
ckca | Joined since 2016-05-27

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2019-09-07 06:51 | Report Abuse

you people are so good at your calculations, go and calculate how to ever solve the RM11.5 billion every growing debts ? All of you say so many things, ca go up 30sen lah, big FPSO market lah, oil price go up lah.. BUT can the RM11.5 billion fast growing debt be fixed ?

At first I thought only RM10 billion, suddenly I got a shock today.. people say already RM11.5 billion. Increase by RM1.5 billion... did Armada sell Perdana FPSO for RM1.5 billion to cover that debt increase ?

Still got another idle FPSO Claire for sales,by the time they sell Claire... how much more the debt would have increased ?


2019-09-07 06:39 | Report Abuse

MM78 Mabel,

For IDSS traders, such as MoneyKJ1 and Ckca , they will continue to look for and peddled any negative news true or false alarm even they are outdated for some times already , to blow many times over to scare off the investors into panic. At times they talk “authoritatively “ to get their “snake medicines “ sold at all costs to people who don’t challenge their claims . They would shut their mind completely to positive development of a targeted company turn around. Luckily we have many strong minded investors here to stand up to their attempts to have their ways, including their initial name callings ( I suspect they stopped doing just because they got warnings ) to those who stand up to them. What else they would not try , one wonders at times , for their short selling profits?
07/09/2019 5:58 AM


where go false alarm lah... the debt is real. the fact it drop below 15sen also real. you want to wait until 15sen again then only sell issit ? Armada has not improve since the 15sen time, selling asset is not an improvement and it shall return to 15sen. Each day drop 0.5sen.. all of you wont feel a any pain, you wont even realised it, suddenly its already 15sen.


2019-09-07 06:36 | Report Abuse

ya,now start to sell FPSO.. means what, they cant get business lah ? what else ? when you cant get business how to make money to deal with RM11 billion debt, its a very common practice to sell assets ( I thought they would come out with some better plans, they only can think of a "kids solution" which wont work ).

Let say one old 2nd hand FPSO sold for a very generous value of RM300 million each, Armada only have 8 FPSO, means only can get back RM2.4 billion if sell all of them. Even if they use all the money to pay debt... you still have balance of RM 8.6 billion debt. After selling ALL the FPSO, Armada will get income from where to settle the remaining RM8.6 billion debt ? before you know it, the RM8.6 billion debt will become RM11 billion again... because debt grows very fast when they are big and Armada Ship assets dont grow , they depreciates ( oops by then, no more ships to sell )

When you calculate of sales of asset must also see whether it can settle the debt or not ? in Armada case, sales of asset wont work. There is no way Armada can survive, you can wish all you want reality is cruel but it there.Like a cancer, there is no cure. That is why Claire, Perdana all lie idle, do nothing, Nobody dares to give them new projects. Customer also fear half way goes bankrupt... they will also be effected.

Investor already know Armada no hope already, that is why it drop to below 15sen previously because they already calculate the risk. As long as debt dont reduced significantly, Armada cannot survive, 15 sen was given to Armada because investor was hoping for a magic, selling asset is no a magic.Armada needs a massive bail out which nobody is willing to do. If want to spend so much money, I better set up a new company that is debt free.


2019-09-06 17:01 | Report Abuse

Mabel, I did not say FPSO market cannot grow, it can grow as big as what you said, or even bigger market.. BUT have you forgotten, the more oil the pump up, the cheaper the oil becomes. Can the FPSO operator survive if oil price drop to USD 20 or USD 30 ? Still not yet learn the lesson during the last oil price crash ?


2019-09-06 16:32 | Report Abuse

Stockraider.. Persai can Armada also can ... later Yinson also can, join the bankrupt club


2019-09-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

Mabel... dont you realise all your friend promoters already sold and run... dont be the last one.


2019-09-06 15:23 | Report Abuse

Too bad Armada is not same industry as Maxis.. but Armada is same industry with Perisai


2019-09-06 15:19 | Report Abuse

Yinson share price is similar to last time that one they called Transmile, overpriced.


2019-09-06 15:19 | Report Abuse

I think mabel also got a shock now, there are 206 FPSO in the market now. Who is going to lease Armada FPSO... they know Armada have financial trouble, surely will cut cost everywhere. Surely lease from those trouble free FPSO operators lah.


2019-09-06 15:17 | Report Abuse

26sen dont want to sell, wait until they announce PN1, happily sell at 5sen.


2019-09-06 15:16 | Report Abuse

young boss, old boss... problem is still the same RM11 billion debt, managed to delay repayment once. If second time not so lucky, kena PN1... drop to 5sen the next day.


2019-09-06 15:14 | Report Abuse

Moneykj1 Same as Perisai esp the big boss in so much trouble ..73 yrs old???
KENA corruption legal suit fr India goverment..Maxis deputy chairman related also...


hey cannot talk about their boss age lah, they get angry.


2019-09-06 15:07 | Report Abuse

Mabel, currently there are already 206 FPSO flooding the market. Got so many oil field in the sea to mine kah.... even if have so many place for them to mine, there will be over supply of oil because the mining on land also plenty . Oil Price willl drop all these FPSO operators will barely able to make much profits.. and most of them have high debts, just see who run to the ground first... Perisai already there... who is next ? Armada ?


2019-09-06 14:43 | Report Abuse

even though not very smart but I still have to admire their bravery. Company with more than RM11 debt, still dare to buy and keep for so long, if cannot go up, means cannot already lah... you delay your selling also no use, the longer you keep... the smaller the value will become. OF cos the ultimate ending will be something like Perisai


2019-09-06 14:28 | Report Abuse

big players who bought before QR reports will soon run out of patience, they cannot keep their money forever in Armada, they need to cash out. So far whole morning they did not do much, I think this afternoon session they will be selling.


2019-09-06 14:26 | Report Abuse

hotstock1975 Ckca, you call me? I am ready... I got no idea what you are preparing for, but I am preparing to see some big selling.


2019-09-06 14:13 | Report Abuse

dont hero worship yinson so much, it has big debts also, revenue and profit is nothing fantastic. One tiny hiccups,they can join Armada and Perisai club. You think only these few company have FPSO.. there are hundreds of them out there. Competition is massive out there, huge maintenance and operational cost.. just wait to hit the ice-berg. Until today we have not seen any real successful FPSO operators... most of them eventually run to the ground.


2019-09-06 14:06 | Report Abuse

wow, promoter use the Yinson gimmick again, so desperate already ? No need to bait newbies into Armada, just sell and save yourself. Wait for newbies to take your shares will take forever, they may not buy your stories at all, you know why ?

Promoters says same business, same results...

What if Yinson turned into Armada instead... then later both turned into Perisai.

All of them ( Yinson, Armada, Perisai ) same business categories... all should end up in same results.. Oh damm.... I cant find Perisai anywhere. Last time it was as hot as Yinson... What happened ?


2019-09-06 10:22 | Report Abuse


Armada Battleship is too strong to sink...
06/09/2019 10:15 AM

if sink can claim insurance, if cant sink later generator mul-function again, have to spend another few hundred million USD for impairment loss


2019-09-06 10:18 | Report Abuse

I also forget to mention... alot of contra players trapped from big vol the other day will have to sell all their shares today,. not sure it is the bank force selling day or not. Anyway, selling will come later... Armada already turned Red.

I think all the hardcore promoters already ran away... left now with followers carrying the burden, each day your paper loss will become bigger.

looks like IDSS will be getting money again today.


2019-09-06 10:09 | Report Abuse

ok...I take a break.. come back later to cash out my profits again.


2019-09-06 10:05 | Report Abuse

oh dear,,, I post so many thing, forget to announce IDSS entry at 26 sen


2019-09-06 10:05 | Report Abuse

sychan ckca got no fact to support, what he said can put any forum he is just talk, talker with no share, loser talker


you want facts, go and read.

you know at the bottom of the article, one trading house even set a target of 9 sen for Armada. That is even after Armada manage to delay the repayment. What if repayment failed and PN1 announced instead ? Scary.... u like horror movie ?


2019-09-06 10:01 | Report Abuse

Moneykj1 The 1219 good news said debt is 11.5 more 10 billion..
06/09/2019 9:58 AM


damm are you sure debt rise so fast ? That is what I called debt grow debt if not repaid. Those deal with ah long before will know lah.


2019-09-06 09:55 | Report Abuse

see.. paktua very smart, run first then buy back lower since he think will rise. But I think he wont dare to touch anymore.


2019-09-06 09:53 | Report Abuse

itch ckca, we would like to know what are the facts that supports your views that the share will crash.
you sure you want to hear it again, later your promoter friends will be very angry. Its the RM10 billion growing debt problem. They already 'defaulted' almost.. because last minute they manage to delay the repayment with the banks. If that day the banks dont give them chance, PN1 announcement already out. I am sure u know what will happen when PN 1 is announced.

This time the survived, but repayment date will come again ( bigger value because debt grows if not paid ) because money has not been paid to the banks. This next round, will they have the money to do repayment ? will they be able to beg the banks again ? See th danger ?


2019-09-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

Huat1 IDSS is counter productive and negative to investors because only IDSS players win if the price is pushed down..

If stock price continues to go up under the normal market conditions, everyone wins!. Everyone are happy because they make money after selling the stock at jigher price.


You said IDSS can only make money when share price fall, which u got it right. Then you ask yourself, IDSS can play any counters, why focused on Armada. Because we know Armada is a dead duck...plenty of room for it to drop, that is why we love Armada.

If you like Armada so much, isnt it better to buy at cheaper price, you can buy more also. Why is it so bad for Armada to fall.. if you bought expensive, just sell it off and buy back cheaper... you get more shares at lower cost. isnt that great ? So IDSS is not destructive.. it helps even the promoters.

BUT Armada is no so simple. Yesterday a big player already start dumping at 2.44pm. If Armada is so good, those big player ( long term player ) why they sell ? Because they know Armada has huge debt that it cant handle, debt will grow debt.. < my apology, insensitive retracted statements here >...Armada is as good as dead because they cant deal with RM10 billion growing debts. Just matter of time.

So, if you have profit, just take and buy other safer counter in KLSE. If you have not bought, dont get influenced into buying Armada without considering the danger looming.
06/09/2019 9:13 AM


2019-09-06 09:44 | Report Abuse

itch ckca, we would like to know what are the facts that supports your views that the share will crash.

Instead of just saying frivolous personal opinions eg the owner is old (many first class companies have old owners too) and high debt ...most companies have debt which may not necessarily be a bad thing unless they do not have the capability to pay back (Armada good operating cash flows negates that fear).

Please convince us to sell. So far yr arguments not convincing I must say
06/09/2019 9:36 AM


my apology, I will retract my posting.


2019-09-06 09:42 | Report Abuse

121912525734420 Good news this morning

you actually believe what they wrote ? This article comes out immediately after the QR report comes out. Tell me which fellow can do so much research in just few hour and get it published in just few hours ? This kind of write-up already prepared way ahead of its time... they already bought Armada shares way ahead before the QR result announcement.

When they release those analysis, they want you to chase the share up and they can make profit by selling their shares ( bought ahead ) to you.


2019-09-06 09:36 | Report Abuse

Investar2862, You make money when people buy from you at higher price. someone else lose money from your gain. IDSS makes money when share price fall, nobody lose any money, because those sold can always buy back at lower price, he still get the same number of shares at lower cost... he may even have extra money from the process. So, who is bad and who is good now ?


2019-09-06 09:29 | Report Abuse

TAK1 you are right, but people are taking US/China talk excuse to put a feel good sentiment into the market. Looks like it is not working.. so back to normal, downtrend for Armada will continue.


2019-09-06 09:28 | Report Abuse

did u all notice, small volume in a good sentiment market, small ticket buy at 26.5 sen and bigger ticket sales at 26sen.. means what ?


2019-09-06 09:26 | Report Abuse

RJ87.. sorry lah, IDSS do not hold any shares from counters that anytime can go bankrupt


2019-09-06 09:25 | Report Abuse

Armada go no vol dispite bettte sentiment... IDSS will be taking position soon.


2019-09-06 09:24 | Report Abuse

I am helping you save money and get more Armada shares, issnt that what you want ? Or you actually dont like to have more Armada shares ?


2019-09-06 09:23 | Report Abuse

RJ87, why not you sell now and buy back cheaper. you get more shares or you can buy the same amount of shares keep some balance cash.


2019-09-06 09:21 | Report Abuse

mikekim .... are you here ? dont blame me if I go offensive. just look at your promoters and what they write.


2019-09-06 09:19 | Report Abuse

This China/USA talk may not even end up with good result. Donald Trump has his ego. China President also need face, otherwise those Hong Kong protestors will think he can be bullied... so I predict the outcome of this meeting will not be good.


2019-09-06 09:16 | Report Abuse

when IDSS is targetting a company, it is serious bad... otherwise they wont even dare to touch it.


2019-09-06 09:14 | Report Abuse

what Armada did recently to their debt repayment is just delaying it, they have yet found a way to deal with the debt. Anytime can announce a default in payment.. goes into PN1... immediately drop to 5sen in a single day.


2019-09-06 09:05 | Report Abuse

mikekim I like to share with you some of the things the promoters of Armada said today... I have not posted anything offensive since our agreement last night to be more friendly towards each other and only discuss our points with no personal attacks...

Huat1 iDSS is selfish and destructive ( and other stuff... )

sychan now ckca made baseless comment and doing pig talk, really pig groaning ckca is a eat shit dog do baseless comment here


you can see very clearly now, who draws the first blood. For today...


2019-09-06 07:10 | Report Abuse

because of US/China deal coming, today IDSS will not rush in. IDSS have to wait and see. If Armada spike up early in the morning and hit 27.5sen in low vol, IDSS will enter.

If high vol then IDSS may be cancelled for today. Whatever up is just temporary ( means big fall in the next session )... .it will fall very fast, outlook for Armada is not good, anything up is just a knee jerk reaction, side effect from China/US talk.

My advice is still, do not buy if you dont have,, if you have, any spike in price is opportunity to sell and stay away.


2019-09-05 21:52 | Report Abuse

okay mike, I agree with you on this one. Anyway... Armada will drop tomorrow, today at 2.44pm we already saw one big player dumping. The other big players will surely notice it, surely wont want to be the last one to dispose... so tomorrow maybe another one or more big players will be selling.

Another reason for drop is after the QR announcement, there is a very big vol trading, surely there are a big number of contra player, looks like most of them have not sold, so tomorrow will be heavy selling or force selling by banks. So it will be a very good day for IDSS. If you wish, you can also sell and buy back cheap to reduce your cost ( if u think Armada is good for keeping, but for me it is a very risky counter to keep, if can sell better sell and dont touch it anymore )


2019-09-05 20:42 | Report Abuse

some people say IDSS say bad things thats why share price drop. Hello.. go and see today Armada transaction at 2.44pm... see for yourself how many big sales ticket above RM125K each are there ? Those are the one that make Armada go into Red. Not caused by IDSS... big players dumping... can you see it ? Not caused by small players frightened by IDSS selling.

Those small players after sold, if want Armada shares can always buy it back cheaper after dropping, if insist they still want it for the future..


2019-09-05 20:30 | Report Abuse

mikekim.. hey ikan bilis is the term everyone use lah... I dont know IDSS cannot say but promoters can.


2019-09-05 20:26 | Report Abuse

InvestorKING Don't ever bother these people, just keep buying, luckily I managed to recover back my bad debts of 510k, will buy 1.9mil shares again to up


So confident, make sure you buy tomorrow ( I doubt you will do that, you know the danger ).


2019-09-05 20:24 | Report Abuse

sammj.. IDSS is not interested in Maybulk at the moment because not in radar.


2019-09-05 20:22 | Report Abuse

IDSS will only dare to get involved if they are confident that the share price of a company will drop. I heard your Stockraider is a famous promoter here... today he was beaten by IDSS... he say up, IDSS says down. IDSS won.

I want to bet with him again, IDSS say tomorrow will be down ( red ) again.


2019-09-05 20:16 | Report Abuse

Looks like the promoters here first time encounter a IDSS trouble maker... hahaha too bad... you have face this kind of problem when you try to promote a half bankrupt counter targeted for IDSS.


2019-09-05 20:14 | Report Abuse

mikekim..yes.. because IDSS do not have other hidden motive. IDSS do not speak with forked tongue, it has been made clear right from the beginning we make money when share price drop especially in bad risky companies. We discourage newbies to buy bad companies to prevent them from losing money because we know share price of this company will drop.

Promoters are very different, they will buy first at lower price.. then they start to shout high target hoping people will chase the share up and they can sell higher to make profit, regardless of how bad the company is... imagine those ikan bilis newbies knows nothing about the company buy and ends up with a bankrupt company ?