
azimo | Joined since 2018-03-14

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2018-03-16 09:26 | Report Abuse

Alibaba, tencent, amazon, u name it except they r all profitable. Not surprise if mpay is making another record losses next. When a co. could not even turn a profit, it will keep burning cash by asking more money from financing backers? Not a wise move.


2018-03-15 15:19 | Report Abuse

There is certainty of reasoning on why mpay is trending lower into the red instead of being picked up optimistically. Honestly in the long term and at the end of the day it will still be those established banking institutions that will be dominating the financing related practices and fintech is just nothing more than being coined as a methodology in facilitating the fundamentals of financing and transaction related services. Mpay will be slowly irrelevant and even being replaced.


2018-03-15 15:06 | Report Abuse

@westho Banks' share sink? Which? Most established banks doing well. Mpay is going into untested water so there is no guarantee it will work or even be profitable continuously. By using new mobile technology and creating new breed of financing or investment schemes in hope to gain market share isn't without valid risks. If u are talking about p2p lending platform, it's still not regulated by BNM just yet not to mention there is still no framework to govern such practices. If new p2p lender such as mpay is given green light to go ahead by certain ministry and the moneylending issuing body in the country, things could go haywire because there is no proper mechanism to protect end users.


2018-03-15 14:39 | Report Abuse

@westho Wonderful as u said then how come it sinks down? Loan sharks too have money lending licenses to give out loans to undeserving borrowers. Where is the niche? Do u not think banks still have upper hand since they have been collecting customers' data for like forever. I hope u do note that banks have been tapping into fintech as well and does mpay able to manage the risky lending to undeserving borrowers without proven track records of lending practices? Alibaba tested their lending mechanism for more than a decade after much trials and failures so u expect mpay can get it straightaway just like that? I hope the coming qr will not be disappointing otherwise it will be gravely deserving.


2018-03-15 13:11 | Report Abuse

@westho I prefer u to be more specific and relevant in your explanations on what & how mpay's products or services u think would push mpay to succeed if any do exist. The prepaid card is nothing new and most competitors or even big banks have such product in place for many years. The e-wallet is also nothing new too. If u could name any products or services offered by mpay that is so remarkable or having an edge against it's competitors then we all could judge. Do u know anything that mpay is doing that is outstanding enough that no others can offer? Otherwise mpay is just competing to eat the same pie same as other competitors, not to mention mpay is a smaller startup and it will be an uphill battle just to stay in the ring.


2018-03-15 13:07 | Report Abuse

@westho Isn't licking KFC chickens was ur statement before? I was just re-read it to u in an effort to question it's relevance.


2018-03-15 11:01 | Report Abuse

If mpay is such a wonderful co. it's shares are snapped up like crazy and not collapsed to new low


2018-03-15 10:48 | Report Abuse

@westho Is there anything else u could say too instead of licking KFC's chickens?


2018-03-15 10:47 | Report Abuse

@Lcy98 I hope u really understood what u are talking. Mpay is not even under the short selling list meaning it's not available for short selling. The proof is here

@Lcy98 I expect u have something better to say instead of rubbish. Thank U


2018-03-15 09:08 | Report Abuse

@Lcy98 any valid input from u is appreciated though I don't think u have the tenacity on the subject.


2018-03-15 09:08 | Report Abuse

For cross border money transfer mostly customers would opt for not only low cost charges but also considering other factors such as how secure the transactions, the reputation of the institution that facilitate the transfers, ease of use, etc. Don't be surprised that most users may rather pay more transfer charges to banks or fintech companies owned by big banks for a more secure and speedy transaction without any problems that may arise.


2018-03-15 08:53 | Report Abuse

@westho Fyi Mpay still have to through big banks for processing no matter what so big banks still have the upper hand. For end users who use mpay's prepaid card is nothing new since big banks have many such similar or even better products and solutions not only for end card users but also online/offline merchants. I don't see much of an impact that mpay will be on the fintech scene in msia. If u hope it can make an impact in other countries within asean then u may also be wrong because it cannot even dominate it's home turf in msia so don't mention about some foreign countries.


2018-03-14 11:15 | Report Abuse

@Lcy98 thanks for acknowledging my comments except that those are known facts. Whether this is unfortunate for u or not is subjective. Since u said mpay is like amazon but everyone knows that is not true because amazon started off as an online marketplace selling books for years which was very profitable and they diversified into cloud computing services AWS which was even more profitable extending into fintech lending and payment processing. In comparison, Mpay is just a service provider for card payment processing terminals for years which barely makes a profit for many years and it ventured into fintech recently in hope for a business turnaround. Mpay raised the money and hope to do well as expected by many therefore opportunists like yourself bought into the ideas of mpay. Unfortunately big banks have the more advantages in the fintech scene in msia due to it's economies of scale, more than sufficient capitals, ease to tap into banks' existing customer base and integration linking banking services to fintech products. These are the main reasons smaller competitors such as mpay will never be able to catch up with big banks offering fintech services. As competition heats up, more startups and companies will enter into the fintech industry in msia as competitors. For fintech scenes in msia only the big banks will thrive and survive but not the smaller ones like mpay. Only consistent profitability matters otherwise it may mean it's losing market share to it's competitors. Also u said it "...will continue to do so". I doubt if anyone knows the future for sure. I hope u have something better to reply than talking KFC. Thank U


2018-03-14 09:02 | Report Abuse

Mpay's NTA is only 0.13 and the stock price is overvalued at 0.22 due to ppl buying into the fintech hype. Fintech maybe does have intrinsic value but not compared to tangible assets such as property or product inventories which can be taken by banks as collateral in exchange for more borrowings to fund operations, startups and expansions. Fintech is based on hype, trend and hope therefore these are the intrinsic values that these fintech companies are using to raise money from investors to continue or expand their operations.


2018-03-14 08:55 | Report Abuse

The fintech industry in msia is not regulated yet not even there is a proper framework or blueprint set out by the govt. The only thing is they issue licenses to fintech companies to do money lending where companies such as mpay can start taking money deposits so that it's users can use it's services to pay for things. These new fintech companies such as mpay will not succeed in the long term coz big banks already offering similar services and capable of offering more with large capitals and ready existing customer base compared to these new fintech startups. If u are buying mpay in hoping it maybe can do well then u may be wrong most likely. Based on real statistics most startups ended up failed that is why the losses in each quarter years after years with more cash calls raised to fund their operations. Without researching well the industry and u buy mpay could be a very costly mistake.