
gjcgoh | Joined since 2019-03-29 13:33:55

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

YB LGE, the planned medical insurance increase by 40-70% next year 2025 is a fallacy. The hefty increase in medical insurance has already been implemented in 2023. In Nov. 2023, my wife's my medical insurance policy increased from yearly RM 4,160.60 to RM 7, 257.00 an increase of 42.7%. Also in Nov. 2023, my medical insurance increased from yearly RM 5,936.60 to RM 10,710.00, an increase of 44.6%. We are in our early 70's, and cannot afford such hefty medical insurance increase. So we opted for a co-funding scheme with lower yearly payment and less medical benefits.

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2 months ago | Report Abuse

It is high time BNM introduce a No-Claim-Bonus (NCB) for medical insurance just like the NCB for car insurance. Both my wife and I have been paying medical insurance of about RM 9.0K per year for the past 12 years. This year we received notice of hefty premium increase which I feel is highly unreasonable especially when we have not make any insurance claims so far, both of us are in the early 70's and retired.

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2024-03-30 07:47 | Report Abuse

Solar energy depends on the sun. At night, there is no sun but there is wind. Malaysia can have all day cheap electricity with solar panels and wind turbine generators combine.

News & Blogs

2024-01-14 09:47 | Report Abuse

Law of Karma

The Law of Karma has finally caught up with Chan Ah Chye, the law of "as you sow, so shall you reap - good or bad". Good deeds breeds good Karma, bad deeds breeds bad Karma. The Chinese believe that parents sins if not corrected or repaid during their lifetime, their bad Karma is borne by future generation or generations depending on the severity of the parents sin.

Chan Ah Chye scandalously swindled thousands of house buyers in his numerous abandoned housing projects that brought untold hardships to his victims. The wrath of his victims have unfortunately brought his bad Karma onto his first generation eldest son to bear the brunt of his misdeeds at such a young age. May his son's soul RIP.

Chan Ah Chye, instead of doing more charity or philanthropic work to lessen or correct his bad Karma, decided to become a reborn Christian possibly thinking that his new found God will forgive all his sins. But the thousands of his victims have not forgotten nor forgiven him and neither does Karma.

Chan Ah Chye's scandalous modus operandi in the property development business is well known;
a) Setting up company or companies to develop projects
b) Swindle house buyers of their hard earned money through abandoned projects
c) Knowingly sell Bumi units at non-Bumi price to non-Bumi buyers without their knowledge
d) Bankrupt the companies, pass the companies obligations to Liquidator, leaving buyers without house title.

Chan Ah Chey, through his Talam Corporation and many of its bankrupt subsidiary companies, left thousand of house buyers high and dry from abandoned projects while still having to service their bank loans. The numerous failed and abandoned projects, just to name a few include; La Cottage Putra Perdana, Bukit Sentosa 3 in Bukit Beruntung, Taman Lestari Permai, Taman Lestari Perdana, Taman Lestari Puchong, Taman Saujana Puchong, Taman Saujana Putra, Taman Puncak Jalil, Jalil Heights, Ukay Perdana, Ukay Bistari etc.

So Chan Ah Chye (sorry, your victims feel you do not deserve your honorific titles), with the wrath of so many of your victims, do you think your sins will be forgotten and forgiven? You should prey hard to your Christian God that your bad Karma does not haunt your future generations.

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2019-06-03 07:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > Jun 2, 2019 12:06 PM | Report Abuse


Chan Ah Chye is a conman thru & thru. Who would want to be his white knight with is dubious history since the 1980's. His modus operandi has always been to start new property development companies only to bankrupt or dormant them, such as, Brisdale, Larut, Keuro, Talam, Lestari Puchong, Puncak Jalil etc. Many of his customers face hardship thru his dubious schemes such as;
1) Abandon projects,
2) Delay projects
3) Con non-bumi buyers into buying bumi allocated units
4) No House title after taking vacant possession of property

Chan Ah Chye may think he has found his turning point by becoming a reborn christian and his new found god will absolve him of is previous sins. As far as his suffering customers are concerned, there is no turning point for him. He will have to live with all the condemnation and curse from his suffering customers and I am one of them. There is a Chinese saying that "a person's misdeeds will be paid during his lifetime, if not, his next or future generation will have to pay for his misdeeds." That is Karma.

So Calvin, please pass my message to your so-call reborn christain friend. I am still waiting for my house title since I take vacant possession from Lestari Puchong Sdn Bhd. 16 years ago in 2003 because I was con into buying a bumi unit. So chan ah chye, don't RIP yet. If you do not want to live with my condemnation, buy over my house.


2019-04-14 09:29 | Report Abuse

TalamT will never be transformed if the management continue its concept of the 1980's. TalamT will eventually close down and a new company reborn after TalamT is striped of its assets before going bankrupt.

Before TalamT, there is Brisdale, then Talam followed by Trinity after its owner became a "reborn Christian" only to be forced to change its name to Talam Transform. In between, many subsidiary companies were setup only to go bankrupt, Lestari Puchong being one of them.

So its not surprising if TalamT eventually become a PN17 company.

News & Blogs

2019-04-02 07:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > Apr 1, 2019 10:04 AM | Report Abuse


You know why Tan Sri want to change name from Talam to Trinity?

Because he accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour

Sometime ago, Chan Ah Chye had an interview with a "Star" news reporter on peoples perception of his company and his reputation. Check this out and you will know that he did not try to change Talam name to Trinity because he has become a Christian. So don't "Christianize" his purported justification for Talam name change.

Many people, especially his victims, know that Talam and Chan Ah Chye reputation is so bad that they will spit at the very mention of its name. Chan Ah Chye candidly mentioned in his interview that he does not want to take that bad reputation to his grave. For many of his victims, his soul will not rest in peace even if his reputation if taken to his grave.

And Calvin, please don't use your "Sunday service" forum to spread your Christian belief. Religion is ones belief, not believing in any religion is also ones belief. So respect others belief and keep your belief to uourself and keep this forum religion free.

News & Blogs

2019-04-02 06:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > Apr 1, 2019 9:51 AM | Report Abuse

Chan Ah Chye not a conman, he is a good man, just that Talam hit by unfortunate circumstances resulting in losses loh...!!

If you think Chan Ah Chye a good man, probably that is because you're not a victim of his scams. Check his track record to see how many property development companies he had started only to close down leaving many house buyers in a lurch. Offhand, besides talam, there is brisdale, lestari Puchong, puncak jalil, etc.

Many of his victims faced problems such as;
1) servicing bank loans and at the same time paying house rent due to his abandoned or late delivery projects.
2) scammed into buying bumi-allocated houses of which, I am one of his victims. After 13 years, I am still waiting for my house title.
3) Extremely poor quality houses delivered. Ask any of his house buyers and they will tell you that the houses which Talam built literally live up to its Cantonese name of "Ta Lam" which means "hit, collapse".

His victims spit at the very mention of Talam and Chan Ah Chye name. So if your think he is still a good man, ask him to buy over my house or compensate his victims and they will stop spitting at his name.

News & Blogs

2019-04-01 09:45 | Report Abuse

Calvin seems to be aggressivey promoting talamt but can talamt really transform when the 'tan sri' behind the show has a history of duping property buyers thru his numerous scams with such modus operandi like;
1. setting up a property development company (eg.Lestari Puchong),
2. bankrupt the company after duping buyers,
3. set up a new company to dupe unsuspecting buyers again (eg. trinity but renamed talamt after protest by another company called trinity).

I should know because I was one of the house buyers of his lestari puchong project. Lestari Puchong has gone bankrupt and under liquidation. Buyers like me are left in the lutch without house title because this "tan sri" had con buyers into buying bumi-allocated houses without them realising it. I only came to know of such scam when I tried to sell my house. Now, I cannot sell my house until the liquidator gets consent from the authorities.

No doubt there is value in talamt landbank but will the money after land sale or re-evaluation really benefit shareholders? Once a conman, always a conman. A leopard never change its spot. That 'tan sri' converting to christianity does'nt meant he has "transformed". Duping is in his blood, in his gene. So buyers beware.