
fakesardin81 | Joined since 2019-07-16

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2021-03-11 12:40 | Report Abuse

Saya putar Halim !


2021-03-10 11:58 | Report Abuse

a counter have hit RM3 today in less than a month from being a penny stock. But unfortunately , it aint this one.


2021-03-04 13:10 | Report Abuse

Haiyaaa you ah...


2021-03-03 18:52 | Report Abuse

"That is why most smart retail investors sold as a loss and made money elsewhere."

Good for them but you should know that everyone have different appetite. I believe most of the community here are smart enough to plan their investment strategy and make decisions based on research and their personal goals. Who in the right mind would invest their hard earned money solely based on what they read on a public online forum by a total stranger ?


2021-03-03 13:20 | Report Abuse

A stranger giving his own personal TP. I wonder why are you so sour about it ? Tricking investors ? Investors should do their homework and make decisions based on their investing goals. Are you really going to invest your hard earned ammo solely based on stories you read on an online public forum ? My goodness...


2020-01-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

I take back my words. This is a scam counter where the directors are plummeting the price so they can collect cheap through their proxies and privatize the company leaving us bilis with nothing but.... cant blame sardin though , he was just merely sharing facts , the decision to buy/sell was on you. Anyway , its time for me to take off before they take every single cent of my lifesavings.

Lessons learned :
1) Dont put all your eggs in one basket (follow Mabel where she has a diverse portfolio)
2) Be well informed (really go through details and find information that most people wont do) before making a decision.

All the best , friends !


2019-09-24 14:13 | Report Abuse

Puppetmaster sure panas one see everyone buy...no way they gonna share the rewards of this undervalued gem hehehe....


2019-09-20 08:28 | Report Abuse

sardin81 The reason why I spend so much time here is because I want to make myself famous.
I could have just keep quiet and make money for myself.. BUT this time, I need all of you to become rich from KNM, so that I can claim the credit from it. If all you sell off your KNM too early, they none of you will become rich from KNM... then I cant claim any credit anymore. Eventually, I get very old and I will die as as a nobody.
20/09/2019 7:33 AM

Your soul and your spirit will go on...for all of eternity.....



2019-09-19 15:49 | Report Abuse

riko Haze suddenly gone....
19/09/2019 3:13 PM

Already advise you to take back your lifesavings while you can , if puppetmaster pull string again dont cry ah. I_am_untrustworthy_imposter.exe


2019-09-18 16:38 | Report Abuse

riko 39 today... also not bad.
18/09/2019 4:06 PM

Not gonna last long... better sell all and take your lifesavings while you can , save you from the headache of having to bark like a useless dog when price down again. Puppetmaster confirm panas one when see all bilis entering...they will pull some strings soon.


2019-09-18 12:16 | Report Abuse

Lain kali research dulu mah sebelum gadaikan segala harta benda untuk pelaburan. There is a thin line between investing and gambling. Most importantly , dont trust what strangers say 100% , do your homework , its your money for god's sake.


2019-09-11 12:21 | Report Abuse

self research...didnt your mama teach you not to trust strangers in an online forum ? ;)


2019-09-09 16:58 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing the facts....I guess some people are just miserable at best.. ;)


2019-09-06 15:41 | Report Abuse

I wonder why all the sour grapes are still monitoring this counter when they already speculate that this is shit....you all deserve some peace of mind , do yourselves a favor and just forget about this shit counter and focus on the ones that you are confident on ;)


2019-08-31 16:12 | Report Abuse

Im still amazed that the real me is still willing to discuss his insights in this forum despite being bashed and ridiculed. I would just keep quiet and let the results speak for itself in two years. But then again , Im just an untrustworthy Imposter ;)


2019-08-05 09:56 | Report Abuse

Salam Cik Fatimah , di sini bukan tempat membawang dan membatu api ya , sila belajar untuk hormati pandangan dan keputusan orang lain. Lagi satu , jika inginkan pulangan yang pasti dari pelaburan cik , boleh masukkan segalanya ke dalam FD , dengan cara itu cik tak perlu risau harga naik ke harga turun ke , confirm akan dapat pulangan. Jika ingin melabur saham di Bursa Malaysia , sila buat kajian sebaiknya dan pastikan matlamat yang ingin dicapai dari saham tersebut adalah jelas sebelum membuat pelaburan. Tidak guna kita berilmu namun tidak beradab.


2019-07-31 15:30 | Report Abuse

I am only here to tumpang glamour...if anyone managed to read the sardin81's comment about profit and loss....you will get the bigger picture...as been said by anyone before me , looks can be deceiving ;)


2019-07-25 09:55 | Report Abuse

@sardin81...long time no see....hope you are doing good friend.


2019-07-24 18:16 | Report Abuse

naik turun.....lumrah kehidupan....bukan senang mau cari makan boss...


2019-07-22 17:48 | Report Abuse

Enjoy the show and decide accordingly....looks can be deceiving ;)


2019-07-22 13:14 | Report Abuse

@riko bukan senang mau cari makan boss ;P


2019-07-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

Hehehe....jangan marah , Riko....patience is a virtue ;)


2019-07-18 23:23 | Report Abuse

Also mind you , from a business point of view , BORSIG has survived 2 world wars , rebuilt themselves and are still able to become market leaders in their field...believe what you want to believe ;)


2019-07-18 23:14 | Report Abuse

Just thought Id reshare BORSIG's corporate video for anyone interested to see.


From what I see this company is the Mercedes Benz of engineering products and services...believe in what you want to believe...you all know better...im just a fake sardin anyways...cheers !


2019-07-17 12:13 | Report Abuse

Sometimes its all up to our guts. Weve done our research , compared the facts , time to make a decision and hope for the best, just make sure you got a back up plan in case things go haywire (nothing is certain in this world.) Thank you very much Sardin81 for your insights .

Also I would like to share my insight in your post above regarding Arduino , yes , it is indeed a product mainly used to expose children to the wonderful world of automation , however you should not disregard its purpose in other applications. In engineering , you are considered a knight in shining armor if you can commission a system / complete project at a fraction of the expected cost. It is also stated in the description under the product category you mentioned ;

"This type of system is best suited for simple and low cost go-no-go check" , highlighting its cost effectiveness to get the job done.

My senior once said ; " If it looks stupid but it works then its not stupid " and I believe this applies to your statement.

Anyway , i am really grateful for your insights and look forward to your upcoming posts in the months to come. Have a good one mate !