
Gapup | Joined since 2017-03-17

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2017-12-29 20:21 | Report Abuse

哈哈,敢说不敢认!应该是只母狗,没有 hoot 的!刚好我喜欢母狗!交个朋友吧!


2017-12-29 20:08 | Report Abuse

你在 chour 的群,说你是狗,我也在 rainmaker 说我是狗!公平吧?来啊……狗狗


2017-12-29 20:07 | Report Abuse

Haha,rainmaker 有注明说,狗不能进入吗?我们也是看见里面有很多像你这样的狗,觉得有同伴才会进去的。而且在 rainmaker 可以一个人,有很多户口,觉得很好玩,进去看看戏也不错啊!那现在是你先吠的,那你先在chour 的群回我,我叫chour 不踢你出去!我再在 rainmaker 开贴回你咯!怎样,可以吗?狗同伴!


2017-12-29 19:52 | Report Abuse

我们叫25,你叫什么?搞笑咧你!你做生意,也是在卖东西,我也可以说你是骗子吗?世界上,有买就有卖!卖tips,也是做生意!他卖的东西不值钱,自然会没有人买!这个道理你应该知道!还敢大声说你是做生意的!我承认我是卖tips的走狗又怎样?你敢承认你是 lim huei teong 吗?说我是卖tips 的走狗, 那你是 Edward Kong 的走狗吗?既然我们两只都是狗,你也没有比我高贵多少!疯狗,你没有在这里一直吠,不会惹来我们这些狗来咬回你的!


2017-12-29 19:21 | Report Abuse

敢敢认你是谁咯,一直说别人抹黑你!你哪里一根葱?一直关注别人买什么票。要就敢敢在rainmaker 公开讨论咯,为什么一直在这里说?要出来玩抹黑,又不敢认你是lim huei teong,又说别人模仿你,人格分裂吗老兄?买股票的人都是要赚钱的,他们被骗管你什么事?骗到你的钱了吗现在?在这里说了几个月,你不累的啊!有本事,在fb,tag chour 挑战他咯……在这里做小人


2017-11-25 17:04 | Report Abuse

Haha, ok since I misunderstood ur words, ok, I apologised! i jus passing by n found tis interesting story! U all carry on, I jus present my opinion here. No other purpose or cover anyone! Thank you! 和气生财!good luck


2017-11-25 16:46 | Report Abuse



2017-11-25 16:46 | Report Abuse

I oso interested v tis pay Rm 10.00 for few thousands ler! Mind to add me as friend? I pay Rm 20.00, n u still earn Rm 10.00. How? Consider it pls.


2017-11-25 16:44 | Report Abuse

If I am you, I will diam diam to pay Rm 10.00 to secure my few thousands ler! N pray hard for Guru C to 生意兴隆, so then I will 财源广进久久 mah, right?


2017-11-25 16:42 | Report Abuse

Paying Rm 10.00 for few thousand, wat the joke! If as u say, u won’t attack the group! Of course u wil pray hard hard to have tis kind of Kang Tao for long term mah! Y to attack the group ler? The Group no longer, ur Rm10.00 no wat to go, ur few thousands won’t walk in to ur pocket right? So y to attack the group? I really catch no ball v this guy ! fed up hahaha......


2017-11-25 16:20 | Report Abuse

No matter wat group or wat Guru la, group Rainmaker is to cheat newbie, n paying group is to earn from lazy people. Nothing different. Wat the different is ur rainmaker is in very good teamwork! 1 person can play many roles. N good in story writing. Of course u deserve it la, cos before cheat people for free, u must first build good image, show sincerity to post many teaching post. As wat I can say is, people will pay themself for their own choice. Stop criticising each other here. People who enter stock market is to earn money! If u dun like the Guru, pls post through other platform.


2017-11-25 16:00 | Report Abuse

A Guru K (Kong) kaki member who attack Guru C first! N now still dirty words here n there. No matter wat is ur purpose to attack either tis stock 9938 or ur target is Guru C. Pls la, stock market is an open market, who lazy to do homework.they pay tips,even they get trap or cheat,is their own works. Wat u worry about? The money isn’t from your pocket! I dun think u have so GOOD HEART TO remind the Guru C student here lo, since u won’t get a cent to do so. Your purpose now is to revenge or really good heart to remind? U know it urself! The Guru C if really as wat u said, his student will leave him themself after knocking wall! Not like ur Kong Sir everyday say 口业 , n as his student or disciples or either member or brother here to ruin others! Ur group oso a trap to ask people buy KKB right. Ur smart wat is to state there not chase high! But please la, since in stock market so long time oready, do u think people won’t chase high as ur Kong sir said giving tips after rcv 300 likes.....since to giv tips why to delete the post after few minutes? U r now 乌龟笑水鱼.....


2017-03-17 00:27 | Report Abuse

Tee Siong, if u think u r proud to become a thief, pls enjoy urself. But we r here to advise people don't simply believe or cheat by tis TEE SIONG who copy others people is easy to copy and paste, but pls understand how many hard works that my shifu pay into this.u jus simply easy goyang ur leg enjoy the harvest here.
