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2013-11-12 17:01 | Report Abuse
If that really happens i think we should organize a party to celebrate... haha.
2013-11-12 16:50 | Report Abuse
See you guys at RM1... (optimistically thinking)... LOL
2013-11-12 16:45 | Report Abuse
Something is in the making... heard the same news from different source. If there is really something, i think this should be the last chance to hope in.
You could see by price movement that these movers are trying to collect more at a cheaper price. 1/2 a cents is alot for them if they were to trade huge amount... You could either give them your chance by selling or snatch up more lots from them.
2013-11-11 17:57 | Report Abuse
Well, i'm with this IB for 8 years already.. sometimes the updates are for goreng purposes only. IB will just let you know of any updates they got, the question is about the source....
This counter will eventually be up but not sure when... so hold tight. Meanwhile can go look see look see KNM while waiting for Green Bull for Red packets.
2013-11-11 17:33 | Report Abuse
Hold... should be collectable if price still below 50 cents
2013-11-11 13:12 | Report Abuse
There is a possibility on that, the deal might not be as good or its just rumours being created.
2013-11-11 13:09 | Report Abuse
TrendingBull... not very sure too myself... don't want to give fake hopes here. But still holding a hand full of GPacket shares here.
2013-11-11 12:59 | Report Abuse
Danet7882, i heard something like that too from some IB... but not sure how true and the magnitude of the deal.
Where is your source?
2013-10-27 01:10 | Report Abuse
1. Owns and operate over 1,900 readily erected towers accross the country -P1
2. Wireless devices technology manufacturer (Malaysian based) -GPacket
3. Provide expertise and consultancy services for wireless solutions -GPacket
TP: 0.80 with upside potential of close to 1.30 (refer 2008/09 speculative curve and data, plus parties involved)
Price range will be highly affected by amount of contra plays.
If possible, would advise not to engage in contra plays for everyones benefit.
Disclaimer: This is just an personal opinion and evaluation statement. The posting above shall not be justifiable nor contributes to any movement or speculative nature of the counters or stock prices in any point of time of the Malaysian stock market.
Good luck all!
2013-11-12 19:15 | Report Abuse
There is many posibilities of a deal coming up, from P1 stake sales to TM, YTLpower or mayb a JV such as selling or placing P1's tower into the business trust with DiGi. Besides the 3 teir 1 Cellcos, i think P1 would have one of the biggest coverage in place.
We'll just need to wait and see what is the news or deal is all about. Meanwhile we could go scout around for any hearsays or news. Good luck all....