
SaturnZ | Joined since 2014-08-13 12:01:51

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2014-08-21 00:38 | Report Abuse

Understand what happens before tsunami.....


2014-08-20 15:18 | Report Abuse

The 50.5c is LA I m using that as my marker. If u are using 64c then measure from there....


2014-08-20 15:10 | Report Abuse

Pls don't play this if cannot afford to wait.....and this comment is not for you if you don't feel for what I m saying....


2014-08-20 15:04 | Report Abuse

Let the situation subside......volume buyer is in the market......the way some of the independent player do it s as follow.....example in GOB and Tambun......they synchronize between the two....when. Tambun went up substantially (+7 to 10%) they switch to GOB and similarly when GOB appreciate, they switch back and forth.......this is based on location development and some are based on sector while in timing some maybe based on similar price. ( in this case Sumatec).....

Hence once slow down, they players will be back....


2014-08-20 14:53 | Report Abuse

I posted the below on 8th August. Hope it clearly identified for you its 4 & 5. However, pls look at closing and chart since last week to date. Looks familiar? Previous low support was at 50.5c. You can use that for the restart. Note at this point, it is hard for low volume + intent because the seller queue is high and you cannot challenge the market.

1. Volume + Commit = Escalation

2. Volume + Uncertainty = Stagnant

3. Volume + Uncertainty (2nd day) = Stagnant or downward or correction

4. Volume +. Uncertainty (3rd day onward) = Downward trend or correction

5. Reduced volume + uncertainty = Downtrend


2014-08-19 10:49 | Report Abuse

Wow...Mother to son ratio 1:30
The reason for the high ratio is son investor/trader refuse to budge at this point ie buyer and seller holding ground
You guys know what to do....


2014-08-18 13:09 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha....price movement not important? If so better stay private and not get listed if not important..........


2014-08-18 10:44 | Report Abuse

There are 2 scenarios here
1. Mother at 66c deadlock with 4.3M volume on seller queue. 4.3Million shrs is not a lot by recent L&G volume performance up to 20/30 Million. So if a gap up happens where buyer takes all the potential is ending 68.5c. When this happens, the signal is for buyer to get ready again
2. However in the second scenario, what you need to watch is the mother price drops below 65c and whether the son follows. This will be third day son is holding/defending and if mother drops but son continue to hold today at 52.5 and above, you can expect son to indicate self reliance.

What does it mean? At whatever cost, son base is 57c and resistance is 60cents ( psychological resistance) This 60 c for son is still reliant to mother even if son display they are independent at this stage ( if they continue to hold above 52.5c). If this case happen, son will still wait for mother below 60c and mother will rebound !!


2014-08-18 10:26 | Report Abuse

What I like abt a Buyer vs Seller deadlock and price not moving.
Example, Immediate. Buyer at 50c and Seller at 50.5c with total buy volume queue at 750k and sell volume queue at 700k with seller queue up to 56c. When the unseen buyer (which is not in the buyer queue decides to take the whole seller queue of 700k volume upto 56c, it will leave a void between immediate 50c buyer and 56c above seller temporarily. This happens as a GAP up. If gap up doesn't hold, it will fill up the void gap. However the focus is not abt filing the void but the fact there was an intent when someone takes the total seller volume on the table. That's why it always desirable when gap up happens.


2014-08-17 17:46 | Report Abuse

Sell if you have at least 50k shrs to play the 2cents. Anything less than 50k shrs it's not enough to make grounds .


2014-08-17 00:37 | Report Abuse

So son showed it can hang on his own and at one point geared up above mother. And mother showed that she can reach 69.5 to indicate a try at 70c at later stage. What it means is mother and son are consolidating between them however I still think above 70 for mother is more accurate to start the consolidation. Also the volume ratio between them did not indicate that they are consolidating.

When is the right time?
There isn't a right time but there is an optimal time when mother son ratio is below 2:1 and the gearing are equal or above for son. The lowest I have measured is 1.67:1.

Now I did tell you son will do well after son and mother pass thru major psychological of 60 and 70c respectively however mother need to be stable above 70cents and would do well at 75cents and son will be passing 60.

Hence assuming par gearing the base is at 57cents for son if mother convincingly pass 70cents!.

Good luck!! God Bless


2014-08-17 00:02 | Report Abuse

Come Monday, you sell I buy.....u sell more I buy more.....u sell all I buy all.........


2014-08-16 08:42 | Report Abuse

Beautiful!.....lesson 101 : Collection cannot be continuous!!


2014-08-15 16:29 | Report Abuse

Ok guys....those studying ....hope u recognise the low volume price up happening here......


2014-08-15 16:25 | Report Abuse

Aiya so fast...


2014-08-15 16:23 | Report Abuse

Testing water.....


2014-08-15 16:17 | Report Abuse

Son gearing change.....increased early but volume ratio went up to it yet?


2014-08-15 16:12 | Report Abuse

Lol.....son closed in on mother....


2014-08-15 14:27 | Report Abuse

The only other hindrance is global partisan in economic sanctions amongst regions and against Russia.
GDP measurement of recession is no longer valid and should be ABOLISHED as the indicator may not hold true anymore in a global world. Have a thought!!


2014-08-15 11:08 | Report Abuse

What happen during consolidation? Think of consolidation this way.....if you build a house too fast, very likely you will miss a lot of area which is suppose to complete. Most important in house building is the structure right? The structure of the house cannot go wrong however it is common to miss certain piping in design, or incomplete cemented area or piping design out or even cabling and etc. Those can be corrected before the project resumes. However you do get some cases where the PRoject Manager is so accurate and the design team is so immaculate that the housing project goes thru with minimal correction. This minimal correction is base on phases. Maybe you 3 out of 4 phases completed with minimal hiccup however you stumble a bit at stage 4. Example of this are shares like Insas, Daibochi

So, much like the correction for housing project, some of the areas in the stock when ascending do go thru correction in areas it missed out and as long as it is not a structural problem, it can be rectified before resuming. In the case of L&G, we know the driver is a good Project. Manager and now we have also tested him on investor relations, the next test will be running heavyweight project and trumping them.

Remember it is one thing to be a good PM , it's another to be a good marketeer, and it's also different be running a larger company with more areas to look at. I believe Low Gay Teck has proven half of his ability and I will be waiting for him to show the other half.


2014-08-15 01:13 | Report Abuse

Again!! Pls don't listen to me. The comments is not meant for you if you do not understand what is said.


2014-08-15 00:59 | Report Abuse

When dealing w market, company KPI is important and the leader delivering the KPI is key.
Ask yourself this, does your CEO harp on the same subject everyday? He is a busy man and completes each KPI and moves on or he leads w leadership to the point but allows the staff to take helm ?
A good CEO/ MD leads the key area and allow his charge to deliver by focusing on each of them (KPI) with each of his charge. His role is to focus on all but once archived his attention will be shifted to those lacking behind.
In essence, once 70cents is stable, and optimal conversion is achieved, his next focus will be value. A lot of ppl talk abt unbilled. Unbilled is a sales that is already concluded and pending progressive payment. It can neither be achieved earlier unless they can hasten the completion of the project fr normal 3 years to 2.
So Low gay Teck s role is simple,
1. Lead the team and their KPI and complete share holders aspiration and trust
2. Ensure the projects are timely completed to be reflected in the financial performance
3. Lead and plan launches
4. Build a good sales pipeline for continuity
5. Sufficient marketing thru marcom and investor relation.

No 1 should be in parallel and also in succession. Example 500M market cap with optimum conversion to mother. This will bring to next execution of dividen. Dividen is a percentage of market investment. Once that is stable ie they know the exact % after this exercise of market cap achieved! they can start averaging the conversion towards 2018. In between any projects capital can be raised thru private placement.

In that sense, they will have the system and machinery over the next 5 years to increase further their market cap fr loan stock whilst any plan immediate ( within a year ) project can use PRivate Placement (PP) as vehicle. PP is usually more like a project base vehicle example Lembah Beringgin may require a certain amount and PP partner/s can come in with a certain leverage. Given the track record of L&G since 2008, this is a certain for valued partnership.

If you understand the intent of the message above, each KPI maybe succession in the sense market cap must be achieved first before you can talk abt more investment or Valued PP partners whilst the parallel would mean more income in (better profit) to improve cash reserve, cash flow, reduce outstanding , payment of dividen, etc. it is important the dividen payout does not eat into cash flow or reserve.

So now, we are all aware of the cash reserve of 300 million, healthy unbilled, low gearing, high income, and soon 500m market cap. As explain earlier what is mean by having high market cap, I will not go into that.

If all is as good as I say, where should one invest....mother or son?
Use the below as ur facts
1. Mother to son volume ratio has close gap lately from 1:8 to lclosest 1:1.6 lowest and now 1:3 but avg at 1:2.67
2. For 13 cents conversion vs 2cents dividen (yet to see if single tier) you can buy 6.5 times more LA .
3. mother to Son differential after conversion if we use the stats today was reduce to 0.05
Ie at one point the mother was at 0.67 and son was at 0.535 for sometime but close at 0.53
Meaning son was not under pressured to move down as before.

Base on the facts, If you consider no 2 assuming equal gearing is reached ie LA conversion with 13 cents equal to mother, you can buy actually 6.5 times more LA and achieve the same margin and the 2 cents dividen means nothing then. Even better then if the LA gearing increases and surpasses the mother, you investment will be more than 6.5.

Hope you got the meaning. Good luck and God Bless

Pls note I hold both mother and son LA


2014-08-14 23:28 | Report Abuse

Lol.....don't derail.....focus 70cents....


2014-08-14 23:16 | Report Abuse

Lol...I have no problems with paper champion. Paper champion no different from arm chair critic. Can't do it in real life. Just like coach and player. As they say ..." If you can't play, then coach..."


2014-08-14 21:59 | Report Abuse

Ok stay focus at 70c.!!
Since I hear no explanation, or can't explain, pls proof me wrong of what I said ie son will catchup after mother stable at 70c above with ideal case 75cents. The 3 cents gap after conversion betwen mother and son will diminish.....


2014-08-14 21:55 | Report Abuse

Yes pls don't listen to me I m just a commentator. Pls pls explain why gap close up between mother and son today? Why son hold a 0.05 gap after conversion most part of the day and 1 cent diff after conversion at closing....
Pls explain, I would like to learn!....otherwise those who make 1 comment cannot stick leh


2014-08-14 21:37 | Report Abuse

I wrote the below excerpt earlier. Now ask yourself why the price drop? And what did you see?
For a start, there was a firm stand between buyer and seller. No budging early this morning. So volume done was low. When that happen, it was good to note when both parties are firm (seller & buyer not giving in) and low volume queue at sellers, it is an ideal situation for push up. As I mentioned earlier, these buyer are not seen in the queue and they will just casually take up the low seller volume. You cannot fight market when the volume come in.

The amt seller queued at 69, and 69.5 will not cease even if the buyer relent and buy all at 69 and 69.5. The only way to clear this is to finish strong at 69 or 69.5 for at least 2 days to clear the volume. So who are these 69 and 69.5 sellers making this volume?
It is a combination of 6, 7 and 9 and the believe they cannot get thru the 70cents resistance at a go. I mention yesterday it is very volatile below 70 cents. I would not be excited if it had gone to 70cents today for that same reason. So focus 70cent....if get pass 70 stable, son will break 60c this double break of mother pass 70c and son at 60cents is a psychological barrier. We hope to see son rising when mother is stable above 70cents . Those who thought 69 c already achieve market cap should understand that volume and not volatile price to meet the 500 m target Market cap is important until it is stable above 70.


So the next questions is, if all are good at the moment, why and when is buy and sell?
Ppl buy and sell for different reasons and here is some
Sell because
1. they need the money
2. the shr price is stagnant
3. the counter is not exciting
4. counter did not perform as promise or expected
5. they have held too long and other more exciting prospect to buy
6. they made a profit
7. market panic
8. lack of future prospect
9* Contra selling

And BUY will be exacly the opposite



2014-08-14 15:51 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha I like it when it's quiet......


2014-08-14 15:39 | Report Abuse

Why is this 70cents such a big stumbling block and why do I say it needs to be consistent above 70cents for it to be stable?
As I mention earlier, son convert to mother is a 1 way street......if mother jumps over 70cents properly, it's bring son to 60 cents properly also. In essence, this is very very important as more son can reach 60cents will also help to support mother price later. This is when son will emerge grown up!!!


2014-08-14 14:59 | Report Abuse

What we are looking for now is the seller's column. While we stare at buyer seller deadlock, the sellers are getting edgy that the price won't hold. We are looking for the seller to drop a notch in their selling price example 68.5 to 68. And we are looking at the buyer to see how they take the position.

FYI the real buyers are just watching!!! They won't queue like you and me. They will lock in at the price once they know it cannot move anymore. Example Buyers and Seller won't budge. Neither will come down or go up!! On the other hand, these buyers will also buy at the point when the time is running out and the queue does not have enough to supply them....

If it does not happen today with no extended volume towards the end, the intent is weak!! It must finish at least 68 today with good volume to justify that....


2014-08-14 14:11 | Report Abuse

Man man Lai........


2014-08-14 12:39 | Report Abuse

Note today if close 67.5 may signal weakness. However a resounding increase in volume at second half couple with a 68 and above closing today will signal strength.


2014-08-14 12:36 | Report Abuse

Yesterday's closing was below expectation......hope today can signal higher closing than 67.5. Otherwise tomorrow may signal a negative direction


2014-08-14 12:31 | Report Abuse

Today second day push 69.5.....look at the resistance now accumulated at 69.5. If they are ready and intent is there, even 3 to 4 Million at 69.5 won't stop it. BUT it will not stay above 70 cents. Again you cannot fight market forces everyday. So intent + organic growth must be there.
How to do organic growth? For each push towards 70cents, let it close higher than the day before!!.....very important.


2014-08-14 12:26 | Report Abuse

Lol....confirmed low volume push.....


2014-08-13 15:11 | Report Abuse

Sellers have confidence issue.....we need to take that put.......
How? Give them a 68.5 or 69 c closing.


2014-08-13 15:10 | Report Abuse

Focus hard son when mother is above 70 convincingly. The volume is has volume ratio is closing in . Focus on 70cents. If they are willing to commit the 8 million volume on table is not a hindrance.


2014-08-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

Ideally parking mother at 75c then son doesn't have much problem getting pass 60c.
Mother MUST convincingly pass 70c. So focus on that......


2014-08-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

Below 70cents anything can still's like talking about making 10k from Toto vs making 10k monthly salary. Which you prefer?
If you say latter then my earlier comment is the same thing. Toto not guaranteed right?


2014-08-13 12:28 | Report Abuse

Not good enough. Price below 70c not stable. I have already given you a very important answer. So now will be balance of conversion against price.....Got it?
1. more conversion = more dilution
2. more dilution = more liquidity = better to upkeep market capital compared to high price but low liquidity
3. It must be stable at 7x to maintain and gradual the impact of dilution.

Here son will gear up.


2014-08-13 12:12 | Report Abuse

Son follow mother but not for long. Pls read my earlier posting.
Once mother breaks 70 convincingly, 500 M Market cap is done deal.
So what is next?
It will be the son on spot light. The gear will shift. And remember this son convert to mother is a one way street and no going back.