
Longyu | Joined since 2020-07-23

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2020-07-27 15:32 | Report Abuse

Rmber wat Peter Lynch said, when u panic sell, u are selling it really cheap.


2020-07-27 10:22 | Report Abuse

The bullish candlestick appeared beside a bearish one. Parabolic sar sitting comfortably beneath the bull candlestick. Sma50 slopping up gracefully on top of sma150, and the Macd line is slopping up beautifully. All these extracted from Daily pattern for medium term trend.

Disclaimer : Not a buy/sell call. Trade n invest at ur own risk.


2020-07-27 10:09 | Report Abuse

I prefer dphamr price to rise gradually instead of sharp parabolic rise. A sharp parabolic rise wud mean the likelier for a sharp fall, just as wat we witnessed over last two weeks.

The consolation - the sharp rise was 80%, but drop onli 30%. Tht means there’s a 50% appreciation of the stock price after taking a heavy beating last week. This counter certainly tells something.


2020-07-27 09:39 | Report Abuse

Look at the trading pattern....hits 2.73-2.75 at least 3-4 times already, and drop to 2.66-2.67. After tht it bounce up again to 2.73-2.75, and then retrace. Hence u can see tht resistance is at 2.73-2.75 and support at 2.66-2.67. Its consolidating, which means traders/investors are givIng this counter some serious consideration n are now testing the support/resistance level.

Just my 2 cents worth observation. I cud be wrong.


2020-07-27 09:33 | Report Abuse

@James89, nt to worry. It may retrace abit. After a sharp parabolic increase couple of weeks back, its healthy for a retrace, which is why im holding. Had it been another parabolic rise, i wud be very scared, cos tht wud be pure goreng alrd. Now we see a very normal pattern of sharp increase n pullback, which shows tht this counter has something in it.

Whatever the price movement is, i will always go back to the data- the SMA Line, the candle sticks, the parabolic sar and macd line. All these stats don’t lie.


2020-07-27 09:18 | Report Abuse

Likely scenario is tht funds will flow in almost equally for these two sectors. Investing in both provides natural hedge.


2020-07-27 09:13 | Report Abuse

There will be alot of fake ups n fake downs, hence my hunch is tht it gonna trade sideways for the next 1-2 weeks to come, before a breakout pattern is visible.


2020-07-27 09:11 | Report Abuse

Selling down pressure is strong, so those who can hold will hold. Those who decide they wont hold anymore will sell.

Traders will cut loss n sell; investors will hold for the long term.


2020-07-27 09:02 | Report Abuse

Dpharma which hv better trending SMA n business fundamentals is cheaper than carepls! Imagine tht! Hahaha


2020-07-27 08:41 | Report Abuse

May i know why is secretinvestor8888 is so kancheong tht some of us are still holding/nt selling dpharma shares? If anything at all we loose money, thts our mistake and our tuition lessons. I hv seen secretinveator8888 crying n screaming “sell sell selll” over in carepls counter when it was trading sideways, and look where is carepls now.

Do share with us ur facts n findings on the reasons to sell dpharma, as u are now advocating so vehemently.


2020-07-26 23:29 | Report Abuse

If u realised, i dont hoot how much price will jump or gap up tmr, neither do i hoot about how much the TP is.

But what i hv been sharing is already out there in the public, plus some TA thrown in. All u need is to do some homework and think thru abit more.....plus toughening up ur psychology n emotions when trading.


2020-07-26 23:25 | Report Abuse

Seriously, Vitamin? I hv never heard of tht. My spouse served as a covid frontliner as a dr (Feb-June) together with some of the top ID specialists in the country and had direct contact with covid+ patients. My childhood fren is also serving in the covid+ frontline as a dr, going directly into the hotzones clusters to swab those in the clusters during EMCO.

But i hv nt heard them sharing about what u had just shared. Allow me to verify with them. Im surprised.


2020-07-26 23:18 | Report Abuse

Glove counters is there to stay, be it covid in covid out. Hosp, labs n clinics all use gloves. Its also for basic hygiene purposes, esp in supermarkets or gas stations.

However, the difference with vaccine is tht it builds immunity/eradicate the virus. And why the pressure to produce is soooo intense is because of the economic destruction trail tht covid left. The body count of covid increases every day.

Nonetheless, the vaccine is an added bonus to dpharma’s alrd strong financial performance, earnings and economic moats. There is good fundamentals there.


2020-07-26 23:11 | Report Abuse

@jjjj5, yes i do wear surgical gloves whenever im out grocery shopping or at the gas station. I do tht waaaaay before covid struck.


2020-07-26 23:09 | Report Abuse

Famous quotes of Peter Lynch, one of the most famous and prolific trader/investor :

“The trick is not to learn to trust your gut feelings, but rather to discipline yourself to ignore them. Stand by your stocks as long as the fundamental story of the company hasn’t changed.”

“Know what you own, and know why you own it.”

“People who succeed in the stock market also accept periodic losses, setbacks, and unexpected occurrences. Calamitous drops do not scare them out of the game.”

“Remember, things are never clear until its too late”

“When you sell in desparation, you always sell cheap”

“It takes remarkable patience to hold on to a stock in a company that excites you, but which everybody else seems to ignore. You begin to think everybody else is right and you are wrong. But where the fundamentals are promising, patience is often rewarded”

“If you can’t convince yourself “When I’m down 25 percent, I’m a buyer” and banish forever the fatal thought “When I’m down 25 percent, I’m a seller,” then you’ll never make a decent profit in stocks.”

“Your ultimate success or failure will depend on your ability to ignore the worries of the world long enough to allow your investments to succeed.”

To those who contemplating to sell/buy, think about what he said.


2020-07-26 21:49 | Report Abuse

Looking at dpharm’s fundamentals and the SMA n parabolic sar movements, its still gonna be on the medium term uptrend.

There’s no point listening to others talking nonsense. If u do ever believe wat they say, ask them what is the basis of their assumptions. For me, i can confidently sailang all my glove winnings in this counter premised on these assumptions/reasons:

1. There’s economic moat -ie. dpharma is in an oligopoly with pharma for the bottling and distribution. Dpharma is in the value chain, without having to burn monies in the vaccine development. (Warren Buffet only invest in stocks with good exonomic moat.

2. Look at theTechnical Analysis - SMA Lines, parabolic sar n macd to conclude ur judgement call. Mind u, walk st traders and all the big shark traders use these indicators.

3. Spend some moments to think about the economic consequences of this Covid, as compared to SARS/HIV/Dengue/H1N1/MERS etc. Did all these viruses caused governments to impose lockdown, as compared to the severity of Covid. The economic destruction left by covid was unprecedented, as seen in the NYSE plunge in Feb/Mar. Hence, what im saying here is tht governments are under tremendous pressure to produce vaccines. Gloves n sanitizers are important for prevention, but vaccine is paramount for eradiction. If u know wht i mean.

So to those who are screaming crazy here up 4 walls “warning” ppl to sell to run etc, please share ur basis of assumption and ur rationale for these assumptions.

Im sure many here wud appreciate ur point of view.


2020-07-26 16:53 | Report Abuse

Again i say, consider the economic moat dpharma has compared to the rest. Vaccine successful or not, it wont affect dpharma. Its nt involved in the vaccine development and thus, no need to absorb any buried expenses. However, being tasked to be in charge of bottling, tht makes dpharma sit comfortably in the value chain. Without vaccine, dpharma is already performing very well. Those of u who knows how to look at SMA lines, its travelling beautifully on the SMA50 line, and the parabolic Sar is showing bullish momentum. The macd line is still above the signal.

Trading/investing is only for those who are mentally/emotionally/psychological strong. Those who cannot stomach or too fearful of a potential slump on monday.....then this game aint for u. Cut loss n get out. Know what u are trading/investing. Listen not to naysayers. Its ur own money, u trade n invest at ur own risk. Ask urself on wat basis these naysayers are ever so “kind” to show “concern” for ur monies??? Be it asking u to sell n cut loss or even to buy. Naysayers will ask u where are the vaccines dor sars/dengue etc....but hv these viruses cause a global catastrophe like covid19? Hence, lawmakers/gov are increasing pressure on vaccine companies to come up with vaccines ASAP.

Do ur homework n know what u are getting in to. The share market will only reward those who know what they are investing. Remember, the share market moves ahead of the economy by 6-9mths. U make ur own judgement call, trade and invest at ur own risk. No one can tell u what to do.

Disclaimer : Not a buy/sell call. Trade n invest at ur own risk.


2020-07-23 23:25 | Report Abuse

Why wud i sell if i know it has economic moat? 2021...2022....2023....doesnt matter.Vaccines will come out sooner or later. The destruction of covid is different fr other viruses. Hence govs will surely sponsor the development of it. Shock price movement for dpharma today, so what??? I bgt carepls at 1.54 n it slumped to 1.12, and was the for the longest time trading at consolidation. I held my shit out, n emotionally hardened. Got rewarded at 1.85. Summore carepls got no epf not pnb, unlike dpharma.

Trained myself to trade without emotions. Know the strength of wat u are investing in.


2020-07-23 18:23 | Report Abuse

@Pang 72
Its simple reasoning, isnt it?
A day delay in successful vaccine, the body count fr covid increases. Hence pharmaceutical /vaccine companies are nt taking this likely. Its also first mover advantage here, and its a massive massive advantage.


2020-07-23 18:11 | Report Abuse

Dpharma is a distributor and in the value chain, it need not fork out any cost to develope the vaccines. And if they hv the capacity to bottle it, vaccine producers wud be most happy to supply them. Vaccine producers wont waste resources to crack their heads on the logistics part of the vaccine reach. Yet nt every one can be a distributor, it has to hv solid pharmaceutical roots to do so. Entry barrier is high, let alone dpharma is one of the onli two appointed distributors in malaysia.

These are the areas i take into consideration when holding out when share price slump.

Sharks come in sharks come out, but facts dont change.


2020-07-23 17:55 | Report Abuse

Do not let others influence ur judgement when investing. Know wat u are investing and stick to it. See who are the big boyz behind this company, consideri what economic moats it hold, and take into consideration the current climate.

Soothsayers naysayers.....there always be, but knowing wat u are investing is the game changer. Charts and TA helps alot but they are historical, so use it wisely with the current development.


2020-07-23 17:50 | Report Abuse

Congratz guys to those who held it out!!!! U deserve to be rewarded. Although i sold off mine at 1.82 ni kinda regretted. I bgt once at 1.54 and the price slumped to 1.13. But i cud still sleep well, held the shit out. Why? Cos of Ansell n look where is carepls selling to. Ansell won’t make silly investments for nothing in return. These are the things i consider when invested in Carepls. Sharks come in sharks go out, but one thing still stands - Ansell.

Thts just my 2 cents worth of opinion.

Disclaimer : nt a buy/sell call. Trade at ur own risk.


2020-07-23 17:42 | Report Abuse

Looking at parabolic sar n macd, still indicates uptrend. Thinking about it, dpharma has some form of economic mode, being one of the two distributors. Nvm whether it developes its own vaccines. Being a distributor means they are in the value chain.

Gloves protect and prevent, but vaccine cures. A day delay in vaccine success, means more ppl will get infected another day. So the race n pressure is on for vaccines to be developed successfully.