
ckca | Joined since 2016-05-27

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2019-09-17 10:21 | Report Abuse

if these pakatan gov knows how to manage, prices of goods already all come down but goes up instead. Everyday blame BN, already one year still, still no signs of improvement.


2019-09-17 10:20 | Report Abuse

these pakatan people dont know how to manage lah, they have no idea what price hike will do to them. They think higher price, higher profit.. but they forget to think... higher price, less customer.. also die.


2019-09-17 10:09 | Report Abuse

with so many people around the world praying for peace, the war in Middle East will be over soon and oil price will become super cheap because too much production in USA, in the ocean from FPSO and also Arab countries.. oil price will drop below RM40.


2019-09-17 10:07 | Report Abuse

MM78, sorry I dont like wars


2019-09-17 10:06 | Report Abuse

most of the armada promoters I believe already run, otherwise they will be here promoting non-stop


2019-09-17 10:04 | Report Abuse

SuperPanda you can check prev intraday buy and sell, you can see how many days idss earn and lose... collectively still losing compare to those holding from 21.5
17/09/2019 9:59 AM


those idss sold at 32.5sen already in the money


2019-09-17 10:00 | Report Abuse

in fact the yemen war may even end after Arab got hit by their drone. So the world will be in peace soon. Oil price will drop to below USD 40


2019-09-17 09:58 | Report Abuse

USA wont dare to strike iran because they know the danger.


2019-09-17 09:58 | Report Abuse

War wont happen lah, your armada will drop soon.


2019-09-17 09:57 | Report Abuse

zhihern98... refinanced with more debts, what is the use ? debt still have to pay.


2019-09-17 09:56 | Report Abuse

donald trump already say, they dont even need to import oil from Arab because they already ramp up oil production in USA. If war did not happen in middle east, then oil price goes back to USD40 and below.. all will be caught at high price. If suddenly PN1 announced, dro below 15sen, lose more than 50%


2019-09-17 09:51 | Report Abuse

RJ87 where got lose money... my IDSS position always makes money. Unless keep shares sure lose money lah.


2019-09-17 09:48 | Report Abuse

hotstocks1975 but the comments by the promoters of armada shows otherwise, they were overjoyed when they heard war in middle east.


2019-09-17 09:44 | Report Abuse

soon you will see big players throwing, then suddenly PN1.... missed bank repayment.


2019-09-17 09:43 | Report Abuse

today enter 0.325, in the money again


2019-09-17 09:41 | Report Abuse

I always announce my entry and exit, daily affair... so far have u seen me losing money before ?


2019-09-17 09:36 | Report Abuse

comng down... hahaha WAR IS OFF.... NO WAR,


2019-09-17 09:35 | Report Abuse

evil people will get bad karma... so many of them hoping for war so that they can profit from other people suffering. Many will soon get caught with high price Armada and suddenly PN1, lose even bigger... better sell and take profit before bad karma hits you because most of the promoters support war ( support suffering of people in middle east ) so that they can benefit from it.


2019-09-17 09:28 | Report Abuse

it is confirmed promoters of Armada are evil, they are hoping for war ( lots of suffering ) so that they can benefit from share price rise.


2019-09-17 09:26 | Report Abuse

you know what is the most painful part, IDSS escaped again, yesterday and before that as u all know IDSS make profits previously and escape every single time.. will be entering soon...


2019-09-12 22:53 | Report Abuse

aiya... Armada claire must have some very serious problems, otherwise why want to stop it from making money from them ?


2019-09-12 20:52 | Report Abuse

wah all these pump and dump operator talk so much.. not a single mention on RM11.5 billion debt that they cant pay back.


2019-09-12 16:13 | Report Abuse

next time dont simply listen to those pump and dump operators.


2019-09-12 16:12 | Report Abuse

just sell and cut loss, now lose 1 or 2 sen only, if wait longer you may lose even more when it goes back to below 15sen... why ? because that is where it should be, thats when it failed to repay bank. I although they manage to beg the bank to delay repayment, debt is still there, repayment is still not settled.. means it will go back to below 15sen.


2019-09-12 16:08 | Report Abuse

poor ikan bilis got conned by the pump and dump promoters. We have been giving warning for days and yet they still fall for the pump and dump operators. The rules is pretty simple in KLSE , if you do not wish to lose money, dont buy into a company with debts that it cant repay.


2019-09-12 16:06 | Report Abuse

hahaha... see IDSS is making money again.


2019-09-12 11:09 | Report Abuse

The big boss own arse also not sure can protect or not.. you want him to solve Armada problem.


2019-09-12 09:55 | Report Abuse

RJ87, if your Armada is so good.. no need to queue to buy, just go and buy that 28.5 sen. You also scare will drop issit.. you see, I already managed to short sell at 29 sen.


2019-09-12 09:52 | Report Abuse

Sure red lah.. IDSS players seldom make mistakes, we know when to enter and make money.


2019-09-12 09:52 | Report Abuse

EPF needs money, have to pay dividend soon. Surely will not put more into a half bankrupt company like Armada. I think the staff who bought Armada for EPF probably already got sacked. Where got people so stupid make this kind of purchase. Already cannot pay bank repayment obligation still dare to buy.


2019-09-12 09:29 | Report Abuse

dont fall in love with your shares. You know why people list their company ? do you really think they want to share their wealth with you ? dont dream lor... it is your money they want.


2019-09-12 09:27 | Report Abuse

queue sell at 29sen already matched... now wait for money when it becomes red later on


2019-09-12 09:23 | Report Abuse

sychan loser ckca came out give baseless comments from pig talk again
12/09/2019 9:19 AM

winner lah... where got loser. Today i will prove it gain... entering IDSS now, watch it become red later on and I make money again.


2019-09-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

where got baseless comment, it is a known fact Armada did not manage to pay the bank repayment obligation. They only manage to delay it, unofficially already a PN1. It is not just a simple PN1, it is a MASSIVE RM11.5 billion or RM11500 million debt... sure die.


2019-09-12 09:17 | Report Abuse

Run before they run.


2019-09-12 09:17 | Report Abuse

Just in case some of you newbies or ikan bilis does not know, most of the armada promoters here are well known pump and dump players. They are everywhere in so many topics.


2019-09-12 09:16 | Report Abuse

nobody dare to deny that Armada cant pay bank debts, it is not a make up story, it is real .. please to and read all the announcement. Many investor already panic and dump their Armada shares, now only have some sharks playing pump and dump with Armada.


2019-09-12 09:12 | Report Abuse

did not lose, past two days did not play.


2019-09-12 09:05 | Report Abuse

Today IDSS will take short position... any spike in opening will be the entry point for IDSS


2019-09-12 09:04 | Report Abuse

when all the old contract finish, they are as good as dead because nobody will give them new job because of PN1. And most of these contracts after several years, they have to sign new agreement.. and look at claire... their customer refused to sign new agreement because they know unofficlally Armada is already a PN1 company


2019-09-12 09:02 | Report Abuse

That is why they have to sell their Perdana because they cant get new jobs with PN1. If can get new job, then why give Perdana to another company to make money ?


2019-09-12 09:02 | Report Abuse

CHLEONG888 TALK non sense, PN1
12/09/2019 7:06 AM

looks like this ikan bilis got no idea what he is buying into. Armada is already a PN1 counter, only not officially announced. Just recently they failed to pay the bank... fortunately for them, they manage to beg the bank to delay repayment. If that day when go down on their knees and beg the bank failed, already PN1 announced.

Until today, they have not paid anything yet... delayed payment will be coming again and in bigger amount. Will they be able to beg their way out of PN1 again ? Normally it wont happen 2nd time, so this time failed to pay bank.. official PN1 will be announced.

Un-officially Armada is already a PN1 company.


2019-09-12 01:58 | Report Abuse

once PN 1 is announced, all the deals will be dead.


2019-09-12 01:57 | Report Abuse

why want to live everyday in fear holding Armada shares. You know just matter of time before time to pay banks again and Armada simply do not have the money.


2019-09-12 01:53 | Report Abuse

did u see how good IDSS players are ? I did not enter for 2 days, up for two days. So, I escaped losses. Today Thursday is ripe for IDSS play again. This time alot of bilis trapped, feasy prey for IDSS... as we all know, all the big players know... its coming down. Whoever runs first are safed from the incoming disaster... remember PN1 is looming. ( They do not have enough money to pay debts )


2019-09-07 16:52 | Report Abuse

Stockraider and his Yinson and Armada again. Has Yinson defaulted his loan repayment yet ? Armada has already "defaulted" its loan repayment,

PN1 was supposed to be placed on Armada face.. Armada was just saved last minute when they manage to beg the banks to DELAY the repayment. Remember it is DELAYED and not payment okay. PN1 will be coming again, all of you know how dangerous when a company is hit by PN1, seldom they will ever recover... when you have RM11 billion debt, you can forget about recovering if hit by PN1. Because when hit by PN1 nobody dares to deal with you, every single creditor will go after you, every debtor will try to delay payment to you because waiting for you to collapse. Maybe thats why they sell off perdana because they know nobody will lease from them.

If Yinson also go hit by something like Armada ( cant do bank repayment ), it will join Armada at the bottom also, so dont be so confident using your Yinson as a bait. Yinson has potential to join Armada club. If you like to compare Yinson and Armada ( same business ) why not also say both of them join the Perisai club.

These people are just trying to lure newbies to buy to push up the share price so that they can sell and run. Otherwise they will not be spending so much time luring people into it. Want to profit from newbies just admit it lah. IDSS already admit and made it very clear, IDSS want share price to fall. IDSS can profit from it because the company is in deep trouble, share price will surely drop. If company is doing well, nobody will dare to play IDSS with it.

If you are afraid IDSS is the cause of share price drop, then better sell and buy back cheaper. But I think that is not your worry, your worry is like everyone else, Armada has RM11.5 billion debt and are unable to pay. Selling one FPSO is not enough, selling ALL FPSO is also not enough. How they get into debt is not IDSS fault, its their own fault. You want your money ( investment ) to be handled by people who get themselves stuck in the forever grownig RM11500 million debt ?


2019-09-07 08:53 | Report Abuse

PotentialGhost Aiyo write too much for what just comment SELL!! Armada only worth 1 sen, enough , and go buy all cash company lo


even after writing so much they still dont want to believe, you think the word "SELL" will get the message into their head. Actually I think they know the danger, it is just that they want newbies to buy and push up the share price, so that they can take profit and run ( very common )


2019-09-07 08:13 | Report Abuse

you are all willing to take such a big risk on Armada just because people say it can reach 30sen. For such a big risk, Armada now is around 26 sen, you only want to gain 4 sen from it ? Of more than 1000 counters in KLSE... is this risk necessary ? for such a tiny target profit.


2019-09-07 08:10 | Report Abuse

forget the court case, it will take forever. They will drag on forever if possible... even if can get back some money by then, money has become smaller... debt would have increased even further. Lets say very luck win the case, how much can you get ? cant even make a small dent into that massive debts.


2019-09-07 07:05 | Report Abuse

maybe the word RM11.5 billion sounds small, since more people are familiar with million, armada have RM11500 million debts, did I put the zeros correctly ? Normally if a company have RM500 million debt, people already start to worry. This one is RM11500 million