
anti_colonialists6 | Joined since 2021-10-01

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2021-10-02 08:16 | Report Abuse

"Posted by dragon328 > Oct 01, 2021 2:18 PM | Report Abuse

It is a common trick in corporate deals. Can you prove it right or wrong? If an equity analyst came along to recommend that the fair value of Daibochi should be RM3.85 (CIMB original tp) or higher, then it would make sense to suspect other investors or funds to have exercised muscles onto the analyst, but we have not seen any of such.

Get your facts right and not just make baseless claims here. If you are just an observor, you are wasting your time posting abusive comments on those who think the privatisation offer is unfair. If you are an investor in Daibochi, just sell off your shares if you think the offer is good and move to other counters. If you are a shareholder or party in concert with Scientex management, then go tell Mr. Lim to just raise the offer price or withdraw it. DO not waste everbody's time here.


@dragon328 good job contradicting your own arguments, once again reveal your consistent false claims, raising worrying question about your intention.

I have already responded you that analyst job is to answer big investor like Apollo, in other words licensed investment companies with billions dollars to play. You ignore that to create new false claims.

If you want to stick your claim that someone can "exercise its muscles onto analyst", then it is more likely other customers of the analyst, big investors like Apollo, are "exercising their muscles".

Companies like Scientex are not licensed investment company that have billions dollars and analysts begging to service them.

There can be many reason for analyst to think that Scientex offer is fair. If I use your argument style, one possible reason is other big investors with share in Scientex and are Apollo competitor, are "exercising their muscles on analysts" that need their business.

If true then possible competition between foreigner Apollo/Samarang (Daibochi) and Vanguard/Norges (Scientex) or local big investors like EPF/Affin (Scientex). It is normal for them to play hundreds of millions to billions in market and have many analysts begging for their business.

Level headed investors may think that sound unlikely. If sound unlikely, other possible view is the analyst is independent, and think the offer price is fair for Daibochi shareholders due to own professional opinion.

If you really believe they are pressured and their integrity compromise, what stop you from reporting to regulators and let them investigate? Clearly they will know better than us if any malpractice.

But you seem happy to destroy other people lives and rice bowl by your perverted sense of justice and slander and trial in court of public (collusion) opinion.

This is clearly because you want to sway public that Scientex is unfair, and you even make slanderous claims that they "exercise their muscle onto analysts and journalists and using them to do tricks".

I said earlier, are you joking or think everyone has 0 integrity and can be paid or pushed by Scientex? That is big insult to all hard working analysts and journalists implying they are bought. No different from anti vaxxers insane claims on big pharma.

You are clearly doing this to support your evil agenda to smear Scientex name and integrity with fake story and slanderous claims and you are happy to harm other innocent parties to support your agenda.

Do you think it is fun if their professional career and integrity discredited and smeared on a public website by unknown people? Only conclusion why you are acting this way is because you are evil.

Unsurprising from same people masquerading as victims and champions of greater good, while ironically camouflaging attack to smear name and integrity of genuine professionals and companies.

Shareholders that are reading here beware and do not be swayed by master puppeteers acting behind the scene.