to its shareholders....

which is why... you don't see the positive stock reaction despite a so-called good news.

Back to TA... :P

Now the third day...
volume was still strong....
but sellers dominated...
and BPuri now ended the day much lower at 67 sen.
yeah.. on a long black candle too.

Again... it probably makes sense, if you ask my 3 sen opinion.
It's a hot, hot market recently (:P)
Bpuri is a penny stock, not much action....
maybe that good news would drive the stock higher.....
so perhaps on the 26th... many punted on the stock.
After punting... the stock doesn't seem to want to jalan kereta...
so come yesterday....
I can understand the possibility of some dumping the stock...
which would explains... the higher volume....

Yup 3 days of much higher volume...
and instead of breaking up...
the stock in fact is breaking down...

my 3 sen rambling.


2014-06-30 21:47 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah... sorry fell asleep. LOL!

optimus twin??? huh? Who is optmius?

Master sifu wong?
He famous kung fu master on tv.

Since we talked Cup and handles other day, did you see 8443?
Would that be a better example, no?



2014-06-30 17:02 | Report Abuse

ah connie ah...

so apparently ah fit fit has turned into a 'date trading' for you eh? :P

ok.. nmnh... I am totally bs.
that ain't no stock tipsy.

it's my Tee!!!!



2014-06-30 16:57 | Report Abuse

No it's a stock tip!



2014-06-30 16:50 | Report Abuse

NMNH! :)



2014-06-29 11:04 | Report Abuse

bonjour mademoiselle ah connie.

Hehe.. yes, you are more than correct that I could have used cliques.
However, I do mean cliche. LOL!

What's one do you see?

How about, follow master sifu wong, master is always right he no wrong.


MY tees sold in Jalan Ah Lor...... ??!!!
