Blog Posts
1 week ago | Report Abuse
After distribution of WD, the mother shares and WD are keeping dropping without full stop. After Chinese New Year, I hope the Major shareholders and Directors will come out support this counter GFM and it WD. I was told that the company is still holding of order book of 1 billion plus in hand. it has bright future potential and the current market selling price is considered to be cheap.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
this Forum is for AIZO discussion only, why bring in rojak counters to this forum to distract attention on AIZO.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
all good news are in queue to be announced by weeks to come, yesterday the price was traded at 13 cts, today is 13.5 cts, next week will be 14 to 15 cts. you buy now you untung, if you sell now you are rugi. Most of the investors have been waiting for good news to come since January 2024 until now. For impatient detailers, they have sold their shares earlier in loss. Do not hesitate now, this Is the right time to buy and hold , good chance is appearing, Heng Ong Huat is coming and everybody is waiting for their Angpow to be received before CNY. Happy trading. HAHAHA.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
This counter is traded all the way at 13 cts since this morning, there must be some good news ahead. Keep on buying now, waiting for better news to come soon. hahaha.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
AIZO is possible to acquire a lot of projects through its JV partnership with NetRunner Sdn. Bhd & SESCO Berhad.. It is still cheap to buy at 13 cts. Successful bidders will be out soon, hopefully AIZO will be one of the shortlisted candidates. The trading price for today is 13 cts.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
foreign investors all ran away from KLSE, malaysian big sharks are seriously hurted causing our market so quiet and no more fund to push up the market, instead it keeps on dropping from day to day. small investors are living in the darkness and it seems no hope at all, hopfully by early next year, our market will be on track again.
1 month ago | Report Abuse
1st QR with good profit is just out, when more investors know about it which will be pushed up higher, the purchasing volume is higher than seller now. Many investors with itchy hands and will keep on buying it after 4.00 pm hahaha....................
1 month ago | Report Abuse
I agree that if investors are not confident in this counter, it is better for them to cut losses , go away from this counter and jump over to other counters which they think that the counters will bring them better profit. no point for them to stay here, waste their time and energy to monitor this counter again. there are thousands of counters in BURSA, now is the good time for them to change their counters from A to B or vice versa . This is my personal opinion for discussion only. Happy trading to all my AIZO friends. Thanks
1 month ago | Report Abuse
after acquisition of shares under Pp and Option shares issuance scheme, Directors have not sold any of their shares, for real and patient investors, please buy and hold firmly for some times, you will get good return from it, it has good bright future. 12.5 cts to 13 cts is the strong supporting level. do not listen to naysayer that it will go back to 12cts , 10 cts , then 5 cts. I don't think it will happen. Abang Azzarim is a real businessman, he is serious and accountable of everything which is under his undertakings
1 month ago | Report Abuse
issue more PP better than call for rights issues and asking money from shareholders. Issuance of PP, the company definitely can collect exactly what amount the company required. The company gets ready sufficient fund first for future contracts development and is now waiting for mega projects to come in soon. be patient
2 months ago | Report Abuse
buy now, Abang is not selling, he keeps on buying from open market as well as under shares issuance scheme. do not listen to naysayer that the price drops to 10 cts. There is no information confirming that Abang keeps on selling his shares in the open market, I personally is confident that the price will not drop below 12.5 cts. I keep holding the shares firmly without selling. My average price is around 15.8 cts.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
counter ini tak laku lagi, tak ada volume.
2024-11-07 16:55 | Report Abuse
the company's NTA is 48 cts, and it fell down from 1.52 cts to the lowest of 31 cts, rebounce to 50 cts should not be problem. buy and hold it firmly, it will bring you good fortune and wealth. company itself doesn't have problem at all , financially is healthy and sound.
2024-11-07 12:44 | Report Abuse
Currently, AIZO is the best, it has the brightest future with many mega projects to flow in. market price is only ten over cents, buy and hold, it will bring you fortune and wealth within one or two times. Now-a-day, AIZO is a very well known penny counter in Bursa Market. PP price has gone up to 13.5 cts. Market price stays at 15 to 16 cts, very stable now. Tenders results are going to be announced soon, hopefully AIZO will be one of the successful tenderers.ππ€£
2024-11-01 15:27 | Report Abuse
everybody is waiting for the result of US Presidency Election which is to be held on next Tuesday, , after which the global share markets can only become stable. What is going to happen, nobody knows.
2024-11-01 15:00 | Report Abuse
@BoomStock : I agree with what you saidI in your posting.ππππ
2024-11-01 11:57 | Report Abuse
I prefer the company issues private placement shares to big corporations, insurance cos, fund institutions rather than to call for rights issues from the existing shareholders, so that shareholders do not have to take out more money to take up the rights issues. πππππ
2024-10-30 17:25 | Report Abuse
Abang acquired another 1.35 million shares today, his total shareholdings become 277,350,000 or 18.562% of the paid up capital. I predict he will plan to hold at least 20 to 25% on the total paid up eventually.
2024-10-30 11:27 | Report Abuse
@Eagle : AIZO all of the sudden becomes your close friend and you are very kuat sokong AIZO nowaday, have you bought in any new shares recently ?? how do you know that Abang keeps on buying back AIZO shares , from where you got the news ??????? or there is only your imagination .
2024-10-29 15:23 | Report Abuse
Abang's holdings is about 274,000,000 shares , 14.8% of total issued share capital.
2024-10-27 20:00 | Report Abuse
@Eagle : you bring us a lot of good information in relation to the Development of Sarawak, we want to know as whether AIZO will get mega projects to improve its revenue and to bring in big profit to the company, that is the most important to all investors.
2024-10-25 15:04 | Report Abuse
I got information from friend saying that, one of the company directors was selling heavily in the past was due to margin calls. this means she was forced to sell shares to meet financial obligations. in company side, the company is doing well and is not suffering from any financial problem. It is a healthy company, will fly later.
2024-10-25 11:58 | Report Abuse
Private placement is 12.5 cts, strong support level is 14.5 cts. in current market. After Depavali , that means in the month of November 2024, the market price will shoot up to 20 cts. without doubt. Buy now it is stll cheap. More good news to be announced in November.π«π«π«π«
2024-10-24 17:07 | Report Abuse
@aklobi : I purchased this counter all at the price of 32 cts. You refer to the historic chart, it appears to be almost the lowest. I am confident in this counter, buy and hold until I make profit.
2024-10-24 11:48 | Report Abuse
according to the trading historic chart, 32 cts seems to be the lowest price, its Net Tangible Asset is aroung 48 cts, why worry to buy at the lowest. I notice that someone has been buying up this counter at 32 cts for quite sometimes. I personally feel that buying in at 32 cts should be safe.
2024-10-23 17:48 | Report Abuse
@aklobi, you are right, agree with your views, that is why i bought some shares today at 32 cts.
2024-10-23 16:11 | Report Abuse
@Eagle, if your source of information is very reliable, do you tambah membeli AIZO, are you willing to dispose of your Gamuda and shift it over to AIZO which you are confident that AIZO will bring you better fortune in future ????
2024-10-23 14:59 | Report Abuse
@Eagle. in the past you said AIZO will drop to 5 cts, today you change your attitude and come back to membodek AIZO and set your TP to 50 cts, betul kah ? but who is going to buy at 50 cts ????? are you the one to lead and buy first ??????π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£
2024-10-23 12:59 | Report Abuse
The company is having healthy financial background with cash and short term investment totaling to RM165.5 million. Interest coverage ratio is 8.8 which means the company is able to cover its interest payments. Total assets are 906 million against total liabilities of 433 million, which show that the working capital is strong . The company itself doesn't have financial problem. Net profit margin is about 5% or EPS is 0.88 cts.. The highest market price done was about1.15 in April 2024 and keep on dropping until today at 32 cts. Its NTA is about 48 cts whereas it marketing selling price is on 32 cts, I personally consider this counter is good and the selling price is cheap, so I have purchased some recently for investment. Hopefully it will go back to one dollar soon. ππππ
2024-10-23 11:16 | Report Abuse
15 cts is very stable today. the limited low is to 13.5 cts, there is unlimited high in time to come. Use your money to buy your own shares which you are confident in it, don't listen to others who are just great jockers in this forum,
2024-10-22 14:47 | Report Abuse
@JJPTR may i know as whether application to AFFIN BANK for 1 billion of loan for development in Sarawak has been approved or not. Thanks for your earlier information.
2024-10-21 15:57 | Report Abuse
do not worry so much, the company has legal advisors, has bankers, has engineers and other professional personnels, they know what to do and they will not go against the Companies Act.
2024-10-20 17:27 | Report Abuse
@eagle. Why you so worry of consolidation of share capital , it does not either affect the value of share or the value of capital, it is only reduction the number of shares only. you get 1 copy of RM10/- note and you get 10 copies of RM1/-each, the value is the same. why worry.
2024-10-19 22:13 | Report Abuse
National budget 2025 is out and Sarawak State is allocated with 589 million for development,, with this announcement, AIZO is possible to secure more projects in the region, especially JV to develop a Tier 4 data center park in Sarawak. I anticipate Aizo will earn you big profits in its near future. Buy and hold without regret. Results for many Sarawak tenders will be out in November, Aizo is full of good hopes.
2024-10-19 16:14 | Report Abuse
For those who are confident in Aizo , just buy , hold, and be patient, when the time comes, it will bring you big fortune. For those who are not confident in Aizo, can just sell all their balances in hand and shift over to some other counters which they think the counters are good. Some investors used to sing in negative tune and look down upon this counter, always say that this counter will drop to 5 cts lah, 10 cts lah, Abang will resign lah, he will sell all his private placement shares and run always lah, please send in your postings with sense or talk with proven encouraging information. Some also bring in counters which are not relevant to our forum for discussion, eventually causing this forum becomes a ROJAK platform. feel sad of it,
2024-10-17 17:45 | Report Abuse
@DoomStock. thank you for your valuable information in relation Aizo counter. Buy and hold for 2 to 3 years then can only see good results from your investment. i agree that Rome was not built in one day. we buy future of the company and not for its tomorrow only.
2024-10-16 12:28 | Report Abuse
Buying volume is increasing and selling volume is decreasing, it is a good sign. Never dream of 5cts or 10 cts anymore, this price will never never happen again as the Private placement price is12.5 cts. no one is going to sell below this value. If you are confident in this counter, better buy now, it is crawling northward to Penang, not more southward to Singapore. afternoon session may go up to 15 or 16 cts. hopefully it will materialise.
2024-10-14 19:09 | Report Abuse
@Eagle 77, what do you mean by TSH, can you please make it clear, thanks.
2024-10-12 17:57 | Report Abuse
Share consolidation just to reduce number of the shares in market, the paid up capital and value of share shall remain unchanged. 10 coins of 10 cts each make up to one dollar, one dollar divided into 10 coins of 10 cts each have the same value. what we want the company to do is to make good profit from its investment and bring more value to its shares.
2024-10-12 15:00 | Report Abuse
@salahuddin, I have the same thinking as you are, i am very confident in this counter and I foresee it will have bright future. if I were to have 1 million dollars, i will dump them all in it. Two to three years later, i anticipate it will bring me good fortune. The PP price is 12.5 cts and I buy them down at 13 cts, i consider it to be cheap. Mega project to be announced soon and AIZO will be one of the successful tenderers. Be patient.
2024-10-10 14:10 | Report Abuse
Issue price to corporate company under private placement proposal is 12.5 cts. I foresee the price for this counter will fluctuate in between 12.5 to 13 cts for sometimes before it can be pushed up to higher price. We are now waiting for good news to be announced soon and hope the company will acquire more mega projects in short future.
2024-09-27 16:24 | Report Abuse
@nayinvest hold them tight and be patient, you will make big money in time to come.πͺ
2024-09-27 10:32 | Report Abuse
This counter has strong support at 14 cts and someone is collecting slowly from day to day. good news may be coming soon. I anticipate that price for private placement will be 13 cts. to 14 cts.
2024-09-23 17:22 | Report Abuse
I anticipate that names of successful tenderers for certain mega projects in Sarawak will be announced some time in October. Hopfully Minetech will be one of the successful tenderers in the shortlist.πͺπͺπͺπͺ
2024-09-18 21:54 | Report Abuse
@behyaochoy I agree with you, you are having a healthy thoughts and a correct way of investment strategy.
2024-08-30 12:43 | Report Abuse
Fajar is with good financial results, investors are keeping on selling, why ? why ? i can't understand, anyone can share his/her opinion. thanks
2024-08-28 19:12 | Report Abuse
for the 1st QR, the company suffered from net loss of RM1.44 millionsπππππ
2024-08-28 11:41 | Report Abuse
From the volume transacted this morning, it seems that the financial results will be very good. Hopefully the price will go up slowly in the afternoon session.
2024-08-27 16:10 | Report Abuse
Late announcement of financial reports will not bring you good results.
1 week ago | Report Abuse
my investment in the shares and its WD are still in the loss. Average cost for mother shares is about 30 cts and the WD is about 14cts. Hopefully it will rebound after Chinese New year.