
cch1025 | Joined since 2020-02-12 14:20:42

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2021-05-28 10:54 | Report Abuse

waitng for March Qtr results to be announced. Think this quarterly results will not be spectacular but next quarterly result will be much better if what Mr. Aureole Fong in his interview said is true and up to mark, Ethanol price is on the increase and if production too increased after refurbishment. we can expect some positive news next coming June Quarter.


2021-04-13 12:15 | Report Abuse

Very sharp observation. Everything pointing positive and optimistic but only the pricing of the share...otherwise. Good for those collecting now and hopefully not a value trap.

Quite enamoured with the qualifications and standings of the management team and feel that
they will lead with integrity and honesty...albeit with certain degree of conservatism.


2021-04-12 11:04 | Report Abuse

Seems to be consolidating around this level. Anyhow a counter worth investing with high safety margin and consistent big annual dividend payout.
Anyone with ideas of what shares Hexza are holding as investment in Nasdaq and locally? I find the disclosure a bit disappointing after Hexza sold some shares and no forthcoming disclosure to brief shareholders.


2021-02-01 02:15 | Report Abuse

Been losing 91sen for past 3 quarters and likely to lose again coming next quarter. Revenue also down a lot as business badly affected due to pandemic. High borrowing is of great concern and to venture into glove making now by raising funds through yet too be approved right issue is deemed optimistic.
It seems that even the land in NS is yet to be purchased and the factory also not constructed. Not to mention machineries been not installed and workers yet recruited and trained.
As from article from Edge, "Subject to the completion of the factory, the first glove dipping lines is expected to be commissioned by the second half of 2021." Is really a gigantic task and hope they will succeed and do wish them well.
01/02/2021 2:10 AM


2021-01-08 22:14 | Report Abuse

Collected the dividends and plough back by buying more Hexza shares. Nasdaq is at record high and hope Hexza benefits from its investments there.
NTA now is RM1.21 and hope to strengthen continuously with the good dividend policy maintained.


2020-09-10 16:34 | Report Abuse

Thank you Crystal7 for your fair and educating information. Learned from your revelation and astonished on learning what a distinguished family helming this Company, Bought shares around RM1.35 but now tanked. Anyhow will keep faith with the company and hope the price recovers soon as Hexza is fundamentally strong.
Just ignore those adverse comments. There are bound to be negative and positive comments.


2020-03-16 17:25 | Report Abuse

Yes, not polite to accuse people in a public forum. Must be reasonable though we might see things differently. Wish the couple well.


2020-02-12 22:39 | Report Abuse

Not a good offer for those old minority shareholders who stay true and loyal to Tagb as par value is 50sen and NTA is much higher. Previous offer was 31 sen and now 28 sen noticing the price been suppressed to suit this offer.
i feel compelled to voice out for those who stay true to Tagb going thru thick and thin and believing that the counter is worth more and they will be remunerated fairly.
i just entered before the counter been suspended and will be making gain but feel that the offer does not do justice to those who hold for a long time believing and trusting this is a solid and rewarding counter.