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2023-10-03 17:05 | Report Abuse

@Adagold, yeah, you are right. Me too, curious...


2023-10-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

@The Rock, thanks brother, we wouldn't know after all....otherwise it will be considered something else.

I am currently doing a thesis on "Fundamentals of a corporation vs Human perceptions" and the correlations of movements on share prices as a consequence. True @The Rock, so many stories on KNM, which makes my research interesting. But sad at the same time, when a company's fundamentals are relatively strong despite being spread out so thinly without reserves to counter arising risks.


2023-10-03 16:34 | Report Abuse

Wow, going up, doing heavy volume at 15.5sen, when nothing happened last week, stalled at 12sen for so long...wonder who is mopping up today... from the lowest 5sen till now, if you invest in 1mil shares (0.05sen x 1mil = RM50K), by now, it translates to RM105K in profits alone, doubled up!


2023-10-03 16:26 | Report Abuse

@Adagold I guess the requisitioners party has indirectly but openly indicated that they should be given a chance to present their shadow plans to tackle KNM's current financial woes. It appears on this website too, saw it in Focus Malaysia yesterday:


Rather than the incumbents giving space to the requisitioners, they should by now have already laid out their plans to the public so that the minority shareholders whom are majority in KNM to evaluate it prior to the EGM on Oct 16th. The KNM current board has already planned out their regularization plans, although in brief. Being on the KNM board prior to the current board, the team lead should have spelt out his plans in convincing method, so the best plans wins. All the stakeholders want is a win-win situation, not a self-gratification plan to enrich one party while neglecting the others.


2023-10-03 14:33 | Report Abuse

Assuming the current board keeps their seats secure after October 16th, the challenge is to rationalize and align the Group to draw up a blueprint for their future directions, putting appropriate "ICPs" and "SOPs" to mitigate arising risks along the way. The energy market is pressured to deliver clean and environmentally friendly output, diversification is a viable solution, whether vertical or horizontal, to improve revenues, apart from building their human capital (overly too many negative remarks on the internet by ex-staff). Human capital is the first and foremost asset of any company, including KNM, and bringing them together and solving their grievances will improve productivity and efficiency almost immediately. I believe all the required ICPs are in place but over time, these could be obsolete and due to cash flow constraints, delayed remittance of wages, reimbursement of claims, or simply non-existence of appreciation will demoralize their human capital. At least to pacify the situation, a good annual dinner with staff will be beneficial. Why not KNM also include the bilis for a get-together makan2, yum yum, so we get updated on the progress and not be hostile all the while?


2023-10-03 14:03 | Report Abuse

But if it's laid out decently, timely implementation of the plans is crucial, rather than dragging legs and hoping for the "alignment of planets" to help out. Understanding the complexities of KNM's monetization plans, it shouldn't have dragged on for this long until stakeholders became impatient and worrisome. The current board is holding the trump card to play this well, if they manage it well which is within the achievable distance, even the requisitioners will benefit handsomely, if the assumption is correct that they ploughed the shares during the very low rates.


2023-10-03 13:56 | Report Abuse

@cK1973, if my "AI-crystal Ball" is correctly predicted, it will touch 23sen by next week. The resistance point is 25sen, should be confirmation date of Borsig listing in SGX and the performance of the roadshows, if any, to be conducted by the party. If the resistance point breaks, then the sky shall be the limit, as it will be beneficial to KNM to set forth and march ahead. Even the exchange rate element between Singapore and Malaysia will boost up cash flow of KNM, its a "home run" after that...


2023-10-02 23:51 | Report Abuse

@vhydro, a wedding photos won't be fake i hope. Looks like a decent gentleman.



2023-10-02 16:56 | Report Abuse

Wow, the KLCI down by 3%+, but KNM up by 12%....


2023-10-02 16:24 | Report Abuse

@its undervalued by 65% grossly, so, it should go up to 25sen at least...but sky is the limit, may shoot up to 35sen-50sen


2023-10-02 16:19 | Report Abuse

@batigoal, oh you didnt know the story? Emm, well, boardroom tussle by past board due to greed, involving world's billionaires etc. The group is holding a golden goose in its portfolio, everyone wants it, hope they don't slaughter it by then...


2023-10-02 16:17 | Report Abuse

@Micheal Kwok, I am following you now.... 😋😊


2023-10-02 14:33 | Report Abuse

Good day everyone, so excited to see all of you here with varied opinions. At the end of the day, it's one's own decision whether to cash out or hold on, based on experiences, in-depth research, or simply insider tips, if it still exists nowadays.
Well, out of curiosity, I took all the numbers and used AI-assisted data predictor to determine the current value based on its fundamentals, interesting facts to discover. Anyway, it all depends on human factors ie. management team creative thinking, connections, networking strengths, timing, funding, etc etc...


2023-10-01 12:27 | Report Abuse

@CyrusQ. Hahaha you made me laugh 😃 thanks buddy.. 👍

@Woodswater, your prediction could be right, mopping up time could begin now onwards during Oktoberfest @ festival on 10... I just read Flavio's appointment to KNM, taken place in 2020, followed by FBM Chairman cum joint MD of Borsig pushed up as GCEO taking over the outgoing GCEO Mr Lee, all the disposals discussions I foresee had happened between 2020 and Nov 2022, until the current management put a stop to all these nonsense realising the negative consequences it may bring to KNM. Obviously, the ejected party will not be quiet logically speaking, and 8 months of incubation & gathering like-minded splinter members to do the strike now. Wow, Woodswater, you put the puzzles together in order. 🤒🤥 wallau-eh, can make movie already from this storyline...🤠


2023-09-30 11:25 | Report Abuse

@Woodswater, wow, alot can be learned from you... just cross fingers, KNM won't sink due to one self-gratified party, but rather look at longer term, keeping the group as global brand.


2023-09-29 21:30 | Report Abuse

If 1 party buying, and it's progressive and in control mode, chances to fall flat is so much higher if the attempt did not succeed... whichever the case, frying into hot oil for bilis preparation for nasi lemak...😅😂


2023-09-29 21:07 | Report Abuse

If the foreign party buy into KNM as much as 30% or more, okay lar, they have the guts to try their best 👌 salute! But ini less than 8% nak mintak hakmilik, haiyoo, go play jauh jauh lar... or buy 2B shares then come talk, okay ada umphh.
First of all, none of foreign investors will ever buy into a PN17 after 1 year it happened. Secondly, the company has receivership summons pending, without restraining order, it would gone down the drain, yet wanna try luck? Thirdly, why didn't sapu shares when it was 5sen? If the current board can keep creditors calm while turning around the company, that's hard work, that's serious work, that's real and that's sincerity in place.
Why the interested party yet to announce their detailed plans how to rescue KNM? It's 2 weeks away only. Just curious 🤔 of course convincing and promising plans should be supported, best plan wins...like injecting some billion euros interest free grant to retire all debts and buy more assets, yum yum...very convincing 😋


2023-09-29 20:45 | Report Abuse

Frankly, I am curious about a foreign party just suddenly bought sizeable shares into KNM a month ago and claiming to come to rescue a Malaysian bred company founded by the Lee family, when in fact the founders expelled by the previous board whom are scheming to takeover bid now? Why Malaysians have no talents or knowledge to run a Malaysian company? If a Malaysian Lee family can build such a valuable group, so can Malaysians run that group efficiently. If we don't support our own people, who else will? Some jokers plowing their way overnight into a Malaysian treasure, and we tiny bilis share holders just watch it happening? Hilariously, few local cahoots joined in to topple another Malaysian team. Hahaha, what a life is this, man, so unfair...


2023-09-28 18:50 | Report Abuse

It is evident that the current management led by CEO Ravi and Chairman "T" shows credible and logical reasoning why KNM's Crown jewel Borsig should be listed while maintaining its ownership, unlocking values to solve distress financial issues experienced by KNM, eventually kick-start all other stalled projects to resume completion for monetization exercise at later stages when the time is right, not as desperate measures. 😎 I believe the current management is not seeking 5 years or more to stabilise the group, looks like its another 12 months or more to prove its worth. Afterall they are our countrymen too, giving a chance isn't a bad move. Everyone's money at stake, wise decision will make or break the group.


2023-09-21 23:38 | Report Abuse

Irony is both battling parties not mopping up the open market, price not breaking the 13sen level yet. I was anticipating the price rally to reach 35sen leading to the EGM date. Perhaps both waiting for their month end salaries...to buy more. 🤣😂😀😅


2023-09-21 23:31 | Report Abuse

If the financials isnt showing good progress with concrete plans and implementations in place, as well as support from the creditors to recover their monies, the courts wouldnt have extended as maxwin69 said. There are many PN17 big companies have plans rejected and got delisted the past few weeks. Assuming new board takes over, and new management formed, it has to start all over again, these 2 years wasted for bilis like us, and eventually little monies got burned and forgotten.


2023-09-21 23:23 | Report Abuse

Look at its financials, EPS june 2023 vs dec 2021, thats from -ve (17.58) to -ve (0.51), thats impressive performance by current management, changed since dec 2021era Flavio, now Ravi current management. Still a short journey to the finish line to turn around KNM, unlocking its assets' true value is the pinacle of this current management (not by disposals, but revivals, restoring confidence, bringing in more competent experts to assist, and listings). The share price will hover between 35sen to 50sen. From there, its future is up and up... Until another hostile takeover or complacency sets in. 😂


2023-09-20 17:37 | Report Abuse

Voting by Poll. Every question submitted to a Meeting shall be decided by means of a poll. Every Voter shall have one vote in respect of each share represented or held by him. A Voter shall not be obliged to exercise all the votes to which he is entitled or to cast all the votes which he exercises in the same way.


2023-09-20 17:31 | Report Abuse

@Woodswater - the right of voting at EGM is stipulated in the EGM Notice. Senang saja, kalau pegang syer sampai 11 Oktober, nama appear dalam register, boleh undi lar. 1 undi untuk 1 syer.

(ii) Please read and follow the procedures as set out in the Administrative Guide in order to register, participate and vote remotely via RPEV facilities.
(iii) A proxy may but need not be a member of the Company.
(iv) A member may appoint not more than two (2) proxies to attend and vote at the same meeting. Where a member appoints two (2) proxies, the appointments shall be invalid unless he/she specifies the proportion of his/her holdings to be represented by each proxy.
(v) Where a member of the Company is an authorised nominee as defined under the Central Depositories Act, it may appoint not more than two (2) proxies in respect of each securities account it holds with ordinary shares of the Company standing to the credit of the said securities account.
(vi) Where a member of the Company is an exempt authorised nominee as defined under the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act 1991 which holds ordinary shares in the Company for multiple beneficial owners in one securities account (“omnibus account”), there is no limit to the number of proxies which the exempt authorised nominee may appoint in respect of each omnibus account it holds.
(vii) To be valid, the duly completed form of proxy must be deposited at the registered office of the Company at No. 15 Jalan Dagang SB 4/1, Taman Sungai Besi Indah, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor Darul Ehsan not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the time for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. Alternatively, the Proxy Form can also be lodged electronically via “Boardroom Smart Investor Portal” at https://boardroomlimited.my not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting. Kindly refer to the procedure for Electronic Lodgement of Form of Proxy from the Administration Guide for the EGM.
(viii) The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer or of his/her attorney duly authorised in writing or if the appointer is a corporation, either under its common seal or under the hand of its officer or attorney duly authorised.
(ix) For the purpose of determining a member who shall be entitled to attend this EGM, the Company shall be requesting Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd in accordance with Clause 78 of the Company’s Constitution and Section 34(1) of the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) Act, 1991 to issue a General Meeting Record of Depositors as at 11 October 2023. Only a depositor whose name appears on the Record of Depositors as at 11 October 2023 shall be entitled to attend, speak and vote at the said meeting or appoint proxy(ies) to attend, speak and/or vote on his/her behalf.
(x) Pursuant to Paragraph 8.29A(1) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, all resolutions set out in the Notice of the EGM will be put to vote by way of poll.


2023-09-19 17:04 | Report Abuse

@The Rock, betul betul betul. PN17 not good in the long run. Tapi ah, kalau hutang banyak2 aa, itu PN17 macam Bank Negara punya AKPK, kasi masa tolong restructure hutang2 lor...if look positif lar. Of coz semua hutang tarak baik lar long term. Kalau tarak hutang pon susah mau grow jugak... Hehe.


2023-09-19 16:22 | Report Abuse

The Rock, you mesti baca the article below that Adagold posted earlier, aku baca pon terus putus asa. "Can't judge a book by its cover"



2023-09-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

CyrusQ, perhaps higher, faa tat liao..

Waah, volume high lor, sgt takut tengok... 430mil, 340mil, 250mil, this week now 205mil baru pukul 3+pm, total sudah rm135mil @ 11sen exchanged hands by elephants. Kalau burn, mesti kau2...


2023-09-19 15:01 | Report Abuse

Adagold kasi byk tips wor, bagus2. Kita kasi chance KNM CEO Ravi sikit, tengok syer naik 50sen cepat2


2023-09-11 14:54 | Report Abuse

The announcement of firming up FBM disposal is a strategic, timely, and calculated risk to mitigate loss-making units from further drowning KNM Group. Soon after this, creditors can be serviced, Borsig can continue to perform, and the current management relook at Thailand's ethanol unit and cut its losses by finding a buyer or financial restructuring to improve cash flow and reduce interest expenses, or even bring in technology/equipment related investors into the company to improve production efficiency, reduce waste, or increase capacity. Thailand's government does provide grants for such technology inflow efforts into the country. The ethanol business is still a good business. Efficient logistics and inventory management can improve cash flow, by optimizing the supply chain to minimize time and reduce inventory carrying costs. Environmental compliance is vital as ethanol does have environmental impacts, so ensuring the factory complies with environmental regulations, and adhering to sustainability practices may open up new markets or partnerships. Most importantly, a quality improvement that meets industry standards and customers' requirements, as high-quality ethanol commands premium prices and may attract more customers. The management should get international bodies to endorse its ethanol products once the back of the house is cleaned up to satisfactory levels.
The German group's appearance is a signal to the current management to continue to be on their toes, revive the business, improve cash flow, cut losses, put several measures for good and transparent governance, as well as bring in a couple of O&G experts into the management and corporate strategists into BOD.


2023-09-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

The Edge - Pointing to KNM’s narrowing losses since 2021, Ravindrasingham said the circumstance is a “testament to the group’s high future prospects”. “We ask that all stakeholders act in the best interest of the group, safeguarding the group’s accomplishments thus far and that prospects for a highly sustainable business future remain firmly secure,” he added.😊

The share price climbed from 4sen to 12sen as it is today, due to its strong fundamentals and the management's right direction towards turning over the Group. It's a huge conglomerate to start with, and controlling such an empire from KL is not an easy job, so, given the fact the creditors have confidence in the current management and based on the past 12 months' progress, this current management is definitely doing an extremely great job. Buying the shares at this low price vs. 21sen of net tangible assets p/share will give much bigger returns in the long run.
The moment Borsig is listed in the USA, all their problems will disappear into thin air, the question is, how far are they to list it in the USA? Can they sustain until then? What are their risk mitigation plans to counter any disruption in their business while waiting for the listing to happen?