
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-09-01 15:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng......ani ban balu latang beratur.......aiyoyo......mana ala manyak KFC left liao......aiyoyo.....mau tunggu next round liao lor ini macam......aiyoyo....index sulah tukar direction liao lor......aiyoyo....mau jaga jaga sikit lor....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-01 15:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick......boh lah......mana ala lao sai minum lemongrass water one.....aiyoyo....good for those cannot sleep well one lor.....aiyoyo......can try try lah.....aiyoyo......mai kia lah ....Thai Cuisine using alot lah.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 15:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng ...si lor....wa balik pet house sure mau minum lor...aiyoyo....FOC one mah...apa mau lagi....aiyoyo....lu ada makan KFC from Tan Sri liao boh....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-01 14:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH......you go Thai restaurant.....sometime they do serve sky juice with a bit of very plain taste water.....wa tanya apa tu b4 ...the waitress cakap lemongrass water lor...itu sebab wa tanam at my garden lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 14:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.....yeah hor.....sometime must change sikit hor....wa punya garden ada lemongrass....kasi chop small pieces kasi add icy water also not bad lah...can improve imsomnia problem juga lor...... .aiyoyo....fresh aloe vera ...passion fruits drink also can get from my garden liao......aiyoyo......jadi gardener not bad juga lah....aiyoyo.....anytime also can have fresh drinks from the garden lah....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-01 14:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH......betul juga hor.....relax & chill when everyone else scared & worried....aiyoyo.....apa mau minum sikalang....air kedondong ais satu glass boleh kah.....aiyoyo....manyak dahaga dan panas juga ini hali hor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 14:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.......aiyoyo.......betul lah.....ini macam cakap......aiyoyo.....tapi ha.....susah mau tau bila bottom juga mah...aiyoyo...nanti beli awal sangat...tulun lagi then how....aiyoyo....ini macam also mati kudasai mah......aiyoyo.......itu BB juga manyak jahat lor......ingat lowest oredy liao....dia lagi mau kasi tulun lagi......aiyoyo.......itu sebab manyak kena conned lor......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-01 14:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.......olang takut mah....aiyoyo......olang only mau join the crowd when everyone also bullish mah.......aiyoyo......bearish time semua mau jual only lor......aiyyoo......kalau tau wa pun sapu semua lor........aiyoyo......kalau aje lah......aiyoyo.....olang mana tarak takut leh......aiyoyo......semua cakap nanti kena conned by Tan Sri mah.......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 13:58 | Report Abuse

AIyo leo...wow....OnG Taiko also mau duduk discuss discuss liao ha.....aiyoyo...bagus lor....if tarak discuss......oil price susah mau naik lor.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-09-01 11:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...got 10mil to clear at 14.5 leh...wa mana ada lui to clear it...even I key in 1 lot 15cts...i also get it at 14.5 mah....aiyoyo.....need DatukKong help help to clear lor.....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-09-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...wa mau aim new ctr leh.....AWC ada kangtao boh...aiyoyo.....wa mau try try aeh sai boh ha....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 10:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick....DatukKong medium Hakka yin belum kasi tulis DatukKong punya message atas batu leh......wa mau tunggu Hakka yin latang first leh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 10:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick ...lu want me buy 1 lot...then I have to clear many lots at 14.5 wo...aiyoyo...wa tarak lui lah...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 09:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.......sulah pick up Suma or not......aiyoyo......price macam last week only...14.5 high......aiyoyo......mau pecah bumbung or not.....aiyoyo......mana pigi itu 2 mediums super promoters........AngmohKong and AlienKong medium.....belum jual cakap macam langit juga mau pigi..... sulah jual....abuk pun tak nampak promote lagi.......aiyoyo......typical helicopter jumping punya mediums.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 09:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.....no one know Msia will be better without him or not lor....aiyoyo.....it could be better or lousier lor......aiyoyo.......since he did it right oredy......do you want to reverse the time and try again.......aiyoyo.....no guarantee can get better result mah....aiyoyo.....since the result oredy proven....better we all accept his contributions lor....ayoyo....no many world leader got vison like Tun MM and LKY mah......even though style ada sikit tak sama lah....but ada sikit sama juga lah....aiyoyo....what we saw are modern countries were born from both leaders lor....after that one.....must see the future generation leaders liao lor......aiyoyo......past leaders did the building piling kuat kuat.....building mau runtuh or not depends on new leader liao lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 09:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH......wa only stated the fact mah.....old man tarak pigi Merdeka celebration mah....1st time tarak pigi wo......aiyoyo......old man still my Hero mah .......aiyoyo......whether he support or not support Ah Jib kor is another matter lor.......aiyoyo.....what I saw with my eyes open are he was the one made Msia proud lor......aiyoyo.....Modernised Msia lor.....aiyoyo.....without him.....aiyoyo.....Msia jadi apa sikalang pun tak tau lor......just lust like SG without LKY lor......aiyoyo.....wa bukan politician so.....who win who lose got nothing to do with me lor ...important one is mau peacefully living lor....else ...kucar kacir.....lagi no good to all lor......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-09-01 08:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........Merdeka Day sulah lepas.......macam non event juga leh...tarak rasa apa apa juga leh cos old man Tun MM tarak pigi lor.......aiyoyo........the reality is back to KLSE.....aiyoyo......ini hali mau beratur makan KFC or not leh.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-31 20:21 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH....walao.. ..kerbau pun keluar liao...apa celita......long time tarak jumpa kerbau liao leh....last time Kampung Jawa ada olang bela lah....tapi sikalang dah tak jumpa lagi....aiyoyo....


2015-08-31 20:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.....wow.....WB also so bullish on oil ctr......aiyoyo.....ask him invest in Suma leh.....like that sure earn kaw kaw lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-30 20:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo AhBoy...you first time latang ke sini ke...aiyoyo...here all topic also can one mah...the more the merrier lor....else...forum veli quiet one mah.....aiyoyo.....Suma Tuesday can up or not....wa pun belum tau leh....aiyoyo...DatukKong medium cakap KFC or Trap not cast on the stone yet leh....aiyoyo...still waiting DatukKong Medium Hakka yin next message from DatukKong leh....aiyoyo.....cos I pray DatukKong mah....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-08-30 19:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.....dun laugh so much leh...Msia down ...SG also affected leh....lu boh read Abang Lee HL punya celita meh....aiyoyo...Abang Adik mesti mau survive together lor...else both also mati kudasai lor...you think so simple only meh....SGD chg RM go makan shopping play golf in JB only meh.....aiyoyo....both Abang Adik punya economy also cannot without each other lor....later you lose yr job.... why ypu lose pun tak tau lor......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-30 17:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo KLSE....steady lah....manyak politik juga nampaknya.....lu politician kah....aiyoyo....KLSE tutup only 3 hali...new topic emerged liao...bersih the street become hot topic...aiyoyo....no wonder lor last Friday Kampong Jawa ada olang clean the longkang lor....aiyoyo..tapi bukan clean the street by Bersih lah.....aiyoyo.....Tun MM also my hero leh.....without him....many things tak jadi bikin juga in Msia leh....lu ala boleh sinang sinang online celita celita meh....aiyoyo.....respect sikit old man that still healthy living lor..he is like your father or grandfather lor at 90 yrs old.....aiyoyo....politik only mah.....mana ada good or bad one leh...KLSE green green balu good good to us lor....aiyoyo.....politik good also wa tarak share boleh lapat mah....only they good good only lor...lu ada good good meh if you ate not politician....aiyoyo.....wake up sikit leh.....pot call the kettle black only lor....aiyoyo...who win who lose ala tarak sama meh....life still carry on in my Kampong Jawa lor....aiyoyo...important one mau peacefully living lor....no peace no money lor....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-08-30 14:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.....aiyoyo.....lu really kiasu and lagi kiasi leh...yr Idol 90yrs old boh kiasi also going join the crowd cc66.....aiyoyo......Msia getting more polarise liao lor....urban and kampong ppl are divided like Thailand ini macam lor......Red shirts in ulu area.....Yellow shirts in Cities area....aiyoyo....who win who lose at the end leh....aiyoyo....ini macam manyak susah mau cakap lagi lor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-30 14:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy...lu wu join Bersih cleaning the street boh....aiyoyo.....talk so much....dunno got join or not still dunno lagi leh...how come didnt see your face on TV one....aiyoyo....even 90 yrs old Tun MM face also can see on TV wo....aiyoyo...good lor.....he still as energitic and enthusiatic as b4 wo....aiyoyo.....lu boh carry Yellow banner with slogan Hidup Tun MM meh...aiyoyo...your Idol wo....ha ha ha


2015-08-30 14:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo xiao ser....wow ...no Bersih.. ...60cts to 13cts...aiyoyo....then got Bersih....13cts to what price.....aiyoyo......kasi tau leh.......aiyoyo.....wa mau take ref leh b4 decide what price to beratur again leh......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-30 13:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss .....ani kuan ha....lagi mau tunggu lagi.....aiyoyo...can buy more boh....aiyoyo....this one really make me kepala pening lor....aiyoyo....macam naik gunung playing nia nia.....always open banker leh....bila baru mau buka player leh....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-30 13:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng.....si lor....boh pian lah....many juga report also lao sai one hor...aiyoyo....tidur lagi lor....ha ha ha


2015-08-30 13:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....wow.....so many Bersih ppl on the street hor....but ha....the street still very dirty lor.....why ha....cos ....many littering on the street lor....aiyoyo......kesiannya the cleaners need to work OT to make the street clean again in order to celebrate Merdeka Day tomolo lor....aiyoyo....what a rally without much participation from olang kampong like me lor.....aiyoyo.....life as usual at my Kampong Jawa lor......aiyoyo.....kesian juga lor got incident news on 13 ppl kena food poisoning lor....aiyoyo......hope they are ok lor....aiyoyo......saw circulation video packet drinks got leakage one on the street for free also ppl scare to want to drink liao lor......aiyoyo......Bersih still cleaning the street untl midnite lor....celebrate....Merdeka Day in advance lor........ha ha ha



2015-08-28 20:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ActiveOne....where got spamming....spamming not like this one wo.....lu never read properly one meh......aiyoyo...lu tau read 3 in 1 rojak language or not....if read properly then you wont call me spamming liao lor......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 20:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....ai si lor....Jelung terkini QR came out like that one....aiyoyo....unexpected so red one wo......aiyoyo...... double digit but not growth wo....aiyoyo.....ini kali kanasai liao lor......aiyoyo.....mau sack the BOD liao lor......tarak cutwin punya Directors....better get lost lor dia olang......aiyoyo......ini kali mau tinggal polarland lagi lama lor.......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 17:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 2832.....its ok lah.......bad or not ctr ......as long as not bankrupt one....still got chance lah.......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 17:21 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss......surprise leh....wa pun boleh withdraw small notes from the ATM even though tarak big notes available lah ....aiyoyo.....Datin not in also got someone else replendish small notes into the ATM.........aiyoyo......really pai seh lah to received it .....enuf to buy KFC also for dinner ......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 17:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 2832......sui lah.....got 4D no for this weekend liao......2832 Top prize Magnum Toto and Kuda... ....aiyoyo......sure come liao lah......btw need to box it or not ha.......only 12x nia nia......better buy sikit insurance lah....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 16:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....if a Carnival alike ok lah....aiyoyo....wa tinggal Kampong Jawa dun even want go lor.....aiyoyo....sometime also meaningless lor.....aiyoyo.......mau settle settle in the GE lor.....aiyoyo....if more ppl joining then ha......more chances will have clashes mah...who can promise tarak olang luar latang kacau kacau leh....later reporter tulis ada olang kena chopped lah....kena kicked lah...kena molest lah....ini macam siapa lagi susah...anak ...apah... amah.... atok.... anek cry until no tear only lor.....aiyoyo.....just look at Thailand for eg lor....aiyoyo....Army juga control the states....aiyoyo...like that good meh....aiyoyo....to me lagi no democracy lor......aiyoyo.....always have rally here rally there one....red shirts lah ...yellow shirts lah...rainbow shirts lah.....aiyoyo.....olang kampong like me only want peaceful life nia nia lah....as long as my garden trees bear fruits ok liao lor...wa veli happy liao lor.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 16:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...now you see Bersih also make you angry right...aiyoyo....then you stil wanna join the rally or not......aiyoyo....if no Bersih cleaning the street....maybe 15cts liao lor.....aiyoyo.....now everyone also scare Bersih clean the street liao....aiyoyo......Gormen kasi satu checkmate baru tau......aiyoyo.....AH Jib kor ada Wildcard on hand mah...anytime also can use it mah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 14:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo....aiyoyo......see how first lor......aiyoyo......the street is full of Bersih punya olang mah......aiyoyo.........wa mau tenguk TV first lor.......aiyoyo.......mana tau ....Army control the street leh......aiyoyo......ada risk juga lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 14:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.......wa tarak quit lah......wa only rehat lah......aiyoyo......today left half day liao lor.......aiyoyo......besok cuti liao......besok punya besok also cuti....besok punya besok punya besok also cuti......aiyoyo......apa boleh buat wa also cuti lor.....aiyoyo.......wa always support Suma lah regardless up or down lah.....cos wa only mau makan KFC from Tan Sri nia nia lah......aiyoyo......remember 100mil shares wa always say many times liao.....the benchmark I always used lah.......aiyoyo......since when wa tarak follow my benchmark since wa started makan KFC from Tan Sri......aiyoyo......wa always stick to it lah......aiyoyo.....that's why always can have free KFC makan from Tan Sri without much risk lah......wa tarak greedy lah......KFC enuf for me liao lah......aiyoyo......wa tarak cakap mau makan abalone or sharkfin mah......aiyoyo.....by the way do you know what is the meaning of my 100mil shares benchmark boh......aiyoyo.....always remember BB is the one control from behind lah.....not me lah......aiyoyo....only BB can create the vol lah.......what to do.... they are the shark mah......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 13:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.......wow.....you suddenly so bullish liao ha.....cakap pun tak sama liao......aiyoyo........wa sulah rehat liao lor.......aiyoyo........tak mau makan liao lor.......aiyoyo........all the best lah.......aiyoyo.......besok mau tenguk TV liao lor.......berapa bersih is Bersih 4 can make the street clean lor ......aiyoyo.......sulah 8 tahun liao lor........still cannot make the street clean .......aiyoyo.......another 8 years maybe also the same lor cos my Kampong Jawa street tarak Bersih lor.......only Cities got Bersih wo......aiyoyo.....the street still as dirty as before cos no one clean it lor........aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-08-28 11:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin.....aiyoyo......wait DatukKong kasi tau liao then come back again convey the message hor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 11:08 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....ani kuan kena wait lagi lor......aiyoyo....hope next mth ATM can dispense lui lah......cos got Haji day mah.......aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-08-28 10:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Cash.......wait lor......see tonite got news lai boh.....aiyoyo......Bersih 4 mau rally leh.....lu wu ai join boh.......aiyoyo......dunno how many mau masuk Sg Buluh jadi An Hua kor kor geh roommate pun tak tau lor.......aiyoyo.......apasal mau rally leh.......later declare State Emergency lagi susah lor.........Army latang control lagi susah lor.........aiyoyo......DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY........aiyoyo........also misleading lor.........aiyoyo......ka ki ku ka ki at the end nia nia lor.......aiyoyo........who benefit from the chaos leh.......aiyoyo.....never think one lor.......aiyoyo......1 ppl 1 vote settle baru boleh peacefully settle it lor.....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 10:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.......wow.....15cts still ok......aiyoyo.....very close liao leh......wa scare scare mau makan liao leh.....aiyoyo......nvm lah.....got makan 2 days liao also happy liao lah.......aiyoyo......wa geh Karang Guni how ha......aiyoyo.......Polarland still very cold leh......bila mau defrost.......aiyoyo....ATM machine jammed liao to to winter weather...cannot dispense lui leh......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 10:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo vinvin......got up mah......from 36cts to 39.5cts.....also up liao mah.....aiyoyo.....you didnt see meh......aiyoyo......Icon so happy cos he bot at 36.5 mah....aiyoyo......he got KFC boleh makan liao mah....aiyoyo.....wait lah......Mr Kiam Siap where got sell so cheap one.......aiyoyo.......he broke liao lah.......need higher margin to cover his mthly high std of living mah........aiyoyo.......this one I guess guess nia nia lah......ha ha ha


2015-08-28 10:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng.....wang si che nen hui wei....aiyoyo.....wu tang jiak ...jaik lor.....boh tang jiak chao lang lor....aiyoyo....wa miss the boat liao lor....wa beratur belakang.....mau jiak ka ki liao lor....aiyoyo....remember 100mill shares per day lor....aiyoyo....wa geh benchmark lor....aiyoyo.....so far never missed makan KFC with any risk from Tan Sri lor.....happy go lucky lor....KFC ...KFC....KFC.....manyak sedap lor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 09:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng....aiyoyo....lu masi join the queue ma makan KFC.....aiyoyo...no wonder lor.....semua olang pun latang jump queue liao....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 09:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....why suddenly so many ppl beratur mau makan KFC one....aiyoyo....ini macam wa susah mau lapat liao lor....aiyoyo...so many ppl jump queue one wo....aiyoyo....ai si lor....wa queue belakang one susah mau lapat KFC liao lor....aiyoyo....ini kali mau miss liao lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 08:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Calvin....boh pian lah...as long can understand ok liao lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 08:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss......noted.....aiyoyo.....mau pigi makan again lah....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 08:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Calvin...lu hor sei boh....long time boh chat with you also hor......aiyoyo.....stll holding Mr Kiam Siap boh...high NTA but no dividend one for life as long as MR Kiam Siap still alive lah....aiyoyo.....macam ai lai liao again leh.....can have KFC also lah over there....aiyoyo.....double confirmed chopped by my Boss liao lah....aiyoyo......paiseh leh.....wa only gardener nia nia lah...name called dragon...cos....pickup from dragonfruit nia nia leh....cos ..only know how to slay dragonfruit nia nia lah......aiyoyo......wa only gam gam SPM level passed nia nia leh....aiyoyo....too chim one English....aiyoyo.....need to google translate juga leh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-28 00:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH....not yesterday picked up one lah...first day highest vol time picked up oredy lah.....simalam wa started makan kfc liao lah.....today continue makan lagi....aiyoyo...tomolo see can eat another time or not lor....aiyoyo.....wa sulah addicted makan kfc liao lah.....aiyoyo....last July tarak makan kfc fr Tan Sri cos Tan Sri busy Hari Raya mah.....wa sulah tak boleh tahan lor....aiyoyo.....ini bulan wa makan double lor...mau cover July punya lor.....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha