
DannyArcher | Joined since 2020-03-07

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2020-06-24 17:41 | Report Abuse

Technical indicators are not always right, it is just a guide. Just like buying a house, you may not believe in feng shui like number 4 or house facing incoming road but it is advisable to avoid them, why? Because it will be hard to sell because the crowds will avoid them too. Be pragmatic, not a skeptic.


2020-06-24 16:44 | Report Abuse

exactly. too many convertible bonds already. until all the bonds are absorbed, price will remain depressed for a long time.


2020-06-24 15:52 | Report Abuse

MACD, RSI, Momentum, Volume, SMA chart all shows all glove counters are heading down again. Guys, just cut losses and move on. I did the same. Forget about this counter, go for something you can hold for 10 years like Maybank, Public Bank, CIMB and etc. Sorry about the truth.


2020-06-24 15:51 | Report Abuse

MACD, RSI, Momentum, Volume, SMA chart all shows all glove counters are heading down again. Guys, just cut losses and move on. I did the same. Forget about this counter, go for something you can hold for 10 years like Maybank, Public Bank, CIMB and etc. Sorry about the truth.


2020-06-24 15:47 | Report Abuse

all the stocks he recommended are junk stocks. I rather buy PBB or MBB and just hold.


2020-06-24 15:45 | Report Abuse

secretinvestor8888 conned you all. this stock is going to PN17


2020-06-24 14:42 | Report Abuse

Maybank is our national bank, sort off. If Maybank goes down, it means our economy is doing pretty bad. Short term maybe up and down, long term with the good dividend, it is worth to buy and hold now. Will it grow x2 x3 or x4 your money? Unlikely. But it is a stable stock to hold in times like this.


2020-06-23 18:44 | Report Abuse

next year only know.

"As Casino.org reported earlier this month, Japan is expected to field bids beginning January 4, 2021, and run through July 30 of that year."


2020-06-23 12:56 | Report Abuse

22 Jan 2020 -0.25 Before OPR RM19.50 | After OPR RM19.10
03 Mar 2020 -0.25 Before OPR RM17.22 | After OPR RM17.99
05 May 2020 -0.50 Before OPR RM16.10 | After OPR RM16.00


2020-06-23 12:52 | Report Abuse

Honestly, I dont think will drop much, it is probably factored in already. Just look at the pricing before and after every OPR cut. Investor already know and expect the cut. I did some reaches, sometimes it goes up a little bit, sometimes it drops a little bit after OPR cut.


2020-06-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

I think all glove counter reached their peak, or almost there already. Just look at the overall trend, if Bursa or DJI goes red, it too will go red. Why? Why doesn't it go against the tide? Because the price is at its max already, just saying. It may go up, but not much anymore. Dont be mad, just my opinion.


2020-06-23 00:17 | Report Abuse

Nobody knows who Secretinvestor8888 is, why follow him? he probably just look at technical charts and made some guesses. Well, based on my technical analysis, by the end of this week I think Maybank, CIMB, HLFG, TIME and PChem will go up in price. Dont buy, just monitor if I am right.

I think he uses macd, rsi, volume, sma, golden cross and etc to predict potential price movement. with permaju diving so sharply, it will rebound sharply too, question is how high, nobody knows. too risky.

my advice is, if want to trade, trade big companies. less profit but less risk too.


2020-06-22 23:00 | Report Abuse

i bought this stock and decided to cut loss. I like QL and their business model, but the PE is simply too high. Dividend low too. The price must come down to reflect the true value. PE60+ is crazy. Love FamilyMart but dislike the valuation.


2020-06-22 19:21 | Report Abuse

who is here because of SecretInvestor8888's advise?


2020-06-21 13:48 | Report Abuse


It depends. Astro has a monopoly on licensing, especially for sports. Got WorldCup, Olympic, Euro Cup, Thomas Cup.... once every 2 to 4 years, but contract sign for 1 year... enough to lock in a small portion of customers. I agree, Astro is a dying business, not for long term investment.


2020-06-19 10:32 | Report Abuse

The reason it is hard to make a new high is because every time it tries to go up, those above will either take this opportunity to cut losses or sell at break even price. Until there are not many people at the top, only can the price move upwards with good news, till then, pray to zeus.


2020-06-19 10:28 | Report Abuse


You: Vaccine so easy to produce? Phase 1 and 2 passed, phase 3 and 4 so easy?
Me: They are already at Stage 3, and they are already producing millions of vaccine not knowing if it works. If it doesn't, they will discard it, if it works, then they have hundred of millions ready to go once Stage 3 is proven to work.

You: Do you all know the criteria for phase 3 and phase 4?
Me: There is no Stage 4. Stage 3 is ready for roll out this July by both Moderna and CanSino.

You: How many types of vaccine needed for this keep changing virus? 1 vaccine to kill all?
Me: Unlike HIV, Coronavirus doesn't mutate fast enough to make any potential vaccine redundant. Also, they already have many studies and experiment with SARS and MERS vaccine, which never went to Stage 2 or 3 because the virus died down. Thus, they already have a headstart for a vaccine and data, this can be seen with the super quick response in making billions of Test Kit as they already know the formula. Same goes with Coronavirus vaccine.


2020-06-18 22:31 | Report Abuse


That is what I thought so too. TG issued too many convertible bonds already. They can still make a profit if the price dropped to RM9. For them, it is free money.


2020-06-18 20:58 | Report Abuse

Can investment bank buy and trade stocks? I doubt they are allow to do so. Someone please correct me.


2020-06-18 13:49 | Report Abuse


Give us one more prediction. If I make money, I will give you the best BJ ever.


2020-06-18 13:23 | Report Abuse


I agree, a good global healthcare stock in Bursa, unfortunately, the price is too crazy.


2020-06-18 12:54 | Report Abuse


If TG earns RM1 billion and only give so little dividend, tell me, what is the point? Until they give out good dividend, you can own the stock and earn 0 profit. The problem is they are not sharing the profit.


2020-06-18 12:52 | Report Abuse


at least it is not margin. you can make more in the future. 10 years from now, you will probably think it is silly to be panic on this episode. stay strong, dont do stupid things. Can always make back the money. One period I lose RM250K, but stayed cool. Chill bro.


2020-06-18 12:48 | Report Abuse


I will hire a sugarbaby.... shack everyday. yeah. and also mushrooms.


2020-06-18 12:47 | Report Abuse


haiz, dont suicide. Stay strong. I too lost money here and there, and made some too. This is life, this is how stock market works.

You use margin?


2020-06-18 12:38 | Report Abuse


Stock market is forward looking. Genting is about gradual opening up. 3 to 5 years from now, which will make more money? Genting or Gloves?


2020-06-18 12:36 | Report Abuse

Price down with huge volume means panic selling. Price up with huge volume means legit bull run. Again, the Technical shows price can only go lower, dont lose more money. I have nothing to lose or gain by telling the truth.

There are no sharks or IB manipulating the price. Those are imaginary enemies dont know created by whom.


2020-06-18 12:34 | Report Abuse


How much you lost? Dont worry, you can always earn back. I lost RM10K when I gambled that QL will enter KLCI. This is life, we cut losses. I cut many losses and move on, this is how the stock market works. Learn to cut when the losses is 10-20%.


2020-06-18 12:10 | Report Abuse

those that insist on staying are delusional, and there are no sharks or IB bank manipulating the price. you guy have imaginary enemies to justify the price and losses.

again, head and shoulder pattern forming, price will collapse soon. get out!


2020-06-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

head and shoulder pattern forming, go google what it means and compare with the chart now. cut losses and move on. price will collapse like superman fall from sky.

Head and Shoulder pattern signal price collapse. Sell before it is too late, dont be the last person to hold the bag.


2020-06-18 11:46 | Report Abuse

Head and Shoulder pattern forming in both TG and Supermax. Get out before the price collapse. Dont lose more money. You can google the Head and Shoulder chart and see what it says, then go compare with the chart now.

Don't be the last person to hold the bag. Party is over, bubble pop already. Time to cut losses and move on.


2020-06-18 11:30 | Report Abuse


Everybody can order, question is, will they take delivery? Even if they do and the company make handsome profit, will the company share it in the form of dividend or keep it? More likely they will keep it as demand for gloves will be gloomy for the next few years due to over capacity, like mask.


2020-06-18 11:22 | Report Abuse

Head and Shoulders pattern forming.... price will drop like waterfall.


2020-06-18 11:08 | Report Abuse


Head and Shoulder technical forming.... next few days the stock will drop like waterfall.


2020-06-18 11:04 | Report Abuse


Simple, buy on rumours, sell on news.


2020-06-18 09:56 | Report Abuse

cut losses and buy Genting.


2020-06-18 09:55 | Report Abuse

sell and come genting, not GenM.


2020-06-18 08:35 | Report Abuse

Can Genting go up 10% today? I wonder can limit up or not?

News & Blogs

2020-06-17 22:28 | Report Abuse


I am trying to save you. Don't be the last person to hold the bag. Once vaccine is available, there is no possible way you can ever earn back your money.


2020-06-17 21:27 | Report Abuse

///// Why Cut Losses and Move On /////

Still remember how steel prices crashed two years back?

Annjoo from almost 4 to 2 in matter of months, and continued to fall to <1. Mind you, the crash started when everyone was expecting the company to make good profits due to good asp. Indeed, the company made good profits, but share price continued to slide. Why?

SIMPLY because stock market looks to the future!!

The peak of pandemic is definitely over. The fuss about the 2nd wave is just an excuse for the market to take a breather after the V-shape surge from the bottom. Everyone everywhere is better prepared, and vaccine will be ready earlier than expected due to billions pumped in the development which uses extraordinary approach. Compared to two months ago, masks and sanitizers are abundant everywhere. Soon, demand for gloves will also normalize. Do you wait until it normalizes to exit?

During the crash of steel counters, investment banks kept giving high TPs which were revised so frequently, each time higher than before. Does this ring a bell?

///// Why Buy Genting (3182)? /////

- PE4.74 only, can Genting go to PE15? (RM13) Maybe, but unlikely. Probably RM6-7, back to pre-covid level. 30%-35% upside.
- Bottom is RM3 (30% from today's pricing), don't think it will go lower than that. Gloves, what is the downside? 200%? 300% 400% down once vaccine is available. Not if, but when. Vaccine will be available by end of the year.
- Genting is cash rich, also have huge debt but manageable.

///// Why No More Lockdown Even With 2nd Wave /////

Lockdown is to buy time to stock up essentials. Now that they've stocked up enough medical supplies, and most people practices social distancing, it is unlikely we will have a 2nd lockdown, this is because it is very damaging to the economy.

Look at Iran, they have a 2nd wave but decided not to lockdown anymore knowing how damaging it can be for the economy. People will die of hunger. Poverty rate shoots up, crime up and etc.... This is the new normal. Don't be the last person to hold the bag. The PE for gloves are too crazy.


2020-06-17 21:27 | Report Abuse

///// Why Cut Losses and Move On /////

Still remember how steel prices crashed two years back?

Annjoo from almost 4 to 2 in matter of months, and continued to fall to <1. Mind you, the crash started when everyone was expecting the company to make good profits due to good asp. Indeed, the company made good profits, but share price continued to slide. Why?

SIMPLY because stock market looks to the future!!

The peak of pandemic is definitely over. The fuss about the 2nd wave is just an excuse for the market to take a breather after the V-shape surge from the bottom. Everyone everywhere is better prepared, and vaccine will be ready earlier than expected due to billions pumped in the development which uses extraordinary approach. Compared to two months ago, masks and sanitizers are abundant everywhere. Soon, demand for gloves will also normalize. Do you wait until it normalizes to exit?

During the crash of steel counters, investment banks kept giving high TPs which were revised so frequently, each time higher than before. Does this ring a bell?

///// Why Buy Genting (3182)? /////

- PE4.74 only, can Genting go to PE15? (RM13) Maybe, but unlikely. Probably RM6-7, back to pre-covid level. 30%-35% upside.
- Bottom is RM3 (30% from today's pricing), don't think it will go lower than that. Gloves, what is the downside? 200%? 300% 400% down once vaccine is available. Not if, but when. Vaccine will be available by end of the year.
- Genting is cash rich, also have huge debt but manageable.

///// Why No More Lockdown Even With 2nd Wave /////

Lockdown is to buy time to stock up essentials. Now that they've stocked up enough medical supplies, and most people practices social distancing, it is unlikely we will have a 2nd lockdown, this is because it is very damaging to the economy.

Look at Iran, they have a 2nd wave but decided not to lockdown anymore knowing how damaging it can be for the economy. People will die of hunger. Poverty rate shoots up, crime up and etc.... This is the new normal. Don't be the last person to hold the bag. The PE for gloves are too crazy.


2020-06-17 21:27 | Report Abuse

///// Why Cut Losses and Move On /////

Still remember how steel prices crashed two years back?

Annjoo from almost 4 to 2 in matter of months, and continued to fall to <1. Mind you, the crash started when everyone was expecting the company to make good profits due to good asp. Indeed, the company made good profits, but share price continued to slide. Why?

SIMPLY because stock market looks to the future!!

The peak of pandemic is definitely over. The fuss about the 2nd wave is just an excuse for the market to take a breather after the V-shape surge from the bottom. Everyone everywhere is better prepared, and vaccine will be ready earlier than expected due to billions pumped in the development which uses extraordinary approach. Compared to two months ago, masks and sanitizers are abundant everywhere. Soon, demand for gloves will also normalize. Do you wait until it normalizes to exit?

During the crash of steel counters, investment banks kept giving high TPs which were revised so frequently, each time higher than before. Does this ring a bell?

///// Why Buy Genting (3182)? /////

- PE4.74 only, can Genting go to PE15? (RM13) Maybe, but unlikely. Probably RM6-7, back to pre-covid level. 30%-35% upside.
- Bottom is RM3 (30% from today's pricing), don't think it will go lower than that. Gloves, what is the downside? 200%? 300% 400% down once vaccine is available. Not if, but when. Vaccine will be available by end of the year.
- Genting is cash rich, also have huge debt but manageable.

///// Why No More Lockdown Even With 2nd Wave /////

Lockdown is to buy time to stock up essentials. Now that they've stocked up enough medical supplies, and most people practices social distancing, it is unlikely we will have a 2nd lockdown, this is because it is very damaging to the economy.

Look at Iran, they have a 2nd wave but decided not to lockdown anymore knowing how damaging it can be for the economy. People will die of hunger. Poverty rate shoots up, crime up and etc.... This is the new normal. Don't be the last person to hold the bag. The PE for gloves are too crazy.


2020-06-17 21:27 | Report Abuse

///// Why Cut Losses and Move On /////

Still remember how steel prices crashed two years back?

Annjoo from almost 4 to 2 in matter of months, and continued to fall to <1. Mind you, the crash started when everyone was expecting the company to make good profits due to good asp. Indeed, the company made good profits, but share price continued to slide. Why?

SIMPLY because stock market looks to the future!!

The peak of pandemic is definitely over. The fuss about the 2nd wave is just an excuse for the market to take a breather after the V-shape surge from the bottom. Everyone everywhere is better prepared, and vaccine will be ready earlier than expected due to billions pumped in the development which uses extraordinary approach. Compared to two months ago, masks and sanitizers are abundant everywhere. Soon, demand for gloves will also normalize. Do you wait until it normalizes to exit?

During the crash of steel counters, investment banks kept giving high TPs which were revised so frequently, each time higher than before. Does this ring a bell?

///// Why Buy Genting (3182)? /////

- PE4.74 only, can Genting go to PE15? (RM13) Maybe, but unlikely. Probably RM6-7, back to pre-covid level. 30%-35% upside.
- Bottom is RM3 (30% from today's pricing), don't think it will go lower than that. Gloves, what is the downside? 200%? 300% 400% down once vaccine is available. Not if, but when. Vaccine will be available by end of the year.
- Genting is cash rich, also have huge debt but manageable.

///// Why No More Lockdown Even With 2nd Wave /////

Lockdown is to buy time to stock up essentials. Now that they've stocked up enough medical supplies, and most people practices social distancing, it is unlikely we will have a 2nd lockdown, this is because it is very damaging to the economy.

Look at Iran, they have a 2nd wave but decided not to lockdown anymore knowing how damaging it can be for the economy. People will die of hunger. Poverty rate shoots up, crime up and etc.... This is the new normal. Don't be the last person to hold the bag. The PE for gloves are too crazy.


2020-06-17 21:27 | Report Abuse

///// Why Cut Losses and Move On /////

Still remember how steel prices crashed two years back?

Annjoo from almost 4 to 2 in matter of months, and continued to fall to <1. Mind you, the crash started when everyone was expecting the company to make good profits due to good asp. Indeed, the company made good profits, but share price continued to slide. Why?

SIMPLY because stock market looks to the future!!

The peak of pandemic is definitely over. The fuss about the 2nd wave is just an excuse for the market to take a breather after the V-shape surge from the bottom. Everyone everywhere is better prepared, and vaccine will be ready earlier than expected due to billions pumped in the development which uses extraordinary approach. Compared to two months ago, masks and sanitizers are abundant everywhere. Soon, demand for gloves will also normalize. Do you wait until it normalizes to exit?

During the crash of steel counters, investment banks kept giving high TPs which were revised so frequently, each time higher than before. Does this ring a bell?

///// Why Buy Genting (3182)? /////

- PE4.74 only, can Genting go to PE15? (RM13) Maybe, but unlikely. Probably RM6-7, back to pre-covid level. 30%-35% upside.
- Bottom is RM3 (30% from today's pricing), don't think it will go lower than that. Gloves, what is the downside? 200%? 300% 400% down once vaccine is available. Not if, but when. Vaccine will be available by end of the year.
- Genting is cash rich, also have huge debt but manageable.

///// Why No More Lockdown Even With 2nd Wave /////

Lockdown is to buy time to stock up essentials. Now that they've stocked up enough medical supplies, and most people practices social distancing, it is unlikely we will have a 2nd lockdown, this is because it is very damaging to the economy.

Look at Iran, they have a 2nd wave but decided not to lockdown anymore knowing how damaging it can be for the economy. People will die of hunger. Poverty rate shoots up, crime up and etc.... This is the new normal. Don't be the last person to hold the bag. The PE for gloves are too crazy.


2020-06-17 21:17 | Report Abuse


RM4.5 to RM3 is just 30%. I doubt it will go back to RM3, even if it does, you can hold for 10 years and it will go up or the dividend will cover everything. Gloves.... what is the downside? 200% down? 300% down? 400% down? Once vaccine is available. Vaccine will be available, question is when, not if. You pick.


2020-06-17 20:13 | Report Abuse

Not jump ship, it is called cut losses. I do sell stocks that is losing money. This is a strategy every trader use and must use. Sometimes, you can earn back when you invest in the right company instead of waiting and waiting...


2020-06-17 19:38 | Report Abuse

I've sold my Glove stocks and now move to Genting to recover my losses. If you cannot go to Genting, Genting comes to you. Buy Genting Bhd (3182), not GenM.

- Under Genting Bhd, they have Plantation (Top 5 biggest plantation in Malaysia), Casino, Resorts, Medicine / Life Science / Bio-Tech companies, O&G / IPP Power Generator (China, India, Indonesia...), Online Casino, Property Development, Cruise.
- Genting's PE is 4.74 only, super cheap. The cheapest in KLCI 30. Dividend yield 5%
- Genting price before CoVid-19 and MCO was RM6, now RM4.50 at the time of writing. One of the few KLCI companies that have yet to reach her previous price. 30% more to go.
- Unlike gloves, nobody 'Goreng' this stock and it is at it's lowest, the only way is up. Furthermore, how much lower can it go? Already PE4.74. Upside is bigger than downside.
- Assuming that you bought and the price drops, it doesn't hurt to hold onto it, right? It is already at the bottom, and it won't drop 50% or 100%. Genting is already at the bottom, if they go any lower, they will be kicked out of KLCI30, that is why Uncle Lim kept on pumping money to support the price.
- With 5% dividend, if you lose 5% in price, can easily recover, hold for 10 years also no worries. And when vaccine is available, price surely will go up more. Only up, no down. Nothing to lose. But gloves, once vaccine is available, you will never ever recover your money again, never.

p.s. Disclosure - I own Genting 3182 stock, does not own GenM. But if you prefer the casino stock, it is also ok. Good luck.