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2021-04-13 12:41 | Report Abuse

Kenneth Vun’s Money Game of Bursa Malaysia Probed? Shield SANSTON FINANCIAL GROUP LIMITED and FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BERHAD investigation exposed?

This research is based on earlier research paper:

The Syndicates in Malaysia stock market is gaining momentum and out of hand, not only running out of stocks to churn out cash in public listed companies, but went hostile on many new public listed companies, such at latest AT Systematization Bhd (AT Bhd) on Asdion Bhd?

Scoping up new public listed companies shares, hype up Voluntary General Offer (VGO) and later use their cash in existing public listed companies to buy their own shares in other new public listed companies, becomes a flood gate in Bursa Malaysia. Malaysia financial daily The Edge did 3 special coverages on the same “mastermind” pin pointing the problem in the system in September 2020 and recently 2 articles in March 2021.

The questionable abuse of “hostile ruling” by using “investment in other public listed company shares” as proof of fund for such scheme, raise eye brow in the capital market, questioning the out-dated rules and flaws in the regulatory system. If The Edge investigation is true, the Syndicates repeatedly pumping cash to print new shares and subsequently taken out the cash buying related party shares is indeed left unchecked, the get rich quick money game of Bursa Malaysia might create a bigger issue in capital market.

To understand who is behind the scene is not rocket science. Take the crown jewel of the Syndication, the tightly controlled Focus Dynamics Group Bhd largest 30 shareholders list which held 96.367% as of latest Annual Report 2019 for example.

The suspected mastermind early days shield were namely in offshore accounts such as Credit Suisse Group AG (HSBC Nomminee(Asing) Sdn Bhd), UBS Group AG (Citibank Nominee (Asing) Sdn Bhd), split holding under other nominee accounts such as Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd, CGS-CIMB Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, Barclays Bank PLC, and, DB (Malaysia) Nominee (Asing) Sdn Bhd– Exempt An for Nomura PB Nominees LTD.

Obviously the related parties are within the list of shareholders in Focus Dynamics Group Bhd, namely “Sanston Financial Group Limited, Lazarus Securities PTY LTD, Carol Vun On Nei, and of cause Mak Siew Wei” just to name a few obvious.

Sanston Financial Group according to Zoom Info Hong Kong authority record is a 9 staff tiny brokerage house with approx US$1 million revenue. The other vehicle Lazarus Securities PTY LTD was the off market transferee from Sanston Financial Group of the Asdion Bhd shares to camouflage the trail that Sanston Financial Group is indeed a major shareholder of AT Bhd, potential in breach of related party transaction. Carol Vun On Nei is the sister of Kenneth Vun Yun Lun, while Mak Siew Wei is the best actor acting in concert with the suspected mastermind.

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2021-04-13 12:40 | Report Abuse

Kenneth Vun the John Soh of Malaysia? RM20 billion Securities Fraud Money Trail Investigation Watch List Leaked?
MAS Singapore volunteer Criminal Trail March 30, 2021 12 Minutes

Securities Money Trail Investigation Watch List
(Updated 29 Mar 2021 by Singapore MAS, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, Malaysia Bank Negara, PDRM & Securities Authorities)

Case Study: Largest Securities fraud Syndication in Malaysia. International Securities Fraud, money laundering, stock market insider trading, market rigging, market manipulation in Malaysia.

Related Parties Insider Trading: RM20,000,000,000 (20 billion Ringgit Malaysia)

Subject of Study: Kenneth Vun Yun Lun (mastermind), Mak Siew Wei, Eddie Chai Woon Chet, Roy Ho Yew Kee & others

Num Code PLC Name Shares (approx) Price (29Mar2021) Mkt Cap (RM) Price (52 weeks Peak) Mkt Cap RM (Peak)
1 FOCUS FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BERHAD 6,258,000,000 0.620 3,879,960,000 0.900 5,632,200,000
2 FINTEC FINTEC GLOBAL BERHAD 3,444,000,000 0.065 223,860,000 0.167 575,148,000
3 M3TECH M3 TECHNOLOGIES (ASIA) BERHAD 773,000,000 0.050 38,650,000 0.175 135,275,000
4 GOCEAN GREEN OCEAN CORPORATION BERHAD 1,502,000,000 0.060 90,120,000 0.430 645,860,000
5 XOX XOX BHD 3,935,000,000 0.065 255,775,000 0.390 1,534,650,000
6 DGB DGB ASIA BERHAD 1,226,000,000 0.075 91,950,000 0.540 662,040,000
7 CHEETAH CHEETAH HOLDINGS BHD 127,000,000 2.610 331,470,000 2.950 374,650,000
8 MACPIE MACPIE BERHAD 918,000,000 0.310 284,580,000 0.850 780,300,000
9 SAUDEE SAUDEE GROUP BERHAD 166,000,000 0.350 58,100,000 1.190 197,540,000
10 AT AT SYSTEMATIZATION BHD 4,229,000,000 0.110 465,190,000 0.300 1,268,700,000
11 PNE PNE PCB BHD 431,000,000 0.220 94,820,000 0.850 366,350,000
12 OVERSEA OVERSEA ENTERPRISE BERHAD 884,000,000 0.220 194,480,000 0.310 274,040,000
13 ANZO ANZO HOLDING BERHAD 1,116,000,000 0.060 66,960,000 0.260 290,160,000
14 MTOUCHE MTOUCHE TECHNOLOGY BERHAD 1,323,000,000 0.040 52,920,000 0.140 185,220,000
15 SANICHI SANICHI TECHNOLOGY BHD 1,109,000,000 0.035 38,815,000 0.125 138,625,000
16 MNC M N C WIRELESS BERHAD 1,758,800,000 0.045 79,146,000 0.090 158,292,000
17 METRONIC METRONIC GLOBAL BERHAD 1,668,000,000 0.065 108,420,000 0.200 333,600,000
18 PDZ PDZ HOLDINGS BHD. 1,011,000,000 0.055 55,605,000 0.325 328,575,000
19 KGROUP KEY ALLIANCE GROUP BERHAD 2,354,000,000 0.045 105,930,000 0.120 282,480,000
20 SEACERA SEACERA GROUP BERHAD 481,000,000 0.230 110,630,000 0.330 158,730,000
21 XIDELANG XIDELANG HOLDINGS LTD 1,804,000,000 0.065 117,260,000 0.110 198,440,000
22 LAMBO LAMBO GROUP BERHAD 4,987,000,000 0.020 99,740,000 0.080 398,960,000
23 NETX NETX HOLDINGS BHD 835,970,000 0.125 104,496,250 0.866 723,950,020
24 TRIVE TRIVE PROPERTY GROUP BERHAD 1,053,000,000 0.120 126,360,000 0.452 475,956,000
25 BCMALL BCM ALLIANCE BERHAD 625,000,000 0.220 137,500,000 0.455 284,375,000
26 LKL LKL INTERNATIONAL BERHAD 501,000,000 0.375 187,875,000

News & Blogs

2021-04-13 12:38 | Report Abuse财经新闻/矛头指向前上市公司董事-苏式小股风暴大马上演?

矛头指向前上市公司董事 苏式小股风暴大马上演?
Nanyang Mon, Apr 12, 2021 11:24pm - 12 hours ago

(吉隆坡12日讯)财经周刊《The Edge》报道,60多只热炒仙股背后的势力已经引起市场和执法单位的关注,其集团头目更是被一些部落格网站拿来与涉及新加坡2013年“小股风暴”案的拿督苏启文相提并论。




另外,《The Edge》也指出,虽然据了解该集团所掌控的本地上市公司数量超过60家,但该报仅找得到其中40多家涉及公司的线索。



税收局和反贪会是在数周前,突击了这伙人在雪州Persiaran Tropicana路附近的联和大厦办公楼,并带走了相关文件;单单这家大厦,就是多达11家涉及公司的大本营。








根据《TheEdge》资料,Sanston直接持有FINTEC环球4.61%股权,后者间接持股的Key Alliance(KGROUP,0036,创业板),直接持有XOX说电讯10%股权。


