
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-06-17 19:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don....need read more gossip gossip column mah......then can get the ask hole answer lor....aiyoyo...mau free ask hole answer......must ask properly mah.....aiyoyo....wanna spoon feed lagi kah....aiyoyo.....read gossip gossip column more often lor.....wa also read gossip gossip column until midnite or early morning mah.......aiyoyo.....free one mah.......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 19:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don...mau spoon feed lagi kah...aiyoy...sendili pigi baca gossip gossip column lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 19:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don....wow.....lu never see other ctr RI also took few moons to conclude meh.......aiyoyo......why always KNM as ref only.....aiyoyo......tolong check other ctrs RI leh....all with 1 mth plus completed meh.......aiyoyo....first time see RI take so long ha.....aiyoyo.....then lu need to read more more gossip gossip column liao lor.......dun wait other spoon feed leh......macam baby again leh......aiyoyo......ever heard b4 my Boss said one boh......FA kuat tak payah mati kah.......aiyoyo......same same here also lor......4 qtrs also good profit.....PE less than 10........among the lowest in OnG......so what........aiyoyo....also need mati mah....aiyoyo.......wait BB kasi settle their bz first lor......why so hurry leh.....aiyoyo.....hurry also need to wait mah cos we are not the BB mah......aiyoyo.......manyak story juga tulis ini hali....really bth kena tulis so much today......spoon feed lagi the baby.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 18:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Leong....tulis cina lagi...walao....why like that...need goggles baca lagi...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-17 18:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don....BB belum lagi mau goleng lah...aiyoyo....ask so many time same question ...aiyoyo....mau details when goleng go to my reban tetap ask my Boss lah...aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 18:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don...lu sound like Tan Sri geh kaki golf wo....must be his ask hole to play golf lor.....aiyoyo ...must be able to get 1st hand info from Tan Sri lor.....ini macam lu also Alibaba lor.....aiyoyo.....got Alibaba inside the forum wo.....ini macam.......must be careful lor....anytime kena con by Alibaba wo...not from Tan Sri wo....aiyoyo....like that very scary wo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 18:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Don......wu nya boh RI change again to 10cts.......aiyoyo.......macam Alibaba liao wo......aiyoyo....daylight robbery liao wo.......ini macam......aiyoyo....that day got one Donkey said revised RI 17cts liao wo....you should use 17cts lagi more convincing mah....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 18:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Ken....ask CEO lor.......CEO ada datang mah...aiyoyo.....mau tanya apa tanya dia lor.......mau marah CEO also can mah.......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 17:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..... CEO pun datang liao...mana pigi whole day.....lu tarak datang...Halim sendili datang liao lah.....mau kena sack by Halim kah.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 17:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....wu warning hor liao lor......mau dengar or not... ...terpulang lah ka ki decide lor.....aiyoyo......ha ha


2015-06-17 17:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......ani kuan ha.....BB withdrawing ha...aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 16:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...what show...just now......what time ...aiyoyo...boh monitor leh...aiyoyo...only once awhile take a look nia nia....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 16:51 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick.......most probabbly lah.......halim mah......maybe the real one is here leh........aiyoyo.......cannot be leh.........dun have Tan Sri title leh.....aiyoyo.....fake one again ....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 16:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....lu sure Hakka yin is a she....aiyoyo...talked like a he leh....aiyoyo....most probably mix one si boh.......aiyoyo....walao....buy call macam surewin one wo.....aiyoyo....really bth......she or he ha.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 16:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...later Auntie Yellen mau kasi press conference wo....aiyoyo....her tone will decide apa mau jadi lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 16:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ...dunno why the Cartoon always playing small small until 4:15pm nia nia ha....aiyoyo....really dun understand leh....cartoons also need to punch card working meh......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 16:21 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...red ants army not only fighting giant shark wo....aiyoyo...also fighting cartoon wo....aiyoyo...really bth ...those cartoons coming in kacau kacau....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 14:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........see many Cartoons reincarnated also lor........aiyoyo.......another one reborn today nia nia.......aiyoyo.....what so big news coming.....aiyoyo.....Halim is back only mah....not so big news leh.....aiyoyo....CEO was here also leh.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 12:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan Datoh.......sure this time got raya special coming.......aiyoyo,,,,..wa waiting buka puasa dulu leh......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 12:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick...the Cartoons are taking advantage of the red sea mah.... .aiyoyo.. ...slaugther more ayam to pray them lor......aiyoyo.......Tua Lao Ya beh lai take them back mah.....aiyoyo.....got DatukKong also need to pray pray sikit lor.....aiyoyo.....where is your ChaiSinYa.....boh lai....kasi sikit zhou yi leh.....hope can scare them off lor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 11:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Superman....you like shit meh...keep on mention shit....aiyoyo.....why type of shit you like the most leh....suma shit you also like si boh....aiyoyo...no wonder lor....trap in the suma shit lor......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 10:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Leong....not everyone surfing wave or use fibonacci to see chart mah......some use colourful candles with indicators mah......aiyoyo....very confusing mau see chart....but...wa see nothing leh....aiyoyo.....belum lagi lor.....aiyoyo....must have faith with own judgment lah.....aiyoyo......so many time terbalik tenguk chart.....hope can improve sikit lah.....aiyoyo....wa hali hali tenguk terbalik chart......aiyoyo.....bila balu boleh improve leh.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 10:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ...man alatang punya Mr Kiasu....why suddenly come with such good manner asking Ozzie ...18 cts coming liao meh......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 10:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss......red ants army still figthing with good spirit mah.....still holding strong wo.......aiyoyo......see later whether any of the red ant fighters give up boh after fighthing the giant shark for days......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 10:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Superman......wow....ifca....2nd Cook goreng char kway teow + taugeh + kuchai.....lu mau jadi ham for the Cook to goreng si boh.......aiyoyo........good luck to you lah.....jian hao chiu shou lor......aiyoyo.......wa boh vested interest lah......gossip gossip only lah.....ha ha ha


2015-06-17 09:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......kesiannya......hidup segan, mati tak mau......orang dah lama menderita sakit,.... hidup tidak matipun tidak......kena lagi Hakka yin's 3 weeks spell.......datang lagi Cartoon play small small......aiyoyo.......sakitnya hati tenguk ini macam.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-17 09:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Hakka yin.......oh......from 4/6/15 3minggu 18cts going to touch ha...that means next Thursday lah 25/6/15 the spell will end lah.... .aiyoyo.....not yet leh 18cts.....if happen...I pray DatukKong again lah........aiyoyo........your spell very strong wo.......luckily got ChaiSinYa was here yesterday......aiyoyo......can temporarily break your spell leh......aiyoyo.....Hakka yin moi chor sin chor yong lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 22:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....Hakka yin buy call lah....cos he said 2nd cook inside goreng mah.......but ....I think will down again lah....not so fast BB mau settle the games lah.....aiyoyo.....I think same as previous case lah....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 22:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss...Hakka yin.....If Then Else...cut paste cut paste....aiyoyo...very confusing lah....must read until gila liao baru faham lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 22:34 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....myeg.......wa boh lat mau study leh.....same that guy sifu inside also.....aiyoyo.....PE so high .....aiyoyo.....dun like ctr with call warrant leh........highly manipulated by bankers ...wa pass lah ini macam geh ctr....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 22:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....wu nya boh....wu lang want get 100k loan sai lang ifca...walao....gamble si boh....aiyoyo....hope boh tai chi happen lor....aiyoyo....Hakka yin cakap 2nd cook inside goreng wo....aiyoyo.....another level mau tulun after this wo.....aiyoyo.....wa tak tau cooking lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 17:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Bagan Datoh...ready get set ....go go go.....go where....aiyoyo...Auntie Yellen belum make annoucement lagi leh...Grexit dunno happen or not......aiyoyo...lagi apa tu rating.....ada takda punya celita....pun tak tau lagi......mau...... go go go....go mana....aiyoyo....stay put only I think.....aiyoyo ...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 17:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss ....new case study...walao...this forum become an educational hub liao wo....aiyoyo....but why no students joining leh....aiyoyo....Myeg...wa boh baca baca celita wo.....aiyoyo.....how to discuss leh...aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 16:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss........boh play new peligi liao lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 15:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss........the red ants army are biting the giant shark......aiyoyo......macam tak mau lepas itu shark leh.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Dicky........aiyoyo......bottom fishing expert is here....aiyoyo....mau jalan liao lah ini macam......aiyoyo......got hope liao lah....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 15:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....hua hi tiok hor......wu boh boi beh hiau kin.....ang ji also can huat huat especially from 4D sifu...aiyoyo......boh luan luan hut one lah......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-06-16 15:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Ken ah....still angry meh....jaga reban only mah....aiyoyo....not promoter lah...jaga reban tarak promote beli mah......aiyoyo.....only defending nia nia mah.....aiyoyo....kerja jaga reban lu tau boh....aiyoyo.....promoter is like tukang tilik lah.....aiyoyo.....jaga reban is to take care the cartoons lah.....aiyoyo......sampai sikalang pun tak tau the different.....aiyoyo...apa hal masuk reban pun tak tau lagi,,,,..aiyoyo......sikalang tau liao boh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 15:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick...like that must ask ChaiSinYa come out more often liao lor.....so....can break the Hakka Yin Spell liao lor...aiyoyo....DatukKong still angry leh...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 15:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Superman........mana ada insider news....only gossip gossip nia nia lah...aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 12:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick...told you liao mah...KLCC Tower juga many many You Jump I Jump mah...so ...everywhere di Jalan Bursa also can find Cartoons lor...aiyoyo....siapa punya salah....KLCC Tower punya salah lor....cos ....favourite place for people to follow Titanic movie mah...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Superman....real Tan Sri punya baby mah....still hold mah....aiyoyo.....belakang ala kasi BB boh.....wa tak tau lah....aiyoyo....who's know lah....aiyoyo...wa pun tak tau lah....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:51 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Superman....fake CEO sulah lari liao lah...aka halim juga own billion shares mah....aiyoyo....so how....mana lagi mau cali fake CEO aka halim to answer...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick...tua lau ya...si yin shen si boh...aiyoyo...like that must pray pray fast fast open the Hell's Door liao lor...aiyoyo...kasi cartoons balik own world lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Victor....aiyoyo.....many many juga double triple leh...aiyoyo...wa pun tak tau yang mana satu tulin one...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....new peligi...wa boh whack lah...wa ai whack ang ji lah...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:27 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ...kalau takut nitemare...tak mau tidur lor...sure no nitemare lah...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo KopiPeng....walao lu hor ang ji si boh...aiyoyo....ani kuan mau hantam liao lah....aiyoyo...huat lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng....boh hor geh kangtao...lu ai mai....aiyoyo....4D kangtao boh lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-06-16 11:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derricks....cartoons trap in Suma lah.....so play small small to pass time lor.....wait 7th mth Hell 's Door open liao baru boleh balik own world lah.....aiyoyo......boh pian lah......cartoons mah......finally also need to go back to their own world mah....aiyoyo....this one ChaiSinYa or Datukkong also cannot settle it lah....need Hell's God to open the Door for them to go back lah....aiyoyo...ha ha ha