
Flyhigh369 | Joined since 2021-06-11

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2021-09-14 10:47 | Report Abuse

Dear likeminded shareholders, it has been 2 months plus since we ended the Lee’s family controlled and influence on KNM board activities on 29/6/2021. We rejected the the private placement issues and stop the monkey business of Esos that only rewarded the Lee’s family members. Whoever hold the shares until today are handsomely rewarded by 50%. Together we can do it . The new management leads by Terence Tan is what we are really banking on. The article appeared on the EDGE about MAA Bought 8% stake to call for board seats is nonsense. We , the 90% minority shareholders must STAND TOGETHER again this time to support the management team that can deliver results and the share price . Let’s buy more shares to ensure that barbarians at the gate know where is the Exit Door. We have 38,000 shareholders. Let’s buy 100,000 shares each shareholder to show them who will be the largest shareholders to represent the board. REMEMBER “together we can do it”

News & Blogs

2021-09-03 07:57 | Report Abuse

Congratulation to the new management team and especially the CEO Terence Tan for bringing on board the new investor , MAAG to be substantial shareholder. It has been a worthwhile journey to remove the old Lee club and making new blood to show the investment communities that good days are coming .well done !!!. I hope all the investors like sardine are very delighted to see what we have achieve since 29th June AGM AND EGM. Together we can do it . Let’s celebrate for the new milestone for the share price beyond NTA.


2021-08-16 11:20 | Report Abuse

Sardin, I m with up with u on the Boris hydrogen proposition . I love German technologies . The next big thing is hydrogen fuel cell which is currently dominated by Japanese. In fact , this technology will dominate the energy industry very soon . Cheer to all the shareholders that back current management especially Terence Tan and newly appointed directors. They will do a great jobs in rationalizing the assets and bring the shares into higher level.


2021-06-30 09:44 | Report Abuse

Dear like minded minority shareholders, I read the corporate board changing of directors as the most positive chapters in the history of KNM . The retiring of two 70 plus years old directors and the Lees, will able to allow injection of new bloods into this ‘Old man club” infrastructure energy company .This is a new beginning for KNM with the CEO ,Terence tan and new executive director taking charge to rationalize and position the company. The company has assets of RM3.8b and debts of RM1.4 b with NTA of 60cts . I m very sure by selling off the problematic projects in Thailand rm 400M and London £60m, will be able to free a lot of working capitals. The borsig and Italy are the jewels that can position for corporate listing in Europe or even listing in China as this specialist process equipments is technically very well position in the petrochemicals industry. We do not need to do any private placement like what Lee’s proposed. The company just need to rationalize and our share price will be near to NTA soon . We are all hopeful that new institutional investors will be able to see the potential of this company . Congratulation to all of us who manage to vote yesterday and make this unbelievable and impossible tasks happened . Cheers to great value for KNM .


2021-06-28 06:44 | Report Abuse

Dear like minded minority investors, please get into action to vote 2moro. TOGETHER we can make a difference and this time all your votes will be counted online .


2021-06-23 08:55 | Report Abuse

Fellow investors, I heard that Mr Lee had disposed 23.5m shares thru certain put and call on 16th to raise cash to buy more shares (36m shares on the 17th). Mdm gan also reported to buy 36m on 17th. Can u guys enlighten me what they tried to do ?


2021-06-23 08:39 | Report Abuse

The waste to energy project in London costs £60m to date and the thai project Rm 350 to 400M after more than 6years without revenue. I am not sure the projects can be disposed off with half the price. Mr Lee had asked his young daughter to take care of the projects and allocate 20m esos to reward her but not the senior managers of the respective projects. We need him to justify to the shareholders during the EGM .


2021-06-23 07:53 | Report Abuse

Risk8888, I am very encourage by the follow up on indicating the number of shares we are able to build up to vote against the AGM And EGM. It is the actions that count. We want to show the lees that don’t take the minority shareholders for granted. Even though at the end we might not win, we want to be heard. ( my sense is that since we have 90% minority shareholders , if 20% votes this time , we will be able to kick the re elected directors out of the board). So please don’t lose heard to continue the registration. The next few days is crucial to talk to the newspapers and The Edge .


2021-06-23 07:11 | Report Abuse

Keeninvestor11, the action by GSL and LSE in disposing 36m on 16th and buying back 36m on 17th can be viewed as market manipulation . Someone may want to highlight this to the authority. Why would major shareholder do this kind of action!!! First, she want to cash out in order to exercise her cheap Esos at 11cts. Then she realized that her reputation as major shareholder and vice chairman will be tarnished . So, she bought all the shares back on 17th. Alternatively , she wants to create a false market by creating volume of trading in the market!!!. She is a good market operator....


2021-06-22 11:11 | Report Abuse

I want to prove to some investors communities that minorities shareholders don’t care about the listed companies affairs even though their economic interests are been jeopardized. Today , your interests are just one click away. We need only 480m shares or 15% to remove the Lee’s family . Let’s do it guys! This can be done with few hundreds shareholders . We want to se u in action.


2021-06-22 10:55 | Report Abuse

Risk8888, my group have 11million . All registered and voted AGAINST re election of directors and EGM private placement . Can u do the update from today till Friday . We want to see RADDIT in action .


2021-06-22 10:50 | Report Abuse

I noted that someone exercised Esos 2,862,250 @11cts on 21st. This is to show that the family is very unsecured and worried that after the AGM, GSL will be voted out and nobody is looking after their interests.. The Lees are good at exercising cheap ESOS and selling into the market to make a profits. We are the suckers who bought at market price. Please don’t allow them to do it anymore.


2021-06-22 10:39 | Report Abuse

Macdee34, good that u had read the annual reports and absolutely right that Peterborough and Thailand projects are liabilities to the company. Mr Lee is too old to handle KNM any more . If the Lees continues to run the businesses, the share price will run to ground zero. ( may be PN 17) . Together, We can save the company now . We only need to click your votes against the re-election of directors in the AGM . Please remind all your friends to do it before 25 th June.


2021-06-22 10:24 | Report Abuse

To all the like minded minority shareholders, let’s show our 90% voting powers to the 10% Lee family that we mean business. The Lees had not paid a dividend for so many years and with the private placement in the pipeline, we will all be diluted again. We vote AGAINST the re election of the directors and AGAINST the EGM on private placement . Pls register now and the last day is 25 th June


2021-06-21 22:49 | Report Abuse

The Lees had lost touch in value add to knm last few years after buying borsig at euro 350m in 2008 . Knm share performance was down hill from 2.90 in 2009 to 18cts today. The number of outstanding shares increased from 1.8 b to 3.2b with the latest to increase by another 900m shares to 4.1b shares. The Lees are enriching themselves by issuing 100m Esos at 11cts and claim million of unultilised leaves ( leaves that carry forward for more than 10 years!!!). The Uk waste to energy project is a disaster after spending more than 50m pound. It never take off the ground. The Thailand project is another disaster after spending RM 400m. For the last two years, Incurring high interest and no revenue at all. Mr Lee didn’t bring in any good projects in the last four years. Instead , there were numerous private placements to dilute all the shareholders and increased the borrowing to 1.4 b today . He distressed the company with more borrowing year after year. If the 30% placement under EGM is carried thru, then our share price will be diluted again. For god sake, pls have the 90% minority shareholders to wake up and voted the re elected directors out of the boardroom. Together we can definitely achieve it. Remember, 10% is 300m shares. We only need 15% to kick all the re elected directors and most importantly , the Lee’s family out to save a lot of the expenses for the company. Knm will declare dividends next year.


2021-06-21 07:29 | Report Abuse

Wow,wow,wow !!!, we need the minority shareholders watchdog group quickly come into knm now to check whether the proxy forms have been tempered with or deliberately removed from the Knm office. This is very serious criminal act and showed how desperate the Lee’s family with little shares of less than 10% to control the listed company. If he has more shares , he doesn’t has to do this. To all the like minded minority shareholders , pls have your votes this time , remember to register before this Friday 25th online to vote against all the re elected directors . Then, we can realize the full value of knm shares price around 55cts. The Lees had exercised more than 100m of Esos shares at lower price and pretend to be force sold in the market. MSWG , this is a very good opportunity to exercise the minority spirits and rights about promoting to protect the minority shareholders’ interests . We want to see in action now . Pls don’t let us down .


2021-06-15 08:19 | Report Abuse

I like the game stop story guys. Let’s get our own Reddits and create Knm as GameStop Malaysia. Go go go ! To all the new investors , pls register your votes . The AGM is on the 29th .


2021-06-14 18:44 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, macdee and Ben , pls share your thoughts on getting all the minority shareholders to register their shareholding interests properly by 22nd June . We only need few hundreds of like minded shareholders to get this done . I believe Knm has more than 20,000 shareholders. TOGETHER, we can do it .


2021-06-14 18:27 | Report Abuse

Congratulation to all the like minded minority shareholders and new investors who believed in the knm share value but can’t wait to vote out the current board of directors in the coming AGM on 29th. . Since last Friday, the share price had gone up from 16cts to 20.5cts with incremental volume 233m today. What an achievement if without all of your eager and active participation . Well done!!! We need to continue to buy and register our votes before 22nd with the company share registrar. Once the Lee family members are voted out, we will see greater value in the company . As I say, the share price will be closer to NTA 55 cts. I am proposing to set up a register to account for at least 400m shareholding to vote out the family current 10% (300m) shareholding . Pls have your consensus do to this TOGETHER. Your votes really count .


2021-06-14 00:49 | Report Abuse

Sardin and Macdee, let’s put all our efforts and strategies together to give our best time and energies to remove the proposed re election of the directors in the AGM . Let’s run a forum to spell out the criminal breaches with concrete evidences clearly . We make sure that the Essos allocation to family members never happen again. At the same time , I urge all the like minded minority investors should start tally up the shareholdings so that we are all aware of the number of shares we have before 29th AGM .we have only 10 days to get everyone to register the shares by 22nd with company secretary . I declare that I own 10m shares to date. As we have 3.2b shares outstanding , we need 400m shares to vote against the resolutions . Pls have your investors’ rights exercise this time to save the company performance eroded year by year and the imminent dilution if the 30% placement go through. TOGETHER we can do it.


2021-06-12 10:03 | Report Abuse

Minority shareholders please exercise your rights to protect your interests in the company in this coming 29th AGM . We can’t let LSE and GSL , the family who reportedly only owned less than 10% to treat the listed company as his own piggy bank . If what were reported by sardin 81 and chatplusone were correct( which I assumed are correct as there were very detailed and specific in events) , some were very clear mismanagement and criminal wrongdoing , especially the contracts that channeled to the family related or influenced companies, we must take this golden opportunity to show our investors’ rights to vote out all the re-elected directors . The current board of independent directors have no interests in protecting the minority shareholders at all. Let’s all do our parts to ensure good corporate governance as I see tremendous value in the future of KNM share price. The NTA is nearly 55 cents based on the annual reports. I m keen to get and form as many the like minded minority Knm shareholders to vote out the Lee’s family . We only need few hundreds shareholders to do this . TOGETHER , we can do this on the 29th June . The share price will be closed to NTA level after the event.