
dolphinstock | Joined since 2020-07-02

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2021-02-17 12:01 | Report Abuse

Haha good faizal. spread the word. Aku dah penat cerita dekat sini pasal sindiket ni


2021-01-22 23:58 | Report Abuse

I actually pity some..
Some went through all the hardship for converting RI.

Ada pakcik tua terpaksa naik tangga tinggi nak hantar cheque for RI dkt registrar.
Maybe he did take his savings out just to find some old days profit.

I heard one of registrar staff boasting, wah rm 2 million, some even thought waah counter boleh all in ma..

But hey... Everyone was too blind to see its just some fucekd up company.

One day the world will serve these mafias right. They might save their companies asss,

but they might also die people remembering how they are some serious shitt.

Just remember the directors name. U might wanna call out at hell..


2021-01-22 23:49 | Report Abuse

Scenery be like, "The problem with u guys is u guys are assuming all these counters are the same"

My asss..


2021-01-22 23:47 | Report Abuse

Just to add on the rubbish,
Initially total units is 1.6 billion,
Then it consollidated to 160mil.
And then is did that RI money laundering,
Now its at 1.1 bil back

Did u know that although it states 1.1bil, this company is actually a company worth a dilution of 11.0bil, if we did not consider the consollidation?

Thats how fcuked up retailers are diluted in this consol+ri big picture.

Oh yeah, what makes u think this counter big rebound,

Kalau fintec gocean mlab netx pun mcm nak mampos dah..


2021-01-22 17:32 | Report Abuse

Ive told everything Ive had to. And im hoping u guys read everything back and to analyze urself everything ive said, and pass on the info to other sifus.

U can start off by looking at interlocking directorates in the annual reports. Tengok senarai director ni dan company apa lagi diorang pegang.

Next, look at the other companies annual report and find the same info.

Connect all puzzles, you will see a huge network of a cartel.

Connect also timeline including pump and dump timing, news timing, mou timing, consollidation, rights issue scheme, warrants scheme like xox..

you will then understand that ur malaysian microcap stock market has been fcuked up by some studip people.


2021-01-22 15:46 | Report Abuse

Thats what i say, i saw these things happening from April2020 starting with sanichi. Everything was well organized including the news, including the private placement timing, including esos timing, includinh every single MOU.

And thats why i said the problem with these syndicste is they were too eager and made everything too obvious.

Mark my word, next market crash is called a Malaysian Microcap Market Crash. Thats when u see Dr Jacky, Kua khai shyuan, eddie chai, azim zabidi and their gang are brought to court.


2021-01-22 15:39 | Report Abuse

Thats why MNC and Metronic was fighting back in 2016.


2021-01-22 15:39 | Report Abuse

Im not lying, go search research papers about rights issue and money laundering.


2021-01-22 15:38 | Report Abuse

YES BGT9963. Rights issue is for money laundering.

They pumped and dumped the companies last year, and placed rights issue or warrants scheme this year to put back all the money.

Thats money laundering.

So assume u are syndicate have RM1 bil in profit from last years pump and dump.

1 bil in profit is then for buying rights issue of companies which is directly given for the company for business.

Then u as syndicate will own shares worth 1bil.

Then u sell to other people those shares.

So win win situation!

From 1 bil profit, Company gets 1 bil, syndicate also gets 1 bil. Jadi 2 bil.


2021-01-22 11:26 | Report Abuse

One more thing all new idoit traders who come in, dont look at this stock theoretically. It doesnt work that way. For example, oh this stock Director got Rm77k inside maa.

Go die la, rm77k sikit lahanat. Theyve been syndicating all the companies for billion2 of ringgit in profit, and u still believe diorang kesah ke rugi 77k tu.

Go do ur calculating of their profit from 20+ pump and dump (compounded 100% profit 20x) companies is 2020.


2021-01-21 13:42 | Report Abuse

They were supposed to die. But because of rights issue they were able to raise more than RM100mil, and live with their company for the next 20 years.

Tell me what kind of bank would loan to this type of company that much. Ofcourse, better do Rights Issue, and fund raise from traders.

Easy money and DEFINITELY NO interest to payback, NO dividend, its just FREE MONEY. Siapa yg beli tu, kau nak duit kau balik pergi jual dkt orang lain laaaa.

Thats how the scam works.

Believe me, mark these names, Dr Jacky Pang Chow Huat, Eddie Chai, Kua Khai Shyuan and a lot more names actually, boleh tgk annual report all the companies xox, dgb, at, pdz, gocean, mnc, trive.

These people will definitely be brought to court like John Soh Chee Wen.


2021-01-20 16:34 | Report Abuse

One day when u all are pro enough to understand, understanding the market is not just about profit.

The stock market was made not to be frauded by anyone. The SC and Bursa shouldve regulated the integrity of our market. Too afraid i guess.

Im not an angry person who lost any money from this company, i made all my profit and still continue making profit from this company because i know every single step these syndicative idoits do. And u wouldnt believe how much i made just from these idoits.

But knowing is not the issue, profit is not the issue, the issue is these syndicate is killing a lot of people outside there who read the prospectus and all the sweet talks in their proposal.

Analyze urself, and you will know these syndicate is worth billions and billions of ringgit. And they dont even care about some of u who were innocent enough to read the theoretical calculations in the prospectus like Bruce Wayne or some of u who just looks at the market with a bunch of lines and indicators.

I dont care if u care or not what im saying. But one day when u understand, go tell as much of people my stories here. I hope one day there will be someone to whistleblow these syndicate.


2021-01-20 16:18 | Report Abuse

Tolonglah baca. Tlglah coach2 saham yang baca cuba analyze apa yg cuba disampaikan. Kalau tak faham bahas inggris translate lah sampai faham.

Tell your students and the whole malaysians stay away. Dont give a single breath for these syndicate to continue frauding our Malaysian stock market.


2021-01-20 16:15 | Report Abuse

Go read back the MNC and Metronic issue in 2016. Why were they fighting? Cause Rights issue+warrant bro. Its a scam. Sampai bawa mahkamah, but macam biasa, these bullshti gets away.


2021-01-20 16:14 | Report Abuse

Baca balik semua annual report company2 ni dulu(2015-2017) dengan sekarang. U will know all the institutions already left. Top 30 shareholder, baca sendirilaa.

After all this scams theyve done, only a real bullshti institution will come back in. Pump and dump, consol-reverse split scam,,listed%20on%20the%20stock%20exchanges.&text=Companies%20using%20this%20kind%20of,periodically%20reverse-split%20the%20stock.

Baca sendirila, which one these scam, syndicate tak gunakan? tunggu masa je nak whistleblow, one day these dato tansri bullsass will go to jail. Mark my word.


2021-01-20 15:57 | Report Abuse

Orang lain yg tak kenal ni kaunter apa nak acah-acah teknikal tu, mohon diam je. Saham ni kompleks dia bukan semudah tengok satu line dkt graf. Dah kata lama dah biar mati je semua company2 dr jacky, azim zabidi, kua khai shyuan, eddie ni.


2021-01-20 15:42 | Report Abuse

Ada sesiapa nampak Scenery tak? Hilang dah? Menangis ke tu? Haha dah dah takpe.

DGB ni mmg geng2 Dr Jacky Pang Chow Huat. Tunggu bursa nak whistleblow je their syndicate.

Diorang ingat orang tak kenal. Satu malaysia dah kenal. Tak lama lagi tu sama sama la dgn azim zabidi tu masuk penjara. Relek.


2021-01-20 09:24 | Report Abuse

Read back whatever i said.. these counters are just bullsiht


2021-01-15 10:10 | Report Abuse

Can i clarify, if anyone bought today, are they entitled to get the warrants?


2021-01-11 17:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow most probably jump back high.


2021-01-11 11:30 | Report Abuse

No one wanted to read whatever was written before...


2021-01-06 12:39 | Report Abuse

Haih...jerung dah jual, baru nak masuk.


2021-01-06 09:57 | Report Abuse

They will dump everything. Read back whatever ive written..


2021-01-06 00:39 | Report Abuse

Try study "dawn raid". if that big huge company was able to be conquered in 1981 without the help of tech.

Dont tell me raiding these microcaps to make 100% profits is difficult, especially when everything is online. I can create my own ratholes myself.


2021-01-06 00:30 | Report Abuse

Go spread the words to ur friends. If anyone is part of the authority, tell them the digitalized market is prone to fraud. I can tell u a whole lot more story.


Me, the one who saw everything from the first pump and dump in Sanichi, April.


2021-01-06 00:24 | Report Abuse

Go study for urself, the pattern of pump and dump for all the companies related to fintec.

I can tell u a lot more, how these ratholes changed hands to not appear in the annual report top 30 share holders.

Question is, if bursa can summon this day trader for manipulation

Bursa berani tak kantoikan the pump and dump syndicate, takkan tak tahu siapa yg pump and dump? Member ni ikan bilis boleh pula kena saman.


2021-01-06 00:10 | Report Abuse

Thats what i try to explain to u guys about the syndicate. The money u give to them, its not for business, it later on will jusf "acquisite" or "invest" other companies shares(read : tolong-tolong bisnes kawan).

If theyre really up to business, they should have used the money they "invest" in infostrike for the vending machine product dari awal lagi. Dah tahu nak buat bisnes, pergi invest dalam taiwan hotel lagi kenapa. Kata nak RI for vending machine product, in the mean time 30 million utk infostrike dapat mana pula?

End up if u put all the puzzles into pieces, theyre all one network of a legal syndicate. U give them the money, they buy out new shares of their friends.

Long term they will profit, once the malaysian market is good and all foreign investment is coming in. But short term, retailers lose. And the winner is the ratholes a.k.a the syndicates who knows the big picture.

Thanks to their centralized work. U can read one of the articles posted regarding Bursa found out unusual pump and dump, question is, Bursa berani ke mau kantoikan this big network of sindiket.

End up semua senyap.


2020-12-30 11:58 | Report Abuse

Macam ni la DGB, apa kata kau extend dulu RI trading period...kalau bolehlaaa...

Orang bukan taknak, tapi ragu-ragu...mood tengah tak baik pergi buat RI. Lain kali bagi rumors dulu baru RI, bukan RI dulu baru rumors.

Existing shareholder mmg tak la nak convert, masing2 tu retailer, duit dah takde. Tgk chart pun dah tahu dah sblm RI day tinggal ikan bilis je..

Bagi dulu masa trading lama sikit, build confidence, barula institutional investor masuk, barulah DGB punya share price tak volatile.

Ini last day baru kau nak bagitahu XOX nak beli, dan dah pasang 10 vending machine.. Institutional investor masing2 tgh christmas lagi la... Aduh..

Kan dah tak bijak, takkanla kau nak buat RI kali kedua pulak, haih...


2020-12-30 00:36 | Report Abuse

Kahkah have u read the news, XOX will gobble up DGB RI for RM20mil. Dont have any investorŲŒ last2 sindiket company sendiri kena tolong beli.


2020-12-29 09:50 | Report Abuse

**keep same till 31 Dec


2020-12-29 09:47 | Report Abuse

If mother push, and OR keep same till closing. It means no one convert. Thus, next week it will fly back to 0.4. As right now the 0.225 is the "psychological price" because of the expected 1.6bil dilution. If no one convert, no dilution, go back to 0.4.


2020-12-29 09:43 | Report Abuse

Hewhew, letuplah letup...


2020-12-28 22:44 | Report Abuse

If anyone buy OR can convert to mother at 0.12.


2020-12-28 21:14 | Report Abuse

Lets play a game,
Read back volume the whole game since before last GM,
Before GM very high vol of acquire,
Everyone hated the Consol+RI thing, and spread to vote no. Everyone thought the proposal will be rejected.

But turns out 80%+ voted to consol+RI.
The acquire was just to make sure majority would vote for consol+RI.

After consol, everyone expected a vivocom, but all syndicate flew away, fall fall, until RI day. No one acquired ever since.

Yes, just before RI day there were some acquire, but that one was not a real acquire. It was just a signal to change the mood.

No syndicate really took up the 1:6 RI. Ask urself why. Ofcourse la, because they themselves dont want to convert.

If they wanted to convert
1. They should have acquire a lot before RI day
2. They should have taken OR since last friday.

Just a big mistake from DGB, they forgot to push OR.
Now people just obviously know that they pushed mother themselves and dont want to convert RI.

Atleast if they sacrifice a rm1 mil to clear that 130mil unit last friday, it would have been a lot different story today.

Only convert if u see big vol come in for OR.


2020-12-28 10:24 | Report Abuse

Oh yes, to dgb management, just to note that no one is too studip to see the game. If this bull was real investors, they would have bought the OR also. Yr sindiket pushed the mother but forgot to sync with the OR push.

Thats ur mistake. Now u have to give another higher push to repent ur mistakes. Dem...


2020-12-28 09:25 | Report Abuse

If u want to understand a stock, look at the whole picture. If 70% of the company are really people planning to invest, the average price they have bought through out the year is 0.35. The fkcg company trapped all the investor, now theyre asking for people to give more money. Thats what i said earlier, no freakinv human want to put money in this company anymore, unless u bring back the price where it was expected to be in the 1st place and stay it there. (above 0.3)

Doing RI at this cheap price is just like saying to investor, just give me extra money, to recover ur own loss i caused. Biba kan perangai?


2020-12-27 21:02 | Report Abuse

Convert the RI only if the mother goes above 0.3. If not, better put money somewhere else, we all know the results.

0.205 mother share, u want to convert RI? Hm...after RI period 1st big sell off. After warrants listed 2nd big sell off. And good for you being trapped.

DGB want money? Bolehh, we can give, but win win situation laa.


2020-12-24 17:13 | Report Abuse

Haha next time, when they want u to give negative vibes, make sure u play on with the game. Dont go the wrong way. But personally u know what u should do what they dont want u to do. Halla everyone who bought more, including me.


2020-12-24 14:38 | Report Abuse

Mlab tu consol dan ri la bongo... suruh belajar semua stock degil.


2020-12-24 12:11 | Report Abuse

Bukan kau sorang je, ramai lagi coach saham masih bdh support company-company ni. Nak main trade trade la, tp kaunter2 sindiket ni jangan bg satu sen pun dah. Takde integriti langsung company2 ni.


2020-12-24 12:09 | Report Abuse

Kalau faham apa sindiket ni dah buat dkt rakyat malaysia, dan faham apa itu rights issue. Jangan bagi satu sen lg dkt kaunter-kaunter ni.

They do not care about any of you. Siapa datang GM tahulah, tanya soalan pun tak jawab, last2 habis meeting.


2020-12-24 12:07 | Report Abuse

Buka excel, kira sendirila semua kaunter. Jangan kira netx je. Sindiket ni bukan netx satu je yg untung setakat 10 percent. Yg dah masuk dgb ni rugi 40% pergi promote utk dapatkan 10%. Kaunter2 lain semua rugi habis dah sindiket ni.

Ada 900 company lg, biar sindiket ni, pergi tengok direktor satu satu. Alang alang diorang suka mainkan investor, biar jatuh smpi delisted la.


2020-12-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

Directors ni ambil duit investor dan buat suka hati dia je. Cuba study balik kenapa dia invest bermilion dalam hotel dkt taiwan. Last2 dia balik takde duit, pergi issue RI, untuk dptkan duit. Lepastu nak pam kt mana duit kau tu? Pam la dkt kaunter2 sindiket diorang. Tlglah sedar, study kaunter sindiket ni balik, apa product diorang? Tak pernah untung pun la. Mana duit tu pergi?


2020-12-24 11:50 | Report Abuse

Company AIDC? Baca sendirilah annual report, tak ada siapa nak beli AIDC dari DGB.

Tolonglah study. Kalau baru kenal kaunter2 ni dua tiga bulan tak payahlah nak promote.


2020-12-24 11:49 | Report Abuse

Company u ping? U ping ada 300 points seluruh malaysia? Bro yg download u ping dkt appstore brp ramai? Tak sampai 2000. Buat video tunjuk dkt general meeting pun video mcm budak intern buat.


2020-12-24 11:48 | Report Abuse

Siapa pernah join general meeting tahulah company apa ni.

Company vending machine AI? Baru pasang 1 bro, takde outcome apa lagi. Company ai vending machine dekat europe dah tutup pun lepas covid.


2020-12-24 11:25 | Report Abuse

Pergi beli saham lain ada 900 lagi boleh analyze technical analysis.

Baca balik stp satu annual report diorang ni, bandingkan siapa shareholder 2017-2020. Semua institusi cabot dah.

Sindiket ni tunggu mati je, tengok Bursa berani atau tak je nak saman geng sindiket pump and dump ni.


2020-12-24 11:25 | Report Abuse

External auditor dgb dan fintec bla tu ada sebabla. Ini kaunter, kaunter scammer. External auditor kalau kantoikan sindiket ni, mau tak kena penggal.


2020-12-24 11:25 | Report Abuse

Haih, bodhlah siapa malas nak study semua counter2 sindiket ni dan pergi subscribe RI.

Saham tu, akan jatuh, buat apa kau nak subscribe RI kalau tahu dah jatuh. Beli jela waktu rendah nanti. Ada 900 company lagi, jangan bagi duit dkt company sindiket ni dah.


2020-12-24 11:00 | Report Abuse

Dont be stupid and promote these stocks anymore.

These are syndicates taking away the peoples money.
Do ur own calculations on MLAB, FINTEC, GOCEAN. Theyre the same syndicate for gods sake. Look at the directors.


Why the hll would u want to convert the RI if the mother share will be lower than the RI price!

Even if u fking buy the RI, on the day its exer, the warrants will also not meet the exer price.

The only thing they want is ur money, they will never buy their own shares.

Every share an investor holding rite now is losing 40% if they bought at 0.25. And imagine all these investors were holding the price more than that.