NICKFURY03 | Joined since 2023-05-08

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2023-05-18 10:21 | Report Abuse

FL gang is eyeing on the bigger piece of cake instead of the company, if proven Guilty the concessions may be terminate by state government and award direct to Bahvest …don’t believe anyone here see that coming …Bahvest only lease 1/3 of the actual concession and there are bigger land adjoining their site. With the 2nd factory almost completed and this is the right time to take over everything as DL will be buck down by MACC….a very long vision move


2023-05-10 22:48 | Report Abuse

Cq14134, you may be right Bahvest can sue the previous management but again such legal case take years to settle with various court to appeal….do u think Bahvest have the time with no production ? It will be tough for the new Management to take over the factory to run……


2023-05-10 22:39 | Report Abuse

Lots of theory here and believe some of u r from both party….question is anyone of us here ever been to a gold mine or been to Bahvest side ? DL set up this gold mine and don’t believe anyone can simply take over the job easily……one of the guy from. DF side was the CFO and he had not raise the issue building on 3rd party land when it happens few years back ? The incoming director non of them had experience or time to visit the side …Law and Federik chong is always away and base in KL ….put aside the legal suit towards the previous management ….how long can Bahvest last without income and with debts and bank loan to service ? Without gold mine income Bahvest is just an empty shell ……as investor we should open our eyes


2023-05-10 10:57 | Report Abuse

soon below RM0.10.....omg ......


2023-05-10 05:52 | Report Abuse

Joyvest if both party can settle the difference amicably and with proposal to include fl side into the board of directors.....Dl continue to run the business....the company will had the financial figure to be listed into main board in 2 years time..... which will be a win - win situation for everyone with the share price goes up to RM0.50++......

Micheal Kwok, just monitor today will fall again unless some party come in to support the market, you just need a spark to sale and the day traders will shot down the market..


2023-05-09 19:27 | Report Abuse

Expect to drop further as someone is trying their best to support their price at 0.135-0.140 range, unless both Datuk can seat down and settle their differences......there will be no way back on this case....seems DL started to disposed will his shares today and return the company DF gang......the incoming gang will leave with Company with lots of debts, bank facilities to service, a court case and business halt......most investor would have disposed the shares rather involved in this


2023-05-09 15:44 | Report Abuse

tug of war on the share price with day traders coming in to short the market.....cant see how the price be able to rebound to RM0.20 unless one side put in RM50M to push up the price...either way DL may opt to leave the company with whatever cash he can get from selling off his shares.....looking at the way he fight his war it to let the other party take over and he leaving the field as soon as possible. This line need specialize workers and technical workers which may resign and joint DL new factory..............end up BV may only have a piece lease land with no factory & worker.....for the new party to move this counter they may need to inject new business and diversify into other segment


2023-05-09 07:23 | Report Abuse

It won't be a wise move for the incoming party or shareholders to sue to BOD now....definitely we can kiss good bye to the company unless the new BOD take Bahvest out from Goldmine and move them/diversify their business segment into others..... it will make sense for the move to take control of the Board


2023-05-09 07:20 | Report Abuse

Joyvest your comment is very true, the shareholders can sue the BOD but question comes if they have time to do so? with all legal battle taking stages...small shareholders or investor like us will see our fund going down the drain..... Alankam159 comment is great for both party to seat down and negotiate on the issue and rebuild the company together....that will be the best solution for everyone. It does not benefits any parties if the company goes into PN17 or even get delisted from KLSE..


2023-05-09 06:56 | Report Abuse

teareader818 some point I wish to raise from this chat here:
1) Rebuilding a factory take time and lots of technical issue involved, even without gold price coming I sure believe FL have the financial capabilities to rebuild a new factory but time constrain to stop the current production to cause them the company.
2) Alankam159 was right, it takes various approval from board to build such a huge factory on the trespass land...Bahvest had actually answer BURSA question on this and explain what had happen to the legal case.
3) With this dispute, the company will be coming down....and whoever take over the list co will be in huge pressure to rebuild the share price.

Their latest announcement from DL side that they have push for an EGM to remove the 3 directors to be fixed on 13th JUNE, till than the share price should be coming down...if I m an investor, I will try to avoid any further losses, not to mention those investor invest with financing....

Just wonder if both party can seat down and negotiate to resolve these issue which will benefits all our investors???


2023-05-08 22:30 | Report Abuse

Tug of war, one side knows they are loosing the grip on the company and activate their defences with all kinds of way to destroy the company business ....another side knows that even if they take over the company, it will be an empty shell question is what's the ultimate reasons/move for the shares holder to make such drastic move to remove the 3 directors? Actually did the CFO knows the who story in this company? understand he not even a graduate and is basically a nominee previously ...might bring his team to 'HOLAND' this time