
ckca | Joined since 2016-05-27

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2019-09-05 20:02 | Report Abuse

Just now I say big players will feed on you guys, if you do not believe me, go and check the transactions at 2.44pm. Look at the sales ticket, so many sales which is more than many of you have so many shares to sell ?

Of cos the seller is not one of you because all of you are still holding and believe everything the analyst and some IB tells you. The big players already start dumping, whatever they sell, who will end up holding them.. of cos the people like some of you. If Armada is so good like what they claimed, why they sell ?

Don't believe go and look at the 2.44pm transactions again.

The operators here knew about this, they just want more newbies to buy so they too can sell, unfortunately too greedy, got profit dont want to take.. they want more. I am afraid they will lose it all as those big players continue to sell.

As for me, I got no problems, if the share price drop I will make money. If the promoters of this share is really care for the newbies... they should encourage them to buy cheaper, not buy more expensive.


2019-09-05 19:38 | Report Abuse

Huat1 All IB analysts also say good about Armada
05/09/2019 7:12 PM

exactly, that is the problem. They want you to buy so that they can sell for profit. If you dont buy high, how are they going to make their profit ? If they say Armada no good, what will happen to their Armada shares ?

Just look at EPF announcement in Armada purchase,,, did you see what date they buy their Armada shares ? They bought on 29 Aug 2019, just one day before the financial result announcement... means what ? means all these big players including all those IB already know the results before announcement. EPF is the proof they already bought ahead. After result announcement, they only wait for the right moment to sell... or sell slowly while say all the good things about Armada. By the time they finish sales.. all the bad stories comes out.

You see IDSS only dare to target bad troubled company, if a company is good you think IDSS dare to get involved ? The reason we are here is because Armada is in grave danger, anytime can kaput, that is why IDSS find it a very attractive counter to short.

All these promoters... shout up everyday for what ? you cant stop the big player from selling... the more you buy, the more they sell.


2019-09-05 18:17 | Report Abuse

it is very clear the promoters have bad intention, all they want is you buy high, they reap the profits because they already bought much earlire at lower price. The IDSS are the good guys, we do not encourage you to pay higher price for the shares, we encourage you to buy at lower price ( if you love the share so much ).

FOR EXAMPLE... sell at 26sen, buy back at 13 sen, your cost will cut by half, you still have your Armada ( if you like it so much ). Why want to keep at 26 sen and let drop all the way down to 13 sen and your see your money reduce by half still have the same number of your favourite Armada share.?

Best is dont buy at all, wait for 13sen only buy ( that is if you like Armada so much also )


2019-09-05 18:03 | Report Abuse

you know why it is better to trust IDSS players tham those promoters ?

first IDSS do not hold any shares while the promoters hold shares. Lets he honest, if you are a promoter.. surely you would have bought cheaper and try to promote your shares, hoping all those newcomers will buy and make your shares go up... then you benefit from them. Right or not ? aiya.. if I were the promoters. I will do such thing...

IDSSS do not do such thing because we have no shares, we just see shares going to drop... come in and take profit and go... thats it. Simple as that. If you want you can also sell and buy back back at lower price, still have your shares at lower price. also good for you...

see the goodness of IDSS vs those promoters who just want to make money from your late entry. They already bought long ago before you, dont be fooled by them.


2019-09-05 17:48 | Report Abuse

now matter how you spin it... Armada wont be going up. Big players already start dumping their shares... many will follow suit, nobody wants to be left behind with a RM10 billion debt company who cant pay back. The reason they survive PN1 this time is because they manage to beg he bank delay the repayment... how many more times they can do that, is questionable. Once kena PN1.. finished. all sources of finance finished, all source of new contracts also finished... and yet debt will increase every single day...

Please improve your karma, dont let your greed lead those innocent ikan bilis over the cliff.


2019-09-05 17:44 | Report Abuse

ya, stil can spread your happiness for one more day, tomorrow bank will force sell all those contra players who cant pay up. Excellent day for IDSS IDSS test water only...


2019-09-05 17:04 | Report Abuse

leelc99, hole 5-6 month , your 26sen will become 5 sen or less


2019-09-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

tkl88 Wow, big swallow up right now... keep eating up the 0.26 !!!
05/09/2019 4:40 PM

sorry to disappoint you ... those are just IDSS covering positions


2019-09-05 16:36 | Report Abuse

Tell you a secret, if cut loss today at 25.5sen... can buy back at 24sen :)


2019-09-05 16:35 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 Recently i3 a lot of newbies

They no experience

Good at talk cock
05/09/2019 4:32 PM


You are right, IDSS players already announce their moves early in the morning, even before trading starts... and IDSS wins. Promoters say today can go to 30sen... anyone buy on their recommendations already can start counting their losses.


2019-09-05 16:33 | Report Abuse

Jason Tay, you no need to cut loss good lor, but others will need it... badly. otherwise force selling by bank, very teruk because they simply throw.

If smart, can sell and buy back lah you can keep cheaper Armada... if smarter, just do IDSS :) no need to hold any half bankrupt company shares.


2019-09-05 16:30 | Report Abuse

stockraider... thanks for reminding me of opportunity... tomorrow an excellent day for IDSS. There will be a lot of bank force selling for those trapped contra players.


2019-09-05 16:26 | Report Abuse

sammj101286 Ckca... Buy at 26 before too late
05/09/2019 4:23 PM

you are right, I better cover my IDSS position.. I think tomorrow will be a better day for IDSS. I think alot of contra players will kena bank force selling, To my surprised they did not cut loss, want to fight to the end... maybe too much faith in the promoters.


2019-09-05 16:23 | Report Abuse

so many counters in kLSE, die die also must promote a dying counter.


2019-09-05 16:21 | Report Abuse

aiyoo.. stockraider, still dare to promote kah.. later reputation down the drain how ?


2019-09-05 16:20 | Report Abuse

to my surprised they did not cut loss, they want to wait for bank to force sell their shares tomorrow. Like that I must prepare for bigger IDSS deal tomorrow.


2019-09-05 16:19 | Report Abuse

finally got one promoter appeared and finally the promoters actually says something useful to the trapped ikan bilis ( at least he wont get more ikan bilis trapped with that promotion )


2019-09-05 16:12 | Report Abuse

wow... really no more promoters.... looks like thy also run, poor ikan bilis... now they are left all alone with the RM10 billion debt half bankrupt Armada. .


2019-09-05 16:10 | Report Abuse

still got some super brave ikan bilis buying away RM500 each ticket... if your money is so precious, dont waste it like that lor


2019-09-05 16:09 | Report Abuse

just look at 2.44pm sales ticket, each ticket is more than RM125K... any ikan bilis got so many shares to sell, I think some big player run already. When the others found out... they will also join in, nobody wants to be the last one to run


2019-09-05 16:07 | Report Abuse

what ? no more response to me ? all crying under the bed issit ? crying wont solve your problem... take action before you need to cry harder.


2019-09-05 16:05 | Report Abuse

the longer you keep, the small value it will become.


2019-09-05 16:05 | Report Abuse

if you think today is bad, tomorrow will be worse.


2019-09-05 16:04 | Report Abuse

I am back... haha... see got money for IDSS already


2019-09-05 12:02 | Report Abuse

ok lah... enough horror reality for all of you. I need to take a break. come back later to collect my IDSS money


2019-09-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

InvestorKING EPF keeps buying
05/09/2019 11:58 AM

wah EPF fund manager all so free ah.. sit there one whole day, buy 100 lots, 200 lots, 15 lots.. they are not buying lah, finish buying long ago.


2019-09-05 11:58 | Report Abuse

if can go up to 30sen, already long time reach there lah... no need to drag so long.


2019-09-05 11:57 | Report Abuse

oops,, another ikan bilis escaped. feel relieved issnt it... you can use your money for something else. Better than holding to a share that owes people RM10 billion. Your money is safe now, dont be like those people... when bank come knocking on the Armada door for money... cannot pay PN17, immediately away go to 5 sen.


2019-09-05 11:53 | Report Abuse

as we speak here, someone just managed to sell his Armada at 26sen... maybe lose a little bit but much better than selling at 24.5sen. Some actually still got profit, those bought below 20sen ... but if greedy, later 1 sen profit also dont have.


2019-09-05 11:51 | Report Abuse

got chance to run, dont want.. wait for what ? once it starts to drop... it will be very fast, it will be too late to run... for consolation maybe can still sell at 24.5sen , reduce your losses. If still stubborn delisted like perisai, then nobody can help you. RM10 billion debt... how they manage to grow debt until that size.


2019-09-05 11:48 | Report Abuse

pig lah, cat lah dog lah.. up to you what you want to say, I am just interest in the money going into my pocket from IDSS.. that is 25sen , looks like going very well...Armada totally no buying power today, now just wait for panic selling from contra players


2019-09-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

Seriously I sometimes also kesian all those ikan bilis got con into this to help me make money from IDSS. But dont blame me, you buy at high price because you listen to those promoters.. want to blame, blame them, I did not caused you to buy at high price. I am here to collect my IDSS money only.


2019-09-05 11:39 | Report Abuse

No right Nor wrong Only to Win Puzzle me
When a turnover stock
Reverse for better & stronger

Many only want to earn peanuts
Shud cherrish this golden opportunity

Armada ship will send you ship by ship from the gold mine.
05/09/2019 11:32 AM


"Turn around" ? what a joke.. make a profit if RM140 million, asset + cash reduced by more than 3 times larger than RM140 million... they called it "turn around"... I called it death turn


2019-09-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

RJ87 Later EPF sapu, PNB sapu...

U see ckca in news paper hanging from the fan...=D
05/09/2019 11:24 AM

no more buying from them already lah, they buy before the announcement and thats it. Finish buying... if they buy vol less than 200K ah ?


2019-09-05 11:22 | Report Abuse

hah.. see this

05/09/2019 11:21 AM
not I post one ah... more people now accepts the reality


2019-09-05 11:21 | Report Abuse

W0099 Road block at 027
05/09/2019 11:20 AM


its not a road block lah, it is a cliff.. u buy u will fall into the bottomless pit.


2019-09-05 11:21 | Report Abuse

sifu... 60sen target... omg... I almost got chocked to death by my coffee


2019-09-05 11:19 | Report Abuse

MM78 I suspect you are almost done........ run
05/09/2019 11:16 AM
not yet done lah.. just the beginning.. let me tell exactly what will happen. Today will drop below 25sen... tomorrow many bilis will start to worry, then drop below 23sen, second round for me... then panic sinks in, drop below 20sen, then more panic... below 18sen, then goes back to 15sen... wow.. bottomless pit...


2019-09-05 11:17 | Report Abuse

MM78 Come on ckca, we are all waiting for your expert answers on the ship’s operation failures in rough sea ( video if u like ) and authoritative statements on EPF trading limit , sir/ madam. We are such eager students of your catastrophic stories of Armada failing, it is going to be quite entertaining , I hope

as I expected they cant read. I already posted you not yet read or dont know how to read ? Generator failure.. you know what is a generator or not ? When machine needs more power to fight a rough situation... they put generator into high stress.. and if failed. Of cos now they repaired.. now no storm yet, when storm hit again, see what will happen to it.


2019-09-05 11:14 | Report Abuse

ckca MM78 @ LeslieGoh ckca and moneykj1the comment same like pearl white, all from shorties group.
05/09/2019 11:05 AM

I have the same impressions of your suspicions


no need to suspect lah.. I already admit right from the beginning. Because at the moment Armada is the perfect candidate for IDSS. When I am done with Armada, dont worry, I will move on


2019-09-05 11:12 | Report Abuse

Wah stockraider use Armada old price to bait ikan bilis... Perisai also got pretty high old the end, reality still bites in


2019-09-05 11:09 | Report Abuse

MM78 ckca, I am still waiting for the answers on your claims the FPSO Kraken can’t operate in rough sea and likely to break down and you know EPF daily trading limit.


I dont want to post the entire article.. too long to read, people like you surely dont read much...

"It is understood that management has revealed to analysts that a big chunk of the impairment was due to the long downtime caused by the malfunction of the generator on board Armada Kraken. As a result, the FPSO in the North Sea is not generating as much income as it should."

There you go,


2019-09-05 11:03 | Report Abuse

RJ87, no.. I cannot understand. tell you something everyone can understand. IF really can make money... cash will increase or asset will increase, debt will reduce..but Armada is going the opposite.


2019-09-05 10:58 | Report Abuse

RJ87, half billion revenue, even if Armada magically get 90% profit margin, dont pay salary, dont pay all the bills and dont need to do maintenance on their ship also not enough to pay bank interest... at 5% interest from their RM10 billion debt, need to pay RM500 million a year.


2019-09-05 10:55 | Report Abuse

MM78 I where got do bad things in the name of God, I just say I am not greedy according to religion is bad. Thats all. I have never ask God to crash Armada, because no need for that.. Armada will crash itself. In fact I am saving alot of ikan bilis from buying at 26sen and sell at 0 sen. I will get good karma from it.


2019-09-05 10:52 | Report Abuse

RJ87, today only I short lah.. earlier mana ada ?


2019-09-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

soon all these FPSO operators will be left useless junks that cost them billions.


2019-09-05 10:49 | Report Abuse

You are right, Yinson sooner or later will join Armada. People are still living in the past, 60s... Oil and Gas era is over...There are many new alternative energy source, each year they become better and better. USA knew about it, that is why they are pumping up all their reserves, they know keep also no use.


2019-09-05 10:46 | Report Abuse

hotstock1975 Ckca, then u should short more
05/09/2019 10:41 AM

buddha and all the other religion say cannot be greedy. Today I just want to make little bit because I know there are alot of stubborn ikan bills still wants to buy. Just look at your trading screen... all the bilis buying away. Just wait till the contra players start to throw later in the afternoon.


2019-09-05 10:43 | Report Abuse

Jason Tay Stockraider +1

+1 is not going to help Armada. +100 also no use. Some of you may have forgotten about Perisai