
JeffreyFamilyHsitory | Joined since 2024-09-29

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2 minutes ago | Report Abuse

@Jeffrey you kena a few RED flags you got no balls ah...srjk cina...45 years old man...owner of 15 houses all make of PAPER..YOUR houses use to burn for KONG TEIK one ah..
Shameless liar..
Your 75 years old MOTHER and 45 years old wife SIO KAN with cafe supervisor is the best...Come lah be a dog and bark your enemies.
Thank you for allowing me .bangla cafe worker to ''KAM PANG''with your 45 years old wife..I really SIO KAN with her very very syiok loh


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

>>>@ Michaelchan2024 ..I am FelixTan with the ids @ Jeffrey in YTLP forum..If you need money , I will give you rm 100 plus SIO KAN with my wife..
Provide YOU attack my enemy in YTLP forum.
My wife is good at KUM LAN*CHIO


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

...@ Jeffrey growing up years in chow kit...language like ''kum pang'' or close room means get ready for sio kan and jee lat cee bai are common language..that why he grows up with no manners...David don,t asked @ Jeffrey why he no parent upbringing and no manner...he everyday see his mother SIO KAN with at least 50 different man...indian,,malay,,singh,,,chinese...ang mor sailors etc

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1 hour ago | Report Abuse

@ks55...Jeffrey aka Felix888999 will get less money if one time SIO KAN with Mr Jeffrey is still 10 usd...last time can change for rm 47 now only 41...rugi rm 6 one time SIO KAN as a chicken...luckily you@ks55 your wife is 68 years old liow


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

@BlackDiamond....are you keen to have sexual intercourse with Mrs Jeffrey a forumer in i3 YTLP forum. Mrs Jeffrey is good at HISAP LAN*CHIO and would like you to jee lat her cee bai


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Bangla cafe worker and Samy Velloo belongs to INTERNET CAFE BOSS.
Due to Felix888999 being a BALL LIKCER OF KYY and an ENEMY OF ULAR SAWA...
we will continue our daily attacks on @Jeffrey.
If that coward dare not CONFRONT us as we are O4 GANGSTERS..that is his problem...BUT if anyone can give us his photos or ic or name...we sure can break his leg
MCMC is our good friend in our line of business
Coward @ Jeffrey do what ever you us to who ever you want
1] Felix888999
2] jjohnchew
3] ks55
Are our targets..
p/s Enemies of @Jeffrey KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT and FLAG him


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

@ Jeffrey you talking nonsense lah..Our jee lat cee bai skills is so GOOD..sometimes we jee Teo nee ching also ..the minister also cee bai lau chooi to catch talking rubbish lah...@ Jeffrey your 45 years old wife cee bai better than nee ching lah


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Bangla cafe worker and Samy Velloo only want to CHIAK LENG AND JEE LAT THE cee bai of YOUR wife the person using the IDS @ Jeffrey...who you quarreled with is not my interest...SIO KAN with @ MrsJeffrey SON SONG and asked her to KUM LAN*CHIO makes me happy....keep up your quarrel with whoever you like...hahahahah


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Chapter 2...Meeting between the Handicap Mr Tan and the No 1 Kay Boh and the adoption of a BAST*ARD son , Mr Tan Or Khooi , father of @ Jeffrey.
1] Upon arriving in Malaya ...FelixTan Grandfather aka ,MrTanSayKhee a handicap with one leg 6 inches shorter than the other , Half BLIND and his lan*chio is only 3 inches long worked for 14 hours a day , cleaning rooms and throwing aways all the toilet papers in Kiew Kiew FCCUK SHOP in Chow Kit IN 1920s until World War 2 came to Malaya in December 1941
2] The grandmother of @ Felix888999 aka @ Jeffrey was forced to SIO KAN with the TIN MINERS AND odd job labourers for 1 british malaysa dollar . Tin miners only earned about 10 dollars a month,
Being a THAAN CHIAK CHAR BOR or a KHOOI KHA CHAR BOR [ hokkien for prostitue ] @ Jeffrey grandmother hopes of being a CHAR BOR KAAN to be SIO KAN by the rich man owner evaporated
3] For her hard work and being INNOVATIVE by being the FIRST TO KUM LAN*CHIO in 1920s ,Felix888999 grandmother soon became the NO 1 KAY BOH ...a honourable title for the NO 1 prost*itue in the den.
4]Mr FelixTan @ Jeffrey grandmother was serving 50 customers a day or 1500 customers a month...she worked even when she is on PERIOD.
5]Mr Tan Say Khee meanwhile was bullied by other men and women for being a handicap and was consoled by Mrs Tan the NO 1 KAY BOH
6]The handicap GRANDFATHER of @ Jeffrey soon became lover to the NO 1 KAY BOH by JEE LAT her cee bai daily and officially married by the boss,
7] A gangster chief name CHEN TUA KHEE daily sio kan the grandmother daily and make her pregnant in 1932/...[ Mr Chen is the grandfather of ks55 aka CHENKFATT ]
8] Thats how the BUS TARD son became @ Jeffrey Father and was named TAN OR KHOOI


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Chapter 1... 1920 Famine in China and Mass exodus of Chinese people from Fukien province...Mr Tan Say Khee and Char Bor Khaan , the grandparents of Felix.
Chapter 2...Meeting between the Handicap Mr Tan and the No 1 Kay Boh and the adoption of a BAST*ARD son , Mr Tan Or Khooi , father of @ Jeffrey
Chapter 3...Mr Tan Or Khooi growing up in Chow Kit as a p*rostitute son and marriage to Mrs Tan or @ Felix888999 mother.
Chapter 4...Birth of Felix Tan and him starting a family with a massage parlour girl
Chapter 5...How Felix asked his 45 years old wife to SIO KAN with Bangla/Nepal Cafe worker and MPPJ longkang supervisor Samy Velloo.
Chapter 6..Felix and his buddies @ks55 and jjohnchew make enemies in i3 and even offered their mothers and wives for SIO KAN
Chapter 7..Felix new arsenal...grooming his 12 and 13 years old daughter for SIO KAN with i 3 investors.
Chapter 8...Comments about Felix888999


2 hours ago | Report Abuse you said @ Jeffrey is a CHICKEN...there are two meanings here in HOKKIEND...KAN KAY or coward and CHO KAY ...prosti*tute one mothers or pinciple
@ Jeffrey has no balls to use his name or FIGHT cafe supervisor.
His real name is FelixTan @ Jeffrey @ Vincent8864 @ Felix888999...
His family ancestors are CHO KAY AND OR KHOOI...pros*titutes and PIMPS as below
Synopsis of Felix888999 Family History
Describes how Mr FelixTan aka @ Jeffrey @ Vincenzo999 grandfather Mr Tan Say Khee , an OK*U or physically ret*arded person working in a br*othel in 1920 where he met Mrs Tan Say Khee , Felix Tan grandmother who was a woman in hokkien ''thaan chiak '' and '' khooi kha '' [ in English a c*all girl or prostitute ].Both @ Jeffrey grandparents had just arrived from poverty famine CHINA of the 1920s.