Karina Ismail

Didi786 | Joined since 2023-03-20 05:04:11

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2023-03-25 15:41 | Report Abuse

@xiaoeh just respect the rights of all nations and natives so peace will always prevail worldwide and not backstabb the people who have welcomed the minorities in kindness when their own communist China shuts its door on its own people previously similar to the Indian low caste being treated terribly in India but was welcomed here in kindness to dwell peacefully. Singapore already made another China giving millions of citizenships priority to Chinese worldwide in once known as Malaya so let's not be utterly greedy. Nobody will feed anyone for free here itself, so you are lucky to claim to be hardworking to feed your ownself not anybody else likewise the rest. If you want special native privileges only for Chinese, now it will be available in China or Singapore made China. Utter greediness for other people's rights, will only lead to wars, unhappiness, discontentment and sickness of the heart followed by diseases. Let's be thankful for all the blessings and peace we have had all along. Thank you.

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2023-03-23 03:30 | Report Abuse

Nearly all of the top 50 richest men in Malaysia (Forbes) are still Chinese. Now knowledge is at the fingertips no point twisting and turning. Always they are catching the corrupt officials taking bribes but not catching the main culprits, the so called "extremely hardworking bribers" who became ultra rich at a very fast pace. Main culprit of 1MBD was Jho Taek Low but he got away scot free! Even in China, only Chinese natives have rights for everything not other races same for America, Australia ectra where the natives are given extra rights and privileges so its nothing to be jealous of about Malays having their own native rights in MALAYsia.

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2023-03-21 16:58 | Report Abuse

About 75% of Malaysia's economy held by the Chinese but still not enough they always complaining probably waiting to take over the whole country if possible.

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2023-03-21 16:53 | Report Abuse

They want to make Malaysia like Singapore, once they take over they will give millions of Chinese from all over the world citizenships and make it a fully dominated Chinese country even going against the constitution of the country. Malays and Indians are being shouted easily by racists Chinaman and half of the Malays are ultra modern and lost from being apostates to drinking alchohol and eating pork and doing the low post jobs though puppets do exist. Even frontline government jobs, Muslim women wearing tudungs are not allowed till today.

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2023-03-21 16:10 | Report Abuse


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2023-03-20 13:07 | Report Abuse

Nearly all his life, Mahathir was the Prime Minister. Probably Koon Yee Yin will die a broken heart because all his life, he financed the opposition parties in MALAYsia to topple the Malay party BN but now BN is welcomed by PH!!