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2021-11-14 21:54 | Report Abuse

What do you know? All your negative comments went down to drain. Non came true. Talk kok number 1.

Ppl make money here. You? Talk kok only.

Even normal QR number also can get wrong.

Low IQ. Dumbo really dumbo.


2021-11-14 19:51 | Report Abuse

Some things are pretty obvious. Only clueless ppl cannot see


2021-11-14 19:50 | Report Abuse

I don’t need news to tell me that you’re a dumb arse


2021-11-14 18:51 | Report Abuse

From last danajamin talk kok until now when news come out then he keep quiet. Really so hai punya son.


2021-11-14 18:50 | Report Abuse

No dick is a noob. What also want to wait for news. No brain to think for himself.

Really stu-pid.


2021-11-14 16:29 | Report Abuse

Losers only know how to pusing.

Since when i talk about liquidation? Are u really blind and dunno how to read? I was talking about pn17. And that was your question. Why u so stu-pid?

Is AAX facing PN17? Yes. Same like AA. Why so stu-pid?

How to overcome pn17? Answer is balance sheet restructuring. And how did AAX achieve that? By restructuring its debt. Simple as that.

Stick to the context no need pusing left right cos you want to save face.

AA pn17? That was your question. The answer is no. AA like AAX will survive that. How? Balance sheet restructuring.

Only your mother company no need do balance sheet restructuring can survive pn17.

Dumb enough? Anymore dumb question or negative things to talk about AA?


2021-11-13 22:06 | Report Abuse

ChunChoi1, you all 1 gang sama dumb. AA would already be PN17 if not for PN17 Relief from Bursa.

How long already AA been negative equity? More than 1 year la Hello.

So what? He made money. You? Spend so much time talk kok here made nothing out of it.

Ofcoz Bursa would give relief. It’s a PANDEMIC. Don’t understand the word? There are tons of reliefs by gov as well.

Negative equity? Not for any longer dumbo. AAX = zero debt now. Lol. AA? Easy job.

Still don’t understand? Those things are not relevant anymore.

Update and improve yourself. Use other negative issues. Good luck there aren’t many left dumbo.


2021-11-13 22:03 | Report Abuse

Hello, you really dumb. How many times want to embarrass yourself?

You asked about AA PN17. You did not asked whether AA will be liquidated. If you asked if AA will risk liquidation like AAX then ofcos it’s different. But that wasn’t your question. So you want to pusing to save your thick face skin is it?

AAX’s pn17 situation is exactly the same with AA. Balance sheet restructuring. Whatever i said was about AAX’s pn17. Did i ever mention anything about liquidation? Are you blind?l or Dunno how to read? Why would i bring up liquidation at all that wasn’t even your question. Are you now confused with yourself?

AAX successfully kill two birds with one stone. One bird is to avoid liquidation, another bird is to overcome their pn17 classification. So i was using it’s pn17 as example. Wasnt that simple enough and straight forward? You dumbos really one of a kind dumbos. Die also want to talk nonsense to try to win. But you look dumb in the end.

Both pn17 also need creditors to restructure balance sheet.

You said AA’s pn17 don’t involve creditors. Haha. You are so dumb. It does. Why so simple also so stu-pid? Cos you don’t understand accounting.

Ofcoz AA does not face liquidation. Their brand itself have the power to pull in investors, funds and RI to survive. That’s why i owned shares in AA when their share price was hit due to covid and I believe they will pull through. I do not own AAX like the dumbo sslee who lost money in AAX then come here bark nonsense.

Furthermore, have AAX’s shares been suspended? Cannot trade? No. Many ppl bought yesterday.

So now you still want to ask about AA pn17 or you want yo move on try find other negative issue to bark on?

Maybe try use delta plus? You haven’t used that. I think you used delta. But not the plus. Give it a try.


2021-11-13 15:58 | Report Abuse

Sslee as usual talk nonsense. No point at all. Which part of restructuring balance sheet to avoid pn17 you don’t understand? It’s the same issue for both AAX and AA. What diff ballgame? Are you dumb? Only difference is AA would be 10 times easier than AAX because it’s amount is much smaller. So simple also don’t understand can go fly kite don’t act like pro.

No Dick last time keep shouting about danajamin. Cos he no do home work. He dunno bank pembangunan is absorbing danajamin. And chairman is nazir razak tony buddy. With business sense you will know it will be approved just need time. But too bad he lives in a cage without knowing whats going on in the real business world and not familiar with AA or its management team.

Sweetchocolates no read news yesterday? Aax poised to have lowest cost structure with support from suppliers.

“Upon the completion of the exercise, AAX will be among the few airlines worldwide that have no gearing and a restructured cost base that is significantly below that of its competitors.”

Please explain how tony can grab suppliers balls? Malaysian airports holding berhad also vote 100% in favor. As a supplier if you don’t like you can just have them liquidate. Why want to support and continue let them use the airport? Why continue lease planes to them since the risk is high? Most importantly AAX managed to get lowest cost structure out of it. Oh wait u think creditors are banks? Lol! Okay, another empty can.


2021-11-13 12:01 | Report Abuse

If AA prospect is better and can survive, why would creditors restructure or write off debt? Do you have brains? PN17 is just a listing classification, does not affect creditors collecting their debt.

Stu-pidest statement ever. We just had a very good example on AAX. It’s the same thing just that AAX is in much worse condition but basically they’re facing the same problems. Nodick really can be so dumb. Go do some homework before barking nonsense.

TWhy AAX’s creditors need to restructure their debt 99.5% if pn17 does not affect creditors? Why are you so stu-pid? Pn17 means balance sheet issue. To fix that you need to restructure the balance sheet. In AA’s and AAX’s case what is their biggest balance sheet issue? Same set of creditors. Again show you have no accounting/business or even common sense.

You think when Tony fly to France and Germany to negotiate with Airbus and lessors just to nego on AAX? Ofcoz he will definitely nego for AA as well. Or you don’t even know he went to negotiate?

And since AA can recover much better and give much more future business to them compared to AAX that will be an easy job to get it done. What he need to convince them is actually to ask them to do it for AAX too.

AAX restructuring plan proposed in Oct. Took one month. So what? The management did well and successful. Creditors support is overwhelming. They will be declassified soon and come back with zero gearing means zero debt in case u don’t understand. Now just pending all the paperwork done.

So how is pn17 an issue for AA now? Any tom dick n harry would know it’s a much easier job to do than AAX. Sadly both nodick and sslee are too dumb.

But time will reveal and embarrass them again. How many times have they been right anyway? None. Cannot fight me at all. I’ve been right again n again. Their level just too low.


2021-11-12 22:57 | Report Abuse

Time will tell again. Since you like to embarrass yourselves over and over again. Be my guest.


2021-11-12 20:12 | Report Abuse

No dick and sslee is a quite funny pair of confused lost souls. Still asking about AA PN17.

They think the story will go like this:

Morning of 12th Nov. airbus & plane lessors said yes we will restructure sum of rm20billion for AAX (example. not sure the total amount for airbus and lessors but the total AAX restructuring is rm63.5 billion). In return we hope you will do well post covid and recovery. We hope AAX will support us in future as a long term business partner and give us more business so we can grow together.

Two months later in Jan 2022, airbus & plane lessors will tell AA, no we cannot support this AA restructuring of rm5 billion because we think its not fair. You have to pay us. We don't think you can survive. Find other supplier even if u can survive. We no longer want to be your business partner even though AA’s prospect is wayyyyyy better than AAX and the sum to restructure is wayyyyy lower.

AA don’t even need to restructure the full amount. Somewhere around 3-4billion (minimum scenario but I’m sure they’ll try to get buffer) will be sufficient to not be classified as PN17.

Those who know how much is AA’s revenue for Malaysia alone will know that they can survive with only local flights and looks like borders are opening soon too.

With common sense one would know the above will not happen. And that the creditors will support even more in AA’s restructuring as proven with AAX.

Sadly both NoDick and sslee have no common sense, business sense or understanding of accounting matters.

Yet they want to act pro talk kok sing song copy and paste useless information and tell lies. Jokers.


2021-11-12 18:15 | Report Abuse

or are you and sslee confused and don't know what is restructuring of balance sheet?


2021-11-12 18:01 | Report Abuse

DickyMee Congrats to you flight crew with top management connections, you got it right this time. How about Jan 7 2022? AA can escape PN17?

"Upon the completion of the exercise, AAX will be among the few airlines worldwide that have no gearing and a restructured cost base that is significantly below that of its competitors.

AAX had to get support from creditors holding at least 75% of the total debt value in each of three classes. The total amount owing to the three classes of creditors stood at RM33.65 billion.

Class A creditors (which include airport operator Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd and financial institutions) and Class C creditor (namely Airbus Group) creditors gave 100% support to the scheme, while Class B creditors that include those with unsecured claims against AAX such as engine suppliers and aircraft lessors, gave 97.6% support."

AAX is set to be zero gearing airline.

AAX restructured sum is so much more than AA.

AA PN17? This question still relevant?


2021-11-12 17:32 | Report Abuse

“AAX co-founder and director Tan Sri Tony Fernandes added: “We wish to assure all passengers affected by the restructuring that it is the firm intention of AAX to put in place travelling privileges in the form of travel credits, which can be utilised for future purchases of flight tickets once international borders reopen."

Don’t always follow the media blindly. Media wants traffic they will say whatever they want.


2021-11-12 16:27 | Report Abuse

No i'm not. I didn't ask ppl to buy or not buy. I made it clear that i am positive and that i hold shares in AA. I didn't even make a prediction how much AA will earn post covid. All predictions on how they will tackle their problem i made are on a calculated analysis based on facts. so far i have been right.

unlike you, so far you have been wrong every time and even told lies. also your point is to ask ppl not to buy. so u must have crystal ball to ask people to not chase high?

"Sslee Haha I just want people to beware and not chase high in believing that post covid-19 AA will earned 2 billion per year and share price 4.50 coming."

you really thick face until now die also want to grab sand lol.


2021-11-12 15:51 | Report Abuse

also, are you god? do you have crystal ball? how sure are you that AA will not recover to pre covid levels when you are not even familiar with AA's business, accounting and management? what if they do? then you are so hai la. isit?


2021-11-12 15:43 | Report Abuse

but you based your argument with lies and incorrect information. what a dumbo.

anyway, wasn't expecting anything smart from you lot anyway. from the way you write already can tell your level. basic accounting also fail.

when you use lies to back your argument then you will get exposed badly. liar liar pants on fire.


2021-11-12 14:22 | Report Abuse

They don’t know how accounting works. That’s for sure.

AAX sum much bigger than AA also successful restructure. AA how? Success or not? Give you sour grapes one last chance lol.


2021-11-12 14:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah also sslee who keep shouting on provision loss on AAX.

Now you understand how it can be wipe off with a jot of pen that i mention? Lol watch and learn.


2021-11-12 12:48 | Report Abuse

Told you magic will happen 2 days ago. Hahaha.


2021-11-12 10:14 | Report Abuse

Next time when people tell u something. please listen carefully don't embarrass yourself time and time again. always want to act like pro. copy paste talk kok share false information to cheat people. when I smell bullsh*t I will surely shoot. this is not your first time I thought you would have learned your lesson and be smarter.

"Aircraft operating lease income: 2016: RM 1,257,681,000."
This sum is clearly parked under "revenue". Even if you take this sum as "Net profit" of AAC in 2016 AA would still make a profit without it because AA net profit is rm2B for 2016. Simple math also don't know?

When you say AA will make a loss without it you are lying through your crooked teeth.

You want to know how much AAC make in 2015 and 2016? Go look for AAC's financial information for that period. You should've done this before spitting out blatant lies.

Now be a good boy go do your homework and tell us the sum and please back it up with proof and numbers.

p/s: Rights Issue already approved. where are the "RI coming will crash" gang?


2021-11-11 23:01 | Report Abuse

It’s not a pluck here minus there so simple. To have the correct sum you’ll need to be their auditor to access all the transactions related documents. Or try look for news or articles that may have inside info (rough ballpark) that reported on the information.

The only thing i know is that regardless of which format is used, cash inflow / outflow remains unaffected. Means there are no extra cash outflows when mfrs16 is adopted. Just on paper only.

Instead cash from operations (daily business activities cashflow) increased higher in 2019 than in 2018.

2020 would be a more accurate assessment year for their cash generating ability from changing to leasing instead of owning planes but then covid hit. However they’re very likely to be able to maintain their cash generating ability as seen in 2019.

Now that a certain quarter of the government has said to open borders to tourist latest by Jan 1, it’ll bode very well for AA. Unless gov u turn or any unforeseen situation arises.

Many ppl say RI will crash. It already approved today thru EGM. All deals will be completed by December @ rm0.75 per rcuids. See tmr crash or not.


2021-11-11 22:06 | Report Abuse

Cannot even tell why 2016 is loss if without leasing income. Just talk only, useless.

Aircraft operating lease income and operating lease expenses are two different things even though they sounded the same. You are so naive. It shows you don’t even know accounting at all.

Aircraft operating lease income = income from leasing planes to others.

Aircraft operating lease expenses = expenses from leasing planes from others.

Two totally different entity. How can u join them together? Dumb enough?

Also if you remove all aircraft operating lease income in 2016 - 2018, AA would still make a profit and not loss like you tried to cheat people.

What a sore loser sslee. Talk cock sing song number 1. King of copy and paste and pusing number 1 also. So hai.


2021-11-11 19:28 | Report Abuse

Hahaha pusing some more caught with pants down. That png link only shows revenue. You can calculate how much without leasing income AA would make or lose with that link? Show me pls. Lol. No dick was right the question is how much is leasing profit. That’s the question. I purposely lure u to come here just to see whether you know the numbers. Very clearly you don’t. Just give 2016 number enough. Show me if you are so clever. Lol. You either talk without knowing the numbers or you mistakenly took leasing revenue as leasing profit. hahaha what a dumbo. Talk kok number 1.

To answer no dick in regards of 2019. AA made loses not because lack of leasing income. It’s because of change of accounting format to mfrs16 instead of 117. Plenty of news and article on it back then. Leasing income is not even an issue here. Unlike sslee put it. First few years is the hardest impact of mfrs16. After that will get better.


2021-11-11 16:39 | Report Abuse

sslee said "It would not be unreasonable to say that by 2016, this has grown to be their second largest revenue and largest profit contributor.

Without it, the Airasia Group would be lossmaking."

so i want to know how without the 18.4% (leasing income) of total revenue would make AA loss making if without it in 2016.


2021-11-11 16:36 | Report Abuse

understand the context. we are discussing 2016-2018 numbers. dont always lari tajuk.


2021-11-11 15:25 | Report Abuse

not blind, i want to make sure sslee know the sum and he knows what he is talking about. as per above comment.

He said without those AA would be loss making.


2021-11-11 14:54 | Report Abuse

AA lease revenue % of total revenue.
2016 - 18.4%
2017 - 10.2%
2018 - 8%

so without these revenue AA would be loss making? is that your arguement sslee?


2021-11-11 14:47 | Report Abuse

so you don't know?


2021-11-11 14:47 | Report Abuse

i thought you would know since you said without leasing income AA would be loss making.


2021-11-11 14:17 | Report Abuse

sslee, how much is the aircraft leasing revenue for 2018, 2017, and 2016?


2021-11-11 12:00 | Report Abuse

Ans : means as of now is it not PN17 yet. noted.

So are you saying from day 1 they bought over AA they had 2 planes from the beginning and they started leasing out the planes already? How to pay off debts if they do not make money from flying the two planes itself? More importantly how did they able to make money and grow from flying two planes locally and then only expand to other countries? How on earth did they do it in the beginning when they did not lease out the plane? think wisely.


2021-11-11 10:02 | Report Abuse

Funny how when i point out one flawed argument then others become defensive and try to pusing to another point.

There are many executives who can run businesses in different industries. To say one cannot run another is purely speculation. That’s the point I’m refuting. Also, ask about AAX in the AAX forum. Many experts there. I could care less about AAX since i don't own its shares. AA only owns roughly 13%. Not significant in my books. If u talking about share price then any company may not be a good investment if you buy at the wrong price (valuation) and timing. Even really good companies. Simple as that. Look at gloves.

Sslee, Are you being selective in choosing what to copy and paste? Why the good ones never say? Why choose 2020 when pandemic hits?

“Currie played a leading part in making adidas one of the most successful consumer brands in the region, helping to grow the company’s revenue FIVEFOLD in Greater China and narrowing the market share gap from fourth to head-to-head market leadership.”

Is AAX delisted already anyway? When is the vote?

Is AA pn17 already? Judging only pandemic period? All the years before so successful never take into account.

Context is important.

There are deadlines. Let the management do their job before you say its all doom and gloom. For all u know AA is here to stay for many more years to come.


2021-11-10 21:11 | Report Abuse

@kong73 yea you are right just like tony who was a music executive know nuts about airlines and bought a loss making airline with huge debt back then. What a failure. Sell so cheap allow many ppl travel until lose money what a loser! /S

2020 is a pandemic year world in lockdown which retail busines didn’t decline in revenue? LOL


2021-11-10 17:05 | Report Abuse

former managing director of adidas Asia-Pacific must be not so smart to join pn17 company.. what a shame… /s


2021-11-10 11:14 | Report Abuse

Only fools will be fooled by media without digging deeper. Magic will happen two days later.


2021-10-27 15:14 | Report Abuse

Circular is out. Both Tony and Kamaruddin have provided an unconditional and irrevocable written undertaking to which they confirmed that they will subscribe in full for the respective entitlement of the RCUIDS.


2021-10-27 14:02 | Report Abuse

HONG KONG & MACAU, 27 October 2021 - AirAsia has once again won the Best Low Cost Airline award in the 2021 Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Awards, for the 10th year running.

The award follows a number of recent accolades for AirAsia including winning the Business Innovation Award at the 2021 World Airline Awards from the aviation experts at Flightglobal , Skytrax World’s Best Low-Cost Airline 2021 award for the 12th year in a row and Asia’s Leading Low-Cost Airline 2021 & Asia’s Leading Low-Cost Airline Cabin Crew 2021 at World Travel Awards earlier this month.

The Business Traveller Asia Pacific Awards recognise the best in the travel and hospitality industry, as voted by the 30,000-plus frequent travelers and readers of Business Traveller Asia-Pacific magazine.

The 2021 Awards reflect a broader range of experiences than before as travellers were asked to reflect on the last 24 months, taking into account their experiences before and during the various stages of the COVID-19 crisis. Including COVID preventative measures, and safety and flexibility procedures implemented, with the results independently compiled by market research company Business Intelligence.


2021-10-25 19:19 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq. AA Digital. Raise fund. Pending announcement to be confirmed.


2021-10-22 14:51 | Report Abuse

blackhawk is drunk


2021-10-20 14:09 | Report Abuse

lets go back to historical high


2021-10-12 22:32 | Report Abuse

Nodick pls answer why price rise above 1.20? You said very confident will be below 1.20 until end of the year. You noob?


2021-10-12 22:07 | Report Abuse

No dick thinks he’s so smart. He thinks ppl answer he can understand. If he can understand he will forsee why price is at this level now. Fact is he have no clue. Even tried to bet with tianchoi that price will stay below rm1.20 what a noob.


2021-10-12 13:46 | Report Abuse

sslee, he never say its you also. why so defensive?

besides you, got many other ppl post nonsense also.

you're not the only special breed here. please dont perasan and take all the credit.

leave some for i3lurker and no dick.


2021-10-12 09:42 | Report Abuse

sorry im not interested. surprised you have so many to introduce. maybe you are one of them.


2021-10-12 09:27 | Report Abuse

Or are you just gay and obsessed with me?


2021-10-12 09:27 | Report Abuse

#Sslee In_Sight Happy for your gains Tianchoi. All the best to you

Just waiting for In_Sight when he will cash out or will he still holding AA by the time AA 2021 financial annual report is out?#

Lol, why? What are you expecting from the annual report? Share us your thoughts.


2021-10-11 18:20 | Report Abuse

Happy for your gains Tianchoi. All the best to you.

For those suckers who say nobody will travel because of covid have no insights.


2021-10-11 18:16 | Report Abuse

Sotong is strong today. Hurray for all holders since rm3