
che212 | Joined since 2015-03-05

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"It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice."





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2015-03-19 08:05 | Report Abuse

This is why I stop trading on Bursa Malaysia.

Lack of regulation and not trustworthy.

If you have money, please venture into another market. More liquidity, can play short sell. The commission elsewhere is also relatively cheaper.

I trade on the US stock market as well as Forex. I started with $2,000 capital and turned it to $15,785 in 10 months.

What changes is more liquidity and you can play both ways, long and short.

You can't do this on Bursa. It sucks, slow capital growth and lack of regulation. This is why you have many cases like Wintoni. Imagine this, for a listed company on Bursa Malaysia, this company don't even have a website! What kind of transparency is that?

And you guys still want to put your money on this market?

I could still remember having stuck on high price level after the stock went down 5% and it was pain in the ass to wait until you get a break even price.

Besides, have you heard any Malaysians becoming a millionaire just trading stocks on Bursa? Freaking no!

Heed my advice. If you want to be a serious investor or trader, get your ass into a mature market like the US market. Plus, you would get better education on investing and trading.

I have more screen time looking at charts and reading educational material while trading on the US market. When I was trading on Bursa, I think I spent more time browsing through website like this just to get sound bits because unfortunately this is how it works in the Malaysian market.

Best of luck.


2015-03-08 23:01 | Report Abuse

If you bought at 62500 shares at 8 cent, equivalent to RM5000,
the current value is now RM81,250.

Who is not happy with that?

If you bought with RM100,000, the current value is RM2,666,754.37.

Who is not happy with that?

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2015-03-07 14:18 | Report Abuse

Kian Leong Lim,

I didn't expect that you were that sensitive. Many investors or traders I know are very very tough emotionally. Otherwise, if the market turns against you, you would be terribly affected by it. I use the 'f' word sparingly. It could express anger, excitement, surprise, and in fact, when I have a good trade, I may use it to show my gratefulness.

Investing in value stocks is a sure way to be in love with your stocks. This method is surely the best in the past. In the present days, market crashes more often than before. The world economy is also getting more and more interrelated. A market crash in Hong Kong, could effectively disrupt other markets in other countries. For this reason, value investing doesn't pay you that much anymore.

Now assuming that value investing works. How long would it take? 5 years? 10 years? Life is too short and the moment when you earn that money, you probably don't even know how to enjoy them anymore. And since you start 5 years ago, the capital money invested is probably too small for you to enjoy them even if the stocks rise because as you grow older, so is the expenses.

However, with trading, you could possibly more money in short period of time. That is why the investors rarely talk about money/risk management, but a successful trader need to make sure they understand them.

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2015-03-06 06:46 | Report Abuse

First off, being smart doesn't help in the stock market. A PhD holder in economics or finance won't necessarily make a successful investor/trader. I know many people who have great academic pedigrees but just can't take losses and admit they are wrong in predicting the stock market.

Being wrong is not something that this 'successful' or 'intelligent' people are comfortable with because all their life, they strive hard to be right. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to have good results on the paper exams. The market doesn't give a fuck about your intelligence, your personal life, your socio-economic status. It rewards those who are just right in the market.

Unless you have other definition of being smart or intelligent, I think you are wrong on dividing people into those different camps of intelligence as far as the stock market is concern.

I choose when I want the mice from the cat. If you are thinking the cat is responsible for handling you the mice, you are dead wrong. The sell and buy button is in your hand, not theirs.

News & Blogs

2015-03-05 18:41 | Report Abuse

"It doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice."

Who cares if you hate rubbish stocks. Even the blue chips had to start from being 'rubbish'.

Quality or not, money is still money. That is all that matters.