
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-06-19 13:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod.....walao.....wa baca baca...wa ukur ukur....also terbalik ukur chart......aiyoyo....still trying lah....wa wu sim boh lat lah....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 13:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo vick.....walao you are the one collecting ha...aiyoyo...that day dunno which chap asking who dare to buy now....aiyoyo...besides tychoon Kakisaham yang mulia...you are the next lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 13:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod.....ya lor....study is important and prayng is also important.....aiyoyo...what to do.... my study level only SPM nia nia...only know how to read gossip gossip column nia nia...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Coldrisk.....aiyoyo.....now reban is like ICU ward....how to fly out from the ICU reban.....you xin wu ri......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod....ya lor...you can choose to believe or not to mah.....God willing.....if DatukKong is correct...then ...see how is the outcome lor.....aiyoyo....our DatukKong medium Hakka yin is here to convey DatukKong massage mah.....aiyoyo....ThanksGod......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Coldrisk...how can you say like that...you never pray b4 meh....praying is good for oneself mah....wa never against it leh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:44 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-06-19 12:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Coldrisk...you think I trap sini meh.....I only kena trapped in my reban tetap nia nia lah.....wa only pro reban Suma lah....not like many many pro then anti then pro then dunno when anti again lah....aiyoyo...like keep changing face lah....aiyoyo...here is where I was born lah.....my very old reban lah......aiyoyo...always pro one lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod....aiyoyo...lu tarak pray DatukKong...then thanks what God ...aiyoyo......aiyoyo...you dun buy hor...DatukKong can see hor...if you buy DatukKong sure mau malah malah liao hor...aiyoyo...dun drag the rest of Ah PeK tolong down into the mud again hor.....aiyoyo....thanks DatukKong lor...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin...walao....DatukKong mali liao si boh...how come can see so much smog one at this hour ha....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng...curi tulang lagi ha...aiyoyo...ada minum milopeng boh...weather outside very hot leh....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 12:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod.....baru cakap you living in the Heaven only...now then you said you were once trapped in Sumatec b4....aiyoyo....must believe DatukKong mah....aiyoyo...very powerful one wo....aiyoyo...anyway good luck to you on the way to the Heaven lah if you are going lah....aiyoyo......when you are in the reban lah....no matter what happen dun change face lor ....aiyoyo......pro is pro lor.....anti is anti lor......reban still have a lot pro one lor.....aiyoyo....must know this lor......aiyoyo......past time only lah....what to do ...living in Polarland mah....not like you living in Heaven lor......aiyoyo.......kesiannya.....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 11:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ccl88....DatukKong medium sudah kasi convey DatukKong punya massage liao mah....loud and clear....concise and precise....black and white appear on the DatukKong geh Stone mah....aiyoyo.....mana ada cakap cakap aje leh.....aiyoyo....DatukKong tak payah pakai battery punya lah....aiyoyo....natural power juga ada lah......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 11:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod.....aiyoyo....pigi mana di Jalan Bursa pun ada bobbytrap mah....aiyoyo...tersalah pijak...what to do....aiyoyo.....masuk hospital ICU ward lor....aiyoyo...you so good meh...never kena bobby trap di Jalan Bursa b4 meh....aiyoyo...if really so good ...no need come here visit us in Hospital ICU ward lor....must be living in Heaven...ThanksGod liao lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 11:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick...our Hero Captain still checking the train once ahile lah....Bos tarak kasi signal train bila boleh jalan lagi mah.....so....our Hero Captain is on leave lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 11:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThanksGod...thanks for your concern lor....aiyoyo.....if possible pls restrain from buying Sumatec for life since you dun believe in DatukKong lor...aiyoyo...DatukKong will know if you buy hor....aiyoyo......must believe DatukKong mah....DatukKong medium is here to convey DatukKong massage to us mah...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ThankGod...I know you dun believe in DatukKong cos you pray differently lah....wa tarak force you to accept lah......but....dun look down on DatukKong hor.....dead fish also DatukKong can make it alive hor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ccl88.......walao......how can you say that....later DatukKong malah malah baru tau lor.......lu cakap DatukKong rehat tarak mau kerja.......aiyoyo.....sure kena malah by DatukKong punya medium liao lah....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ahmoi....Jelung terkini got good news ha....apa news ha...wa tarak baca gossip gossip column lagi leh....can share share boh....aiyoyo.....sori hor...wa recently busy sikit hor...tarak baca baca manyak manyak hor....aiyoyo....regular customers if can ...kasi tampal advertisement here hor...aiyoyo.....wa also need to eat snake or like Kopipeng cakap curi tulang sikijap hor.......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....correct lah......we talk to each other only.....but ...many cartoons tak tau protocol mah.......aiyoyo........mau kena entertained baru tau mah......aiyoyao......wa jaga reban ....buka shop.....lagi mau create entertainment mah......lagi mau kasi take care regular customers......aiyoyo......where to find so many topic to talk leh......aiyoyo......need cartoons help also mah......else.......tarak boleh continue talking mah......aiyoyo......like that very hard to live in Polarland for moons lor.....aiyoyo.......my surviving skill living in Polarland mah......aiyoyo....keep chit chatting until cow come home lor.......aiyoyo......said many times liao lor......macam broken record liao lor.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin......aiyoyo....what happen liao....one hour praying liao....DatukKong belum latang lagi leh......aiyoyo......can help help sikit tanya when DatkKong mau mali boh......aiyoyo......manyak Ah Pek tolong mau KFC leh......aiyoyo.......tarak Hi-Tea....KFC also beh pai lah.......aiyoyo.......olang cakap boh fish prawn also ok lah......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....ini hali open shop ....I think also tarak customer latang.....wa pigi entertain my old reban......aiyoyo.....got Hakka yin special entertainment there......aiyoyo.....manyak shiok leh.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:03 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss......dun make me happy leh....aiyoyo.....later wa cry cry leh.....aiyoyo....nanti wa kena kerja like Bangla liao....mau entertain cartoons lagi.......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 10:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Sheryn......aiyoyo...how can you dun trust DatukKong.....DatukKong medium sudah kasi tau mah.....DatukKong mau kasi 2 cts KFC duit to Ah Pek tolong mah....aiyoyo....dun like that leh.....must believe DatukKong hor......aiyoyo.....must restrain sikit hor.....else....DatukKong malah malah lagi hor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 09:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......tukang tilik oxfort harvest......walao.....oxfort harvest level.....write Inglish macam wa geh SPM level......aiyoyo.......hand writing mau tuis cantik sikit mah.......aiyoyo....wa ingat lu practising doctor juga lor.....not tukang tilik lor......aiyoyo......handwriting only doctor and nurse know how to read lor.....aiyoyo.....in macam 4D 1300 mau kena top prize liao si boh.....or ...just consolation prize nia nia.....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 09:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......tukang tilik oxfort harvest...aiyoyo...wu nya boh...you said mah 4D 1300 coming mah....aiyoyo....how can up leh.....aiyoyo.....Auntie Yellen tarak kasi bom.....you change course ha.......aiyoyo.....still got Grexit......and ....apa tu rating mah.....aiyoyo....now Raya special datang liao ha......aiyoyo......mana satu mau dengar leh......aiyoyo....wa manyak confuse wo.......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 09:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ozzie......your one apa Kong......aiyoyo.....here must have DatukKong baru ada blessing mah....got DatukKong geh medium here mah......Hakka yin can help help mah......aiyoyo....ha ha ha



2015-06-19 09:00 | Report Abuse

AIyo Kopipeng........boh gut and boh ball geh cartoon.....keluar only to create entertainment nia nia.......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-06-19 08:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin.......aiyoyo......beg you to ask more sikit from DatukKong.......aiyoyo.......need to give If Then Else condition lagi........aiyoyo........like that must pray pray more DatukKong kasi kesian sikit Ah Pek tolong liao lor.......aiyoyo....Ah Pek tolong mana ada duit pigi cari Hakka Moi yang nakal leh....aiyoyo....must have DatukKong blessing baru ada duit then can look for Hakka moi mah .....aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-06-19 08:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH....ya leh....my kedondong tree also need entertainment hor...aiyoyo...like that will grow more fruit for me hor.....aiyoyo.....not bad idea wo...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-19 08:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Jackson.......aiyoyo.....you asked like that......... Boss how to answer you leh.....there is no CindyCat in this shop mah....no food is provided leh......aiyoyo....must bring your own food if want to eat food mah....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 23:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick.....DatukKong cakap sampai so obvious liao mah...2cts mau kasi mah....kesian lor....only enuf for KFC nia nia....aiyoyo...mau Hi Tea pun susah....so kiam siap geh DatukKong.....aiyoyo....must beg the DatukKong medium....Hakka yin to ask for more than 2 cts liao lor....else ...still alot ppl trap in Suma lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 18:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Powerlenger.......wa si Boss geh manager mah...mau buka shop lagi mau jaga reban mah......entertainment juga mau kasi....jaga customers lagi......aiyoyo....wa very busy liao lor......no time to play ball lor......aiyoyo.....lu macam tarak ball can play hor....aiyoyo......why ha.....no gut and no ball si boh....aiyoyo.....if really dun have...then ...why always come here for what....aiyoyo....really bth boh gut and boh ball geh cartoon lor....aiyoyo....at least bigplayer got both lah....not like you lor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 18:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Powerlenger....be a man lah....bigplayer also dare to choose mah....lu tatak gut meh...aiyoyo....gut sudah operational removed kah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 18:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin....walao...finally you dun use If Then Else this time....you put exact date and time.....aiyoyo...like this baru like DatuKong geh medium mah.....very concise and precise mah... ini macam very clear mah....aiyoyo...dun puih puih DatukKong leh....DatukKong juga make it happen mah.....aiyoyo....why DatukKong so kiam siap only give 2 cts nia nia.....aiyoyo....you think here got a lot Ah Pek tolong meh....aiyoyo...ask DatukKong kasi more sikit mah.....aiyoyo...many many still trap at high price mah....aiyoyo...so kiam siap only give 2cts nia nia....aiyoyo...cah help help sikit boh....ask for more sikit leh...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 17:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo bigplayer....talk so big...like bigplayer...but...ask to challenge.....scare like little meow meow.....aiyoyo....sure or not....aiyoyo.....you are Wu Shong can kill the tiger....or..... just another Hello Kitty ....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-18 17:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....mana latang punya bigplayer...lu really play big big wo....aiyoyo......masuk sini reban juga......aiyoyo.....salute sama lu lor....naik Gunung Asiabio mau join wu ling gao shou meeting si boh.....aiyoyo.......ada apa system pakai punya kah.....aiyoyo......open challenge juga kasi satu atau dua ctrs lah....aiyoyo....mamyak cakap tarak guna lah....aiyoyo....boleh kah....aiyoyo...tak mau garang satu hali only like the first challenger hor.....aiyoyo....Boss always standby mode lah....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 16:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...look like the red ants army really geng wo.....bitting the giant shark tak mau lepas lagi wo.....walao....really got show lagi to see wo....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 16:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......sikalang apa hal ....manyak Cartoon reincarnation one kah......everyday also ada punya......aiyoyo........mau tulis pakai original ID lah........apa mau takut pakai original ID........really tak faham leh........aiyoyo........kia si dun tulis lor........aiyoyo......always pakai Cartoon tulis tulis......aiyoyo......apa hal reincarnated also tarak face jumpa olang kah......aiyoyo......really bth...... always tukar ID one.......aiyoyo.....lu punya IC can tukar tukar kah......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-06-18 16:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin.....apa mau malah lagi......DatukKong sulah chun chun mah......aiyoyo....lagi mau malah DatukKong meh....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 16:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin....DatukKong si peh chun wo....aiyoyo...finally 18ct liao...aiyoyo....can open fire liao the senapang....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-18 10:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss......Vsolar wu ai pull up boh....aiyoyo...Hakka yin said coming soon....10cts push up by 1st week July wo.... aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 10:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....Hakka yin said Tan Sri mau pull up liao...aeh sai check check si wu nya boh...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 10:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...red ants army only want 23 mah.....who sapu 24 leh...aiyoyo...very confusing leh....BB kaki sapu ha.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 10:08 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....BB dun touch 24....Cartoon helping to sell 23.5....aiyoyo...like that red ants army also sian half liao lah....aiyoyo...dunno who came out the new tactic one leh....aiyoyo...any idea boh....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-18 09:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....cartoon is taking over liao wo....like that...I think giant shark also mai play play liao lah.....aiyoyo....si peh sian see cartoons come into the picture....aiyoyo.....play small small lots....aiyoyo.....like that most likely boh show see liao lor....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 09:27 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....what happen suddenly boh vol liao .....aiyoyo.....giant shark retreated liao si boh.....or ...red ants army stop fighting liao......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 08:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don...simalam ada baca gossip gossip column boh...ada lapat your answer liao boh...aiyoyo....hope lu ada lapat lah...aiyoyo....no need spoon feed lagi lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 08:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......very good lor ......latang one whichone.......hope can help help handle tukang tilik oxfort harvest lor......aiyoyo....come here more often to handle the tukang tilik lor....wa can relax sikit lor....aiyoyo......tukang tilik latang pun useless lor......leave a massage then go away.....few days later come in again leave a massage again....aiyoyo...macam TV punya iklan juga lor.....aiyoyo.....mau promote condom new brand kah....aiyoyo....sudah old brand liao mah....no need promote lagi lah.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-18 08:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin.......lauya punya company mah........18cts belum lagi mah......3weeks from 4/6/15......Hakka yin spell still havent break ....so fast........If Then Else again ha.......use senapang to shoot apa......burung kah.......aiyoyo........hope can hit lor........a lot ppl waiting lor........aiyoyo...........ha ha ha