
Scam4u | Joined since 2014-07-16 05:10:02

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2014-07-16 06:58 | Report Abuse

Bigger scam. Casino pyramid surewin4u. Still out there con aunties and uncles.

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2014-07-16 06:37 | Report Abuse

This $300 fee scammer is peanut compare to another scammer selling casino baccarat system pyramid scheme surewin4u.

Yes the system maybe true but the fact is casino is very high tech in finding professional gambler. The moment one shows up not to say 99% sure win, but just slightly 51% winning and wins all the time, one is marked and got pickup. Professional gambler are blacklisted and the name list is shared Internationally within all casinos.

So with such advance monitoring, any old aunty or uncle also knows the casino people will walk by pretend giving you extra service when you win just little money. Its an open secret. What about hundreds of millions?

Here comes the problem. Big question is even if you can master the formula, you cannot win BIG MONEY from casino. Not even close to GANG UP A LOT OF PEOPLE to win all the time, making this group career. Means the massive pyramid money collected if not 100%, 95% never really goes into casino table. It goes to the scammer pocket.

So this professional scam artist ridding on people's greed and a twisted formula which only works for personal pleasure but cannot be massively used as career (because casinos scan and ban such), collects all the innocent dreamers money to pay off the so called earlier investors. Its a classical pyramid scheme. Imagine how many hundreds of so called "professional gambler" really needs to work 24/7 working as career gamble and with BIG MONEY, in Singapore Marina Sands and Macau to bet hundreds of millions of dollar, DAILY, and must SUREWIN, and pays the dreamers profit? One must be joking if Marina Sands intelligent system finds missing EXTRA few millions EVERYDAY and does nothing.

Even the most brilliant Harvard University professor and mathematic genius students with SUREWIN formula cannot win more than a million dollar from casinos back in vegas. Imagine how to bring hundreds of millions into the system and break the system. Day dreamers never wake up. Therefore, no brain to think.

One day pyramid system will breaks, scammer may just excuse they had a bad day and LOST few hundred million dollars overnight, what a good escape! "Sorry no profit for investors. By the way we lost 95% of capital. Opps!", and tries to get away with it. This is much better than gold bar scammers. They cant said they lost all money or gold bar because of robbery. Gold is too heavy!

Old MlM tricks of repeating showing their allies photos as big winners, success examples, and who and who won what, is classic. Showing off money and luxury car is a must and first sign of scam work. Nowadays all Ah-Long and illegal businessmen "must" buy Dato, Dato Sri or Tan Sri titles to disguise their guilt. If Tun is available for a price, they will be first to buy such title. More laughable showing casino cheques of tens of millions, what is the proof of winning, rather than chip in 10 million cash and chip out 9.99 million cheque? Still people choose to believe what they wants to believe.

Like the good old dream of Internet promises, billions of people goes online but non of them stops by your website. Having invested in dotcoms doesn't mean you will sure get rich quick. When the casino gimmick collapse, it may mark one of the top 10 Ponzi scam artist of all time. Malaysia has nothing to show off but kept giving birth to professionally scammers. Salute to Malaysia legal system.

Some references:
Best of the world best cannot break million dollar mark. Who else?