Blog Posts
2020-07-16 09:41 | Report Abuse
Meaning business is good should hire more manpower and more efficient systems
2020-07-15 09:09 | Report Abuse
Is wearing mask a sign of weakness for them?
2020-07-14 09:47 | Report Abuse
Easy for you to say when ur monthly salary is not effected
2020-07-13 09:48 | Report Abuse
Definitely. Curbed freedom of movement... New Norms
2020-07-10 10:06 | Report Abuse
澳广引用凌兵的话说:“任何引渡条约都需要两个司法体系之间存在信任。” “一方把人引渡到另一方,就要求另一方能够公平地对待刑事被告。”
2020-07-10 10:05 | Report Abuse
澳大利亚暂停与香港的引渡机制 为港人提供避风港签证
华盛顿 —
2020-07-09 09:36 | Report Abuse
Kingsley 其实你应该知道它的业绩肯定下滑。接下来的更糟糕,而且又要出附加股,低于0.55再看。
2020-07-08 09:45 | Report Abuse
I will wait for construction theme play . in meantime. happy trading. ^^
2020-07-06 10:00 | Report Abuse
Damn u China!
I hope the USA will send the nuclear ballistic missiles to China!
2020-07-03 09:41 | Report Abuse
The bitter sore losers of bumno camp know no boundries..these group of people whom majority look like pendatang, talk like pendatang, sounded like pendatang & think like pendatang transgress everything to the extend of showing disrespect towards the fundamentals of this nation. This is not the 1st time. Remember the cina balik tongsan thing, mocking national anthem etc..all coming from the same pendatang species.
2020-06-30 09:38 | Report Abuse
油价大跌的时候,马股却大大力反弹....股市的起伏其实象征着国家经济繁不繁荣,这mco一百天的股市走向,让所有fundamental kaki们看到怀疑人生
2020-06-24 09:29 | Report Abuse
Good Morning JessicaSimpsons, No, a warrant’s liquidity is not calculated in the same way as it is for stocks. You can’t simply look at the recent traded volume. In fact, a SW can have no volume traded at all and still be highly liquid. This is because of the existence of market makers, who provide bid and offer prices, and typically contribute the majority of the liquidity in a warrant.
The liquidity of a warrant is primarily determined by two factors: the liquidity in the underlying stock, and the quality of the market maker. If the underlying stock is highly liquid, the market maker will typically provide larger volumes on the bid and offer of the SW, which will translate into more liquidity for the SW itself. However, it also depends on the quality of market maker. Most market makers use a computer trading system to provide bid and offer prices. The more sophisticated the trading system and the more experienced the market maker, the more liquidity they’re normally able to provide in their warrants. The easiest way to determine which market makers provide greater liquidity is to compare the bid and offer volumes of their warrants. The warrants with the larger bid and offer volumes are typically the most liquid.
If a warrant is "in-the-money" at expiration, the holder will receive a cash payment of an amount equal to the difference between underlying price and exercise price (multiplied by the conversion ratio) within 5 working days after expiry date.
2020-06-23 13:17 | Report Abuse
If you guys dunno about this fact don't tell me about investing, i think it's not suitable for you! Go buy 4D, they operated already!
2020-06-22 08:53 | Report Abuse
Before covid going to Selayang market and outside surrounding the market with foreigners and their stalls one would feel it a foreign place compared to the 90's.
Employment should be for locals and without foreigners the greedy stall owners won't be able to hire cheap labour . They should use locals and forklifts and modernize etc and reasonable wages to attract locals. Many locals are also unemployed.
2020-06-19 08:47 | Report Abuse
The famous apple-polisher of any PM is here to polish the new PM. If Anwar or TDM or just anyone will become the PM he will say the same thing - I will support you as the PM. Right now he must be hoping the current PM will allow him to have a share of the cake.
2020-06-18 09:53 | Report Abuse
It is a case of the devil fighting the devil. Hand me the popcorn...sit back and watch their drama
Bolton is one of the most virulent neocon warmongering hawks ever. He wanted to wipe off Iran off the map...and other large parts of the world too.
2020-06-17 13:33 | Report Abuse
It’s normal for any country to fast track citizenship of someone they think will do the country proud or simply said, people they consider "superstars" - CEOs of big corporations, Nobel winners, Olympic gold medallists, etc.
The main point of contention in this article is twofold:
1. Why do "superstars" always come from a certain group?
2. Why does normal naturalisation take such a long time?
Item 1 is here to stay and probably will get worse after GE15. Only item 2 can be solved and our dear MPs should work on it.
2020-06-16 11:27 | Report Abuse
All true. The detention camp is like a country of its own laws.if you want to sent some water or food to anyone detain you cannot buy from supermarket you must buy it from the store which is 5 times more than the supermarket. So many others which needed to be check. But then who is doing the checking
2020-06-16 11:07 | Report Abuse
Just because some had created problems, it doesn’t mean all of them are troublemakers.
2020-06-15 12:22 | Report Abuse
They are paid not just hefty salaries for 2 jobs but probably also several pensions for their past services. The amount in monthly salaries plus pensions paid to some govt leaders, especially to those who have been in politics for well over 40 years, will shock you !!!
2020-06-12 17:36 | Report Abuse
Sending a letter of representation to the AG is the right of the accused. It provides another way to settle a matter in court.
The AG can decide whether to accept it, and take it to court for DNAA, or set it aside.
The court can accept the Application or over rule it, citing that it would be unfair to have the charges hanging over the head of the accused, and substitute instead with DNA.
The AG, under the Constitution, does not have to give any reason/s for varying, amending, withdrawing or dropping charges.
His or her decision cannot be challenged.
There must be closure.
Likewise, once the court has ruled, there's closure.
Aside from letter of representation, those unhappy with a verdict can appeal twice from the court of first instance.
Having said that, the Agong can remove the AG upon the advice of the PM.
2020-06-11 11:35 | Report Abuse
It's the CCP and its arrogance and bullying and expectation that the world should bow to China. It doesnt understand world trade or multinationalism or the mutual benefits of that trade. It wants to dominate based on some inferiority complex and warp perception it it was mistreated in the past, all propoganda of the CCP to control and incite its people. That only works for so long. Germany tried and it didnt work, soviet tried and it collapsed, trump is trying and will be ousted in the next election.
2020-06-09 14:05 | Report Abuse
This is a good time to accumulate its PA.
2020-06-05 12:22 | Report Abuse
War of words, yes but not with weapons...
2020-06-05 11:44 | Report Abuse
In the middle of a pandemic, its better to work together to end the pandemic instead of starting conflicts that serves little purpose even for the US.
2020-06-04 13:53 | Report Abuse
The so called nine dash line that runs rough shod through multiple countries sovereign territory doesn't help the conversation much.
2020-06-02 16:02 | Report Abuse
I think year end PA can reach X15, still holding it. UP UP UP
2020-07-30 13:54 | Report Abuse
Bye guiss