
ckca | Joined since 2016-05-27

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2019-10-01 18:26 | Report Abuse

RJ87 How to PN17 if debts is reducing. Explain!
01/10/2019 5:43 PM

after refinance, every year still have to pay bank interest and a portion of the principal lah. you think after refinance no need to pay anymore kah ? for a RM11.5 billion debt, the bank interest and small portion of principal repayment is enough to sink Armada.


2019-10-01 17:33 | Report Abuse

MM78 Ckca has been adamant that Armada is a lousy share but now says buy at 0.315 cents , those newbies who sold base on his fears mongering now should feel cheated, Proud to be cunning and make money by twisting facts , ckca ?
01/10/2019 5:25 PM

ya.. I sold earlier at 0.325... IDSS .... hahaha

Are you nuts, u think I am so stupid to buy a half bankrupt company ( RM11.5 billion debt, which they cant pay ) to keep ? No way I am keeping any Armada share, I buy to cover position only lah.


2019-10-01 17:12 | Report Abuse

oh I was more lucky than all of you, I manage to buy at 0.315


2019-10-01 16:34 | Report Abuse

hotstock1975 ckca, the link is not accessible.
01/10/2019 4:32 PM

you are right, add in -1 at the back of the url


2019-10-01 16:27 | Report Abuse

RJ87 Blind geco, debt reduced from 13B high to 11.5B.

Debt reduced and core operating profit increased. Good turnaround. TP 70sen.

Huat ar!
01/10/2019 4:22 PM

After debt reduced by RM2 billion, assets reduced by RM7 billion. What a brilliant way to reduce debt. No wonder Armada is half bankrupt now.

Armada business depends heavily on India, look at what is happening in India.. this is no joke man... what if Armada projects get terminated ?


1 day ago | Report Abuse

RJ87 Ikan bilis got slaughtered. Told you, don’t sell back to them at a loss.
01/10/2019 4:11 PM

you ask them to buy at such a high price, when cannot go up sure cut loss lah what do you expect them to do ?


2019-10-01 15:52 | Report Abuse

load up, when lose money blame IDSS. Remember IDSS dont ask you to buy okay... lose money blame promoters.


2019-10-01 15:01 | Report Abuse

do you know how RJ87 knows that IDSS do not have any shares, and will sell first then buy back at lower price to make money ? OF COS LAH... THAT EXACTLY how IDSS make money. I never deny it, I already tell everyone long time ago, from the first day of my posting. Very different from the "pump and dump" operators, they never dare to admit how they make money.

You know why we can make money that way, because Armada is an excellent candidate for short selling, it has a very high chance of hitting limit down ( we are waiting for PN1 announcement when cannot pay bank, which can happen any moment ), that will be IDSS biggest win. It is very unfortunate for the promoters that we are here tracking Armada everyday because of that prospect.

Of cos in between, while waiting for PN1, we also noticed many people mislead by Promoters buying at various peak price need to cut loss when Armada did not rally as promised. So IDSS can also pick up some crumbs to earn some money. You cant blame IDSS because IDSS never ask you to buy. The reason you buy high is because you listen to the promoters, definitely not IDSS because we never encourage anyone to buy Armada.

Looks like Grade B "pump and dump" promoter Mabel is very pleased with RJ87... still under her "kong tau" spell. Hello Wake up lor... have you forgotten, still have RM11500 million debt!!!! Bank will be calling soon for repayment.


2019-10-01 10:15 | Report Abuse

Johnchew Be a smart investor rather be a follower...
01/10/2019 10:22 AM

that is right, play it smart. Dont be used by other people for their personal gain.


2019-10-08 11:11 | Report Abuse

Stock goes down is not necessary bad, you can also make money from it by using the IDSS. You dont need to hold any shares and yet still make good money. For a company with potential of PN1, it is excellent place to play IDSS because if suddenly PN1 is announced, it can drop limit down, big money to make if you are on IDSS position. ... nothing wrong with IDSS, it is endorsed by Bursa Malaysia, so it is legal just like your normal stock trading


2019-10-08 11:29 | Report Abuse

itch Ex CEO and CFO resigned or terminated due to poor performance? You know meh?
01/10/2019 9:57 AM

Dont blame the CEO and CFO lah.. they are not magicians, RM11.5 billion debt is just to big for anyone to turn around. The only way is to resign.


2019-10-01 10:00 | Report Abuse

RJ87 LIAR ckca, debt reduced 13B to 11.5B don't wanna admit. Reduce 1B every year, debts will be half in 5 years.T

What is the use of that old reduction, RM11.5 billion is still to big to handle. Their business operation clearly cannot repay debt. They have to sell asset to do repayment. This year probably got nothing more that they can sell to pay debt, thats why no more reduction in debt. Previously Debt reduced by RM2 billion, Asset is reduced by.RM 7 billion.. Any novice also can tell this is a very very bad deal.

With the current RM11.5 billion debt, very fast will be back up to RM13 billion again,
01/10/2019 9:58 AM


2019-10-01 09:54 | Report Abuse

Yu_and_Mee maybe at 10:30 to 11:00, this share price will drop suddenly to 0.300 buy and 0.305 sell.
01/10/2019 9:44 AM

you can also try the other way round, sell at 32sen, buy back later on at 31sen, sometimes can get back lower than 31sen because bad market sentiment. You will get the same type of profit like your buy a 30sen, sell at 30.5sen.


2019-10-01 09:44 | Report Abuse

Yu_and_Mee ckca, i just trade. not invest.
If 0.30, it is a good to trade for me.
01/10/2019 9:38 AM

Good for you, good to hear you know the danger of holding Armada Shares, lucky you did not listen to promoters asking everyone to buy and keep Armada shares while they run.

I also trade just like you BUY/SELL and not keeping any Armada shares.


2019-10-01 09:42 | Report Abuse

itch People not commenting here does not mean they sold their positions ma... whatever naysayers have said already refuted many times over. What else needed to say leh
01/10/2019 9:34 AM

these promoters when they are still holding their shares, sure will promote... they will be here whole day long. Now that they have sold, sometimes they may come back to "copy and paste" their old promotion material because they are no longer interested, no need to make new promotion material but still have to post a little bit just in case people dont believe in them anymore. They already take from their pump and dump operation, they move on to other counters.


2019-10-01 09:27 | Report Abuse

it is always the follower lose money, promoter run very fast.


2019-10-01 09:27 | Report Abuse

mukhriz02023 Pang72 mana? Haha
01/10/2019 9:26 AM

run away already lah


2019-10-01 09:26 | Report Abuse

Johnchew AK Aircel india..invest rm 25.7 bil...going to drain..bankrupt n AK is being sue by India government ..kena a court arrest warrant in 2014...Aircel stil has rm 11.88 bil debt...
01/10/2019 9:22 AM

wow.. I did not know that, Armada RM11.5 billion debt is not far away from AirCel RM11.88 billion debt.

A simple quiz question:

AirCel RM11.88 billion debt = bankrupt... Armada RM11.5 billion debt = ?


2019-10-01 09:21 | Report Abuse

ckca people like StockRaider are very smart ( a famous pump and dump operator ), already run away long ago. Armada is only left with less smart Mabel and SyChan...
01/10/2019 9:18 AM

I am so sorry, I forget to mention RJ87... the blind follower.. RM11.5 billion debt in front of his face he cant see it.


2019-10-01 09:18 | Report Abuse

people like StockRaider are very smart ( a famous pump and dump operator ), already run away long ago. Armada is only left with less smart Mabel and SyChan...


2019-10-01 09:17 | Report Abuse

Sharmila Rao
01/10/2019 9:13 AM

did you read the title ?

"Financial commitments given to Bumi Armada units end cash call jitters"

Just to end cash call jitters only, does not fix the debt problem at all, means this round only. Next "jitters" will be coming again.


2019-10-01 09:14 | Report Abuse

u_and_Mee EPF will buy back if drop at or below 0.30
01/10/2019 9:10 AM

if you must buy, just be patience,,, wait for 5 sen. It will come sooner or later. wait for PN1 announcement. But seriously even at 5 sen, why you want to throw away your money. After PN1 normally will be followed by bankruptcy.. 0 sen.


2019-10-01 09:12 | Report Abuse

do you know what always caused a company share price to hit limit down in Bursa ? PN1 announcement ( when unable to pay bank repayment ). Armada already face this danger twice, once manage to beg the bank to delay ( refinance , with less favourable terms ), second time with help from AK new debt injection.

Debt still remains at RM11.5 billion, next repayment due will be coming soon... if cannot pay, means what ? means PN1 announcement... so, dont wait until PN1 because if announced, immediately goes below 5 sen.


2019-10-01 09:05 | Report Abuse

25-Sep-2019 Insider EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD (a substantial shareholder) disposed 6,000,000 shares on 20-Sep-2019.

still want to buy ah ? EPF also run away already.


2019-10-01 09:03 | Report Abuse

Huat1 Me too
01/10/2019 8:48 AM

oh my god.. there goes another one. Too much money to throw again.


2019-10-01 08:58 | Report Abuse

Mabel Looks like the 3 Stoggest are twisting facts.

01/10/2019 8:41 AM

who is twisting facts ?

AK lend Armada US 75 million, Armada use the new US 75 billion debt to pay their other debts. Mabel and her gang say debt problem solved.

Promoters say, pay Old debt with New debt, Debt = 0... at a glance it does sound logical that is why many newbies got conned. Actually just change different debtor only, the same amount of debt is still there.


2019-10-01 08:34 | Report Abuse

AK lend Armada US 75 million to pay US 75 million debt. Armada promoters overjoyed and claims debt problem "solved" !!! and newbies fall for it.

It is true that US 75 million worth of debt in Armada can be paid BUT Armada also gets a new US 75 million debt. THE AMOUNT OF DEBT IS STILL THE SAME, NO REDUCTION IN DEBT.

Many newbies got conned into buying Armada and now caught chasing Armada at high price.


2019-10-01 07:48 | Report Abuse

Another reason you should not touch Armada is because it is also a favourite target of short sellers. Their intention is to push down Armada shares as much as possible, So, dont risk your money in Armada, it has very high risk and very little gain opportunity.

Some of these promoters keep on saying Armada went up from 15 sen to 32 sen. Armada went up because alot of newbies bought and now stucked. Very soon will drop back to 15sen because there is no change in Armada debt situation.

AK lend Armada US 75 million to pay US 75 million debt, means the US 75 million debt is still there inside Armada, just different debtor. So many newbies got conned into buying Armada and now caught.


2019-10-01 07:38 | Report Abuse

Our advice is not meant for you ( aka pump and dump promoters ), we are just helping newbies not to fall into the heartless pump and dump promoters tricks. Always say Armada so good with all the fake feel good information. Armada bankruptcy cannot be avoided, even AK also have no confidence, have to specify clearly in his loan, that hey can take over that 30% JV projects from Armada anytime they wish even if when Armada goes bankrupt.

Our warning of Armada horrible condition is out of pity for the newbies in stock market. Newbies work for years to earn money, working day and night, come here in stock market and first time buy share hoping to earn a little bit, lose all their money in a bankrupt company.

Dont just listen to all these "feel good" bunch of pump and dump promoters. They write wonderful things about Armada, unrealistic high target price.. it is just to lure you in to push up Armada share price while they quietly sell to make profit from your money.

There are so many counters in KLSE, why must you buy and keep shares of Armada which have RM11500 million debt ( I did not accidently put in the two 00 at the back, it is "Eleven Thousand Five Hundred" million debt ) and already proven twice cant even do bank loan repayment without any outside help ? Outside help wont be there forever because Armada only managed to delay the repayment twice ( can they continue to get help for the next 30 to 40 years ? ). Due date will be coming every few month. Any failure to get help from outside will see Armada make PN1 announcement, immediately limit down to below 5 sen.

So if you are newbies.. be aware of this, go and buy other shares. Armada is among one of the highest risk with lowest potentials in Bursa. Armada is only suitable for pump and dump operators and expert IDSS players only.


2019-09-30 22:13 | Report Abuse

to all the Sychan and its kind. Already know Armada end is near, still dare to call people childish lah, pig lah.. Wake up please. These people like kena "Kong Tau / Charm" ... Ship already half way sinking, still believe can travel on a Cruise Tour Holiday.

RM11,500 million debt is no joke man... Before you start your big EGO, Do you have any idea how big is RM11,500 million or not ? it is RM11,500,000,000.00. It is impossible to get out of that, some still think AK is so kind put money into Armada... go and read properly...

"MENV was granted options to acquire Bumi Armada’s 30% stake in the JV at a fair market value to be determined by an independent valuer, which can be exercised at any time within 36 months from the date of grant or until the BA98/2 facility has been fully repaid — whichever is longer."

Know how to read or not "until the BA98/2 facility has been fully repaid"

Armada have to pay back the USD 75 million. IF Armada suddenly goes bankrupt and cant pay back the USD75 million.. then that 30% JV will automatically belong to MENV while Sychan and the rest holding Armada shares gets nothing. ( This also means AK also have no confidence that Armada can survive for long, he is preparing for Armada bankruptcy )

MENV is Mezzanine Equities NV ( a private company owned by AK )


2019-09-30 20:57 | Report Abuse

Massive oil discovered in China, oil price is set to drop.

It will be very unfortunate for people who are trapped in Armada because the longer they keep, the risk becomes higher. Very soon Armada will have to do payment again, where to find money this time ? Sell more profitable assets to AK? I was wondering why Armada dont want to sell Claire to AK.


2019-09-30 16:37 | Report Abuse

Promoters like Mabel, StockRaider, Paktua all ran away already.. usually after selling they wont be hanging around here, not a single word from them. Now in this forum, Armada is only left with a few blind followers holding on to a half bankrupt counter. I was surprised still got people go in and buy..


2019-09-30 11:26 | Report Abuse

did u see the video the fat solder come out from Saudi tank, his pants are all wet.. pissed in the pants. How to fight against the Houthis ?


2019-09-30 11:21 | Report Abuse

InvestorKING Djia future up 100++points
30/09/2019 11:20 AM

maybe they already know the end of war in Yemen is coming.


2019-09-30 11:20 | Report Abuse

TAK1 But the damn oil price is increasing not going down ckca i worried lah
30/09/2019 11:16 AM

if will drop when the Saudi give up the war with Yemen, they know they cant win. Thousands of Saudi Army surrender... there is no pride in their army, despite the numbers and superior weapons.


2019-09-30 11:14 | Report Abuse

dont worry lah, with these new attacks. Saudi will soon chicken out. Saudi Arabia is a super rich country, they cannot afford to destroy the wealth by more fighting with the Houthis, Houthis are poor, they got nothing to lose. Saudi Arab gains nothing from this war.... so PEACE will happen soon because they know its not worth it ( Houthis are getting stronger each day ). When PEACE eventually take place, Oil price will surely drop.. simply too much oil supply.

When oil price drop FPSO will not be profitable anymore. Armada with RM11.5 billion debt will be in deeper trouble.


2019-09-30 09:52 | Report Abuse

FATA86 Dunno will have any action today by operator or only shorties show. Haha
30/09/2019 9:46 AM

Operators run away already. they know the danger of Armada going bankrupt with RM11.5 billion debt that it cant handle.
30/09/2019 9:50 AM

it is called PUMP and DUMP operators


2019-09-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

FATA86 Dunno will have any action today by operator or only shorties show. Haha
30/09/2019 9:46 AM

Operators run away already. they know the danger of Armada going bankrupt with RM11.5 billion debt that it cant handle.


2019-09-30 09:45 | Report Abuse

good call moniekj, I will be there once Armada is done with


2019-09-30 09:42 | Report Abuse

Suddenly reminds me of TRANSMILE, owned by Robert Kuok.


2019-09-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

RJ87 Rate of Armada reducing it's debt shows that it's capable of handling both the interest and long term repayment. Now, it's has less issue handling it's current liability with more cash injection.

that's all a fact. You fighting against fact.
30/09/2019 9:33 AM

Asset reduced by RM 7 billion, while debt reduced by only RM 2 billion, AND yet still have RM11.5 billion debt. Revenue can only hit max RM2 billion. How to survive ?


2019-09-30 09:34 | Report Abuse

RJ87 lll

You know sometimes, people buy undervalue asset. Later, re valuate the asset and report appreciation gain.

You are too dumb to know what's going on.

Armada where got assets that can appreciate in value. All those FPSO are all old 2nd hand refurbished oil tanker. They wont appreciate in value, instead will depreciate even more as it grows older.


2019-09-30 09:31 | Report Abuse

TAK1 Oil price maintain as info from Saudi not reliable. 3 incidents last week. Hopefully they dont destroy Mekah on their own because the Syiah's take over.
30/09/2019 9:26 AM

Arab Saudi will chicken out soon, risk is just too great for them to take. The Houthis got nothing to lose, they are already very poor. If the Arab Saudi have any brains ( they cannot afford being in war with the Houthis in their home ground ), They will make peace with the Houthis... and oil production will go full scale.. Oil price drop to USD 30


2019-09-30 09:28 | Report Abuse

AK is also very smart, he knows he cant sell Armada shares in the open market, He will just let it die.. but he can slowly take out all that is good from Armada into his private company. Why he did not offer to buy Claire instead ?


2019-09-30 09:25 | Report Abuse

RJ87 u really soh*i la...Take more debts. You argue more interest. Take less debt, u argue not enough pay interest. You don't feel so hai at all?
30/09/2019 9:21 AM

you pay interest, you stil have to pay principal loan amount also. Just face the reality Armada is death is just a matter of time.


2019-09-30 09:24 | Report Abuse

although Armada will get US 72 million, that is only RM300 million.. not even enough to pay one year bank interest, enough to delay the PN1, so he got more time to escape. US 72 million does not reduce the debt, the RM11.5 billion debt still remains the same or maybe already grow to RM12 billion already and worse is coming for Armada because one of its profitable unit will be reduced by another 30% ( taken by AK private company )


2019-09-30 09:18 | Report Abuse

RJ87 By giving RM72mil...AK makes MORE money by strengthening Armada's cash flow la...soh*i.

When Armada back up to 70sen, market cap is 4bil. He owns 25% = RM1bil. That's ALOT FASTER than selling his profit unit at lelong price. Besides, he can pump Armada up to 70sen first, then use the excess cash to buy the profit unit. It's not mutually exclusive. That's common sense monkey brain like ckca and johnchew will never have.

The question AK will be asking himself; can Armada make this money? Answer is YES. And so he put in more money to make more money. Rich gets richer.

Monkey gets more monkey. ckca + johnchew + geco = monkey.
30/09/2019 8:44 AM

Because he knows Armada cannot survive anymore that is why he rather spend US 72 million to buy over a portion of a profitable part of Armada. He could have used the US 72 million to drive up Armada shares but he decide not to buy more Armada shares because he knows Armada will be dead, better grab something that still valuable inside Armada while he still can.


2019-09-30 09:13 | Report Abuse

RJ87 Sohai ckca and Johnchew, what and when was Armada's highest debt?

It was in 2016, Rm13-14Bil. Now is 11.5Bil. It has reduced. Cash flow generated in 2018, 1Bil.
Current cash generated Rm582.04mil.
RJ87 So, ckca! How did Armada total debt reduced from RM13bil to RM11.5bil?

How?! it's making money la.
30/09/2019 8:36 AM

wah finally I get to know how "pandai" these promoters can be.... go and look at how much fixed assets being reduced.. before they reduce the debt from RM13-14 billion to RM11.5 billion. I thought RJ87 got some kind of secret weapon to drown me. Ask me the most difficult question "when was Armada's highest debt?".. I dont even bother to see because Armada is doomed anyway, whatever highest does not really matter. since he brought it up.

Lets look at it.

Go and open up the Armada 2017 annual report and look at balance sheet. Fixed Asset item 12. Fixed Asset is reduced by RM7 billion, while your debt reduced by just RM2 billion.

Fixed Asset: Property, plant and equipment ( Item 12 )
2017 = RM 9,2 billion
2016 = RM 16,6 billion

after reduction of RM7 billion fixed asset, debt is reduced by RM2 billion. Is this something to be proud of ?


2019-09-30 08:11 | Report Abuse

Just look at this baseless Armada Profit and Loss since 2014

give you the link to 2018 annual report also[Final]%20BAB%20AR201...

2014 Profit RM224 million
2015 Loss RM241 million
2016 Loss RM2,005 million
2017 Profit RM376 million
2018 Loss RM2,319 million

From 2014 to 2018, Total Profit is RM600 million, Total Loss is RM4,565 million

HOW TO PAY BACK RM11,500 million debt ? Impossible to pay back, just wait for Armada to default payment, PN1 will be announced and immediately limit down, 5 sen and below.